N'I,crlaa Tribune 47 'fue&day. 3 AP"'"~'~'~O;.:"~---..,:-_---:;,-
NEWS Briefl Studenis' profest:
Lagos AG denies ban on okada operations by govt Y' Jld Gbe o c ;::alu..a e, loa £ AllomcY-Cenera) of Lagos Slate and Commisakmcr ror Justice, Mr Ade
Ip.yc. on Monday. told. federal "Igh Court aU ling In IkcJII lhal the a'ate government had not ~t Imposed a ban on the operaUons or comme r clal mOlorcycUals.
otherwlae known 88 okada, on Lago. roadt. Ipaye a'ated Ihls while making .ubmt.8 10n a In a suit rued agaln.t the govemmenl by rour dlITerenl okada
1 W [ .to
riders' assocla!lons be. (ore Justice S teven Adah, addtn" thai the applicants were merely reacting 10 newspaper n!porla. "he ban or reslrle.
lions alleged by lhl! appllcanl. lIu not 'a ken place. AU pieces o r cvldencc supplied by Ihe appllcanla to the court an! press culUngs. TIlere Is no dlrttl cvtdence re -
gantlng Iht true slate 01 affaJra and aU know what prcu rqM)rt5 rep n:se:nl. ~ he said. lpaye aoughl to make cla.n8cauon. on two Is sues ralacd lit Ihc wrlUcn address submllied to Ihe court by the applicants. On the Issue 0( a ban being a breach or runda mental rtgbta 0( the appl~t. he .. kill had nol been alleged anywhere tha t commerdal mOlor. cycles would no longer opc:rate on the roads
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. • - - ---- - · . ·-. ·- - -,. --···. .. - -...·".,!fUT1Hn 2 Glrl..chlld 'nltlo,lh,. fn Loga., ~II". WI,h Chem r. lha Tec:un LeadC'r. Access Bank Pic. II,.. P'un.mUOJlO N'olabl I'floto:
~ CN~
lmmlnent ~
rcguIaUOna which are (acta 0( llfe lit any bustncss II will. thc:rdore. not be lipproprtate In any avUlsed .adcIy rc.- Ihcn: not to be rqulaOOna: he staled. Also, on the operation or the applleanls ror commercial purposea. the Allorne1 General ukl, since the1 were In bualnessrorprofil.llwaa also the rea:ponsJblllty of government to n!gulate
Osun PDP chairman bans factional groups Ih~::.;~'~':;:,'·~uoml"'d
Ade_-.Je .-\Jayl. Oao,be EchalrTlWloithc o.un Stale chapter o( the Peoples Democ::nUc Party (PDP).
victory o( the pany In aubaequent electlona. He also threalened 10 dlaengage any party chairman (ound 10 be working against the In-
..~~:. :::::..!:
UonaJ groups within the
ever, charged mcmben o( the party 10 go back h ome and work ror the aucceu o( the party. alR:s.slltg that his &doun· islnlion would be eager to ru:ommend only memben who W'Cf'e oommJlled
party Speaking dler the aweartng-In 0( Ihe party executive at Ihe local governmenl Icvd at the: • I I I I parly' secre ar a n 080gb0. Olaolu . . told thegathenngLhalhencerorth he would not · any leiter (rom honour
any Omu", Ih' party"QUP n!malned a n Indl-
party (or any poIIlUon. I
lie also announced Ihe &clllng up or Ihree commilleca. oncofwhlch Is the legal commlllcc. nddled with the rcspon albllity o(addreulng lef
gal mallera. wllh the IOnncr statechalr"mano(thiCpan.y. MrSunday OjO Wllliama. ap· potnled Ita Ule: dl8.lnna.n.
Sliest NUP adVlses FG to-emulate Ondo pensIon system TlD.a OladoylDbo. Atare T i lE Nlgena Union o( PefUiloner. INUP) South-West 10 'M da d reg n. on on y. a . vised the Fede r a l Gov. d h ernmenl to a opt t e Ondo State syatem or
penllon admlnl8lrallon to avoid the hlgh . level (raud being perpetrated by (edenr.1 otnctala. The union also charged the Federal Gov. emmenl 10 Immedlalely convert the money and rt conflacaleddurprope Y Ing the pension probe (or I
NAHCO Installs N m cargo scanning mac Ine
vtslble entity. lie alao warned Ihe •• 10party chairmen al 'un:: cal gover nm ent level against anU -pany aCllVlIlea . lie admonished the party chaJrmen at kx:aI government le~lloahun any (onn 0( raCUo n and concenlnlle on rec:ondU alion that would ensure
Sbola Adekola, La,oa 1 :£ NI-nan Avta•• uon HandUngCom. pany P ic ( n ahco avlancc) has Inslalled Ita N68 million new cargo acreenlng aya'em conatattng 0( cargo screenIng machine and anUbomb equipment al the Expon Cargo acctJon of
Tck1aJ Jlmob. Lokoja HE Nllcna t.;aa aava Orowc,.a Aa aocIatlon. INCOA). has appealed 10 the red· e.ra.I Government to come to their aid 10 ensure
the mantle oflcadershlp. noted that cassava (arm'"' was a a1ten\allive to otl He said. with the whole world gradually drlrtlng to.arda bkldk:ad. the era 01 pctroleum would no kK1gcr be In vogue IIdVlSlng gov-
hou wan.Dt..-tor-Cencral ae. Ita Th , .o( Ntgertan CIvt1 Avtauon Auth rlly tNCAA) Dr Harol~ Demuren. 'who Inaugurated the eqUlpment at the weeke.nd. aaJd the new equipment .as a giant leap In tbe nght agliinat trana-bor. der telTOf1am.
·WIUI equlpmenl like L thla. we arc aa rer, .u.e trave II Ing pu Oil c an d bualnesaes can have some peace ol mind. ~ he Aid. althe CYa11 also atlended by office.ra o( air. pon KCUrtty agencies. Demuren said the companyaln'lCatmcnlln aecurlt1 had buoyed government's efforta at
Cassava produce: NCGA appeals to FG for assistance =;:~'~~::.'::;n~~
auataln_blll: growth In Cassava produce.
The naUonal presi dent of the llMOdation. Pastor Scgun Adcwuml. who made the appeal on In LokoJa. Monday.
shortly sher he took over
emme.nl to diversify Ita revenue bue.. Putor Adcwuml also appealed to go~mment 10 c r eate a n enabling
Ihal the conailiulion vealed the eJ(eCUUVe _llh execuUve powera and Ihatthe coun could nOI Inlerw.ne In the exerclsc o( lhat power I
en vl ronmenl Ihrough the provision ol t.ractora al affordable prkcs. IntroducUon olaubskfy and the regulaUon 0( Imporu In o r der to make cusava business attractlV'e. He rcgre.Hed that NIgerta, whoee malo ala1 uacd to be agn culture. had now "'"n n! Ie'I~ a 10 the background and c:alledonthegovemmc.nt 10 take urgent alepjl to addreas Ihe lafue.
tracung (on!lgn Investmen t and making Nlgcrta the regkHlal hub ror Afnca. He said: ~We wanl to open up NJgcrta. We opcraie 24-hour paucnge:r termlnat, but on the cargo aide. cargo a ircraft opera le malnly al night. I have dlScusscd my rrtends Un YAANwilh Immlgnlilon Customa: nahco and Sahcol) to ace. how we can expand and make NJgcrta the hub. ~
the payment o(outstandIng penllon or (ederal n!Ureea. Thecoordtnalor o(the unkln In the rqkln. Chk( Enl Olotu, who sa.1d this In Akure. said the syslem or penalon admlnl.!lIraUOnlltOndoStatemadc 0(
paymenl pension easy for the offictala
II, also no,";' ihallh, lovolvemenl of pe.nsklnera by the state _.~govern_L ment h ad redu .....,.,. PH"'lems In the admlnLstra Hon 10 the baresl mlnlmum. According to Olotu , who also doublea as the Oodo State chalnnan 0( the union. pensk)nen In the atate had never had II so good. . . they had been rcc:eIVing their enUtJementa as al When due. OkMu. who a.nmendcd the; Senate Conuruucc on EatabUshment and Pubbc Servtcc. atatea and IoeaJ gtM:mmcnta (<< the inwa· «galIOn 01 pensIOn payma11. adminIauaUon and management in the 0IJUfl· try, however. lamenled thai (edenl penslonera acrou the country con· tlnued to (ace hard I limes. while many die waiting 10 be paJd.
Court denies suspects bail TIi£ Chler Maglatrate's f;ourl I Silting In Makurdl. Benue Slate, on Monda )" dented ball or Ihe 20 a .. apected per lIOnS ~ In COOn«tion with (.he distUrbance thai ro<' ked the protest embarked upon by the atudema of Bcnue Stale Unlvef"lll)" 11K chid maglslrate. Mrs Ce(llia Bakare. noted Ih.11 granting the accused ball mlghl Jeopardise police Invealigation. Five counael. ap· peared (or e ight o( the accusc:d .,nd .sough I (or Ihelr ball through oral appllcLllon relying on the authority 0( the law and Sullon 34 I or the ConsllluUon They aub milled th ,:u the lIocuscd, Ir granted ball. would not In anywaf ultcrlen! with pollee Inveaugation Obje('lIng the ball .ppUcatlon.the. Pf'08eCUIIng cOllnal. £mmanuel Kpojlme. argued Lhat the counKI rar the. accused (ailed I:) proVIde written appllca tk,ns for ball and noted Iholl granllng the llCCuacd ball wt.Iuld definitely Inlerfere with the ongotng Invesugauon by the pollc!!. JobalfOa 8abajlde. ... akardl
Insecurity: Kogi traditional ruler summons
emergency meeting THE Ohlrq,o( ofEbtraJand.
A1haji IOri Ado Ibnhlm. has aumnoncd an emergency meeting 01 tradllIonal rulera. religiOUS leaders a"ld other Slake· bok:k.T1I lit KogI Centr.al to dAscuaa and proIcr luung aoIuliOn 10 the penialcnl threa .. to peace. ae.c:ur1ty and othe.t cnmtnaJ acllVlUca in Etiv.Jand.. Addreumg the atakeholde~' mee..Ung. .tllch took place al h1s palace. the finl da.. cradillonal ruler eXF~ seriOUS wony ow r the r1sc 10 reporta or 1;l1Ilnp 0( Innocent 80ula and the Invol~menl or some mi.· gUided 1:1ulha In other crtm1nal :1cltvtUea in the land. The royal fatJle:r. who blamed pollUctana and
clan Iead:rs for the misgUided acUVlUes o( the youth. called (or. halt to the Inhuman and unpa · trioUc ailitudea that had reflected negaUvely on the; good image. 01 Ebtca people. In recent time. .. TckhlJ J lmob. Lokoja