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Nl,erlan Tribune Thursdaj'. J March, 2012



Tipper crushes cyclist, injures another in Bayelsa 0Iu ..o1c: I,e. Yl:n.,oa GEDY Simek on Wednesday mom


Ing. around Bay bridge aru of Ycnagoa the: capital dly or

Stale. when a Lipper

rcsuhlng in pandcmo

as -Okada ride ..- died 011 the spot. while lhe lJo..s senger suslalncd 5c rl

nlum around the vk:lnUy

ous Injuries

Nigerian Tribune (lU thorltatlvcly gathered that lhe commcretal cy-

Eyewit n ess Inro nm:d Nigerian Tribune that the driver 0( lhe: tipper.

cliSt. 01


crushed tWO people on II

commercial mOlorcyck.

k n own

XI' 498 AUC Imflu:d181cly look 10 his heels arler the a«ldcnl IlIv~llgauon


lhal the dr1vcr opted 10


that bcSIe.ged the i>Ctne According to a wit ness. -the dlilo'er of Ihe lippe, was o n a high speed and he rammed InlO Ihe cyclist carrying a paSKngc.r and. In Ihe process. c ru s hed them from be:hlnd The cycI~t. WhOM body was mangkd as a result of the aecklent dle.d on the spot The. man silting beside him sustained severe Injur1ca as he bled from h is no&c: and head regionWhen Ihe Nigerian Tri b une vlatted Ihe tragiC scen e 1I11ered wHh clot of bkxld on the road. many sympa thlsers had galhered to catc h a glimpse of Ole gory accIdent. Just as others who could not control their e m otions wept profusely. The corpse of the unl · derulOed victim was covered With aba ndoned tarpa ulln by some p8sse.rby. who lamented the reck I~ssness of Ihe tipper

Katsina: eFrom r~. urjdOUl. Abfnusowa; II,.. Dor-othy AblnUMlWQ; Dr Adealo Ayorlnde and Ifrs Yolake AJIOrinde. d u ring (h e jlrst year rem embran ce of Chlfif Dauid AbinU50UIQ. at 5, Douid's Anglican Chu.n:1t, Xu.defl Ibodcm. on. Friday. ""MOl' YeIn) ~h

Agbekoya farmers pledge to end importation of rice Ue hee.hullwu Olb.h, Benin C ity_ _ ilE Agbekoya Farmers Assocla lion has said 115 members are ready 10 ensure self·sufficiency In food producllon.and par· Ilcularly w ou ld soon bring to an end Imponalion of rice and olher Slaple foods Into NlgenlL The body of farmers


said It was pulling On· Ishlng louches 10 ar· rangements that were expected 10 take SO, 000 farmers away from the subSistent level Into mec hanised and co m · mercl.1 famllng The PreSldent·General of AgbekOjlQ Fann' ers Association World Wide. lI ig h C hi ef Kam o rudeen Oklklola.

made this known during the Inauguratlon of Ihe Edo S l ate execullve of the assoclaHon and In+ vestllure of Governor Adams Oshtomhole as patron on Wednesday. In Benin Clly. Ihe atate capital Oklklo l • • who slIld Agbekoyo had moved away frolll flgh l.lng gov· enunenl and to working

In dec.-nce of the righls of farmers and flghung hunger. added that tl,e mec hanlscd / commerctal fanning project was esIImalcd al N8 billion , andwouldcoverlOO.OOO hectares of farm projeCts across the country According to lum. --We hllve reorganlSed. !.mnsformed and rebrandcd to bccomc a suong and vtablc corp:lI'8te.productJvecnUty

Crowther theological seminary graduates 138

~ ~,'::.:o~~~,,:!~

O laylDka Olukoy. a.n d SeUD AftM:ru. -.Abeo.k.ul* NF. hundred and


thirty eight studenta, on Wednesday. graduated from var10uS theological programmes of the. Crowt her Theological Seminary. In Abeokula , the Dgun Stale capital Th' I'nm .. , . Chu«h of Nigerta IAnglican Com· munlon\' TI1e M081 Rev erend IDrl Nicholas Okoh. while addressing the gathering, said that the Institution estabItshed to proVIde vanous trulnlng programmes for C'd dresofchurc:h workers and theologia n s. had trained 914 people since 115 eSlablishment three.


called on the "~ede ral Governme nl to strengthen security

syst~m~e count~

·1 call upon the Fede.ral and all relevanl agencies to pleascdo evcryt 1Ingp08sible 10 guaranlee .securily of life of all Hlge.rians,reapecllngthc:lrfundamel1lal human righta and religion: he added. Ile chargedlhe.graduatu 10 be: good ambas•

day, dellevcred a leclure on "11leologlcal Educalion. the Ch urch and Global Challenges of Mission In Modem Soclety: decried the tneu sant allacks o f the dreaded OokoHamm S«t.

South WClit. South·East alx! South-South. - AgbekollG has been rqlOlSllkHlCd 10 plan. coo rdi n ate and supcrvlse about SO. 000 to embark o n seriOUS ~chanl5Cdandconunet'­ oIal farming , otherwise known as agribUSiness. worth over H8 billion In the ne.xt Ove years.

0 V ERN 0 R dam s

pare.llcy, accountabili ty. due pr~ss and above

emmenl bUSiness and procurement would be

Oshtomhole or Edo Stale has Sign ed the slate Public Procure ment Bill Into law. re·afHrmlng his commllment to due process a nd lIe counlablllly In governance Speaking at tile eeremony on Wednes day.

all. to e.nsure I,hat I,a:l: payers get va ue or money. According 10 th e goyemor, -under t h e law. we a~ expccte.d 10 pU bliSh governm e.nt contra c ts. M! arc obliged to ensure lruly comllCtillvc I)lddll1&, we lire obliged 10 ensure

mo~I,""Onm.pahO'"en~:·'d .•o ens:;;; _ and-Its sus.


sadors of Ihe C hu rch of Okoh . who on Tues-

Oshiomhole sIgns public procurement bill'Int 0 Iaw



Oshlomhole said. ~t he cs!tl!:.nce of the law Is to consolldale and insillutionalise Irans -

that cont.raclS are properly 8CruUnlsed and the overa ll objective la that at the end ofthc day gov

'a"... -~"_ ~


who ire not In ~ In Iheavl sodeCles lObe cocpca:t1'l1O the ......yIk explained that the ptlf"(XlSle of the law "''35 to m~ the ~1on In the hl'v lds mthe cxa:ultYe and wl)UlCmaklngproa~

In Edo State In any ann

or g<wernmenL

consumables, goods worth millions of naira destroyed by fire Set un OlaalyaD. Ka,al •• ONSUMABLES and other household Items ,,'Onh milliOnS of naira ",' on Wednesday. deslroyed In an early morning Oreoul break at a popular ware· hou se ~I.o rdm ars hall Park· adjacent the F'irstBank. on IBB Way In Katalnfl An eyewitness aald the. fire. which stane.d al about t2 midnight. hlsted till 2 .00a m before It was put o rr by men of the fire servIce M al press time. the cause of the Infenlo was still n ot ascertained Items delitroye.d In the Inferno. he ataled. In eluded gas cookel"S. motOfcyde spare parts. plastic rubber. bales of cloOls and food stuffs Whe.n the NIgerian Tribun e correspondenl vlslte.d t h e scen~ of the InfenlO, charre.d remainS or bumt Items could be attn IIl1enng around the places. as some victims who lost Items In the Incidence. were seen counttng their losses Reports gathered re vea1ed Ihat the park also served as a depot whcre goods a nd other mer· chandise brought InlO Ihe siale froUl the e...uttm pan of the country by traders "'ere off loadcd


riefly Bureau of tertiary institutions embarks on study tour TIlE Bureau of Te.rllary InslllutlonS tn ogun State Is to embark on a one "c:ek study tour of rquloalOfy bodies tertiary Institutions In the


COUllfry ,

The Director. Acaden,lc Evaluallon and P1al-nlng 01 the Bureau. Dr IMrs) Funlayo Sodlpe, In • fitatement. satd the Vlsi was Impcnltlve. to enhance the capacity of can er officers and prepan: them for the tasu of ensu ring thai the polie) th rust of th e stale government In the IIrea or a Tordahle and quallla · tive lertlary education was achieved. The stalement added thaI the study tour would also creale a channel of communlcallon to promOle c ross fertlhsallon of kku and knowledgesha r ing between the state and the Federal GO\ emment officials "1~ tour Is e.xpccted to lak~ the team 10 the Na tlo...... 1 UniversitieS CommiSSIOn (NUCI. Nallanal Council for Colleges of Educatkm INCCE) both In AbuJa and the National Board for Technical Edu· cat on JNBTEI. Kano,

New website will make govt more accountable -Fayemi CO\lERNOR Kayode Faveml of EkUl Slate, on Wednesday. . .Id the creation or a new ",'C.bslte by his administration was meanl 10 entrench probity. accountability and transparency In gover · nance Governor Fayeml, who staled at the preSellla+ tlon and launch of the state's newly-created Integrated digital media ch.J.nne.l . POinled out that the new website would also engender ·panIClpa10f}' h-o\~mancc. to a llow Ih'! people of the state ha ve Inputs on how governmellt Is run to en sure a beller and more pnllipcrous Eklll Stale,· The: governor pointed out lit the ceremony held at the. uecutlve cham bers or the Governor'S Office that his admln~ ­ traUon was ready 10 lun1 the state InlO an Infor m.J.llOn and Commun k:a Il(Inlll Technology (lCT) h,well . e.xplalnlng that ~the nrw website. was a tillY ponlon or an array of arthrttlcs In the state ICT ;ieclor • _ Sa m H.aoko. Ado· Ekltl

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