served that the task of building a new Nigeria is a collective endeavour and has, therefore, called on Nigerians to join hands with him to achieve
the objective. He said in Abuja during the public presentation of his biography, The Wind of Hope that cooperation was necessary to develop the country to an enviable height. The book traces the life of the president from growing up in an obscure village through his · t 0 proml. gra d ua I nse nence. While ~xpressing deIigh t over th e pu bl ication of the book, Jonathan,. however, noted that he would have been happier if it had been done after . his tenure of office . He exhlained that the story of is life was not
from point zero to the zenith, but one that would inspire anybody to get to the pinnacle of his or her chosen career. d P d Accor ing to resi ent Jonathan, "We must continue to work hard . Our youths must endeavour to acquire basic education to prepare for tomorrow's
1,458 0 sun farmers bene·fit from agn·cuItural eredi' t Tunde Oyekola, Osogbo
fewer than 1,458 peasant farmers ·are to bene£itfromanagn·culturalcred.it f N153265 'Il' . 0 , nu IOn put m place by the ciirun State govemmenttorooperativefarmers to boost agricultural production in the state. The state governor, Mr Rauf Aregbesola while
storm AbuJ'a, N i~erians Wl'th disabiliru .] emand presidential assent to bill Oement Idoko, Abuja
are opportunities for everyone to get to the pinnacle of his profession. "Mine is a classical example. it is the extra work d h you 0 t at makes you excel. If I can get to where I am today, wi th hardwork and commitment, you too can make it:"
sion against the most vulnerable of the vulnerable social groups in Nige-
speaking at the kick-off of what government tilgged "Quick Impact Intervention Programme," charged ben.e£iciaries to make judicious use of the loan. Aanrding to him, to give anewleaseoflifetofoodproduction in the state, his administration had acquired 30 hectares of land across the . state for mechanised farming, the proceed of which would flood the market with food at affordable prices. He stated that beneficiaries were real farmers se-
fund did not end up with farmers in roa~ adding that they were neither selected through religious or political affiliation.
CORES of Nigerians ria ." living with disability stormed Abuja, on LEGAL NOTICE L~ THE IIIG" COURT OF JUSTICE ON DO STATE OF NIGERIA Thursday, to ask PresiPROBATE DIVISION dent Goodluck Jonathan WliEREAS Ihe ptIf1IDnS whose name, IUO 101 oulln the Fll1l ,Col\Jrnn of SctIedule helelo died Intesllte DIl thl dale and place mentioned therein. WHEREAS the per501l' whose n:Jrnes and to, without delay, sign addresses an $e l 0\I411'11he Second CoIurM 0' the Schedule wt1tI partioJlaf5 01 their reJalionship hereto applied 11) Ihl! High Court of Justice. Allure, Ondo Stale for letleB of Adminlslrilion. NOTICES ARE into law the harmonised HEREBY GIVEN thallhe letlenJ 01 Mmlnlsl'aUon w!J be granted unless noflceslo prohibit 11(0 filed ....tlhln2ldllyslromthadete lhel'8<Jl. Nigeria Disability Bill DECEASED APPLICANTS passed by both chambers 1. OLiSADUN DAVID OJO (Late) OLISADUN SEGUN FRANK and of the National Assembly ~fe':~~'~1~~~a~e~fb~g~ 2O~g ~1~1~lo~,l~!~;~:e, ~~~~ ~~(e':; in 2010. Seventh·Day Adventist thedeceased. Hospltal, lIe-lte. The aggrieved vulner2. ASA THEOPHILUS ADEOYE ASA OlUFEMI ADENIRAN, able group, who, howtLs~~~~ ::u~ lI~t:o:~e~a~~ ~~~~~J~~U:~:~ltt~~:~~~. I~:': ever, shelved its earlier ~O~~i~r~!~:r~: ~:.at Federal ~~~~~~:t~!~~~-::~:~: plan of mass protest on the streets of Abuja, gave the government up till April 16, to ensure that the.bill is signed into law ~:~1~~I1;::~~:~oJ:t:j!n~~ HANNAH and or face its wrath. r~O~ dl:~ t1~~~alt~~~~rSk ~::~b~~'!>RO~~~I~~:~. of No: 19, National chairman of Maternity Centre,~kur~", SisterS Brotherofthe deceased. the Coalition of DisabilD.nE" "115.11:« OA\· OTM.\MCUI.n ity Organisations, Mr rl~:;I~~~l:l·~C;:~~~~n:. A""'":. David Anyaele, while _ speaking with newsmen, decried the marginalisation and hostility against the group, w hich he said the bill sought to address. He said: "It is against this background that we are sending this clarion ca ll to President Goodluck Jonathan to sign this bill into law withoutfurther delay. We are marching this demand with all seriousness. "It is our belief that h e This is to inform our numerous customers and the will heeq to this cal! by signing the disability bill general public that Ms Komolare Motunrayo into law on or before Foluke whose photograph appears above is no more April 16, 2011, failure a· staff of ou r Bank-Onibu-Ore Micro£inance which we have no other Bank Ltd. choice than to mobilise Any o~e who trans.acts any business with her does all stakeholders from the so aUlIslher ownnsk - r .$' -'.- . • 36 states 6ftlie rEide;a6Oh'~: - """,",~-".,;c·"·~~-''''"'"'''''-S,g-;ed:-·~'''''';,!:,",-,-,",-~:;O''''<-r.=f:J<' -':·'~·' and Abuja for a mass ac. tion against this oppresMANAGEMENT
... ,'
... '---.
~~.~~j.new Nigeria, a collective
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Nigerian Tribune Friday, 1 April, 2011
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