Nigerian Tribune, 8 february, 2011

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"FARMERS in the country need to be properly educated and sensitised on places they should not go to buy their seeds. We also need to put the record straight that some research institutes are not given the permission to sell seeds to farmers, although some of them are doing so presently. Although, we are not having any problem with any research institutes in the country because they are our partners in progress, but notwithstanding, research institutes would not to be duplicating our duties and statutory responsibilities, thereby misleading and confusing practising farmers in the country." A seed law enforcement expert with the National Agricultural Seed Council (NASC), Mr Ayodele Agboola, stated this while addressing farmers in Ibadan during a programme organised by the West Agro Input Dealers Association (WAlDA).

He stated that farmers should not be complaning of scarcity of good, quality seeds because many of them have not been going to the designated places to get their seeds. He posited that there was enough seeds at NASC for farmers to buy, and that fanners who often complaint about scarcity or insufficient seeds refused to come to NASC or accredited agencies to harness the opportunity. "Farmers should have a clear understanding of who produces and sell seeds. They should know what to look for when buying a seed. Also, they should know where and where not to buy seeds. Research institutes are not permitted under the law to sell seed to farmers. If farmers were equipped 01asunkaruni SobowaJe and Director, National Centre Par with this basic information, then they would have no cause .Prom .Ie:/t. G!ie£ Ishola Fi/ani. Dr BaJa An,gbazo, Genetic Resources and Biotechnology(NACGRABJ,Mr Wasiu Odoliq. during the visit of the board members of National to regret or complaining every time," Agboola stated. Corroborating this assertion, the regional head of the Aj¢ruItr.ual Seeds Council (NASC) to the National Centre for Genetic Resourres and Biotedmology (NACGRAB) oflire in National Agricultural Seeds Council (NASC), South-West Ibadan. zone, Mrs Titi Sopitan explained that the council's man- that seed that passed both field (certification) and laboIt should also be noted that NASC revenues are gendate was to multiply and distribute seeds of newly devel- ratory tests would be issued with a certificate of clean erated through the sales of foundation seeds to both oped improved and high-yielding varieties, suited to this health, after which it would be bagged and affixed public and state ADPs. Certified seeds are meant to be ecological zone, taking the farmers' preference into con- with seed label and seed tags. planted by farmers. The quality of seeds are not comsideration. "These foundation seeds are to be taken up and promised in any of the stages in the multiplication This she said has been made possible lhrough the multiplied by state Agricultural Development chain. The section of the seed quality control compocouncil's collaboration with the National AgriC)lltural Programmes (ADPs) into certified seeds through their nent that enforces the seed laws as provided in the Research institutes (NARIS), who handle breeder seeds outgrowers." Seeds Decree is the seed law enforcement unit., Sopitan requirements, Institute of stated." Agricultural Research and The NASC boss reiterTraining (I.A.R.&T.) for ated that seed inspectors o guide ago a.i~S.tsPite. $.eve.ta.! awar.. e.nes.s. ing the. la.·.~. that restrict ners in progress in pre- and seed law enforcement maize and cowpea, Africa forest d~plet1on programmes on the need citizenry from mvading serving and maintaining Rice Centre in the internaofficers protect seed buyers . and envll;onmen.· for the dtizenry to realise the forests and wildlife the potential of our fortional Institute of Tropical from fraudulent seed dealt?l disasters w~lch may '. ~headvi'ntages of planl~tollservation, stressing est by regularly replac. Agriculture (l.I.T.A) for rice ers or practices and also varieties and the National likely occur In many < Ing tteeS, yet, many Utat the' way at which Ing the trees they got reputable dealers from unpa~ts of the c.ountry due people were still to come people now fell trees, from the forest", he Horticultural Research Inscrupulous competitors. Bestitute (NIHORT)Jor veg- to Incessant lI:,vaslOn·of ·to terms on the serious- espedaHy .whenever emphasised. fore this is done, a lot of eduforest, especl~Uy now ness (jf the problem. thete is kerosene scarcity Speaking further, he • etables. cation by way of sensitizathat kero~ene IS sca~ce Dr Sanwoalso nob:!d . was becoming very worsaid,everysawmillermusf "The breeder seeds tion and enlightenment are Its pnce that the culture of plant- risome.· also be tasked to plant trees would then be multiplied and done in all states, to create unaffordable for many ing trees should be im< .The doh at OOU, Agobectiase it is their raw mato foundation seeds by awareness on the benefits of our trained and tested Nigerians, there is need pacted' in children right Iwoye, Ogun State, also terial. Not only that, a using good quality seeds programme should be deou tgrowers. All stages of for the government to from the primary level as pointed accusing. fingers and where to get the seeds. multiplication are certi- take some proactive mea~ !hiS ment~lity would be at the saw millers in the signed for. them to achieve For the Director-Gencountry, accusing them of this major assignment. fied to ensure that the sures to preserve ourfor- In them hll adulthood eral of NASC, Chief stage.<He also advocated not preserving and man- When they start to do this, seeds conform with the ests. Olasunkanmi Sobowale, A forest manag~ent that tree planting shoul!i aging our natural forest then the problem of forest minimum standards < depletion in the country he stated that as a regula(field and labor a tory) be- expert, Dr KehIn?': be made compulsory iW';'well. tory agency, a stakeholders' • On what he expected would have been halffore they are finally sold Sanwo of the Olablsi the country. by making task force has been set up to farmers", she affirmed. Onanbanjo University, the educatIon part of the saw millers to do, Dr solved. Sanwo said;" saw mHIMoreover, he appealed to to ensure that farmers have Sopitan also emphasised Ago-Iwoye, Ogun State, school agricultural scitimely and reliable access that foundation seed was the has again remind' the ence curriculum so that erS also have a critical Nigerians to stop turning to to improved varieties of role to play in preserv- the forest to look for cooking direct increase from breeder government on the need our youths would appreing the economic poten- fuel. Whenever there is scar- high quality seeds and seed and the production is to preserve the remain· date the importahce for ing forests in different the environment, as well tials of our forests. Their citY of kerosene, warning planting materials. jointly monitored by NASC The taskforce mernberof the country, addas its benefits for the namajor raw material is that such an action often reparts seed production and Seed ship according to him were ing that little is being lion. wood and where do they suits in huge economic loss Certification Officers from The agriculture lee· get the bulk of the mate- for the country and could made up of LA.R. & T., planting till harvesting, done on the part of both the government and cititurer also blamed the gov. rial they use? is it not triggerenvironmentaldisas- NIHORT, AfricaRice warehousing and processzens to preserve this ernment for not properly from the forest? So, I ex- terifnotnow,butinthenear- Centre, NACGRAB and ing. NASC. natural heritage. and adeqrtately emotepected them to be part- est future She further explained He lamented that de.

'Saw millerssho1lld ;peIIlandated .to plant trees'


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