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Nlge:ri a n Tribune: Monday, 5 Nove:mber. 2012


Association plans uniform logo for microfinance banks unirOml logo that will enable Nlgerl:11\5 to e:aslly IdenIIfy reglste:red mlcroflnancc bank will soon be Introduced. an offiCial of bank's assoclalion. has said Treasurer of Lagos State Chapter or NaUonal Association of Mlcronnance: Banks. Mr £l1lola Agbesoyln. said that the obJe:cllve was to 'ltsslst members or the public to easily de:tect unreglstere:d mlcronnancc banks. He said In LAgOS at the weekend Ihat aellvllies or quacks were of· fectlng operators In the: sub·sector. Agbesoyln . who Is also the: Chief Executive of Olive Mlcronmmcc: Bank , said that there were some InsUtutions which claimed to be: registered . but were: renderlng services out!!!;lde the rules According to him . some of them are gh1ng loans at low Interest rates to lure cuslomers Into their banks.


-I v.-ant Ihe public to beware that an that glltters I!I nol gold "1'here Are InstltuUons IhAI claim to be mlcronnance banks orrerIng oUlrageous Interest rates and packages thai are nol nonnal. -Somebody asking you of NtOO,OOO deposit and

you goln~ away with N I million . bringing N200,OOO to get N5 mil · lion in two we:e:ks. Ilhlnk the: pubic should know

Ihat these: art' quac ks. -nle Central Rank o f NI~e:ria has onen advised u s 10 report Ihose Ihat are: not registere:d .50 lhal


"m-When you visit any

micofinal1cc hllnk and yo u do not !ice any evlden('e. you don 't n('ed to do bUSI ness the-re.- he said.

Electrician sentenced to death for killing woman 1.aJ!os High Court "lUling tn Ik('Ja lao; I Wcdnesdav sen · ten~1 a 31 -year-old elec · trlclan . Ahdulkadrl Is!!'a.


10 denlh b r hanl!,lIU.! f(ll kllllnl!, a wom a n . Mr <; Calhrrln(' Katr · Ama fil . In 2006 Justlcr Iyaho Ka.!'all convicted Is..-;a of A dmr/!r of mllrdcr prcferr('d against him bv the l.a~()'I; Sialt' Government. TheJudgr hdd thaI elr cums!"n",,1 evidence: IX" fore Ihe court placed l.ssa as Ihe lAst person seen at the scc:ne of the mur


Development Bank (ADSJ, Mr Peter Sturmheir during the launching of the urOOn water 5upply and5C111itation impropement project. a1 Supreme Manogement Res-oul""(% Centre, Bodijo.. lbadan. recently.

Farmers seek FG's protection against fish importation


IE Catl1sh Fanners Assodation of Nllt,eria (CAFI\NI has ap· pealed 10 the fede:n!i Gove:rnment to prolect local fish farmers agAinst dumplngofforetgn~tn

Ntgerian markeL President of Ihe assn· cia lion. Chtef TiI)'o I\klngbolagun , made the appeal during the opc:I11ng of tht' Oyo State CAFAN

2012CatJt~ FaIT," Ibadan.

He said thai the protcellon became f1tte5Sary tu emlble the fanners to attain the tarAel of one: million ton nt's of fish production In the: nell"l nvt' yt'ars According to him. the larget was set under the Federal Governmt'nt's Aqua.cultureValueCha.t.ll

Expert advocate control of vehicle fumes OMEmedlCDI racU. p "oners In LAgOS State have: urged the three tiers or government to Introduce mea. sures thai will protect clU. 7.ens against Ihe hazards of vehtcle rUllles n d tI I I 11!)' rna e 1e p r:a n <I'Ieparate Inlervlews with IheNewsAgeneyofNige. ria (NAN) In I.agos . re cently. A cardtol.-...1st at Gen. "b' era I HoSpllo.l. Gbagada. Lagos. DrOlalcyel\dewale. said that ,,"'C.hlc1es exhaust fumes constltuled hazard to human lIVes According to him. -ev· ery Nlgenan Is e1Cp05Cd to furnrs from the combustion or petrol and diesel rnglnes. " We: ge:t e:ven he:avler doses when we Are caught up In tramc . thereby bruthlJtg In and o ut huge volume of poisonous g'1'Se"l In Ihe Atmosphere. . We: should Introduce 0. legislation that will as 51st lhe country 10 m ove towards using safer fossil fuels and slop the mO\T· mcn~of vehicle wlJh elt·

('an deal wllh them -In view of Ihls . Ihe as!!'oclallon hA!! decided 10 produce a unlronn IORo for I~ rc~15terrd mem It

eesslv.c" clllission of fumes ' \h I cd e po .5Onous pr uct In the ve:hlcle engine emlsstons are carbon monoxide. benzenc. fonn · aJdehyde:and various type: of poIyqclle hydroarbons containing lead. sulphur and panicles." 1-l d Nt rI e urge I!e ans 10

t,'" ~ mid"'," has,,""''',''

0 avo n a nl! I 1e smoke from vehicle ex· Imust fume!l . E d" xposllre to ese exhaust fumes may 1c:ad to eertaln health prob· lems and these problems typic ally f)('"Cur based 011 the raleli of e:q>Osure ei ther short term or longlenn exposurt'. ' These health prob Ie:ms can Include lung dis· eases. headachc.s. Iyrt dl.:!'ea.!Jes . 8i\thma, lUng damage and Immune Ii~ ­ tern problems. .'111(I5C alre:ady Sllffertn.!! from asthma may c:.xperlenec worsening asthma symptom!l. " A l!hort-tenn efTttt of vehh; Je exhaust fume ex pOSlire call causc Jrrlla·

Uon; some pc:oplt' will expc:rlen« rc:splrntory tract Irritation. eye lrT1taUon or both When a pt:.r.!Ion Is ell:' post'd 10 re:latlvt'ly high levels of dlesr:l exhaust for a !'Ihort lime. they may al!'lO ell:perlcn~ coughing. a feeling of hC'ilvlntSS In thC'lr chest and shortness of breath. As a long-te:nn effect. the coughing. heavy chcst lind shortnes~ of hrealh CAn become a chroni c problem . Tbe chronic pmblem t'an result to can· cer In the lungs. kldncy. blmlder, nnd pancreas.Adewale s aid thaI thosr who wt:re orten ex J>05ed to diesel ell"hau!ll fumes might expc:rlrl1cr ceria In health problems thal mlghl lelld 10 dealh. I\lso. a con!'lUltllnt physician at the Lagos University Tcachlng Hospllal (Urn I). Profc..."ISOr Augus· tine Ohwovorlole. salrl that c ar fumr:.."1 could rals-e Ihe risk of heart attack and strokc , h a rmful change" In blood ~els and dOlling.

Dc:vt'lopmeni programme Aklngboln(!un said thai dumping of rort'lgn fish In Nigeria wn~ one of the greatest challenges facing the local flshlng Industry ·Govcrnment should address this challenge. as ~takeholders embark on !ltrategles for efft'ctl\' e oIT of fis heries devc:1 opment under the Agrl cultural Transfonnatton

AIl;~,d';;;,~'~,:::di25 ""

lion fingerlings would lK rtqutred to met't tht' tar· get produc llon of one mil · lion fanned nsh required. ~Good brood Slack Is T"t"qulred to produce:. qualltv fish feeds .- he said. Akln!'!bolagun rc mArked tilat Ihe NI~erla 's brood stock had been re: cyckd oVC'r the year!!! "They now require: ge · netic Improvement 10 ch«k Ihe trt'nd . We hAve .suggt'sted that ranners. rc~c:arch Instltules and othl'r relevant bodlt'l'I should collaborale to produt'C gcne:ll('ally Imp~d hroorl stock . - ht' said TIle president o f Ihe a!l..'IOC:tallon also appealed 10 the: Federal Govern mrnt t o 'Jubsldlse fish mcal. just 05 It subSi dised c ost of fertiliser for crop fanner!!! . According to him. reeds constllutes 70 pt:r cenl of th~ coSI nf production . addlnl! that a hold fish feed would It'Bd to bad harvt':S1 The themc of the Fair

Is . ErTC'"ClIVC' Mana~emenl of Catnsh Farming for Prontablllty.Mrs Modupl! I\woyoml Kolade. the ChAirperson o f the Cl\fAN In Oyo state. slltd that at thl' end of the Interactive sr55ion fish rarrnC'r5 would be ex· pO!led to bt'ller tech niques Ihat would en hance: mAximum produc· tlvily and pront. Soml'" of the major chalh::nges facing c atnsh produeUon cnterprlse will be addre!'!$cd The"C' In · eludcs marketing. Incal And export finanCing. preservation and value Addition for prolon~cd life. Oy Ihls. Ihe fanners will e:aslly operate \0 meet the tasle of emerg· Ing conllumC'rs alld en · hance preferences for consumpilon of local nsh. break · " Efrecllve rhrotl.l!h In these IIreas will en"lure: 5u<;lalnable productIon ," Awoyoml · Koladt' said . thAdan An fanner. Chlcf f o lonm<;ho Ogunlllllkc ()f !lope Fanns. C\Jlled for 0111'" umbrella :tS~latlon for fish ranners. which ar(' ('ur· rt'.ntly OjlCrallnE!. under dlf· ferent names " Oncness amonl!. NI · gcrlan fish fllnner"l will enable liS 10 Annex nrcessary Sllpporl5. bcnrnts Hnd fAcillltes rrom IndLvldnals. ~vernmenTs and International communi lIes .~ h(' advised

KA.<;all heTtI IhAt IS"IA failed 10 ron vince the eourl Ihal Ihe bl ood soaked clo lh". tt'ndt'red by the prosecutor HS All exhibit. were 1101 his own Shr said there wen~ also discrepanc ies III l55a's evidence' berort' the collrl and his stAtement al the Fest"e Polh,,"'C Sia lion IIlc ">I'"nten('e of Ihl'" court lipon YO" . Issa. 10; thaI you will be hanged hv thl'" nt'ck untn you died May the Lord have mercy on your !'IOul." Ihe Jud~e !laid The News Agency of Nigeria ( NAN) rrported thaI I!!!!a was Arraigned before the ('n url (In De ccmber 7 . 2()(Y1 Ilc h:.d plClldcd not ,ltuilly The pro:o;rcutor had !laid that Issa "Itabhrd thr woman 10 death with a knife on O (' to ller :l0 . 2006 at her rt:"'1tdt'nc(' . BJurk :l. flal R. I'sPD(" Estalt' . f:bulr · Mela . La-'to~

'Tlit' pros c·cuto r<;. It'd hy Mr I\de~boye~a BAJulaye hAil ~uhmHteri lhnl ISo;:l killed Katc · Amadl fo r reasons best known to him. nftrr ~hr bro ught him Into her resldenre 10 rl'"pRlr some electrical applian('es . 1\ pr0 5eru t or's wit nes ~ had tr~ttnt'd Ihat Issa was seen 1n.~lde Ihr apArtment with hIs clothC'o; ~oakt'd with Ihr dec eA'>t'd's blood Accordln.!! 10 tht' pros eCUlor . he locked him st'lr In!!Otde A t o ll('1 to> eVRdr arre"ll whrn nel~hbours "amr 11110 Ihr apar1mrnr I"SA had In hl"l Slalt' mt'111 fit tht' pollcl'" 51i! lio n cia lined tllnt ht' Wl'l.!' lockt'd In s ldt' Ihe lo llel hv t\lr'U men lie:. howcver. admlued berort' Ihe l'Ourl Ihal hc lockl'"d hlm5('lf 1II00Ide the lollet when he heard Ilol~e being madr Ouls ldr by the dr c t'ase-d 's nel~hhollrs

Mcanwhlk. hi .. COUll s rI. Mr reml Omodt'le . told NAN Ihat h e w""ld appeal th .. Imll!lIIrnl

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