Foundation to lift people with hearing impainnent
tal Organlsatkm GO), Startley Hearlnc Foundation. is set to provide free hearln& aids to O\"el" 2.000 people. who ha\-e hearing impair. ment in Lagos. The four.oo.y pro-
gramme slated 10 take place from November 15 to November 19 will hold at CamPOS playing ne1d. }Jete. Lagos Island. Accontlrq to a statement issued in Lagos and signed by Its official. Me. Roland Obasa, the foun· dation is organlsing the procnunme in conjunc-
ill brlnc1nllts hearing aid
to Nigeria for
nrst time. It hopes to extend the programme to otheI' partS of the country later: 'I1Ie trip to Lagos is part of a curren! tour of West African countries, .....lich In· clude Senegal. Liberia and Ghana. An omctal 0( the foundation. Derek Johnson. visited Nigeria last year to usess the sca1e of hearing tmpalnnent in the coun·
IrJ< With BSA Heartn,
tre. aura] impressions over 3(D) lndivlduaIs.
tion with BSA Heartnl Centre. IkeJa. and another
who have hearing impair-
NGO. Women Protection OraanlsatJon. WOPO Acih-e to some other AO"ican countries, Starkey Hearing Foundation
ent partS 0( the countr)t Many of those people wUl be provided with hearln&
ment, "'W'C taken in durer-
devices at the four-da.Y
Amosun demolishes structures to pave way for more roads
,. . . . ."
............ The
Abeokura. the {)gun
State capital. poured
into the stnets. jubllat-
in8 as Governor IbI.kunJe Amo6un led sellar public o01clab: to supervise the df!mol1tion d lllepl struoture8 in the city.
The demolition Is to pr;n.-e the _-.:y for the constnJo. Uon d another set d roads in the state capital Amosun. in company of the DeputY Speaker d the House of As5embU Hon. Tola Kasall, monitored the demoUtJon to paYe the way for the expansion d the two R*b within Abeokuta
was. ~ reoeI\"OO amld wDd jubilation at Jtoku market by bwxlreds 0( traders, who had gath· ered to witness the demoU· lion. It Wall the same story at the popular PansekeI OnIJroIoI>oIPos.()(llce .",. when the gowrnment bulldozers JnO\'OO into the area UnlUte the TotoroITtaEkoISokorI Road. the level d compL1ance with government's quit orner in the areas affected was very hl&h as many traders _'t'l"e &em
mnovtng: valuables
thaI aJUId be ""...... from
!heIT_ Addressing traders and
owners at Pan·
seke area d the town. Governor Amo5Un .......... satlsfacdon 8t the level d compl1ance by the people and promised that his administration ....'OUld not disappoint thellL The I(JYefnor also promlsed quick and adequately compmsaUon for those af fectal by the exen:ise. He abo said asslstanoe would be extended to shop owners to assist theme rel0cate to other areas. Amosun saki the fI'O\'el1lment would build modern shoppin8 across the areas. procnl5lng that those affected with the demolJlion would be the first to benef1t upon ccmpJetJon.
FIiROtasks bakers on use of cassava flour
ha\.'e any d!e\'tklpment without a bit d pains, but the outcome will be to the bmdlt d e\"Cr'}'Ixxb: "We cannot continue to live as If ....'t! are 100 yean; back. some d this roads have been the same since I 00(
)'OWlI ~
to put in place
we need new roads..
..-m ............"'"
complexes, au d these pe0ple that are afftcted. by the Ume 'Io-e finished the new shopping compa. they will be the first to benefil At the popular holm market. traders. ""ho had earner Protested against the demoliUon last 'I\-eek. trooped oot to .,.-ek::ome the 8Q\~. while many had ...... !heIT belonging even befen the ~ M
Fed!raI In!tirute
PDP supporters defect to Osun ACNtoday
....-.:11 (FIIRO) In (Jo.
hodt.l..a8os Stale. has called
He said") fee] \-ery proud today that I am from Ogun State. most d you hao..-e compiled and we ~ happy that )'OU shav.-ed un derstandingon this project "In the next one year, )'OU wUl not even recognise this place again. We thank ~bodl( partlc:ularly the
bread bakers acnlIIS the
OOWltty to increase the
d c:assava 60ur in breed
po'O(!ucdon 10 reduce prices. A Dlnctor in the Depart. ment d Agricultw'e, rnRO. MI: JIde oturneIIO. made the cal1 at the weekend in Ibadan at • twoday b"ainlng fer South-Wesr. Master Bakers 00 20 per oeni Increase In hlah quallty cas&rVa Dour
In ..... pnxIudJon. ()Ium8D, _led by FIIRO's Desk omcer ir C&ssIva Value Chain. ~l
H LASTMA stops junior officers from arresting motorists _ _ !he _by _ 10_-" !he
~ C8SS3Y3
He sUd: "Governmmt is tryirc to ensure food acurlIy in the 00Wl~ heme the 1nlliadYe. Impor1atlan m wheat is weighjns heavily
on aowmment resouroes as we spend OYer NadJn annuaIJ;y 10 lmpon wheat.
"Etfuu In reseorch _
dJ.oI:overed that we an: able 10 sub5t1tute wheat Dour ,,·Ith cassava flow: whldl has • hllher nutritional value than the former due to its 10wer Ib'oPrln index responsibie i r d1abete&
Party (PDP) mem
bers In Osun State are
nlU!l Enln~ said the ~ Dour M)U)d help bread pr1cee 10 ran by 66 Jll'I" emt and boost foreign ex-
. . .,.
sw. Gov·
«nunent has initiated fOO'Ye 10 curb the agxressh-e aucn::emmt d ,,, tramc law The Lap State Trafnc Management Authority (LAS'IMA) has _ Ju.
nitr oi'Ilce's &om arresting
5pcItItq at a puttk: Ibrum m the new l...agcs 'I"rnfIk lAw organi<lod by !he NIgerIa ......"..... CorouJ. lath'\!: As8odatJon (NECA) at the M"ekmd, 1..A.SThtA
batwJde F.du. saki the
bchaYIUIrrl_-.. Edu
!he public 10 . - . - " " Ju. nIor oftIcers who victirnJse ... hanIss!hem,_!hey had been Slripped m !he ~--er to Ilm!St.. !he memben m
the puWc not 10 take laws into their hands when unIavo1Wly an'eSIl!<I. Edu said the were 10 nDIer 855lstanoe to motorisIs In
~ traf]k
laws were
Heasked membcnd the
tns_ 1haI_ pubUc to take note
m the
erring _
oers had been warned
om. not
10 anat, foDowtnc the oompb1nts m ~ enfon:enent mthe traffic law. He 8aId:: ~ an !I&Jy IdeId'y hm anywhere )00 Drxt a;.mr<dk8-wHh tiadt
. . . ."'--!hey
caMOt ..-m;t, mlY the senkr mes with Il'd eptUlct 00 itW
---m!bms can arrest. We have ~
the jmkr
rrom ...
That is the extent we
...... I n _
adiAotme..t m
!he\aw" Edu said the State government " spending huge rn!ICJIJItleS
on oontlnuous
tJ'alnq d the dIk:en 00
~ """"'"' rI
~ with
10 ampIainIs 00 unIonI.1W impoundment of broken vehIdes on the roads.. eYell when the driver Is t'tantic t'fIOrts to evacuate the fawty Y'ehlde, Edu saki LAmiA otncen we'e eqleCled to asslsI such driYe!: ...........
expected to defect to the rulin, Action Congress of NIJerla (ACN) tada)/. ACN Dtrector of PubUclty and Stra~ Mr: KunJe Oyatoml. revea1ed thi.5 in a statement i.5soed at the _-ee.kend In Osogbo. the state capltal_ Oyatoml sa.ld the defectors would be supporting the ruling party 10 transform the Slate.
He said the defectors ...'OUId be warmly recel\1!d by Go\-ernor Raw AregbeIOla. whoM: transformatJon policies had been adjudgM excellent by them
transformation poUcles are lmplell1ented in education. agriculture, lIOCial and healthcare sectOl'S. -nt15 Is the reason why many PDP members ~ now defectJng to the