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OP.....ceta 0807_t838
Fadama disburses N256m to users' group in Delta
lf. Fadama mCoot dlnaUon Omce In Delta lIays It hn gM:r1 oul N256 mUllon to 491 Fac:tan.lI8cn;'Gn:rupa (FUGsl .. mong Ihe 68 f'adama (ommuntty AMo-
daU0n5 IFCAs) at:rOI!1II U.c
.tate. Mr Donald 0jdJ0. Com munk'aUOrt Of!'iccr (or Ute
prngnmmc tn the atale. made UII8 known In an tn· tervlew wllh the News ~q(Mgeria~ 1Il
Asaba Olebo said that the amount was cI!Ibuncd to UlC ~lt frlUPI and _ _ daUDllIdrawn rrom Ute par~"x)kaI~ an:asInUlCMaIe.~XI09
ftfOsun State awaldng
communi ty In Olorun da Local GocIern· attention.. ""otOl: TunQ! ~kola..
when U.. prqvan-rnc began In Odta Slate. He said that the total amount pnMdt!d (or c:rro Its 10 pIIf"1.k:tpalIng groups and as~laUons In the state \10'01587,9 million. add tog that 200 c:ommunlllal In 1M 20 ("IJUOdh...-rn= par. IIclpatln.( In the ~nm.c
Accordl~ to him, Ure dJec:th.T ,late cI dlaburx
1lle lnfr:rll(. which af f«ted IlboL I 40 room.. occurred In Ihe early hours of Wrdnesday. Aprtl4,2011. Presenu'l, the relld matcrtal5 a ,ul cash do· naUon of "'2 mlllk)n 10 the famd), h.· ..d. Alhajl Aytodc: Bab;t Illaro. In the area. Sp«I~1 Advtser to the Governor on Ernergent'y and Relld Materials. APmjl Mu . . Abdullahl ... tid the In· leM/cntlnn w tS unprec· edenled Abdullahl noted thai Ihe statlr Goyernor, AlhaJI Abdulfatah Ahmed, wa .. particularly touched by Ihe sevenly of the dlNster and lhe number ot t,ouseholds affecled Thts . act ordlng 10 him Infom'leol Ure llindy IntervcnUOil of the goy. ernmenl. ,j(ung that .c) far the aU te had a reC'ord or (bout 250 cases of Ilrt Incident.
ment 01 lunds unda" the progt8mme In Ihe stale wa5 March. 2CMl9. but ac:tual m:dpl d tnJuaJ ttedlt depoatt 0(8600.000 was tn August d the same year Hc said that the ~mc bqpn ..... the state with 1.585 FUGs and 12.4 FCAs whk:h had been rqlsltml as at Now_2CMl9. wtxn the slate poemor, Dr Emmanuel ~ launc:h«l IL Ojebo stated that the state ~t had paid Its countapart c:onU1bu Uor-. to the JJftIIIV3mme to date. adding UNIt a1thougt1 some local goyernment cound1s had made com· mlt~lII. there- are sUII outstanding contrlbuUOnll to be made.. He listed C'urrent"<'ts Implemented In the pa.rUd~""- C'OUndIS as 173 c:rnpa proJetts. 27 agrD-processtng. 101 livestock. 106 RIIher1e5. 46 awo-butry. two mar1ldIng. 34 non -agnndtut81 yentures and six commu nlty-ovmcd InlnlStruclure
Osogbo group decries activities of Boko Haram ·1 don-t sec th~m as Muslims. as Islam 15 a religion po:-aC'l!:_ Which does not allow anyone to ram his or he hand to kill Idlow human bclngs Their behaYlour Is against Islamic InjuC'lIons So. I see them S5 a complete devtl who emanat~d from no wherc In the ('Ountry Owolabl. who pt8yed for God'. urgent Inter\~nUOn In the sltuatJon. further enjOined the Federal Governmcnt to addresse the Issue or Insecurity In Ihe country as II matter 01 ur gcncy Speaking further. ~abl who 15 also Ule A:wJu-Oba of Iresow_po. Oke· A),o Communll)' In Olorunda Local Govern· ment area cI Osun State. called on the author1Ues 01 the c:ounc:O area to help the rcakienl5 d the com·
Na bId to Inc~ase a.arenella and aUmulate growth of Maggi In the Nigerian markeu Nestle Professional h .. launched a ne. c ua tomu forum tagged ·Mag81 Falll Food Association of Nigeria. In lbadan . 0)'0 Stale. The allllocialion. which comprises food operators that favour the use of MaUl In cookJng. which Include oyer I to women and men and owners of the ·Buka.· lIoca' restaurant and caretlng oulnta In (badan and its environs). Speaking at the eyent. the Managing Director of Nelltle
Nigeria. Mr Marlin Woolnough, a5Surnl Ule a.soclallon of the company's support and urged t~ members to continue to promote the use of Maggi produCIS In their cooklngs. espcclaUy among nc .. entnmt!l In the culslne Industry. lie encouragcd them 10 give conll tructlye feedback on the usage of Maggi. while creating pasalon for lIa utillsallon among Ulelr members He also apoke aboul Nealle'a commitment to promoting nutrillon. health and well ness among customet8 A1ao speaking. the C.lcgory Buslnells ManagH . MaggI. Mr
Guy Kellawa supported lhe Nastle Prolesslonal team The Neatle Professional Manager. Lola Ekw~re. was hoperul Ihat the allsoclallon would S~M/e as a platform for rast food operator. to InterractwUh the Maggi brand and also .(ford lhcm Ule opportunlly 10 learn more about the Out·of-Home exper1l!5e prOVided by th~ company She said that II would serye as a meellng point for Oul of 1I0me Food ope.t8tOt8 to IIhare their esperlences and also help the_b~nd respond
mor~ df~C'tl¥dy to Ihclr need .. A l1umber or womcn who s PfJk~ at th~ ~vent. commt'nded Nestle for the Inltlatlye and praised the qualily of lis produC'ta . a feat they lIald had made the Nestlc brand a household name In the West African countr), Mrs Iyabo Lawalli. 8 popular teleYlslon pr~!lC'nlcr . hosted the ·food d t' rno and lips on custom"r aervlcc.· III~hllghl of the oc:ca,lon wall the lucky dips wand rane dt8ws with Ih .. partJclpalants w1nnln~ lots of prices Also _ a medical team wa. on hand to check the blood pres.ure 01 those In auendance
mwutyb1~thcc:ol ·
lapeoed br1dge IlnkJng Ok~ Ayo wllh Kola Balogun community to avnt Rood disaster In Ule an:a n"IC community Jc:atkr. hoM:ver. c:ommendcd thc Slate poIk:e command for 115 quick ~ponc:e to lhe area at all Urnes In ensunng protcctlon of lives and properllrs. aaylng ·thcy arc wnndcrful -