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Doctors seek robust campaign Four injured as vigilance group, against smoking Chelsea fans clash in Abakaliki T


o fewer- than per5(l1S 9.W'e


jured yesterday morning at the J\m1ke.Aba

area cL AbakaHkJ foIlow". lng a dash between a local vlgilance gl'llUp and jubl· !ant fans of Cln lsca FC d England. The News Agmcy of NI· gerla (NAN) reports that the

fans were celebrating

CheJsea's flrst~~ Union cL European Foutball AsgJ. claUon (UEPA) Champions League victory over Bayern

Munich FCof fr>J'In&nJt Chelsea Ildlieved this

Cttelsea reconJed over the hard-flghting Baywt Munlch. 'I1le two teams had bat· tied to a t-t draw during regulation time.. NAN reportS that the clash betwI!en the vigilance group and the Chelsea fans 0CCUC'nld around 12.15 a.m. 00 Sunday, as the funs 0I!lebrated in an unrestralned manner; which attracted the attention r:B the forme!: The vtgilaru group urged the funs to be moder· ate in tbelr celebrntlon. an advk:e that did not go down

~~~~~~~~UMlli~~ verbal


The situation led to a axmootation and eventually resulted in a fra.cas after a fan that bad lost mnl:rtll fi his moton:yde almost ran into the vjgI--

Iance persooneI. TIle otIloers escaped

hurt as they saw the matlX'cydJst 00 time. FoJJowtng the fracas the vigilance personnel arrest· ed some of the fans whUe the oilier'S escaped from the scene oC the clash. When oontacted by NAN over the inciden t, Me Ephraim AJall. an official of the vigilance group said that those arrested releaged after intervenUon by Utelr parents and other residents of U1earea. "'Luckily for the boys, they wenl not amollg the notorious ones who db-

rupted the peaoeof tbearea

as y,'e disroYered that


acted under the influeDO! eX alcohol whidJ they had OOIlSlUUed reck.Iessly; -rtlelr parents signed an undertaking to offset the medlcal blll of our -wounded officer and a pledge that the boys would be of good. behaviour hena!forth. "We are now aware of the security threats posed by celebrations of Ewupean football matches and will be more prepared to deal with such a develop. ment infutw"e,"hesaid.

he Wood As9ocla. tion d FalnlJ,y Doc· tors (WONCA) in Lagos State on SunWu' urged ~nments to adopt a comprehenstw hea1th education programmes that would enhance the cam· paIgn on the dangers of

death of Nigerl.ans. He said the c:::ommemoration theme. "Healthy Ltving: The Role d the Famlly Doctor; Smoking Cessation among Doctors and in the Communitx" was chosen to highllght the effects of


dcve}opmentaJ effects on

According to 0s1nowo. smoking causes the high.. est nwnberoC sk:k:nessand

the lives cL lndMduals, familles and the oonunu. nity at Large."

smoking. smokJng. Osinowo said the effects The Afrlca Regional of smoking lncluded comPresident of WONCA. Dr nary heart d.i.seases, cancer Sylvester OsLnowo, made and reduct10n in fertility the call at an event to com- for women.. memorate the 3)12 WON· Smoking also"has nega· CA's World Famlly Doctor me social, eoonom1c and

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. .. . . .




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Abia farmers scramble for N1bn agric loan



armers In Abla Stale have been scrambling to beat the deadline for the dl.sbur.Icment or the Nlbn agrIculnue loan recently accessed by the stale



It w1ll bereca1led that the state government promised to assist the fanners with loan in order to make farm-


The Commissioner for


< _ .....

Agriculture, Hon. Ike Ony· enweaku. told fanners In lsulkwuato and Umunneach! local government areas that the loan had arrived at the stale for dis-

bursement Onyenweaku said: "The Nt bn agriculture loans that the governor promised durIng Ute ~lecUon c:ampal,gn ls now at the Umuahla main branch of. the First Bank Nlg. Pte." ConsequenUy; thearrlval of the loan has brought

a reprieve to Ule farmers who had hitherto CowKl It dilIlcull to fund their enter-

Tbe state government, however; dlrected tndivl.duat farmen to registers with

problems rontronting!.he

v,,'1! have no fertili::terfor


current fannlngseason."


He said: '1t has always However, some farmen the sum of NJ, 100, while ro- been dJ1IlcuIt for us to pro- expressed dlssaUsfact.ioo operaUve societies would cure fertlllzerdue topaucl· overlhelandtenuresystem register with N5OOO.00 as ty fi funds.. Even as I speak. practised in the state. participation fee. , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Chairman d Ezinwanne Acha lsuikwuato Farmers MulU-Purpose Cooper.itlve Societ)1; Mr: Emmanuel Qn. uoha said the arrival fi the ed Q"., Soclety oC oC funding was the inler' loan had brought SUCOOllr has called national Federation or the to thenL for increased assis- Red O'OSS, but said that Onuoha said: 'It is just tance from the Cross Rhw wharever came from the like the ~ haw come to govemmenllO enable It ~ !lOI.lrt:e was often not sufi.. us in the likeness of men spond to erne galt) situa- cIeoL as farmers In Abla had sur- tions In the state. Ewa also said that anfered for 100 long reconlIng The representative of other challenge facing the k:Jses as a result of IlO(}o the organlsation. Mrs Ewa Red Q-oss was Jack or op. availability mfunds to hire Epua, made the call in an erational vehicles for quick interview with the News response to distress calls. "Our """'""""" lost "Our response ....,. (NAN) over N5 m1ll.Ioo last year Agency oC needs to be faster. because 00 Stmda,y in calabar; the due to paucity €I funds to these disasters often instate capital hire labourers to work in Ewa. who acknowledge volve hwnan lNes," she our plantations. We have the state pernment's re- addedfor Ioog requested for this cent assistancefi NtOO,(XX) Ewa said that the Red type of assistance and to the organisation. said the Q-oss often collaborated we are happy that finally with slsterageoc.ies, includamount was not enough, our prayers have been an· gM!n the magnitude d the Ing the state's Emergency ,we""'-" vrotit being done by the so- Management Agency afkI A member fi the c:o-op- dety Nigerian Security and Ctv erative socle~ Mr Emeka She stated that the or- U Defence Corps (NSCIX;' Amanambu. idenUfied Jack ganisation's major source d u r l n g _

Red Cross calls for increased assistance from Cross River




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