Nigerian Tribune 6 November. 2012
Ekiti pledges partnership with SMEDAN KJ11 Slate govern· ment has Indk:ated Interest In partnertng with the Small and Medium Enterprtses Developme.nt Agency 0( NI· gerla ISMEDANJ In the Implementation of the ' agency'sOLOP progmmme. This Is contained In a statement signed by SMEDAN's AsSistant 01· rector. Corporate Affairs. l..evt Anylkwa and made available to the News Agency of Nigeria (NAn) to Ahuja .. OLOP. whiCh means One Local Goyernment Area. One Product. Is an enterprise development Inltlallve modeled after Japan's ·One VIUage. One ProductThe programme. supported by the Japan Intcrnatlonill Co·op~ratlo n Agency IJICA 1. was de Signed to develop and br.md each of the n4 10' cal government areas III the country with a product of competitive and comparative advantage. The stalement noted that Governor Kayode Fayeml of Eklll State an· nounced tlle state's Interest whl1~ speaking at the JlIst-eonctuded Small Bu!!lnesS Oppurtlllltties fair he.ld In Ado· EkUl TIle fnlr wa!! mganlsed ror the siX slates In the South-West geo-polltlcal mone.. namely EkIU. Ogun. Osun. Olldo. Oyo and
gtant strtde. The statement quoted
Lagos. " Dr Fayeml said Ekltl would continue to monitor lhc progress or Its partkipants at the fair and work with SMEJ)AN 011 more: enterprtscs' developmml InllIaUves such as OLOP." tile statement added It stated that Fayeml, who wa!'l rcpresented on the occa!'llon by tile Secn:tal')' to tile State GoveOl · menlo AlhaJI Ganlyu Owolabl. commended SMEDAN ror Ihe recent training of 100 youths from Ekili. It said that youths were trained on how to ldenllfy business opporiunlUes and how to set up their own enterprises. which the governor com · mended SMEDAN for the
the SMEOAN Dln::c(or-
Malam Muhammad Umar. to have earlier In his address. explained lhal the OLOP programme was expected to revltall~ rural economy In Nigeria.
"This Is through the establishment and run ning of viable small busi-
the rural
based on the compeUUve: and comparative advan1.agC5.~Umar. who was rep-
resenled on the occasion by Mr Olawale fasanya. SMEDAN's Director or Strategic Planning. Policy and Co-orolnalion. said lie said thai the benefits of the: programme Include structured and sustainable: development of the: rural areas.
Organisation moves to increase rubber production
Ylnlla Oladoy i.n bo . Akare ORRIED by the low production of rubber In the W country. the Rubber F..stales Nigeria Limited has concluded arrangement to e:ncoumge outgrowers In the rubber producing slales across the country.
mcnl of the: Rubber Eslales Nigeria I.tmlted with rubber plantations In On do. Edo. Ogun And Della stAles. &aId Invo\vement or outgrowers would facilitAte a dmstlc Improveme:nl In the prodUCtiOll cnpaclty or the country. TIle Mlmaging Director
the Nigerian economy could be Improved upon wllh maltlmum rubber producUon. According to him. the entire rubber prodUCing countries In Africa ollly produced four per cent of the total world produc lion. whUeTalwan with 27 per cent Is the largesl rub.
cent of the: lotal praductlon. whll~ Nlg~rlA pro duccd only II per cenl He. however. nOled thAt many of till: rubber fanns In the country were owned by lhc organ158tton with fcw of lhem beIng owned by local farmers around the plantations lie added thot the
around Us plal1taUons 10 engage In planting robber tree .. to him. the" programllll11ehadproducnl no fc"'cr than 8BOout while 2300 he(" arcs of lnnd 'M'fC plantffi from 2006 to 2011 The Ondo Stale: Com rnlsslonf'r for Agriculture.
nlties wc.re able to cuiU . vate 18 million hectares o(land for rubber praducUon In lhe country.
afier the tour of the rubber plantaliOn In Amrornl Obu. Olldo State and lIusln In Ogun Slate. that
Ivory Coast is the largest producer of rubber In Af. rica as It produced 50 per
known as olltltrower programme aimed at en· couraglng local farmers
would adopt rubber pro· duet10n as a compone:nt or thl' agt1('ullural devel · opment of l(OYemment
Ab lola A1eez. n o r l n W IFE of Kwara State governor. Mrs . Omolewa Ahmed. has called on
lies In the hands of parellts. as concerted efforts made by them brighten thelr children's future.. "I Implore parents to make sacrtflcc In order 10 ensure that their children become better and successful people In fu ture." she said. Mrs. Ahmed also said Ihat parenLS :need to be con cerned about their children's future be ' cause grooming them
::::',':.:,'~,:~:~'~:;' Kwara gOY'S wife tasks parents on children education
~Iuded plans to partner a
France-based financial Institution. the Agenc~ 'francalse Development IAFDlforlhedevclopment or the sector. The organisation Is u pected to assist In organising outgrowers that would help In In · creasing Ule production In Ule country In the sector. Nigeria Is said to have capacity for production of I IS million hectares of rubber annually. out or whleh a paltry 13 . 500 hectares are being cultl · vated at presc.nL Ilowever. the manage-
parents and guardians to make c hildren educaUon auseful priority to make Ulem 111 ruture. Speaking at this year's ch lldren 'sfor children party organised In Kwara North Senatorial District under Lire Em powered Anchors I-l ope
(LEAII,. Ch .."y Found,· lion. Mrs . Ahmed said that children education needed proper altt'nUon by the parents. "Thefutureofanychlld
would ensure a betl~r tomorrow for all "There Is nothing we do as parents ror Ollr children that Is much be:'eause their fu lure lies In our hands and that IS why It behove!! on us to give sound education Ihat will make them stand out among their peers. •
she said. She also said thai the party was org3nlscd
aero~s Ih~ lhrl'e sena
torlal dlstrlcU In t11c state to give children a sense of belonging. "The LEAH charity roundatlon 1!Ii holdln~ the chlldren's party aerO!lS the thre:'c senalo rial districts In order to complement Ihe errorts c of the prc.5cnl admllli tratloll At ensuring frec and compulsory primary school education." she said.
'lInpact positively on your communities'
LanJ-e AklnrooladuD
ORMER AttorneyGeneral and Co mmiSSioner for Justice In Oyo State. Chid Bayo LawaI. has advised elected officials to Impact positivelythe on communities y
Rio - MODERN anced and devdopmcnt T i d un oriented reporting. added press een I re (I f cOll nci B . the Kwant State Abdulkartm.lauded the n· that It would encour"'gr: represent. coundl ofNlger1a Union of nanclal support of the synergy with the state Chid Lawai gave the Journalists INUJ) located state government on the government In lUI desire on On-a Road. nor1n would ongOing construction of to move the slate rorward advice while speaking be Inaugurated In [)ece.m- th~ ultra modem press TIle NUJ coundl c halr- with Commun i ty News on ber centre for JoumallSl!!i In man also lauded the state what communities This was disclosed by the state. ......:ernment on provtslonof should dem3nd from their the Kwara Stale CommlsI Ie. said thaL by the: Ume I~~unmcc scheme for me- elected re:presentatlvcs.. sk)ner fur InfomlaUon and the building or Ole centre dis practitionerS In Jhe He said thai the Commu nications. Mr 1s compldcd.ll ,",vuld add state. elected omclals had 110t TunJI Moronfoye, at the value!. to the soclo-ecoHe: said Ihe Insurance done much In terms of malden ('{IHlon of a public nomic life of tlle state. scheme would help to pro- uplifting the communilies affairs progra.mme of the Abdulkarlm, who as- leet media praclitlonerS Uley represent. which he council. tagged ~ Me di a sured that Journalists In aoJalnst some forms of said was borne out of P II I eo acquisition tendellC'Y of a r a m e nt. the state wou d conl1nue Im7.ards of thc Job 111 the mosl of them . This. he Sp'~~kll1g al U,le to promote and sU5tain courscorpe-rfonnlnglhelr "Itlld.hndmadelldlfficult proItrnnimeon111llrsday In harmoI1IPIJJL.rel:M1on'8hlp." duties. rlJt'Ji.'fl2 J'b'f \Iorln . the chan'-mauIOflU"~";; amo~t.pwele."lrw~l~'l~1l1 '(1I11UO!l 'ullnolen,):10 ;ro no ele!lug
Ih:~:~;~::O':~::' ~o~;;,~;f:::~'~~:~:'~~ b<~ f;od,U.';~~~n~~ "7;"~i ,:~~~!~,,:o~,~~~, ~~,7:, ~~;n;:: ~'O';:~;;":;~~
· g t t . n . NUJ se tS t0 In au ura e press cen re ill orIn L
democracy to be fully realised . Chid Lawai lamented that toa large:cxtenl.the d k 0 ,: people Into oHlces, I adding titat It was t lose things for which people were voted InlO offices that should bc demanded from them Immedla lely they get Inlo ofOces "It Is those things III the manlresto or I Itt' blue print Ihnl the communities should demalld from their representattves 111 Nigeria, we failed woefully to make: demand f of promlst'!I made be ore the election lind thl~ I~ nool III (JdODU r d,ml(f.tJH1)'J'J 1i ~If'NtI(Jltit
!~c:~~;;t~I~; t~~~
!{l ~
demand. officials will not elected becomc accountable for the promises they made In lite:' electorate: he said
c(lrllls('tltuen~ayl~und !~: meant for developmental projects. adding lhat -1£ for Instance. a National Assembly member ts giving about N20 million 10 N2Smlllion quarterly for consUtuency projects. you will ~:'I{pect Ihat at the end (If the year. such lawmaker would hav~ Iransformed , to soml' extent . rommunltles lu~c · she represent Unfortlln3lely. what thf'\' use Ih~ money ror 1!Ii I n buy 20 bags or rlrf' gallol1s or palm 011. among olhe:rs for JlIhr ,.,lC'01l\1!!'-flI'l""lll"M'\d"'"f lhf' !I}t1un"llvl) n,.,hom r.lliu