Nige r ian Tribune 48 Frida , 5 Au ust, 2011 _ Mefty
Abanida appointed acting ED I CEO for NPHCD A FOLLOWI NG the recent appointment o r the former Executive Director/Chie f E;"(ecu tive OmeN (CEO). Na tional Prima ry Health Ca re Deve lo pment Agency (NI'HCDA), Professo r Muhammad Ali Pate, as ne ..... Minis ter of Stille for Health . Dr Emmanuel
Adebayo Aba nid a has been appoi nted the new acti ng Execut ive Di rec tor / CEO of the Agency w ith e rred from Jul y 18, 2011. Dr Abanida.,
distinguished medical pra ctitio ner a nd puhlic health speci.. lis! o f about three d ecades' wo rking exper ience in pub li c service at hoth stale and fedelOll levels, Joi ned the
Agency as Deputy Director, O pera tio ns in 2004 . An alumnu s of U nh'ersilies or 1I0rin and Jos, where he trained for his underg raduat e and
postgraduate medical degrees in NIgeria, Or Abanida aUended numerous COU r5e$ both at home and abroad, inclu ding Cen tre for Disease Con tro l, Emory Un iversity in Atla nta Georgia. Imp!!rial College London :md Harvard University SdlOOl of Public Health Boston. /\lA, USA.
Ekiti ALCON pledges support ror new traditional c~)Uncil chairman THE Chairman of Asso-
cia tion o f Loca l Gove m~ ments of Nigeria (ALGON~ Ekiti State dtapler, OtiefJoei Omoni)>i, has promised the association's support and cooperation with the newly-appointed chai rman o f traditional ru lers in the s la te, Oba Adedeji Gbadebo A slatement signed by Ihe Special Assistant on Media to ALGON, Mr Gbenga Sodei l\de, s aid the role o f Dbas in communi ty d eve lo pment coul d not be overemphasised as they were closer to the people, hence the need to ensure joint efforts of roundl chairmen and the traditional institution to bring djvidcnds 0( democracy to the people at the grass 10015 The ALGON chairman. therdore, plOmised a good working relationship among the cou ncil chainnen in the slate and the trad itional institution so that Governor Kayode Fayemi's effo rts at ensuring speedy developmen t in the sta te co uld bl' achieved in time.
Ramadan: Prices of foodstUffs go up in BauChi Sallu
Gbad a mosl, Ba u c h i
OUR days after the commencement 0(RamAdan fast by Mus lim faithful in the count ry, prices of foods tuffs a nd othl'r commodities have gone up in
Bauchi, the Bauchi Slate ' I' , . cap it al. tllS IS IUS I as people have l-:!en told to fear God and n ot make things difficult for olhers. A market survey conducled by the Ni8erian Trib une in so~e markels In Bauchl, s hows
which used to be sold for NIO), is now' ~. Iri sh potatoe, w h ich used 10 be N4,OOJ per bag, now goes for N6,OOO. This wa...,hrnvever,attn"butedby sellen to its scarcity in the market, adding IIlat ils price
which is sold for N9 ()()(). , The prict'ofa ca.rtonof tin mi lk and powder milk ranges between NS,OOO lind N6,OOO per cllr lon, whi le groundnut oil has risen from N7,OOO to N7, 200. Pa lnl o il p ri ce remains stable as a jerrycan is being sold (or N6,500.
I fresh primary." He commended IN Ee fo r promp t announcemenl of the election timetable, noting that it gave room for aspiranJs from the various parties to prepare for the gubernatorial election.
h,d nothing '0 do WIth Ramadan. However, the Nigerian Tribune observed that a lOkg bag of Semovila sold for Nt,BOO before Ramadan is sti li being sold at the sa me pria'! as of the time of conducting the survey. 5.1me gOl'S f(lr a bag of suga r,
A ,,,de,, Al h.j; Muhammadu Umar, wh~ spoke, with the Ni· gerlan Tribune at the Bauchi Cen tra l Market, sai.d the slight i.ncrease in pnccs of food Items was d ue to inc rea se in demand, no ting that, Nits the higher the demflnd, Ihe higher the price."
Kogi' Brace up forfresh PDP gOY prl'mary aspl'rants urged • Yeklni Jim o h, Lo koja
g ubernatorial aspirant of the Peop les Democratic Pa rty (POP) in the abo rted gubernatorial election in Kogi State, Air Vice Mllrs h a l Sali h u Atawod, has urged o lher aspiT:IIlIS in the party to brace up fo r fresh p:nty primary. Speaking w Hh news m en 011 Th urs dll Y. he said the Independent Nalional Electoral Commission (INEC)'c; stipu lations in the timetab le had brough t to an end Ihe specul<1l ions that there would not be fresh primary in the slate. His words: ''The INEC elcc::tion has finally settled
Ihe rumour doing the there woult.l be no primary in the I'DP and.
rounds that
participate in the forthcomins gubernatorial election shou ld to face
the Ramadan fast
s light Increase In the 'cesofso efood', pn . m I.ems, w hil e others rema in as the~ .were before the beg.lnlrtng of Ramadan, w luch slarled on Monday, August ~ . A bag of n ee that was so ld (or !,,8,~OO b e fore Ramadan IS being sotcrfor
"""",,,as began. whi!ea craleo(eggs.
Edo LP urges govt to pay minimum wage across board Uch ech ukw u O li sa h, Benin City
I-IE Ed o Sta te chap ter o f the Labour _ Party (LP) h as called on Ihestate government to pay all categories of workers in the s tate pub lic se rvi ce the n .. lional minimum wage as it relall'S to them beca use the pay ment of such waBC is nolY a mailer of law, The pa r ly said th e pay ment of the national minimum wage of N IB,OOO, h;w ing been signed into law, amid not and should no t be su bjected 10 Ihe d iscretion o f anyone. 'Addressing journaliSts on Thursday, in Benin Gty, the &10 Stale dta;nnan of the LP, Or John Ogbeide, added that theparty believed thai time spent on the discussion of Ihe legislation until it \vas signed. into law was sufficient for all rnl'ilningful d ialogue between the state governmenl and Edo workers. He sa id, if the meaningful dia logue had taken place. the situation leading to the collapse 0( the SCKiaI and l'COnomic activities in Edo State today could have been averted, just as he expl1:':Sged wony over the loss of manhours and revenue.
-Lagos S late governor, u rial v iew of the La80~ Third Mainland Bridge to the Minis ter of Tra nsport, Se nator Id ris Um ar (le ft), during a courtesy call on the govern or, a t th e S tate House, lleja, Lagos, on T/lUrsday. With them is the Commission er for Tran sportation, Mr Kayode Opeifa.
No bloodshed throughout my regime Joe Nwachu kwu. O w e rri
who rerurned to the state - - - to cclebmte his 54th birthf ormer g o v e r n o r ' " f day at his home counlrv, o fl mo 5 late, CIlie ' J Ikedi Ohakim, Okoh ia, said that it was I Sl'd h ' very dangerous 10 lead a las expres appmes5 I" ' , f h Ih a t. des p ite whal h e Ion 0 come ou 0 I e passed thro ugh while in cage. the office, no life was lost Answering repor ters' inthl' statel'ither from op- questions,the former govposition parties or the ernor disclosed th at he Peoples Democr:ltic Party (PDP) where hl' belonges. He made Ihis s ta te- Yekini lim o h, Lokoja me nl while addressing N an effort 10 encournews men at Sa m age ml'chanised agriMbakwe In ternational culture in Kogi Stale, the Ca rgo Ai rport. Owerti, Imo Sta le, on arrival from slate govemml'rtt has gone into partnership with a oliAbuja . Chief Ohakim, w ho N5C firm towi\rds the estabmel a mammoth crowd al lishment of a modem farmthe airpo rt, ex pressed ing implement factory in happiness and gratitude l..okoja. Already, 100 hectTes of to his suppo rters th at land have been earwere still giving courmarked for the project on age inspite of the political the Ganaja-AJaokuta road setback. and wi ll cost th e sta te The fonner governor, governmenl N3.3 billion
was no w very close to his famil y becau se he now • played wilh his children unlike when he did not h:l:\"e the time to attend to 'hem " f' the, " Chief Ohakim stated categOrically that 10 rule was not easy, adding thlll one had to prepare very
. well beforl' makIng up mind to contcst election. TI f Ie ormet governor, 'h f Ab ' ". 0 c a~ e r~m u la w llh 1115 wde, fI.·l rs Ch ioma Ohakim, app ..ciated God's e fforts for
helping h im se rve Imo Stale for the four years he stayed in office.
Mechanised agriculture: Kogi gOY! partners Chinese firm
to execute. The s tate Co mmissione r for Information, Professo r Aaron Baba , disclosed this while briefing newsmen. The comm issioner, who reitera ted the commitment of go\'emmentlo boosting food security in the sta le. also said tha i construction work on the project wo uld commena'! in September, this year. He said the state govl'rnment wou ld have 15
pe r cent of the Shareholdings and 80 per ct'nt benefit from the factory when completed. Pro fessor Daba told journalists that arrangement had also been made for the procurement of 5,000 sets of modern fannin g equ ipment by the state government, which would be d is lributed to farmers to bo os I mechilnised fllrming and food p roducti on in the sta te.