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31 Nigerian Trib u ne Wednesd.1Y, 6 July, 20'11

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Bosso spends NIOOm on market development


HE Bosso Loca l Government Area of Nige r State spent N lOOm on the construdion of the Beji modem market to boost its internally generated revenue. Alhaji Bawa Dej i, the loca l gove rnment chairman. d isclosed this while conducting newsmen round the market ill Bejl. " The counci l expended NIOO million on establishing the Scji modem market; we focused on the p roject because it will serve as our major source of revenue," he said . He said that the money was expended o n clearing the site, fencing and constru ction of lock-up sto res, open sh o ps and Ihe adminis trative block. The cha irman, explained that the marke t project was fin anced with the NIOO mmion s pei:iaJ project grant allocated to each of the 25 local government coundls by the state government. " We chose Scji modem market as ou r own spetial project in order to increase our internally generated revenue," he said. l3eji sa id that in the

p as t, th e co uncil gen e r a ted bet wee n N80,OOO and N90, OOO pe r week but si nce the e s t abl ish ment o f th e m a r ke t , ils internal revenue h ad increased

HE Direc1orof Person nel Management of Atiba loc.1l Covemment Area of Oyo

forward and Nigeria as a who le . Delegates from Thirty three l oca l Gove rn ·

He sai d th a t a l· tho u gh the marke t had not b~e n formerly ina ugurated, the cou nci l d ecided 10 allow business


~~:e;;;:~~J;~e,~;;~:i local Government of Oyo Stale C hri stian Fellowship of Nigeria to be faith· ful loyal and honest in d isch arging their d ulies. Spea king through the Deputy Directo r of l'ersonnel manage ment, Mr. A.C. Fasola who represented the Director at the 2nd quarterly meeting hosted by the Atiba Local Government Ch ristian Fe llowship chapter at the Council's chapel headquarters of the loca l Government, recently. Earlier on, Pastor S~g un Adeyanju, from , Fu ll Flame Evangeli cal Ministry, Ogbomos h o admonished the congrega tion of the people to be dedicated Itl the ir work and they need to emulate the life o f Jesus Ch rist. He s tressed furth e r that ever}' b o dy wi ll g ive a e-co unt of their s te\\"i\fd s hip to God and they sho ul d allow unity to re ign am Qng them to movt;..t hl! .'itat c

bid to improve a ccess of p eop le t o medical ca re . Urn ar told news me n tha t three of th e el in ics were cited a t Da re, Gabi and Evuti , wh ile th e r e m a inin g we r e l oc ated a t Tash ib o a nd C u pa low ns . Um a r a lso said the co un cil had expe nd ed N 18 .3 million on th e si nkin g o f bo re hol es, adding that so m e of them were m o to ri sed ac ro ss the co un c il to red u ce the hard s hip of the peopl e in their ques t fo r portab le water.

Th e ch a irm an sa id t h e boreho les ha d g rea tl y improved t h e access of people to po ta bl e water and re du ced the s pre ad of water born e d is ea St!s in th e local govern ment are a . Uma r added that t he co uncil wo uld in· ten s ily e ffort s toward imp r ov in g access to potable wate r s upply because " impr oved water s uppl y will lead to i m prove d hea lth ca re of the peopl e; this is a n im po r tant priority for th e co unci l. "

Billiri spends N500m on roads


Oluyole LG chle1Bacautions,e workers



Council spends N50m on clinics"

James Bwals , Malduguri HE C hairman of Lapai Loca l Gove rnm e nt A rea of Niger S t a te, Alhaji Abdulkhadir U m a r, h as said t h a t th e counci l co n st ru c t~d fiv e primary h ea lth clinics for N50

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Olnmunltv scoae.;iil

ments of All Local Gove rnm e nt C hri stian Fel lowship of Nige ri a at· tended the meeting and

delegates fr o m Osu n S ta te C hapt ~ r of ALGOSFE N were no t le ft behind .

N its efforts to d evelop rural areas and open them up, Dilliri Local Government Area of Combe Stale has spent over NSOO million on the construction of Baganje, Tanglang and Tadi roads, with the aim of improving the living standard of the rural dwellwers. The chainnan of the local gove mment~ Mr Robeson Zebulon Wasa, who disclosed this while speaking to newsmen in an interview in billiri town,. said this administration awarded contract of over N600 million from December to January. AI the Mid TangaIe's palace, where renovation and constnlction of new structures were ongoing. the ch airman said it was done with the intention to upgrade the status of the people that the palace of their trad itional ruler was given a befitting look. He also said that as part of effort s to improve lh~ living standard of the rural dwellers, six blokes of 60 stores were constructed at Lasale and Baganje market, wilh each built at a cost of N JO million. Wasa also said that due to the importance the administration attached to religion, the administration donated N15 million as part of its contribution towards the const ruction of Ihe loca l government Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) centre, while NIO million was also given to the Muslim community fo r the renovation an d upw ithin thl! 11 yea rs of grade of Ihe Billiri Central democracy was g laring. Mosque. Ajuj i cited the cons tru cti o n o f hospi tal s, road s, education, ag ri culture and electricity in urban and rural areas as some of th~ advantages

'Equal representation, beauty of democracy' Celesti ne Ihejirika, Jallngo


QUAl. rep resenlalion o f communities in governance h as been describe d as the bea uty of democracy. .

ing with the Nigulan Tribune in Ja lingo. AJuJi explained th a t variou s comm u nities h across t e country were given the opportunity to be represented and ex· press their opinions on

munities. The dlainnan said that during the mili tary era, only few individuals were th involved in e act of governance, adding that in mos t cases, the military men at the helms of affair.>

He s aid that e qual represe ntation would create room for s pt!edy deve lopment of the rom-

dely. According to him, the level of developmenl recorded in th e s tate

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Local Government Area of Tara ba Sla te, Alha ji Mulari Aj uji, made IIle a sse rt ion while speak-

administration 10 enable him complete a ll the laudabl e programme s initiated by it.

Ada~u~~~~~ !~ei~~i~¥Utse~~~wi~t~~~d ~o !!P~~m~ence HE Jigawa Slate acting project co-ordinator, Hajiya Hadiza Giwa, that FADAMA farme rs were to receive NI5 million as· sistance under Ihe project to support the nine locat govemment areas. She made the disc1o· 5ure while addressing the executive nlembef5 o( the F""f?~,- Users ~a· tion .in ~ shortl y al·


liajiya Giwa noted tha t the coord ination office would soon start disbursing the fund to the {anners 10 enable them to purs u e so me projects that would enllance their pro-duction and markehng. She explained that the first and second phases of FAOAMA projects h ad rontribull!d immensely to the agricultural devdop· meht of 'the state. ·'You a re witnesses to

projects assis ted yo u to improve yo ur agricul . tural activities. I am informing you that FAOAMA 111 h as also profe rred huge packages for yo u in an effort to modernise your agriCtlItural practice, making it more plofitable an,!:! ensuring food security. "So, I call on you to mobilise your membel5 to pay your COUllteqlart funJ Imounhng to N~ million

the disbursement as early as possible," Giwa said. In his response. the n~w chairman of the association, Alhaji Muhammed Auwal, promised to work hand in g loves with the FADAMA III co-ordinalion office to achieve the desired aims. Auwl'I l also vowed to en5UIl' prompt payment or counterpart fund s by all FADAMA userS in the 51.te.

LG council chief tasks corps members

HE National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) members pao;ted to Balagarawa lDcal Government Area of Katsina State have bl'CIl urged to contribute their best towards the develoJ> ment of their host communities. "nle council's Director ut Administ ration and Finance, Alhaji Sama' ila MarllJ1\af\ gave the chargl' when he received the corps members at Dandagoro Mcxlei Primary School. Mamman, who d~ scribed the N"YSC as one of the best ways of ensuring unity and understanding among Nig~ called on them to dt.'Vise ways of improving the lots of their host communJties.


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