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NNPC, DPR, why is there fuel scarcity?


OR a couple of mornhs now. the

has been with Inadequate 8upply of COUlltry


petroleum prodUCls _ In some clites. the price has gone up to about 1'1200

per lUre

UnfortunlHe1y. no government agency, especially lhe NlgnlB National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC). or

the Department or Petroleum Resources (DPRI. has come out to explain 10 Nigerians why fuel scarcity Is back In the cou nt ry. What NI,!!erlans are currently faCing at lhe mUng stations could be likened to what they faced dunng the C'ra of General Sonl Abacha. There should be no reason why Ihere should be fuel scarcity

SOSApata PHCN : Damaged electricity poles . want to through Ihls opportunity appeal to the Po\.\'er lloldlng COl1lpany of Nigeria IPIlCNI. Apata. to come 10 our ald . There was a heavy rainstorm on Monday. Octobe.r 29. 2012 which destroyed mAny property In Apala community Houscs, shopping complexes. even eleclrlt::lly poles were d~stroyed by the whirlwind that accompanied the rain While most people who had Ihetr property destroyed have started lhe reconstruction works, electricity poles are. however, stili lying on the ground u n attended lo. I guess omcers of Ole PUCN. "pata, don', really know how to Ilo aboul replacing the destroyed eleetlclly poles. and as a result. since the rainstorm left the.- deslrucUon In liS trail. the community has 1I0t had electriCity supply. I am. therefore. using this opportunity to appeal to Ihe authorllles of PIICN Apata 10 come to our aid and commence reconstru('tlon work on the destroyed poles


oAlhajf Adeblsf Akerm. Alexander Ana. Apata. lbadan.

Agric:CBN should order banks to reduce lending rates run a farming entreprlse , and I can testify to the (act that this sector of the c:conomy can employ all unemployed people In Ihe country However. III order to encourage more people to go Inlo agriculture. or make thosc who are already running fanning entreprll'lles to expand. IhegovemlTlent.lhrough lIle Cenlral Bank of Nigeria ICBN). shou ld ordcr banks to rcduc~ the Interr:!St rale for the agricultural sector. It LS ol1ly thts that can make more people go Into agriculture . Inlercst rales should 1101 be mon: Ihan nille ptr Cenl for agrlcu I tu re · focused businesses It seems banks are only InlC'restC'd In Ic:ndln'l. to the 011 and ~as scctor This will never brtngaboul devdopment In Ihe country 11115 Is hee aul'le only the hlg compamcs can afford 10 go In In the oil and ga.5 buslnC'M. and this Is not the futurt' of tile country NI'l.:orla·s (uture lies In nltrl l' ullulC and big


Individual pla~r5 should be encouraged to produce mo~ for the country'll lcemlll~ populaUon About two years ago, I IlAd LO take a loan of N2mllllOll from my bank to (""pa n d my agrlc buslne55 venture. It was at a 22 per cenl Interest rate. and' was able to pay back within a year I lowever, by the Ume I finis h ed paying the loan. the Interest h ad ealen deep In to my profits. and I am not contemplaung taldng any loan In t h e nea r est fUlUrc. although I have

many things to do with money. With Ihls 'l'll>er cent Interest rate, not mallY people ,...111 he willing to lake Ihe risk, and Ihls will never help the economy develop. I hope the CON governor, Malam Sanusl Lamldo &musl, can look Into Ihts Issue, and order a downward rf'vlew of the Interest f'lIte This will go a long way In boosUn~ the economy of the nallon oTinuke lion. 1I0rin, Kwara Statll!.

when the government has paid the subsidy money to the fuc:1 markc:ters for this year Could there be a con.5plracy here? Could tl be Ihal Ihere are some people working to destroy the government of Dr Coodluck Jonathan? If Dr Jo nalhan Is to succeed. he needs to be II little btl tougher. Il seems he Is jU<l1 too lenient. and he has a sort · spot for some officials. especially the Minister of Petroleum, Mrs Dle"anl Allson Maduekwe ' Sunday Ojonugwa. Lokoja, Kog f State. o.Jonugwa_~gm a m

have read with con · cern the reacllons from many Nlgenans on Ihe Issue raised In Chlnua Achebe's new book about Chid Obafeml Awolowo's al leged posit Ion or actions dunng the Nigerian Civil War agalnsl the I~bo . Some people have re acted In favour of the contents of the book. while some have reacted against It Of course. that Is how It should be because of our dlrrerenccs. and everyone Is enUlIed to his / her opinIon on every Issue. lIavingsald this. I am therefore. appealing 10 all and su n dry to aUow the sleeping dog to lie. TIle truth remains Ula! before and during lhal


Achebe on Awo: Let's sheathe our swords war. Nlgcrlans, parllcu larly our leaders then. both Yoruha. Igoo and Ifausa. all made one mlslake or the other. which contributed to the COl1rUSlon and law· lessness that reigned then and eventually brought about mllltllry Inle.rventlon . and Ihls later rcsulted In the cIVIl war Also dUring the war. the country was In a statC' of 10lal confusion TIlat was many years ago. and l>ecause 0(11115, I am <llncercty appeuUng to all and sundry that

the mallcr h(, f"Io<;«J for po!iterIlY's Mke What W(' IIhOllid con cc::m ourselves wHh loda)' is how to movt' rorward The war has been fOull-ht and II hOI'! elided; we should , IlIer<rfore . forget about II . but not without learntnl! frolll It. 50 as 10 avoid 'Iu('11 silll alions Ihal c an brln.'!: about a fUllIrr war Unfortunat<rly . thosc ugly situations that caused Ihat war art' <;1111 vcry mUl'h CViclent today ·Dr Alex Anode. lbadan..

What the slide in oil price means for Nigeria il EN the President. Dr Coodluck Jonathan. presented the 2013 Budget to the National Assembly. he based the calculations on 875 per barrel of crude 011 The workings here Is thai It Is not likely lhat crude 011 In the Int.::rnallonal market will faU below this 8?5 ~r barrel. and as such. the country can have enough funds to cJ(ecule Its projt'clll. liS well as meet up wtlh IIlI


financial obllgallons Unfortunately, as At the end of October. 011 hu slipped to S86 per barrel A lot oflilings play out In the tnlernallonal community. which hAve hugC' erfeet on the movemcnl of Iht! price of crude 011 Ilowt!ver. whatever these are. Ntgerta should be frcttlng at the momenl Firstly. one or the major buyers of NIgen3's 011. the Unltcd States. Is already relying less o n

We've gotten request for 57 new states.

Imported 011. Oballlll The administration Is now doing more to develop America's energy resources . TIle result of Ihls Is thai Ule US will necd less lind less 011 from global traders. thlls bringing aboul a rail Also. Weslern sctentists are nol comfortable WllIl lhl" ~'ay 011 producing countries hold the rest of lhe world 10 ransolll becaul'lle of their God·glven resou~. and as such, they have developed other sources ror 011 Today. green oU, as they call It. Is produced from com. soya hcanl'll. among oth<rrs and tht' 011 15 used In ~rlng their cars. Indusiries.

and slldlllkt! appliances. allhoul!h thrr(' Is 51111 tilt' debat(, 011 lhe Impa c t this will have 011 food . which Is not IrVt'1I enough for tilt' world population Ntger1a 15 gotn~ to race a serious problem If nothln'! ts done In dlVf!rl our rellanct' on crude 011 aloue . III I hI" lIext 20 years. their will he- dcclri<' car< a\'3.tlablr AroUnd the world. and Ih('rr will be nc:cd fOf' less oU It Is high lillie WI' dlverslrlerl Inlo agriculture . The world populauon Is expanding. and everybody needs (ood We can tap Intn this. Inslead of relying only on 011 oI.siom a Ene Effi on g. Sapele. Delta S ta t e.

Hope request for states of emergency on POWER SECTOR and SECURITY are inclusive?

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