Medical Guild to sue govt t · g b
Agric expert tasks world leaders on malnutrition
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In 0" Lap cIvfi
""'" Il!!IlMd In drag thestrueg[MnlIDE!lltloaJUri. 1lJr_IheJr " ' - _ Han In the recently suspend-
The act:ion will be taken
tmder the aegis d the Medl-
NatlonaJ Mim;lr learnt the doctors ~1n lsrued querles by the beads of their respect1ve instirutlOlIS, as a
the state goyemmenl
geO"etaliat, from where they
The state government had 9CCUSl'd the doctors d embarking on the strike without regard for the due
would be senl to its lawyers.. In a statement ~ by the Guild. the ~ a:r cused the Medical Din!dcn
process and consequent.!); \lOWed to hold them aa:oont· ableli:rthelracl:b:ls.. II was ahJ learnt that the Medkal GuI1d had writtm a proteSt letter to Goo.umr-
d the various ho6pltals In the state ri victimising the
Babatwlde Fasbola over the Issue. 'The Guild IlaS also dlreeled its members not to
dockn. The SWI!IDI!D1 reads:: "Dear docbrs, (be Medk:al Gu1ld'8~tDyourqueries haYe been delivered to the IJ)'YemOt" with copies given tothe llOOdrL serv1oe,JDlnIs.trydhealth, LAS(fJ'HCMD
" In order to aid our 1egaI teaminthisstruggie, aIl doctorsshoukt plea9:!oolIect.and make personal roples cL the queries sent to them and ftrwant together with any otfr er relevant documents to the Guild. because we are fully aware d the!8XDl queries being Issued In all hospitals, Ihm I..ASt.mi to Epe, to aU doctors. from p-desg:rs and consullams to medk:aI and museollla!rs.. We will not be intirnldated for It Is a mind
fortlflcatlon. therefore, pro-
called on world leaders to
and other available op-
the developing COWltries, vitamin A dcllciency n7
tions to nght the menace of vitamin A and mineral deficiencJes among the poor the ~d over: Bouts. who is the Direo tor-General of HarvestPlus, a research organisation, gave the charge at Eruwa, in lbarapa ~ local gov.
ernment area eX ~ State,
during a sensitisation tour organised by the Interna-
Agrku)ture (lITA), lbadan.
He also called on the government and wel1·
he lawrna.ker, represen.ting Lagos East Senatorial ltlstrlct In the senate, Sen. Gbe.nga Ashafa, has proffered s0lution to (he Boko Karam insurgency and OUIet"
meaning indJviduals to assist the victims of bombings. especially the
children and the widows. Ashafa said: U[n the m.Idst of the terror being
terrorist attacks, which led to the loss of a parent, experience severe psychologlca1 problems_ These problems include, but not Limited to, sleep disturbance, fear of the dark, poor concentration
performance. se- endless bombings, we leading to poor academic
curity challenges L, the
",un"" Ashafa said the menace
required urgent Md concerted efforts by nll stakeholders, In order Ie brlng an end to IL
have overlooked the psychological trauma that the chUdreD of the unfortunate victims are eJl:perlenclng. Research has shown that children that witnessed firsthand
"'untrue and absun1 'The !iatmBIt quoted the rdIgIous Jeader 115 ~ that
"an ~in09.mstate Siate, since its amtim in 1991, ""'_religious bar· IID1Y 8lllIq ftsdliz(m~ 0kanlIrnm qUOO!d ~ Il'> f!.inher ootlng: '%is tndI· tim rJ exteMing open hands III Ploctitloll!lS ct tndItimal
religious since the _ " ~ administr3tioo d Mt Rauf AregbesoIa. has nmained tmdJangecI as the !fa Council has eqJoyed mDab:ntbJ
Thousands s....OwwAlANA
am sup-
saki It was an annual religious event. which hal always attracted thousands d ratthfW, lhoogh be described this year's atteodance as "unprec-
SpoakJniI wlUt lIaIlonaI Mirror 00 the sigDificaJK::e rL the retn!at. the dJidatinI
He said. the theme rL this year's retreat is: 'GOO rL Elijob: -rh.Is mountain was started by Ule founder ct the Christ
AjJoslOllc Chunfl. """"" _~l""
know about the potency rL
malned a ntajor barrier to [mproved nub1tion. with approxlmately 25O,cm to 500.000 malnourlshed dilldml going blind each yecu: with half the number dying withln a year fA bec:omlng blind. BoWs f\.uther" stated: "'In Nigeria, vitamin A deficiency afflicts alJllost 20 percent of pregnant
women and about 30 per-
:.~",.J. :~ln~~~~~~I~;:'::::
identified the national ldenUflcatlon card proj· ectwithf\tllblometrlcsof aU citizens and theexpansion of the CCTV project to cover more states as
other means of curbing the menace.
He saId the most commoo lnterventlms being used In (lghtlng vitamin and mineral deficiencies, which Include dIetary dJ· versll"Jt fortification of stapies and supplementation.
we cannot win the battie agaInst malnutrition."
Accotdlng to
hIm. "blo-
ImmunHy, vitamin A denciency results in economic losses 10 gross domestic product of about SI.5bn. Unless we are willing to change the way we play the game,
avenge the death of their loved ones_"
umt and gruwth d Ira f'1!I1gbt
_tho -__ ..... _ "'tho noan that the 'fa. ruba race is tolerant ci the re
IlgIous """"" others, """" exPains Yrily In a slng\e \'cruba liuull)t _ oouJd b e _
allsts, Ouistians am Muslims
roerl<;tIng- .......... same rocL This S3IDE' virtue ct
............... """"'" an
it possIble fir lfa rtllgim to (Do mst peacefuD;y witb other relJgions In the state. ..
on Erio-Ekiti for annual prayer retreat
_ _ Sam"" AI<>,
Apostollc Church --phAyo
"Also they experience Increased thoughts about death and dying and an ever· increasing desire to
He explained thai in
...>IJ'"tpd~_..!:and~aJ1~Ihe~"""~~... ~J-,, · cect~__'~~~~~~::..__~ tlonallnsLitute d Tropical __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~~~~"':",;",~
Lawmaker proffers solution to bombings
the prayers (ifered on thls mountain and it has been lIke this far yeraJ1 ~ the Lard has decided to perirm a at c:L minde by atfract:ing an W1prec;alented number rL people to this year's edJUoo. A lot c:L mirades ba\.1e taken pI.ace slnoe Yr'e started the IJ'l> gramme and by the time _ oonc:Iude a1 Saturday m:rt\ing. It will be!lllUl!thing that people will be tal1dng about for yean to a:me." he further
Isame don't _ see It as_ an indictment. The that _
In axtdemnlng COIIYIded
AIam_andBodeGeooge -Dr. At*IdLrIIAywu SAN It has $hewn dearly the taIIun! of the NJge<lanJU5IIce system -<:onstIbIaonII-.,., JIll 0I'ftJe
adjudicated on sefVlng as judges
!Ire stJlI
~~:;;;;;;;j~~~::;;;;;;;;;.-I . -AI1III fIUwNckI Gori, ~ otr.:Ior fA~lnhAllw~ ~~
I'IIMt.IiII .. NndI
fA . . . . . \IIfth, fA .. '*WI. panMl8rl
Me deI:II.rics eat bestllIIIegatkJn as *tim heads . . """"
-Hawk! T escapes robbers' bullets • Cor!troYersy traits Yeka Onkl!l's N1.5m
""""' """-
~ commits suicide after rapingfive-year-old girl
r, ..•v~ Wh en sex drives colli de