Nller-ian T,.lbune Frida\" q NovrmllC"r. 2012
Gunmen kill traditional ruler, wife PI In ateau
1...(' ShONTO. Jos 1E'P'''.fkllllng,. ] :In Plateau Sialt: (''\pcclally In Ilal'1lkln Ladl Local Gov-
tnlmcnl area of Male.u Siale look a fr1f(hlC'nlng lind da.ngt:1'OUS diJlH!Tl!kln on ThuTSday with 111(' murdcr of Iradltlonal nll('T of it vfllattc. Kachln ~nd hls wtre by unkllQWf1 illlnrnf'n In Ih .. cmlnell "fra Nlgerfan Trib u ne traml Ihal a ~roup or Jtunmcll IIUlIpn-lro 10 txo 1"llIanl hf'rd"lm('11 OI'urm('d Kaehln Village
II, tilt!' carly hours or n"If"!dl'lY and .Tnl 10
Briefs Ipoti Day
TIIF.. J!rand Onale of Iht' 2012 aonual lpoll nav up 10mnfTO'W. wilh lilt' rnlsln( of NIOO mil lion dt'yclopmt'nl rUlld and ('(Inf('nn(:nl of m('rll l'I~n1.." on pmmlnt'llt In dlylduals. A slalrmt'nl }O'"tly "IRnt(! by Mr Jo "t'ph Afoll.hl Ayent. Joshua AJay! A~nl and "'k'had Abkldun ()"C)aro. 1hal~n. Secn-Iarv and Puhlk Rt'iallon.... Offlcorr of Ipoll Day pll'lnnlll~ coommltlct' r(,"J1ofOcllvcly. ~Id Ihal 111(' fTrt'mony. .. hlcoh wollid Im'd al Ihe Civil' C(:nlr('. will hr I'halrcd by Dr Jlml Ok('. ..nh M" I3olanll: Ibllo)'(' .s Iht' lady chalT'p!'f'50n whllt' Chlt'f St'gull Adt'",alt' Is Iht' chid launcht"r. TIl(' ,eo"'oyntor of Eklll ~Ialt'. Dr Kayodt' Yaft""'_ Is Ihe (lit'st of honour, .. htlt' tht' d"puly ,.",.'Tn1<"Ir. Mrs FlInmllavo Adunnl Olaylnka. I" Ii.t' spn'lal gll"1 or honour. ..lIh Navy Caplaln Cakb Oluhnlad(" 'n:ld). Mlnl!'l Irr of Pollct' Affair". 9S Ih(" (")11("fIlO"lI TIlr "IAI(" mt'llt lkIld that .. II{ t'ml I1t'nl P""""",allllt"" wO\lld ht' conft'rrt'd with lI~rd .. Thco I'l:rt'mony. whkh holds at 12 noon. "In ft'iIIUft' cultural dl .. play.. and mu .. tcaJ rnll rt'rts t'OfOt"'t
Revival TIll'; Worldwki(" Practical Ikll\TrnntT Ml~k')ll. bt' 11100 N~("ri::m 8ft'Wt'rlt''' Alalubfiu. Nt'w Gbtlgl MArkt'1 IbadAn. Ovo StaIr will hold I'IS foundcr·"I da.. and thank!!o~tv1n~ 5Crvlrc nn NoY~mht'r I I. al tht' ('huf('h auditorium b~' I 1,00 am Tht' thclnt' of Ihc("VCnt I.. ~Klngdo," qf peac e . ~ and Pastor Olad01u wtll hc Iht' prt'arhu. ""htlt' PriOlAIt'
'''';'0"5;,.0;... ISIIt'SI",ml Ih('cohld
dt'1I1 10 Nigerian Tri
'umc. said morr pollct"
mt'n had IJort'n dcplo)Td
Iht: r~ldt'lI", of the 1m dHltmal ruin". Chk'fGyal1~ TIJOmaIl. TIl(' gun men aJ ~dly ~hot 1M ruin" and he Mfc. Rebecca, _1IO.'M nll~llIJ( a ~n monlh oIdbaby A sour('(' c~ 10 the
loca' goyer-IImt"1 told Iht' Nigedon Tribune that whlk the gunmen were ('"caplng lhrou~h lh(' t1t'arby hills In Ihe villARf'. thev w('r(' flC t'O'tlr(\ hy ~«urlly lIIell 11.."Ilrol1lng the an=a. lcad
h11C In ('x('han~ of gun shols It "a" fllrlh~r Ralh trt'd Ihal In Iht' Aun "hOi" 11",1 t'mmt'd. 1'A"o of Iht' It'rrorlsls wt'rt' klllt'd. whUt' "Iomr or Iht'm t"'K8,lftI "ilh 'njll rlr" TIlt' cor)nt' of Ih~ 1.'0 """ailanls. tht' Ira dillonal rult'r Bn d wlfr IlAd ht't'n dcpoStlt'<i al Ilir Air Fortt MIlitary 110"11)11:11 nmnuary ~talt' Pollct' Puhllr RrlallOIl OfflC't'-r IPI'ROJ. nsr Abuh Emmanut'1. who ronOnnnt lh~ InC"l
to tht' art'a 10 rort'slall any rurthrr all ark In 111(' art'D Tht' r('crnl In('ldrnl caOlt' on Ih(' h('cl .. of Monday'" a~!I... lnaIJon of fOllr mt'mbt'" or Ih(' .. amc famll)" at {'haha vlllal!r of Vwan~ dtstril'l ('If J,... South l..ot'al Gov t'nlmcnt Art'lJ by somt' unknown ~unmrl1 Bolh Rankln-Ladl and nlynm local goYfOm IOrlll art'III" of Platrau 51al(' hayc txt'n undcr allack" and ('Ounlrr at IA('k" bt'lw(,Cll Iht' Yulanl ht'rd .. m("n and lilt' nail"" of Tlcmm In lilt' 1).'1"1 OIl(' \·('ar, 1(';,,· Inl! mAny ~t' dcad Il(,IU-Unl! 10 lht' kill Ing". a mrmbrr of 1I0""r of I{cprt'scnla IIvt''' 1I0nourahic Sll1Ion Mwadkom ...aid t h t' hHc .. t onslauJ.!,ht AgainSI Iltr nallvt' .. In Ihc Art''' ...s a bll! ""r· prlw to him desplt(' T(' pUIt'd t'frorn by Ihco ~nlmrnt 10 arrt""lllht' situation
Akpabio to seek FG's support over closed oil wells
Ude-m.e Utlp. Uyo
OVER NOR Co l) d swill Akpahlo hu prnml .. rd 10 .. cl:k til(" l'Iupporl of Iht' Ft'dcral Gm..('n"ru~nl oV('r tht' :J2 (tfl Wt'll.. alkgt'dly I()('k("d up 17 Vt'a~ a~ by Ihe 5hdl Pt'troit'lim l)COyd ~mconl CClmpan)· of NI gt"na ,SI>JlCl. In EaSlcm Oholo l..oc:-al Gm.Tnlmt'nt Art'a flf Ihl: stal(' AkpablO. who madr Iht' pmmlw on Tlmrodav .'h("11 a (mup. led by 111(' local Itflv(,"Imt'nl chair man Mr Fran{"I'" Charlt'''. int'I him at a "Iake-holdt'u' mcrlln .. In llyo. Ihc stlllt' cal'l lal. t'xprt' .... rd ..adnt' .... Ihlll lilt' 011 "'cll" t'x plort'd 17 y~a" IIgo w('rt' stili bcln~ lorkt'd up wllrn th("rc was ncc:d for
an Innra"coInInlilt' dally nil production COlin
"It Is In Ihe O\·t'fall Inlt'fr,,1 of NI~rrla to Improvr on dalh' pro du("II,)O of 011. and I do not 'M"t' any r<>a","n whv 10 man~ mllllnn, of bar· rrl" of nil wnuhl IInl C'Omt' 10 Ih01r 17 \·ca..., • Akllllhlo "aId lit" proml"lt'd 10 IAk~ up Ihl' l1Ial\("r with Ihr P('d('rlll GovrrllmC:II' to prrvail Oil Sh("JI and Ih(' MIIII"Iln· of Pt'lrolc:um Re-owllrct"s 10 do t'vrry Ihln( tn Itt'l Iht' wt'lI" fUnf"tlonAI In Iht' arra Tht' govrrnor al"o "aid hr would 1II\(,rYelleIII th(' hOllndary 1'I~ut' .. bclw('rn Ih(' I()('al gOY ('nlmrnt And nlht'r ~ur ft)lllldlnl!, 10t"31 ~nv('rn me-nl nre-as
Agric expert, FRIN boss caution against tree felling IE Nannnal A.s.'\O. cia lion or Wom('n In Foralry and En ylronmcnl IAWIFEI ha ... ("mpha.slst'd Ih(' n«d for tht' F("(kml Goyt'nlmcnt 10 lak(" lilt' nghl agAin'" Irtt rcllln~ In lht' coun try "I(>riou.sly In Ihc ....'akt' of th(' rapidly changlnl( dlmallr ('Ondillon5 SJ)C'aklnp; on Tuesday during tht' a.MOCtatlon·" 5('1:011d all n ual confcr nit'(' and workshop, hdd al Iht' ronft'r<>n("t' room nf Ihco Foreslry R~ardl 1" "lIllItc of Nlg('rla 'FR I N'~ national prc:sl
de-nt of Iht' Ill)n I!.nVrnt m('ntill as~latiOIl. Or 1M"" Mcronke Somadc Milo. du("rtbrd Ir« fdJ In~ III Iht' ('Ounlry a" a .aboIAgr- altalnSI Ihr goYrrnm('n"s ('((oriS (I .. hl de-fnr(''''allon and ("l1vtrnnmcntai chal Irng(''' ~1It' slalt'd furtht'r thai Ihco organisation ,",s atmr-d al pmmolln( a11(1 In('Tl'a!Jlng parUclpe I"'n o(W'Ofnt'n. cspt'("laUv In tht' rllral art'a", In Irt't' plan ling, forcsi reo 1Our('co" ullll,5JIIIOII and blncJlvt'rslly COII Yrrsa lion
I . tC·
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