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T ribune


l>rolmote se Moringa farming Biola laeez, I10rla

potentials, the Kwara State gOllernment has Indicated lis lnterest In

the promollon of moringp r"rmlng 111 Ihe

state . In hlo; message 10 the conh:rence of )lo dl1go Development Associ:. lion In lIorln. the State Governor-. AlllaJI AbduUatah Ahmed said the slale would nol onlv el1courn~(' youth" of Ihe OJ!ale b("lng groomed at

' D,;,.,, ,,,, of £duc ot/o n. Tompolo Fo undatio n. lilr Job lef tJ. e mmeRI Educ atio n Jl,u, " o rlly. Warn Sowh-Wesr.. Mr God.spower Uyabrlnlnde (third and otherS" during the hand ing o uer of educ atio nal mo.terials don a t ed by th e Tompolo Foundedion In Warn, ,-e· c enrly.

Lagos roads:


'Shortage of asphalt hampers our operations'

ilE F~dcral Roads M a I II I C II II nee ~IICYIFERMAlhas

said that shortage of 8Sphall had slowed down the rehabilitalion of roltds ac~ the sUlte FERMA's Zonal Coordl~Ellor (South-Wctlt 111. Mr Oladlpo Fagbamlla. said this In Lagos Ihat the agency u,'IU hamstrung by dearth of asphalt. " We h.we not IlCCfI work~on the ro.'fds In dlC state partkulniiy In the met.J"q»-· lis bcr.IU!IC o(asphalt shortagc:thcagencytsexpr:r1r:nC~ h~

"It has really affected

road.!! . .11t': ageTlcy should collabol'alc wlUl us In UlCSUpply of asphalt we have to go as far as 10 Tbadan and ogU" 10 buy asphalt ' l1len:: should be a synergy between us If we really want to help ourselves. TIle e n d -point Is that road IlSCr:5 wuuld be the one!'! to benent from t h ese: things. - Rood user.; do not u,-ani to know If II Is federal. stale cr local J'IlIads: all 0( lIS pass UlI'ough lheroads.. WhcnOUT plantln~tsready.It"'1D make our Job easler, ~ PngbamiIa saki.

1llc FERMAcoordlllalor

said the agency had been collaborating with the state government and re spondlng to calls to repair b.",d roads lie said th e agency had been ustn/t bouldeB and stone -based mAlerlols mixed with cold Asplmilio 011 potholes and repair failed sections of the roads durtng the cu~nl rainy season. '-Immedlately aner the rains. we will m~ to site and slart proper nlllngand repair 0( failed 5«'oons.·· "-agbamlla promised Reacting to UlC l55ue 0(

Samuel Ayclulu . the spokesman of Lagos St.uc Public Works CorporaUoo. said lIml Ihe corporation was unable 10 produce enough Asphalt for l!lI: repairs 0( slate roads. He disclosed that Iwo III:W pla llis were being buill At Epe and Badagry to caler for the asphalt needs of the slate. ' There are so many roads which require our nUenlion In La~ . ' Rlgllt now. we want 10 sct up two more plants at Epc and Badagry 10 mttt our asphalt needs and de mands by other

II .. Ytlulh Fann Centre In Maleic . Moro Local GOY ' crnmcnl Area of Ihe stale 10 go InlO large

~~~kw:::;':~,Q :':y:::~;

that ""ould ensure avall ability of prcpaTt'd farm land with Irrigation systern to enhance lIl ori ng o and olher farming Rctl\' lttes In the stale Governor Ahmed said his admlnl!'ltratlon's In t.:rest III the promollon of Morlnl!a fannin/! was because or lis mediCinal and economiC pOlen Uals -Government shall nurture !lodngo devel -

opment with prlortty be cause we realise liS wealth creallon pot en Ual which can serve as

ou~~~~~~ PHCN sets up prepa1d-mete~ =it~~rggT;a~nt; Festac from ~~li;~es:eur~~~do:C~~~e~~ Lagos State government to 2013. - he !laid , ~D asphalt \Olhe

agency to II to reptlr I'OIIds In thectty\d\!chwer'tmdepkJrable state.. According t to him. fERMA's asphalt p1arit In . Ijebu -()de~u l dnol nieel ' , 11e nee d s a r I h e rh ree: I .~ s lates In t ,C tofIr: • ...-gas. --" Oyo" Ogun tl11U . "W I I t capPeD 10 lIe s ate asphalt agiWc, at 0JOOu, Lagos Slate Public Works CorpornUon. 10 sell 3sphalt to us to repair the bad

HE Festac Buslness Unit of Powu 1I0ldtng Compa'1Y o( Nigeria (P HCN) said It Ilas set up a task force to check the usc of prepaid me ters. . b ThePu l(cRelations OfficeT of f h e y n ll. Mrs Chlnle k o A rn all, said this In Lag!:!s that some cons·u m ers were bypassing ih"e meters. Amahs·ald t h ai the full weight of t h e law

would be visited on the culprits. She said IhA t anybody caught vandallSlng t h e pre -paid meters would be arrested ont! charged to court She SAid t h~l1t WAS wrong 10 In slsl on con sta n t power su p ply and yet ddraudl n g govenl me n t of th e mealls to sustain the supply Amah appealed to consumers to use power

HE Dlrec lorale or Employ men!. (NOEl Kogi

1..0k013. the s tate c3p1l31. He enjoined the parttclpants to take the

mended tht Direc t or General of NDE. Mol1am Abubakar Mohammed for

Stale, has recmUed addl1I0nai 256 unemployed persons for vocallonal tralnln~ In trades such as hair dreSSing, fashion 3nd designing, aulo mechanlcs. electrical Installatlon. photogroph / camera, catenn~, G .S . M re pairs. among others. 1111: Kogi State Coordl nator of NOE. Mallam 10 .0 Sa·adu. stated lhts althe t ....o days orlenta lion programme orga ntzed fo r the participants of the Basic Nationa l

training senously as the Dlrectorale offers them opportunities to be self employed thereby enabllng .hem contrlbule their own quota 10 the development of the economy lie solicited for the collaboration or the State and Local Covemmenlfsl. NCO's a n d p hll anthroplst to collaborate with the Directorate to reduce unemployme nt t hrough spon sorship of NDE programmes like

hiS oUlStandl n g leader · ship style and commlt ments to the reduction of unemployment In NI gerla. Successfu l partlcl pants who are mostly school leavers; school drop ou\. vulnerable persons, fresh graduate of tertiary Institutions who desire to a(:q ulre fune Ilona I a n d marketable skills upec lally In ICT andre laledmodenl!'1kllls. expressed Ulc1r apprectn lion to the Covemment



. 256 vouth5tlor 5kill acqwsltlon ... NDE reCruIts Natlon~1


~~~:S&_~~~~~:~~l~~ th l~'al1


com -

supply judiciously. sayIng that some consumers were In Ihe h Abll of havIng a ll thei r entire elecIrlcal gadgels when leavIng home . 'Some of these cuslomers have alr -condl lioners, electric stoves, boili n g r ings a n d fans . Ihey oRen forgello pu l them off wh e n leaving thdr homes, hut complain of h igh b ills <lllhe end of every month.- she said. Amahadv1!Jed.con!ium-

'Kwara treats 8, 979 people with eye disordeIS in 7 months' ilE Programme Manager of Kwara T Eye Care Scheme. Dr Arolab! E1tklel has said thai Kwant State government has treated about 8 .97Q people with ey(" dlsorclers between January and ,July 1hl'" vear El.eklei dlsc;losln(! 10 new .. mell In lIo rln that Ih(' people werf:" treater! at eye amlctlon"' . Inc lud Ing cataract and ~Iau ·


slate govern mtnt 1'1 commilted to the treatment of eye dis orders In the stale ,· he said E1.eklel people above 40 to go for rep;ulBr f:ye tests to prevent blindness , stressing thai 80 pf:r cent of eye dt"'orders which led 10 blindness were B\'oldab1c: and treal -


He called on Mo..-ingo farmers 10 take advall tage of the three Agrl culture Malls Ihal the government was eslab· IIshlng across the three ~ble !Ienatorlal districts he ophthalrnolog'" whlchwould beone .sto,> advised the people shops -ror equ'pment. arlalnst Ihe use of urine (arm Inpu,", sort lOans "and other loral medica and excessive services. - tlon!'li for the treatment of I d Governor A line u n - eye diseases , derscored M odngo 's 'People should desist potentials In boosting rrom the useofurlne and economic activities other locally prescribed through processing, medication'" to avoid fu -

~~tt:h3'=~~~;":I::~:C~~ ~~:~::; 'an:;:I~:"ng,

gadgets to conserve the use of electricity.

ternative medt c lne , market In c luding "'o ring o . had a N25 bll lion value In Europe In 2011 Thl!' Aovernor, there fore , ~dvl<;ed Moringo Development Assocla · lion to emh3rk 011 more vlgorlous scIentific re starch into 11If:" benents of Morlngo III order to ("nhallce Its acceptan(" (" and economIc vlablllt\'

lie recalled that al -

ture bllndl1f:"ss and other eye related problems .h(" sold

LG boss tasks traditional rulers on security C

HAIRMAN. Bwarl Area Council of the Federal Capnal T("rrl lory WC'O. Mr Peter

1I::nges In the country Vol,anna said that 'he was ","Orrkd qve:r ~rlty threats; 111 the rea:nt past

Vohannn, has charged lradlUOnal ru leB In UlC area to work toward ensuring adequate security In Ihe

and urged resldenl.5 to re-port any suspldous mo~m ent 10 law enfor~ment agencies for prompt action The (:halrman noted that traditional rulers we:re meanl 10 promote peace amoll" their communltles 10 support an)' move that would promote

~re:a .

The chairman saId In Owarlthotlherehadbeen serle!! of mf:"ellngs wllh lradltlonal rulers In the nrea to forestall secu rlly

~~rev~:~fo;::~~t6t form ~:;~tf8U:; ~~~r1~;e:h~~ pe~~e\ssured the [)COllie

of the area of adequate protection of lives and prope:Tty Yohanna al .. o urged atl the securltv agenCies In the area to b(: at alert 10 security Issues In or tier to forestall any secu rity breach III the area . lie promised to 31ways c:nga~e the services or vIglianre grouP!! and "IC · cmity agencies In tackling security ('hallen~es III Ihe area

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