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Nigerian Tribune

25 Tuesday. 6 November. 2012


Edo govt boosts fish production with NIOm Uc hcc huk1l'u Olls. h , Benin Ci ty



Slatt' has said II Is sel to ~ovemmenl

IJoost fi5h pnxtucUon In tlK: slale ~ith Its pil)'lllt!nt 0( N I 0 million counterpart fund for the Economic Community 0( WestA(l1can Slates (ECOWASI nsh fund proj<Ct.

was already available with the Balik of Agrlcullure (BOAI until c erlaln condillons i5~1t oui by the bank were met Bt'sldcs . he furlher said lhe bank (BOAI had In~I~led thai 85 pe~nl of Ih~ pr~vlous loan obtained by flshennc:n In Ih~ state ~ paid, as he polntcd out that a total of III fanners from the 214 that hod benefitled from the scheme between 1993 and 2006 have defaulled In defraying their loans. Ugtagbe d.lsdosed Lhat the tolal money b~lng owro by these fllJ'TlX:B "'as ~NII million. -The bank or agriculture Is InSisting that the defaultCI'!J pay up to 85 percent of whal they owe for them to commence the process towards dlsbursemenl of the fund. - he said. Ugtagbc: further added Ulat as a way of ensurtng earty dlsbuTllCmcnt of the Ioan.the ministry through t.he fishery de:parlme:nt had dttIded to reach out 10 these ddaultc:rs through the:lr traditional rulers . AccordIng to him , -Aside: the se:nslUsaUon pn:Jgramme whJch we have held on thIS fund, we have

Speaking with newsmen al Ihe we:eke:nd. Director of Fishery In the state Mlnblry of Agriculture, Mr Joseph Ugtagbe saki that with the paymenl the slale was now eliglbk to parUclpate: In the ECOWAS fish fund project which was available to all membc:r countries of the sub regional body. According to Ugtagbe. In the second phase of the ECOWAS fish fund project about N200 million would bl!' available to be acce5sed by fish farmers In Edo State He said unlike In Ule nrst phase where: only fbhCfTnt!.n were e.ltglble for Ihe: loan. the seco n d phase had been expanded to Include: rlsh ponds owners. fish processors. distributors and marketers. Uglaglx- added that all stales of the federallon ,,'Ould be partlclpatlng In Ihe second phase. and ENIOR Special UJat only II Slates In the Assistant to the counlry partiCipated In President on the first phase of the Millenium Development proJeCI . Goals ( M OOs). Dr He ex-pressed regret Christopher Otabor. that fbh fanners In Edo sayslhe Albtno Founda· would not be: able to tlon Is a significant access the loan which organlsallon for lack -

VI,Ul:d lmdlllilnal rtlll':rs urtJlC~Mdcraulicrsandwc h:wcgollena verypostU~

response from them Ill/!' traditional n.Jlcrs all al!recd thai for the

Immense "ellent of the proJcct to their subjects. they would playa m:.Jor role 10 ensure that the'5C ddaultcr!l pay back their dcbl 85 soon as

p05'ttble "Till!! JOlin reco very drl\'(' 10; an lntllO'ltlve of thr' 51atl" rt<;ht'rv loan advlson' committee of whl("hlmntht:'cl11Ilnnan

Fo r 11 .. In Itll" ('fllIlIIl t!lC(' . this Is the 1)(,,,,1 we can do U"llrr Ih l .. c trc IIIll"loIl C(, beca u .. c wc dennltrl.v r alllmi u v (orcc on ti,ls people"


Dr AJcfl1o.sun (right). presendng books ro o ne of the ben<fid aries. r«enrly. Photo Kate Ani

Foundation distributes 30,()()() books to pry schools P

8" Kate AnI ROPRIETOR of Ihe College of EducaUon Moro- He North and the COIle:ge of Health Technology, 1Ie-lfe. Osun

51 ale. Dr. Fola Aklnosun has dlslrlbulw 30.000 big excrctse booklS to prlmary school pupils In Aklnyele: Local Govern menl Area of Oyo Slate: .

The distribution of the books which took place al Aklngblde Prl · mary School had 15 prt· mary schools ~nenltlng from the benevolence.

Representlng AlhaJI Lamldl AdcsinA al Ihe e:vent was the ChalrnJan . Oyo Slatc Mlcro· Flnance In51tullon Ooard. Chief Ablola Aklnyeml ~Id the gesture was In ('o nfor mlty their party whic h laid emphasl~ o n '1Up' ling extreme poverty. doggedness of Mr Jake He saId that N5 bl!. porting Ihe educ atio nal He said this during Epelle. Its founder and lion would be dIsbursed syslem In Ihe state: Ihl!' presentation of the: called for supporl for 10 tht' stales with B -Dr Aklnosun has Oran Nallonal Policy and the organisation . counterpart fund of N5 been a source of bles~ ­ ImplementRtlon Guldeli e also commended billion from them . Ing 10 Aklnyele Local Govlines on Albinism In NI- the MInIster of EduCB ' bringing the lotal to NIO ernment Area, Ihls Is the gena. tlon. Prof. Ruqayyalu billion third time I will be rep· Otabor commended Rufal. for paying allen Otabor said Ihat the: the foundation and Ihe lion to the: Importanl foundation would ben - resenting AlhaJI Lam Adesina on phtlantroplc butlongnt'glcctwgroup eftl from Ihe scheme. eve.nts Uke 11115 h . -1 of the society. Mrs Sharon QladlJI. -He slngle. handledly ~WW · Th" ... n poll,y. Child 1..... ,"'''''''5p<daI~1 sponsored 800 scholarbeen built by the: com ' nlval such as dl.splay of when adopted. will go Ii or UNICEF. said that Ute 8, Tunde O"elr.ota munlly and the. exten · tradillonalskllls will hold long way 10 alleviate the organlsallon would con· ship oppurtunltles alter· of electricity allhe CIVIc Centre pllghlorthealblnos,lhls Unue 10 support the ac· lIary If've!. This 15 Ih.:: HE 2012 annual slon Jpor l-EJc l rl Day projects to some parts of Mr Ayenl said that the I know well. being a doc· UvtUcs of the foundation. basis of edu c atio nal policy of Governor Ablola whiCh will hold be- the town which e:lectrlc- annual event aimed at lor. Capt. Saglr Isa, the bringing IDgetherall sons "'The MOGs has sup· Principal , Iween November 7 and Hy was ye:l 10 reach . Nigeria AJlmobl · led admlnlslra lie also disclosed allddaughlersofUlecom- porte:d lhls project and Army Offl('ers Wives lion: he .nld 10 15 aimed at cultural Speaking at the el.'Cnl , Voca revival and unlflcatlon of Ihat part of the fund munHy will also fealure other empowerment ASSOCiAtion programmes of the Ihe Pcnnanenl 5ccretary. thl!' people of the anClenl would be utilised In re - conferment of merit foundation because: we tional Training and Stair Universal Basic lown , Chairman of the habilltalion of farm awards on some proml- wRnt to eradIcate pav- Sklll~ Acquisition . Board said Ihal Ihe centre Edu c allonal Jpotf Day 20 12 planning roads 50 that the people nent Nlgenans erty In Nigeria." had trained over 500 (SUBEB). Mr Qlu,e:ben.l!.a committee. Mr Joseph of the community who TIle awardees. acaJrdtie explained lhal Amao urged olher Indi· Afolabl Ayenl has re o are predominantly fann· Il1g 10 him. Include Pro- members of the founda - pe:ople from 2010 10 vlduals 10 emulate Dr date vealed. rrswl1lhavrgoodaa:css fessor Arolayan tlon wl!'re a Significant Isa said that 15 of Aklnosun . addln~ that Speaking with Com · roam to transport their Oladlpupo of Centre for rl~k group for extreme them were members of the children We:re the munlty News on the: fann produce, Energy Research and pove:rty and needed the foundation generation of lo morrow evenl, MrAyenlsaldthat The chairman saId oevelopme:nl , Ahmadu support lie said Ihat among - It w\l1 bc a welcome some of the activities that this year's eVe:nl Bello Unlve r$lty. OrfMrsl " I urge the Minister thosetrslnedwerewld . development If o thers lined up for the four-day will begin lomorrow with Enlola AJOYI. Commls - of Edueallon and all ows , orphans . vulnercan give books. no t only event were deSigned to a peace: rally by the sloner for Educallon. Scl- Ihosc Involved In poliCy able: Rroups , soldiers . exe.rClse books but olher Improve some facilities youthsofUlecommunlty ence and Technology , formulation In the mln- civilians and officers. educational materials 10 and Ihe welfare of Ihe as well as Inlerdl!'noml · Ekltl Stale. Mr Kola Istrles and agencies to He commended the schools . - he sa Id people: of the town national service by the Ar1gbcdeofUle Guardlan give Ihls draft prompt Albino Foundallon , In his speec h . According to Ayenl Christian AssocIatton of Press. Elder John Olu attention In order 10 ar- saying It had Ih-ed up to founder of Dr F'o la who said lhat the evenl Nigeria oaramola and Mrs Com· rive: At a definlle: policy Us responsibility Aklnosun Fo undation . would Ix- used to gener· He: said that an fort Durodola Oke. on albinism In Nigeria. Epclle, the founder of Dr. Akinosllll said -ihe:n": ale funds for develop · health programme for lie said that Ule govAccording 10 him . the Albino Foundation. IS no other reason for us mental projects , the every member of the ernor of Eklil State, Dr the MOOs and his of· said thaI the: group had N 100 million appeal fund community will hold on Kayode: F'ayeml and his nee re:ce:l1tly launched a not only lralned the: al- being alive than to 8.5SlSl slaled for the grand fl· TImrsday, while a foot - wife, as well 85 Dr Jim programme for lhe poor blnos, but had also other people. My belief Is nale of Ule event wou ld ball match com peUtlon Oke and C h ief Segun and vulnerable house- Iralned moUlers of albl - thai we should Invesl In hold5 and IndivIduals In n- 10 ,onl , 'bu'- m-an- the youths because they .. Rc hused to AOfIlPklf', th e , will be. held JateL In the AtteW.a,',<., speCial , c"l """ .. .. , r '., TT , j, f l · lhe country. 'ng'." ...~ .. o ,"_ O"--Iy· . . " arc-.pur uture~u~\I~"~",~od~'~rn~d::~~~~cc~nt~",~_'~.~~~"::'"'~~W~c~"~I~ U ":'~"~,~.__g~u~,"~~~o~n~l~n,~oocas~~~lo~n~.________________________~~ " J' n.. ~...

Jonathan's aide commends albino's group


'LipOti Ekt'tiDay aun'edatcul





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