Nigerian Tribune
Monday. 5 November. 2012
Ogun commissioner identifies need for disease surveillance or
Rvcrtl:d Ir adequalr slir
Ogun Slate have bccn ad
",('111<111("(' wr-rC" 1"3rrl('d
vised to illways ~ nn Iht' lookout for ractors thai can prf'clpltalt' dls('asl: outbreaks nle {'nrnmlsstOllCf for
Hcalth. Dr Olaokun Soylnkn. gave the lIdvlrr In Abeokuln durtn~all Ad visit 10 tilt' Abeokut<l South 1_0(~1l1
GOvt'mmcnl Art'a In con Hnll .. II!)1l or hi .. vI"Iils In local ~Tmmnll ar.. a~ . 1\ n l"'wly roofed
c hu.rch b lown off by windstorm
Benbo road, ApnCa. Ibodon. ~cen"y. Photo: Yc:ml
Sovillka "I<~ld Ihal rll!'! c:a<;~ (luthr('ak~ ('"ould 1M'
'Cassava will soon complement petroleum resources as foreign exchange earning'
T "E
Soulh ·W,sl ChaIrman of CS!J
dalton, Dr I)avlcs Ogunsa d c. Ilas said thai
Ihe crop would !'loon complement petro leu III r~urces Il.o; a malar for ("Ign exchnngc eAme-r for Nigeria Ogul15.'1de In Osogbo. said thai Dr Goodluck
du-Ilon or -assa"a b, '~.
cau~ IL1' physical C'llvtronmCIIIISvt"ryc:onducl\.Tfor cassava cultlV3llon.
In Ihe past. fanners grew cassava mainly for con!'lumpUOIl and other domestiC usc. Ignonng 11le Investmelll opportunities which the Industry ofTc~. 'Wllh the' government's Intervention Ihrough the
.- "llInel,I I", ,-'-n". .. --"•• ('",,' 'd h' ltvallon coup c
ket had C'nrournged more
fanners to Invr"lt In tilt'
crop lie said the d("vdop' menl would allow Nlf,!("rla 10 malnlaln Its leading position In the world. Ogllno;ade commended President Jonathan for
promo ng cl\$...ava as an allcmaUvc means of ellrlchln~ the nation and Improving lhe living Sian-
II I d I " t' appcR C 0 3 .. Iakt'hotdt'~ 10 play !I'rtf Cltp('clcd rolc~ '10:1 .. 10 Itch!rv .. Ihe PI'fPO"C of
dard of many caso;.ava fanners
J!oVcmme-nl's Interventlnn In the- ~tor
ment In1llallv(''O [('('IJII. a non govern menial or~anlsaUon INGOL has
l\.r"n. 11\J\J
'HI}'lnl!. 11m' thl .. would !leTV!: R'i p~v('nllv(" measure fRlller Ihan curative. lie said Ihat dlseasr out.
5l1rv(':lI1<1l1('c was ImlX'r.l
live 10 gnther data and rol low· lip wHI, n!'('dN! analy sis to prevt'111 dL~e oul brt'a~'i
and to enHlIcatr
known dtc;C'i\"rs "u: hcallh sySlrm 111 tht' '!llItt' Is ("()mmilled In 1Ifh-quaff' elMit ,!:Jlhcrinl!
ami anllly .. l .. in nrdrr In prcv(,T11 dlsl'a .. r OUI hn"'aks .111(1 e-radlralkm or olher llf>lkeahic (IIII"'!< -The- mlnl<;lrv had IIIRp,>,.£1 0111 "lr:ll('"~ir .. thmllAh lilt' r~uoqjtaUon Of('O""IlII11I1'o' hC1'Ilth ('Om mlttrr .. acro .... thc: <;Ialr 10 !. Ir'lIsill .. r Iht' tvonpl, on •• ~,. Ihe nC('f1 In malntaln,aoorl
LGs (Jl emageay Inanagwlmt
OM M U NIT Y Consc:rva lion and Develop-
hy~tclle'.~ hr o;ald
lIr~ed Im:al ~overnmc"l roundls 10 r .. labllsh II) cal emergell(,y manage·
~~:::::l~a~~t~~~3a~:~: ;:~:l:;~~;~:;~;~~ Ogun communities float N15.5m ~~~:~~~~~ll~;~~:;~: ~~
:~;~~h~l~e~~:; ~~ ::::;f~~::=il;:
Accordln~ to lum. -NI I!!I currcntly leading other counlrles In Ihe pm
!lAId. Oglln!!!ade obscrved Ihal Ihe ravourable envl-
:':~~:':,: ~ R"'k~!~~~~~~~,~~~~~r~~"n.nd
Com m u nit y I)evelopmenl Area {COAl In Ogun State. Mr TunJI
Motorcyclist changes plea on verge of sentence
USA !.Iadl. a mo10rcyell0;1 sland· Ing trial ror aiIrp:cdly "Iteallng It mOloreyrie. on Monday. chan~ed his ~utlly pica 01 n
Oshodl Ma~I'(lrate~ Court In l.a,.gos. shtlrlly bdore Ihe mA/otI"llrat(" pronollccd his Sf'II\e-I1('C(l I.ladl. 27. was ar ralgned on Scptember13 and remanded In Kil1ktrl prison". after Jl\callln,:t guilty to It two·eonn! charg~ or sll:allng and oblalnln,lt a motorcycle under fal~e pretenct The court adjourned UII last Mondav for fa('I"I and stnlen('e. how('ver. Ihe aceused changed hll'!i plea. sayln,!t Ihat he had earlier plcade-d j:(Ullty un der dures .. nle prosceUlor, \'orponl Kehtnde' Olalunde-. had earlier told Ih .. caUl" thai the "e-cI.I"le'd ('om milled the ofr(,I1f"f'''I on September 2. al M,llnluku In 0511001 area I')t I.;II!O"i lit "Ialll thai Ih. IIC'
cused obtained the motor(:),cll:- with ret!lstralion numbcrEPE 120 gB. val lIcd NI50.000. on hirepurchase from one Mr Jamlu Shlltu Olalullde- '>RId that Uatll had aJ!recd 10 be paying N8.000 weekh- 10 the owner bul failed 10 cio so. Acrordlng tn him. -aflcr four days. the complainant fShUtu) saw him ehal' un,q with rrlends under a brtdge In Oshodl and he asked him why he was not at work_ The accused said he: had an accldenl and thai a man rescued him. but he: dtd nol o;ee the motorcycle or Ihe man aJ.!aln." Olalunde said that Ihe accu'Jed refused 10 take Shillu to U1C scene of the anidenl. clalmln(! Ihal h(' eould not re-'· "mhe'r where- it O('curred T11t~ prosecutor laid the ('ourl thai Lfadl al temptcd 10 abscond bUI wa .. apprehended In an IIlarlan-bound commer cllli bu"l
lie 'laid thai Ihe or rellCe-:I ('onlrRVC!led Se-C'lIon .. 2858nd321 or tile {'rimlna] C(){\('. l..awc; or 1..'1'!:o" Siaic. 2011 Ma,l!,lslrllle- Adeblyl Oshn I.(ranlrrt Ih .. lie' ("II ...ed ball In Ihe l'ium or NIOO.OOO. with two:O;IIrl' tle-s hi Hkc ~\lm She otlJonrlled lhe I'ase: 10 N<)vcrnbcr I I
problem of Inces!!!ant power oUlal't e affecting his communily and nve others would soon he a
,"Ing or Ih' as Ih' cOmmunities have eoml:' to~cther to float a Nt5.5 million ('\el·lrtdt)- pmjl:'ct Speaking wllh Com II1unlty Nt'ws. Rasak salf'l Ihc Six communi Iie'c; wO\lld float the proJ('l't whtle th" '>Iale ~nv"rnm("rH wf)uld pro vlflr Ihem transfonncrs. i\('t'ordtnl.( to him. lilt' communities ""e-re: OgTl 01\1"1>1'11. Okanoluwa ('1)A.
Goodluck community -The proJecl starled ia.!t year and the InlOo;-
~03';~~ w:~I~~n~'.';:~ '.~
very flln('tlonal -UUI Ihell . wr .. UII
wanl thc Inlcrv('nllOIl or OJ!.lIn SI[llr I.!ovcrnmenl by provldlll~ morr Imll" formf'r" a"l Ihc cOIl1J1lI1I1iliv 1"1 ItrowlT1~ and will soon he- ove-r t'fOWr!t:(1. - ht' !!Ialrd 11(' Addrr! that Ihc projc('1 W;t~ IIlcanl tn boo..;t Indu$lrl .. ' ~rowlh In Ihe :Jr('(l:<;
'Insecurity, poor roads, cost of transportation increase' M
ARKETING Man agtr of Chll'J(,o Group of Companic... Mr Sunday Omooenl hilS !'laid Ihat the hlC.h e-o!it of travel IIn,lt had re-due-cd till:' numher of lourll'!it"l and olher pRo;!!(enge'r.. mov tnl.( within Ihe counlr\, lie "I<lltl thai Ihe Iwln problem or ,,,security alld bad r08d~ had bc come 100 hl.e 10 handlc. -nohbery allll('k-; on the hlll:hwnys. ('oupiC'(1 with Ihe bad rontls. hnv(' Inrlerll <;('ated most peopir Irom Iravt'llIl1J!
hy road and a ~ood 1111111bcr or pas<;engers now prefer to travel byalr.4 OmMen I said The manaj!er .salti Ihal the inn!!!portero; were 110t only IO~lng pas "'f'nll:crl'l bul were faeed with It hl/!h ('ost of main talnlnll: thclr "ehlcles. The manager .. aid that a lot of vl':hldes developed problrms due 10 the bad road,>. addrng fhot thl!!! Impoo;ed hl~h ('osl or malnte nilllt"c 011 Ihe Iransporl
OIllOdl'l11 appealed 10 .lt0vernment 10 come 10 Ihe' aid of hOlh Iran .. pOrlf'r"l anti pa<;.. en~ero; 10 solv(' Ih(' prohlem of Insecurity on Ihl' road .. He "laid Ihal ~nmc of the pa'l .. rn~et'l wrrr lourlsts alUi buo;lncss me-n ('omln( inlo Ihl' ('ollnlry from nearhy (,Ollnlrle-"1 11<: saltl Ihlli 501vln~ the prohl('m ()r In"le('u rlly on our rOf1ds would 1m VI' a posl!lv~ Impacl on th(' f'('onomv
Programmes. Mr .. Koro Adckke. 'Oald In a "late menl In I.agos Stale that such rommltlC'CS would he needed In tilo;a.o;ler risk nductlon and mana'{Cmenl Atirlrke saId Ihal II wns Imperallve ror colin clls III till:' (-nunlry's sl, Acopo\lIt('aI70nl"'< 10 h;wt' o;lru('llIre-.. 011 I!round for re(\u('lnc, nooti relatcd em('rg('I1('Ir .. -I..oI·al ('nUllcllo; ill (ttr f('rcnl P;lr!" of NIJ!:erla nCl'd 10 hc prompte-(I In hR~ Ih("""le ('ollllnlllrc.'< In pi"'.... {I.O; rct'cnllv !lIrre-lrd hv the National Emr! Ite:ney Manilj!emclll Agency fNF:MA1.·<;IJf' <;ahl She' o;;lld Ihat th(' Nr.O. would be parlne-rln,!: with IlCinrtl-h Roll Slirtun,l!, In mohlll"I"~ Ihr rouncll" In are;ls of disaster man aJ!:em('nl an(1 olllcr d recto; nf (,lImal(' Chan~r "delckr "aid Ihal thr parlnershlp ha .. ('om melH'ed w!lh 1lI0hlll'>allnn ("xrrl'lsc~ In F.tt O .. a. I.ckkl and Yaha \.o('al ('.o\·ernmrTlI ('oun('lIo; of laco<; Slal(' Shr <;;Ilrt IIlat ('1Ieh or thr (.'fllllmltlrf' wa'" r" peclcd Itl ('''Iahho;h dr velop ami pe-rindl('"lh· III' riale- Im-al W"'rrnlllrlli nil eIl1CrW·fu·v ""I,,;tl!cn'C'I'