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Nigerian T r i bune

Tuesday. 6 November. 2012

Agriculture -


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, I •"' fi bre flSh· pond model diploye d a r Ih e CAPAN f a ir by DUr'o nte Fis h Feeds Li m ited.

CAFAN advocates ban of imported feeds, laments high cost of production IE Catfish Farmers A5soclallon of NI~crla leMAN) has advocated tolal ban of tmportffi reeds (or livestock In the c;ounlry. saying ('Ompanl~ !Should summon enough COUnt~t: 10 have production lines In Nlg('rla National chairman of CArAN, Chief Toyo Aklnlitbola~1I1I 'aid Ihl~ ciurlng a Ihreeday fair oJ}tanl'H'd hy the Oro 51"le chapteroflhe as.~alloll at thl: prl:rnl.!lI:'S of the Iflg e rlon T c-. ' e v,.lon Authority (NTAJ al Ih(' w«k('nd lie saki Impor1aU£lfI of f~ W"dS killing Ihe n-al Indm'lry.utglnI!Utt'Fnl('rnIGovcmmnltlodISCOlHllg<e Impor1aUon through It!!! tn'lllsf£lnnallon agenda


~=;i~:;~~~~:~~:'~ We art" making c(forl!!! 10 cnCQu,-a~e fbh fanners to Incr('ase their production to nlC:ournge local productiOn or fish (ttd Our road map III to produce fish reeds I£lcall Tdl Our rlnet als to co'!c to ~I crl~. cstablt!!!h ra!lorles and we wi ll m support the Federa l ·Th('

~alallllg ~t orret"dillg. which Is about 70 Jl'I'r c~1I1 of the tolal COSI 11(' ur,l(cd the gun'mmClI1 to (1,\11 (armus with Inlerest frce 108115 10 boost producUon ·Fl~h fanlllll~ ~ ('xpt'05lv(' bttau~(' of high ~t of producuon, e~pttlally the eml of Jews. le"v1n~ lillie or no prortt for thc farml:'r TIlal I~ why the them(' of the fair I~ 1':ff"-'lt~ malla~('m('nl of calfi~h for prnnlahtltly': OloYI" ~Id 51ale chairman of CAFAN, Mrs M Awoyoll1l Kolode. said challenges of fish farme-r' Illcludl:' IlIad('(luate- nnance. sl11all 'Kale producllon, po!Il harvl:'t lo"s. poor managemenl and pre~rvatlon

clrflclelu,"v She said vallie' addUioll 10 n .. 11 would prolong l'lh('lf Ufe and meel IntC'mallolll" m<lrk!;'1 <ipcclflcatloll~. uq~ln~ n"h farmer'" '" h(' ,\"phI1UCAtcd In prc!'tervallnn and parkal'!,lIlp; Uow('ver, one of Ihe feed manllfaclurf'r" at Ihl:' fair. Mr Jat"'f1"('s Ma~n('e. Commrrrial Illrrrtnr nf RMNAN Fish Fred. "aid hi" companv til'rlril'tl In produce 111 Ghana and ,e1\ in NI~l:'rla beratl'c polilical almo5pherl:'. pl:'ace and ell'('trlc ,Jo"'I'l:'r ",'pplv are n:laUveh' morl' "Iobll' III Ghana PJ-omlnt'nt brand" at Iht' fair IlIriuclt't! ilunmlt'. Topfee d s. Vito' f'c-.c-.ds, P l ro . A quo xcfll aIHI CopfeerU .

Premier Feed Mills begins production of aqua feeds TO expand 115 pro due Ito n. Premier Feed Mill!!!. Ibadan. producer of TopfeecU brand. has Inaugurated comme-rclal prodUl:llon or locally made n~h f«tls TIle subsidiary of I:lf: Flour Mills £Ir Nlgerta J Ie said II Introduced t h e producl to help fis h farme r s 10 reduce average CO!!!! and make

growth rate and produce higher q\lll.lltlttcs of nsh lIes.ald -nleproduct Is fully produ('('d I n Nigeria, meeling Inlcrnation al standards Bndd'eBpt'rbyaboul l O per cent b(,rallsc Iherc 15 no 5hlppll11( eml and £Ither ad d itional C051 as"oclaled wllh Impor1atl£ln Most of the Ingredients are lJOurew In Nigeria and Africa

calfish rations of juvenll('. advanced juvenUe,growout16MM) and grow oul 9MM ·Thc Topfe~d aqua (eed range mccois Ihe rcqUlremt'nlS0rcatfish. because Ihe fC't'd Is tailored to meet t hc specific nutritio n al rcqulremcntaorlhe n~h at the diffe rent stages £If growth. Accord ing 10

1eBSi 20 mlnUI('S. Ihc~by prcvcnlln'l Ihl:' polrnllai "t'l!;allv(' crfe('1.$ of d('('omposlne: t'IICt',!!!lvC fecd.! In Ihe ponds lIesaldlh('company Is commltled 10 cmpowt'rlng farmus wllh high quailly animal f('ed5 with Ihe aim of bringing a prom revolullollio encournge them and olher

tht' company "p«"lficall'l' dl",cd Into the aqua fecd 5ub-"ef'lor to rrdtH'C" avt'ra/!,t' ro,,1 of prodUClnp; a table,lZ(" rRtfish ·11 j , R h'fl.h quality feed ('spedaltv produced for Afrlean ('.tn!lll produccr" II ." rich In proleln and ener~y cOlllalnln~ ncer5sary 8mlnlacldo;. mlnrral, and micro

has packaged Ihe squsC'Ulture value c h ai n programme, and Ihe

Ihe complwy. M r Rolf Bur('khardl, while prcsentUlg lhe rang(' of

value, rcmalnlng noallng on wRler for I'll

feeding COSI5 al lea51 70 per celli of the nsh

wllh 10wco;I con\'e-nloll ratln.· Rur("kllnrcil

::'~I':r?nll:I~~ f;~~r:'~~ !!'eee:~r~I;. fe~~~dal :~: fRm1Cdfl!!lhIIlUn:nort~ products wcre fully

and we are reputable rOf" hlghqualltyanlmalfccds So we arc presenll n ~

IITA proffers solution to food insecurity in Africa

years II 10; anllclpated IhatO\'Cr500.000jobswlli be: crealed by muillpiler c:fJecl!!l on tltt' economy_ I also usc th~ opportunity 10 appeal 10 all our farmer" to pOIIlIlon theIl15c1\'eo; 10 make tht' pr£ll!rammc a re!'lilly. ~ Akln~lIolRgun advised fecd manufacture" and faoners Nallonal &«-rl:'IRry or C'AFAN and fair rommlttee chairmall. Mr Rollml Oloye. said "sh farmlnJt was becoming dlffinl1t hC"caus(' of the

produced In Nigeria 10 meel International specifications as oblalnable In Ihe United Slates and Britain lie added Ihal wlUlou! cost of shlpplnf( and olher additional ('051 a~$ocll!llr:d wit h imporlcd nsh (eed!!!. the product were madr: cheaper by at leaSI 10 pcr celli, li e !!ald thr: feed!! were le"ted on farms and alld Ihe c£lmpany was lIatt .. ned Ihal Jl$h farmr:rs would experIence dramatic


~a~:f:r~;tI;l1ea;e~,~: mo~ea~::~~g Director of bl~~~~ ~":~:n:o~n~l;; ~;~~~=:(:It; ~'~tr::III~I\!~ Int;~d~~~IR~~I'Jf:t':thr:t ~"!:I~~~::'II;('I£thl f{!71~

OOD secllrtty In Africa will remain rlU5lve.wlth Iso. lated succe,:sses unless dcd!Il~ acllons are taken to ass lSi small-scale farmer., 10 grow more valuabkc~_acrordln~ 10 tilt' Dlrr:('tor.Genr:rai

of the Intemollonal In !!Iltule of Tropical Agrlcullure IIITA). Dr Nlenmvo S ..mgln~" Addres"lnM, partiel parriS al Ihe C'rawford Fund aJU1U1'I1 conferen~ In Au"lralia rC"t"r:"lItly. Dr Sanglnga said that tn

fanner'" c051 and Ihal

splle of Iht' progreo;s made in crop Improvc menl, low soil fertility and nulrlent deplello n continue 10 prcKtll hu~ obstac~ 10 !'ttur1n~ the needed hnrvC!'lIll IUs po~llIon 15 !!UPportr:d by recenl IIludlC!'! by IITA In Ihe Greal LakC:'!l rcglon of Ea'It'm Africa Ihal.!lhow Ihal IlIr majority of the "0115 In the region ar(' now bltr re-n. willI vt"ry Itllk ft'rttl tty_ Tht'" 1)'-uTt"n soils art'" a resull of year" of mIn· Ing lind "",umclenl re placemelll o:r nutrlenlS

by 5111al1 holding ramlt'f"!!I. InfII:!IlI ... prnclk-Inl!; low in pul a~r1(,lIltllre Or Sangillga "uft gC5t('d the adopllon of Inlef(ratrd Soli Ferlllity Mal1al!r:mr:nl (l5fMI. which I!!I drnn\"'l.l a, ·Ihe applIr.lill)n or 5011 fcrUl IIv ma"a*"mr:11I pral'licr" and Ihr: kllow'r:{I~r 10 aflapl Ih~ In 1or.. 1 ('fill dltloll', whlrh "pllml"e frrlill"f"r anet "r!il.ln!c- re !lOllrt"'(' ll1('"ncY Ami crop produ('llvltv 15"'1\.1 III a1.500 th" tr>plc of an onl!,olnl! Inlern ..

1I""al cnnferr:ncr til Nalmhl Kr:n~'a_ ",Iwort' Ihr 1""llIlIle· .. nailltal rr '\Ot.lrtT lIIalml.,O('I11Cl1t


ciatl!!!ls and eIl:Jlcrt .. , In ciudlnl! Ihl" <llrrrlnr l:,en tornL art'" nttrndlnl?, llr S<llIIt11l!ila qkl th.11 ISFM prrwIII('"f1 a mc:"," nf nvercrtlllill/a Ihr fl! lell1ma nr In\\' produrll\'I,V bv o"("r1n~ fanne,-.. h.·" .. , III rerllll,er Ihmll!!h II, "omiJlnaUOII wllh Inrlll?, ""01" l'I~m'lI1lnrr>1I'" "".1 avallablr "r!lalllr rt'

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