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Tribune 45 Nigerian Monday, 6 June, 2011

NEMA alerts to threats to food security


ATIONAL EmerThe NEMA boss a lso gency · Manage- iden tified flooding as ment Agency co ntributing fa cto rs in (NEMA) has warned food deforestation and is a secrops and animal hus- rio us threat to non-tolerbandry farmers of dangers ··ant -tree species that are pose by nooding that may mostly being used for forcause serious damage and estation purposes, which reduction of the yields of may die from su ffocatio n. foods or death of animals He , therefore, "we due to heavy rainfall that n eed to be consciou s of may lead to nash nooding the great threats to naacross the country. tional food securi ty if the NEMA has a lso im- prediction can pass as • plored government predicted ." and donor agencies to NEMA advised stake-

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The Director-Genera l of NEMA , Alhaji Muhammad Sani Sid i, directed a ll the six NEMA zonal offices in the co untry to begin sensitisa ti on of all stakeholders on hi g h risk threa ts o f he·a vy rainfa ll in view of the predictions

· of the Ni ge ria Meteoro, logical Agency (N IMET) that the co untry may 'w itn ess unpre ceden ted heavy ra in fall thi s yea r. Alhaji S idi particu la rl y ca lled upon vete rinary and crop officers to be at hand to t reat affected an im a ls a nd provide techn ical assistance to farmers at the crucial ti mes they we re needed. He identified crops such as pearl millet popularly call ed "Di amond in the Rough";


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Mellon, bealls and groundnut, which a re one of the staple foods in the country. These crops thrive better with minimal an d regulated rainfall for optimal yie lds but these may be Under serious threat of the effects of heavy rainfall if necessary actions a re not

taken at the right time.

holders especia ll y the Rivers Bas ins, Fadama project instituti ons, Department of Agricu lture and National Food· Secu' ~ity Agency along with their co unterpart at the · state and local governments to start assessment a nd monitoring process of situations in support of farmers to reduce water accumu la ti on in culti vated areas to mitigate adve rse effect of h eavy water.


ARELY one week in office, Og un State governor, Senator Ibi kun le Amos un , h as · signed into law three bills passed by th e factional m e mbers of the state House of Assembly under the speake rship of Ho n ou rable Tu nji Egbetokun. They are the bill for a law to amend the Gateway Broadcasting Corporation Law, No 22 of 2005; bi ll for a law to amend the Gateway Television 4=orporation Law, No 23 of 2005 and a bi ll for a law to nullify all irregularities and I or illegalities perpetrated from December 31, 2008 to May 27, 2011 by the immediate past ad-


Con rat u I a t i 0 rI S ! The Management, Staff and Students of Ogun State College of Health Technology, lIese-ljebu heartily felicitate with His Excellency,

World Bank endorses CBN hI b k' . I' cas. ess an lng po ICY increasingly moves towards cashless society, HE World Bank has continuing w ith the fashendorsed the ion of mov in g around p lanned cashless with cash takes its finanbanking po li cy recently cia l sector a step backannounced by the Central ward . Bank of Nigeria (CBN). It wil l be recalled that T h is was disclosed th e CBN a nnounced its during the launch ing of intention to impl e ment a book enti tled, Achiev- th e cas hless banking ing Nigeria 's Financial policy e ffe c tive from System Strategy 2020: June 2012, which drew a Making Finance Work for lot of appreh ension from Nigeri a by the World the genera l public and Bank in Abuj a stakeholders . Tl)e Senate Co mm itIn the book that appraises N igeria ' s readi- tee on Banki ng and Cu rness in its quest to be- rency in response, in come one of the la rgest vited the CBN to a pubeconom ies in the wo rl d lic h ea ring it held on the by 2020, the World Bank mal te r, where Ma ll am says operating a cas h- Sanusi Lam ido Sa nu si less society in N ige ria is exp lained the reasons a key strategy to fa s t for the poli cy a nd what tra cki ng growth in the the ba n king system and coun tr y's financial sec- the economy sta nd to tor. gai n trom the n ew T h e ba n k ·further policy . notes that getting access He appea led for the to fi n ance and d evelop- understanding of all ing a v ibrant market that stakeho lqe rs a nd promwill crea te more jobs re- ised that the CBN and quires th e backing of a banks wo uld soon emsolid and modern finan- bark on a massive encial sector. lightenment campa igns The World Bank ob- as h e confirmed that the se rves that moving cash CBN would go ahead to around is considered implemen t the poHcy normal in Nige ria but ' wi th some adjustments if warns that as the world fo u nd necessary. bib


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Amosun signs 3 bills into law Olayinka Olukoya, Abeokuta


minIstration. nulli fy all irregulariti es Senato r Amos un , and lor illegalities perpewhile signing th e bills trated by the immediate into law, noted that the past governmen t from law amending tlie Gate- December 31,2008 to May way Television Corpora- 27, 2011 because it distion was in fulfilment of covered that some finanhis directiv~ that the pro- cial institutions, in discess leading to the change obedien ce to its Resoluof name of the sta ti on tion 167 barring all finanshould immediately com- cial institutions from bormence. rowing the then governHe restated his deep re- ment money still went spect for the rule of law, ahead to give loans to the pointing out that he sta te government. wou ld always fo llow due Meanwhile, the state process in all his actions. former Commissioner for Governo r Amosun Information and O rientaco n gratu la ted the law- tion, Mr. Sina Kawonise, makers for successfu lly has described the Sitting c.o mp leting the sixth leg- of th e gro u p of 15 lawislature despite the chal- makers and its decision to nullify a ll the actions lenges it faced. In hi s remarks, taken by the immediate Honourable Egbetokun past government .fro,!, said that the House de- December 2008 till May cided to pas~ .theBilI to . 2011 a~.. plegal . :;,-~ .;.:: "" e,j


Ibikunle Amnsun as the fourth Executive Governor of Ogun State. As Your Excellency takes the mantle of leadership of the state, we pray that Almighty Allah in His infinite mercy will bestow you with the divine wisdom and courage in your quest to take our dear State to a greater height.


Dr. Tunji Dawodu :; < ' Provost

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