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Trbme MMPN ldds

Rall'fdan B1ure T H E 1432 A.H (20 11 ) edi tio n of the Ramad an lectu re o rganised b}' the Tribun ~ ch apler o f Ille Musli m ,..Iedi" Practitioners of Nigeria ("" [M PN) w ill be held on Saturday. Aug-

Sam Nwaoko. Ado-EkiLi


ust 6. by 10.00 a.m. at Jagor Centre, Obafeilli I\wolowo Stad ium Road (fo rme r liberty Ro.'ld~ Ib.,dan. Oyo

State. Th e a ,ief Imam of the Unh'e rs ity of Abuja, Dr Tao fcek Abdul Azeez, the guest ledurer o n the occa·

sion, will be speaking on Islam, Leadersllip. Responsibility and Omrempmuy Tunes. RellOwned legal p ractitioner, Mr Yusuf Ali (SAN). w ill be the chaiml1ln on the

occasion, while the Aare MusuJumi of Yoru b;Jland, Al haji AWul Azee:r. Arisekol,l-Alao, is the fllthcrof the da y. 5pc<lker of the House of Representati ves. Honourable Aminu Tambu wal; a member of the House of Representati ves. Honourable Murain.1 Ajibol.1; Secretil)' 10 tI'C Dyo SIa~ G0vernment (SSG). AU'laji Waheed Olilpde and lhe Vice alancellor, Fountain Uni ver-sity, Oscgbo, Osun State, Professor H O.o.C4oyede,. ilre guests of honour. fu,:ecu! iI'e Directo r (Fin;tnce), African New5- papers of Nigeria (A NN) 1'1c., Dr Jimo h O l('loye, is the chief host.

Stll te commlssioner·nominees

in los, on Tuesday, photo: NAN.

Ramadan: Fashola, Oshiomhole, Amosun charge Muslims s Muslims world· wide con tinued I" ith I h ~ holy month of R,unadan, more sta te governors a rc en couraging them to ensure .f re 'It! pc' I.,ad at . ~ " ""' he n "IS mam ested In " t ir dail y activities. The Lagos State goverM Baba ho nor, r tundeFilS la, on Sunday, reiterated the call for religious 11 hi tolerance among a et lie g rou ps in Ihe coun~I')' and ~ie~ 10 laws a,med at achl~" ng



orderli ness in the society, II Governor r:ashola. w 10 spoke al tJ'\e Firsl Tarn will pra\,'ers held 011 Lago, House, Ikeja, to signify the commencement o{the fasting, urged everyone to rno,l the fear of Cod in all their dealings, He also charged them 10 pray that Gud would use the period to put an end to the violence 31.d unroward acls be ing w itnessed in some parts of the country . Also, the Edo Slate gov-

e rno r, Comrade Ad ' m, O5hio mho le, has urged Muslims in the country to use Ihe occasio n o f the Ram.ld:111 10 reco nnect wilh their creator and rededicate themsel ves to the servi ce of humanity. The governor, in hi s Ramadan message to Muslims in the nation, also urged them 10 pray for the ''''are and stabilil)' of the rcount ry. In oil mcs.s.l ge signed by his Chief Press Secrelil ry,

'.L, Govemor MrPeter OllJuria, Oshiomhole enjoi ned the faithful 10 avail themseh'es o '"Ie benefits and oppor· runities the holy month ac-corded for personal resti· rution, piely and renewed commitment to Allah's injunction.


,- IS 0 gml State counter· part, Governo r Ibikunle Alllosun, in a sla te ment signed by Il is Senior Special Assistant (Communications and ~ Iedi('l). Fu nmi \Vakam a., ch a r~ed ~ lu s-

Ogun assures farmers of Nlbn agric loan from FG :::~,~h':;,tJ!~"!i'. ~:

TH E buri,,1 arrangement for Chief (M rs ) Elizabeth by the spokesperson of the O laylnka Olukoya, Arikc Biobaku, who died "I Abeokuta nlinistry. Deborah Od u. the ;tge of 74 yea rs, w ill ARM ERS in Ogun late, said agricultu ral debegin lvi!h asen nofsongs Stale ha ve been as. velopment was one of the o n Tuesd;ty, AugUSI 9, at sured of the rcadillf'!'lS fi ve cardiMI programmes St1lrhmd Pri ville School, 218, ACME Ro.ld, Beside of the stale government 10 of the cu rrenl administra· UBA, Ogba, by 5.00 p,m. disbu rse lhe Nt billion Fed- tion, add ing thai governChristiiUl Wilke will be held eral Government's agricul- ment would collaborat and on Thu rsday, Augu st II , by turalloon 10 assist them in s uppo rl farmers a t all 5.('(1 pm al her residenc~. 7, O l" fare Iliobaku Street, behind May fai r Ho tel. 1lle stale Commissioner strong pillar in lhis admillParakin layout, i1c-Uc. Osun for Agriculture, Mr Ayo iSl!alion. GqvelTlrnm l :lVilJ, OIubori,g"vethe assul'i\rlC'e, the reforc, not sland as ahinStale. Puneral lind thankswhile receiving rt"presenb- drance 10 f'lnners in 8cct'Mgh~ng scrvice \\~11 lake plare on Frid"y, A u~ust 12, at the tives of Ihe All Farmers As- ing the Fed eral Govem. Cathed ra l Church of St. soci('ltionofNigeria(AFAN), menfs ag ric Io.l n, "( wish to a,, " , " 0 '" Philip, Ayetoro, 1Ie-lfe, by Og S"" d , . I ' 10.00 8 . !II, w hile enter- off~'at de.-~~~~ ~~ farmers that the mor~ey ~is kub, (Ill Monday. 5<lfe. contrary 10 s .....clllatailUnenl of gul!Sts will be .held afler the interment 11lc n ,e cunllnissioner, in a \JOIlS lI\"l t it mrghl h,noebcen d eceased is s u rvived by statemenl made available mlSmanilged by the prev;o hu sband, Ch ief Gabriel Biobaku and Ike child ren. incl uding ~ " s Yem i O laLeon Us igbe, Abuja South-West. asa furmof apgundoyt!, Mr Gbcnga BioORMER minislersof pcasement to the zone, baku, Mr Tunde Biobaku, transport and m for which Iost oul in lite rare fur Mrs 5.1de Okono and Mrs mation. a,ief EI:icne- thespeakership ofthe l-touse Bisi zer Babalope and Dapo of Repre;entati\-es recenlly, Sam mi respectively, may Also in the race for the have joined the race for tJ re posi tion is Ihe incumbent n ationa l secretary of the ch.l innan 0( lIle I"DP in Ekitl Peoples Democratic Party State. Chief UoIa OIu-Ojo. (POp). following lilt' nrni ng The campil ign pos te~ 0( the position to the Southf1~ ,md hand bills of the W est. three politiciil ns had apThe PDP exp;mded Gl U - pe.1red at lIlC na tional SCQ"eo rus Imd decided in its last tariat of tJle PDP in Abu},. meeting to ITl(l\'e the ~tion where sources revealed on rrumtllC North-CHltralto lllC Mond ay Ihil t they hild


:=:~;"J'~:'Iu~' OKt'v'- lim'~grirul!"" re""', ,,,

ousgovemmCfllfor election purposes, he sa id_ 1he rommissil.'I'IeI'", u...refore, C1IIcd on~1kd dder.:; to gh-e fresh ideas thai could boost agricultural acti~'itics Ul the sector, as the govemment wa nled 10 use agr;culture for job Ol'i1h(ln W

ings w ith fellow cil-izens and the government. 1hego\'emor s.lidthc30 days fasting period taughl all devout Muslims the virlues of d iscipli.rle, honest)' and emp.lthy in their relationship w ith fe llow human beings.


Governor Payemi, according 10 the sta tement, commended Dba Ajay i, and me mbers of his ex+ ecutive Nfor their sel ness sen 'lcc to the Slate, The cowlol is made up of27Gr.trle A memberSitnd 25 grades B ami C membcrs, W

33 million Nigerians defecate in open place - Emir of Ningi Kola Oye lere, Kano CHAIRt.'IA N. Environmental ' Health CXfIO?l'S Registration ~_ ., 'N' ' no... v ~1I1C1 0 rgena, l.II lUIlUsa Muhammad Dan-y"yo, who is il l50 the Emir of Ningi. h,,1S .'KtKl nu fewcr than 33 'U' N' . d..I 1111 Ion 'genartS ",ecate III open spaces and depos--

ited about 1.7 million tormes f~ , I II ' eaces III 0 Ie environ· men! anr~ually_ , He 5<ll,d O"d (lirect ~ quence 0 su I ilct was 10' ~ tcci I' . Til ~ rtyamorl; \~~ COInmull!ties.. due 10 samt.lll(l.n-rc latcd drseaSE'S, such ao; d13ni'6l" dyscntery, typlrid x....'eI' ard d-cler.t. The emir sa id this in 0

Babatope, Sarumi, Olu-Ojo join race for PDP scribe :;;::'h~,T~~b!~:7';~


O LLOWING the d issolution of the Ekiti Siale cou ncil of trad ilional rulers, d ue to the expi ralion of the ten ure of the counci\, Ihe Slale gov. ernor, Dr Kayode Fayemi, has reco nvened the council, with Ihe emergence of Owa-Doye of O kemes i, in Ekiti West Local Govemment Area of the state, Oba Adedcji Gbade-bo, as its I1I;! W chairman, The immediale pa st chairman of Ihe council. Dba Ad elunji Ajayi, the Arlnjale of lse, in Ise ! Orun Local Government Area of the state, according to a statement made avai111 ble to newsmen in Ado-Ekiti, o n Tuesda y, had served out h is twoyear lenn. The statement. signed by the state Commissioner for Local Government and Chieft;tincy Affairs, Chief Dayo Fadi pe, added thai Governor Fayemi also appl'OVed the reconstitution of il new council. w hich !lOW comprised ZJ fi rst d as5 tradit ional rulers, According tu the stalement, Dba Gbcdebo's leadership oflhecoundl took erfeet from August I, adding that h is election was in accordance with the p rovisions of Section 2. sulK«tion J of the Council T raditiOn.11 Rulers l...1w No. J of

stvted theircanlpaignforthe plum job in l'a'!1CSl 1l1e: party approved the dates and guidelines fo r ward, local and stale con8I1!S1S1eS and, as wcll, slated its n.l lional CO!l\1.'nI;on for February25. 201 2. wllCll! the new m ~ mbc rs of its Na lionill Executi...eCommittee (NEC) would emerge, Both B..l 00lopc iI.Ild a,ief OIu-Ojo were present al the 56th NEC meet in g of tile I'DI', held at the llE!adquarters of Ihe party, Wadala I'la73. Ab uja.

cou ncil o n a visil 10 Ihe st1lle governo r, Dr MUS.l Kwankwi\SO, nle Emir of Nillgi a lso added that children under

fi\~}'carswere tJlemost \,\11nerablc to the effuct of poor sanit.ltion and hygiene in the country, saying thilt about 200,000 children O il Umt range died annually due 10 re;pil'iltOI)' infections, " ( a m now calling on You rE.xccllent)' IOw()rk \\~ lh our environrnent.11hcilllll officcrs to ensure !hat we rommenre a pro;ect lIl," would

Irod toe\u)'~inthe h " 1 b state" a" l11~ a tOl el y 2015, . he S.1Id . 1111S, 1 h' hsaid , would ensure t lat c oler.!, diarrhea d Jd~.J.....; ' y~ter)'ar 1}'I" :""d fe\1."I",

poho ar~ othersamta~l ":

lated ~Iscase were ellmlntlled m the stale. 11lE! emir added lI\"lt litis move would go a krng way to s,1 \'C money the gm'CfTlment spmllo procure drugs ,met alleviate povert)', due 10 reduced mcdicll ~ He , ;tid the contributio n o f sa nitary hea lth profeSSionals d uring Ihe colonia l and pre-colonial era helped tn-mendol'sly, adding th('l l such contributions were still needed in the count ry, Respondi ng. the state governor . Dr Kwankwi\SO lIlar\kcd tJlE! council for tl~ visit. sa}~ng thaI il showed its totll support to the gO\'emmen! towards m<lking Kano a ckan city

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