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MAN advises FG, against imminent food crisis in Nigeria 8 1 Gbeo,_ Olumlde


IIAIRMAN, Ogun I • I e Ma n u racl urers A~socl.lloll of NI,It('rla ••~.... '-OBA~· IM.... ~.. ~~tuga has advl"lcd NI,ltcrlan ....~mment 10 cncnura~c sma.lI·scai<' fannlnlt'll IIIC country. Thl" . hc oo;.ld. would mltlj!alc thc roort ("n'iIS '11 vlcw of tllc 10("rca~lnl!. population And the ",",III ravlI.l.!:ll1~ nnod 111 .. orne PO-Uti rtf Ihc country OrituluW' mad(' Ih~ plel'! rr("("nlly In IJcbu Od(' durlnC Ihl" ('omnlcmoralloll of Ihr World troocl nay lOl2 organl by ('("11lrc for Allerl1allvc l)e\"eloprnl':nl and Sclf Enhanrcmenl j{"EADESEII IIc '\aid thai Ihcr~ was .. ~nl need 10 rrpta« the a~lI. fannlnc ttlllllrt: ill th(' countJy by ('floournltill/ol. )louth .. to RO 11110 II lind al'\O make fatmlnlt morc 8"rll('lIvc thrOIli,lh Incr(:a!lcd """I)port from 11M' ~~mmcnl Dr OguluRa "Ial('d funhu Ihal 10 mak~ r"nnln~ morr IIlImcttVt.' 10 5

r kI ttersogD\TnUnnlt~_1 re ..ol\lc 10 resuscltaleagrleullutc. bc:eaus(" wc ha\~lhcmcanslodoS() A slluntlon whe~ we: havc lhrn.' 10 Ilw- pC'f" ('Cui of our naUnual budgn .nocaUon 10 aW1<"U"urt: ..ill 001 tllkr us 10 aoyv.'he~ and Ihl may brtng ahou! food tT1:'Ils In Ihc ('nuntry. SOf'OIlt'T than 1a1C't,- agulUJ$a JX""lInt 10 a papa- etlUtkd' Rc delllliog Nlccrlan Agrl("ullurc Agall1,,1 Immllll"ni Food {'rt5~ and prt"!U'Ulcd al th(' MoTtl! tw Or OIufeml AmU! from theO«"parlml:"nl of A,2r1nIItUrc Producl"'" ~ Man<l".l('mrnl St-k'n~. Thl Solarln Univcr"lHy of Educallon. IJcbu.Odc . flKuIIStal('. wBsrill)('\1ew lila! r.tlhct Ihan Il1lpro\T Ihe lIJ!.tlcullurc 'If'('tor naillA' of Ihc al{rIClillurc mnalJ1:'; at thC' ""lIl 1s1n1<T ltevt-I and nW)llC)' Sllcnl IlU food hnl)Ottallon ("OflllnuaJ 10 ~ bv tiM': day l)r Amusan nOlrd Ihal dMpll~ NI~l"na bcln( Illc lnoSI poflU,,",I'I' ~,"Iry In Afrk'a Wllh a f'OP'Ilalton 01 NIOO mtlllon. II"'a... wmn~ 10 rondudc th'lI NIII.C-r1;f.. larg(' PDlnllaUon wa~ thc

NI"crla 11If' fourth mO'l1 .. populous nallon In Ihe \l"Of"ld. nul this Is not why ....c lOlly ha\'(' food ('rt~I'\. rnUle:-rour f"ItlIl:all\'(" altllll~ lowards Ihf" (In,-IOpnlt''!'ll of 0'" ",rl('ulturaI1('('lor

...houkt 001 Ix- I...... ~..~!n1 . Amu .... n said Earll("r In hI" opt"l1ll1¢ rl:"mark Ihr Icad ConsullalllloCEAIJF..5E. I'rll1cr Iknr~ Adl:"nlJ' .,.-,., ...... Ihlll Ih(' 'n ~"

("ommcmorallon Ihr W" f d n of2012 or ( 00 av p~rammc o~ Ihc ;u.!:'.! 1Io'a5(kllbt'ral('ypae a~" ."om(' day~ aOcr IlIr 1'1\0, LIN orl,ltll1al dlll~ of ()~loh('rI6.loha~allthc

rrlr,·a,,' .. 'akrhnlrl~r ... III Ihr bu .. "Ic ...... Ilf frcdlni,l the N)I!I1'ry rom~ u~HM'r as a tcall1 10 rllr'Il~I appJl"('lalt' tllc III1(lon... nl" of fOOlI prnfh ...IIftf, III Ih.. nallon



-From Iiff.. Ch l<f Xcuali. Dr Ok urug o pnd AlhqJl Lownl. du ring th e World rood Doy 2012, ot Jjebu ....... ~, D9un Stote , recently

~;::;~,m:;,d r";~::~~ ::;,~{~~r~::~ Kogi govt tells fl~~.~, ~!.i~s t~!.~.!~~~~~~,,?w~?~X",~,~ InrraSlrtlch(te IIkc (ood mads. clttlrlcuy. polablc wal(:randa('('(lmmodallon al n.,,~1 a",a!l dc5'W~lcd rllnn setllemrnt -Mcthlnk. th(' Iht(!c

million In 1%1 lind 104 mllllCtl'I In 1997. Tod.1y. II Is pul al 100 million and It b proJecled 1I~1 by year 2050. our population wtll reach 402 mlllOO making


\"Irllm .. who hallf' b«11 IIvtl1Jt In UM':R.' h..ttrlnunpfibl dlffnrnt parts rlK~ ~alc h.w'! Ix-rtl askt'd 10 n:-tum homC' If Owy !I(J wbh


Mr Yoml 1\"'nll"·I.

~Id Ihb ,,1111c addrt"'<oslnC/;

&omc.,f the vlellm"l on Tue'ld.1yal 0)(' "'ltd camp __1thln thC'St l..uke PrtmaJY 'khoot. Adankolo. I.('IkOfli

Indigenes of Erin-De charged on community development


8101. A.zeez. Dorin NOIGEN&'<; of Kwara S'ale. hom~ and In the dl5f1JJora hav(' been


to think IJO!II

th"'Clvon WhAI Ihcy could do 10 ""proV(' the abull danl reM)lIrrf'S abound In tltc "laic, ~ E'erln of Erln·llr.

Rice processors urge FG to resist pressure for mass importation


lE Rtcc


As5o<"ltUnn or NIItC' rlR IRIPANI ha~ calkd CWllht' Ffficral GoY cmIJlt'nl to restst Iht" nil ror maMlvc Importation or r1u 10 mlUgale the 1m pact of Ihe rC~lIt nood dlsaslcT In the C'OOntry MohammM Mwbakar. c:'halmnm of Ill(' .I'i'KJoC"la lion. made lilt' call on

Tuesday In AbuJa a' • news brkfing on the net' value chain nle association said there: WM no 1lC't:d ror the govenuncn! 10 enterlaln any fcar as Ih(,fe arc ad cqultle stocks or rlcf" In the rounlry 10 meet 1m medlall: dcmamls'

II I, Ollr vlcw till" there exists 600.000 lonnt"!l In LIM' country and r1tx harvest slanlnp;


In Novcmbt:r. arldilional "lock nf up to hair. mn



will Ix a<kkd

10 ~ naUonal


rood stock -


the gov

I"mmcnl 10 nvold orellc!!

lralW panic and doom' dal' proJ~llon. Ih(" asso· nation said' 'go\ll:"rnml:"l1l shoul(1 cardully consider approprta te measures and rHponS<' Ihal would nOI dama~e our nllllonal Inlerf'SI. 11lc assoclaltol1 110lnl Ihal from prl:"lImlnary Inyc .. tI~atlon5 In Iilc nood .rrttlro arl:"u. U l.. esllmatt"d that .boul 40 pc-r ("cnl of thc rlcc crop may 1Ii1W' ~n 1081. par llcularly In Ihe lowland .. and Swami')' areas ncar the major rlW'rII ·Thls may crealc a supply shortagt: of about 1.5 mUUon tOllllt""l.,.. In thc M


tran.-''Ilallnp, 10 m!lln1 rll·t: shortfall of about nnc mil lion (1)11111:". 11115 shou ld 1101 en: ale- _ majOr food rTtsl5 or rood sI1Orta~t: to Ihe:- 1«"'r~I belnlt 101l1('d by rk"r mt'r chanls and "pcculators, who a~ ad~tllllt mas !!Iveo rice IlI!}lOrlallon M

Obet: Abdulganlyu AJlhola Ibrahim alusokun 11, li!,aVt.' Ihc challenge In hl~ m(':5 sagc 01 Iltr 151h edlt'on of Erin lie dolo' cc'~bratlol1 In avun l.oc'al Gov("rnmf'lIl Area of Ihe slolc hcld lit Erin lie Sttondary School.. Thc IrodHI')11al rul('r al50 plead«l wllh all and dallioVllcrII of Enll lie to clIsure Ihal pca("r rrlgned suprcmr amol1g Ull:"m so thaI tht")' rould IX" abk 10 bring dt'Vdopancl1t to Ihe area Also speaking al Ihc OCCa."1011. Ihe chairman 01 Ih(' Erin ·lle Doy ccnlr:tl ""'Ofktng eommlll~ . Mr Is racl alo"-I!1(la~. said Ihe commun ity had In Ih e pas! cmbatkn1 on 5("lf help tit' velopmenl projc'(:l!', I1ddl11( Ihat Illc money rcall5("d al lhc iaun<'h had ~1 ehnn nelled loward!! addln,lt ""Iuc 10 Ihc rommunlly Nallonlll prc"lldcnl of Erin IIc 1lorOC",,"Iw:" Union IEPUI. ("aptaln Murllala Salami t",dl. ~kI F.rI .. IIr l)ay cclcbraUon arrotd~ Ihe Indlgen!"8 of tht' town 10 palo' hom:'.,- 10 Ilwlr lradl lIonal n,ler. ('("I('brale IlIclr ('ullure, a rcnrwal And siock taking as ,,~lIl1os an avenuc 10 reunite and dis · eu s on how 10 mO\'1:" Ih(" community r~rd ('alllAln Salami also ~Id Utat til(' COI11mtlnlty Is


hluscd willt ftbundall1 ",1 luntl ~1JT('5. u",l~ Im-es11'f"S 10 makc U'M:' of Ihe opponulllly 10 i",~1 In th(" I~. lI!lpn-Unl( 10 Indlgcl1" 0( Ihe town 10 conlJ1b"l~h"dlvidu..1I1Vand mlecltY!'iy 10 Ill(' dn,-Jop· t11CJ11 0I111dt ralher bmd IIc 111"0 appealcd 10 Ihe Kwara slole goVt.'rn menl 10, AS a mailer of ur~ell(,v rdmbllilalt" Ih(" dcplorabl(' AJlIse Ipo · orra Er1n Ik roarl In or· d('r to brlnlt relld 10 all It"l u ..eo", GovcrllOf Ahmed. __ ho was t~l,r('5('lIled on Ihe occasion b!f thc 5«'~tary 10 Kwara ~Iatr Goyern menL AlhaJI t.. taka Gold. aS5urr:d thai Ihe prt"1CT11 admlnlstrallon In Ihe .. tftlc "'ould t"'Onllnuc to support Ihc ("ommunl lies Ihal embark on ..elr help pmJf'C'15 for thc dt' u'lopmeni of Ih(' pet'pit" and lI,(' 51alc Thc lOVf'nlOr !I."lid that, ~venlmt'T11 would "IWTld N600 million on n::hahUt tallnn of AlaS<' IpoY.rtn IIc rna,llo mllkc Ihc road motora.hlc lit' laudcd Ihe Elcrln of I': rtn ·llc Obo Abdulganlvu AJlboia Ibr.lhhn Olu.!W)kun 11. for malntainhllt pcacc ,...lIh Ihc I1rlghhourlng com munlll" In 111(" areoa



10 k"l' tlIM'I I'"" man"nll)" In camp.. aud un,tnl II~ wtshlilA 10,l:t(I h,1('k I...... to do -.0 Thr lIeU1s Age n c y of

fcllcf mllirflal" a 1111 thl' InnfK''I dnI"11N.1 10 tlM':m II~ ,"xplalnrd Ih.. , to"'




a~alll ...1

~~rnmf'nl .. IMndltntt


cnlln~nll~1c1 ('flI l1 llirl "llh('

~~::':.~;:.~=' ~:: ~:::::;:;::,';;'w~~:.::::'

cntl ..... ~nt('(1 Ihr '"k1lm.. not 10 ~ pnlfllll( UK' out f'OfTW' rrllnlt'(f'l!\' 1t"'1 \I bl 1('l1(iord 10 ('iitry' OUI 011 ~uh ~ houSt"!l AWOIIh1. \lhowas alIIit' ("aml.bllnon IheSJ)OIa .. ........... mMll cI U.". c1'ndlllon

f'If 11)(' trnnalrs. COIlImded that ~nlmrnl dkl nlll campdanvollilOllloC'Ofll(' 10 Ih~ camp and would Iln-n- compel Ihf!m to ~ 11(" "I~s-qod lhat thc)' had the- option 10 f.!" ".. 10 remAin In tl)(' nunp The deplH)' go"ctnnr cll('tl Ihe cJlaanple- of the 23 camp!! In ldah " ' hn"C'. IK' saki. matorltv (>j' 11K' In 1I10te" h:td f(OllC homC' til start IIfc all OW'r lI~aln lir _~ ('\I"t Ihr: <a~ A Ule ramp al K."lbn,,'a 8fr.'1 hI InkojaWltk'tlllo7t5Il1.lWCOm plddv emptv foI1o\Io.,'lft tiM': dCl'l'ilnn '" all II~ 267 \1r tlms to) rt:lurn homc Awunlvl ""lei tllr "'Ialc ".ff)Ytt11ml"nl had becn dis lurtw-c:1 Iw 11K' """1hTnM..",, a1l1011~ Illc Inmales and the Ojof'f'mlflJt k-;tderchlp n1 sl"I roc-kl,,1i!, 11ft':' (1IInlP al l\d8f\k~ IIc "I'!,(\

Illal Rovem ......-..JkI IfIf'('I ...ith UK' tt'pl'f"'lf'nlall\~ of Ih" \y . m~t

tlm..~ III find" \\'Ay """"nt

NAIf rn-alkd Uun !IOII1r

of Ihc 10'11'1110" from Iht' Adankolo camp had No

cordlnli!, 10 Ih"lr fllrrcrl'nl Ilf't"(l.. 1f~ 'llIki 111."lt 11M' dc'IrIi lI1el1l"1 "''01IId br """rd 10 IMK't' anrl rlt'lh.,., II ... rrl ...f IJIIt{'k~~ 111 them II~ n:-Itf'tltl~fl Ihl'll IlIr IfIOIM'V donalro If! tiM': , ..... 11m ... 1)'\' Ih~ "("dnal (trw ('rllmrnl C"l1rpora'~ f'Jt$nt!lolUon.... ancl ".11\1IIu

al5 wa....... 1111 tnlar' Awanlvl alocn "'Irc~,"fl Ihal funtil'! for thc main ICllal1('(' of Illr ramI"'" for Ihl:" pasl rli,lhl .·~~k ... ,,·rr.. 'K)ut('f'(! by Illc 'Ial" ,J!.O\ crnlll~n'

On Ihr prllhl"m of .lho"lt vlC"lIm .... AIIo·onlvl said Ihal Ih" prohl("m ha,1 become a huli!,c ol1r fm J!O"~rnm~nt 10 lI1ana.L,'e IIr .. alii Ihal ""o"'~ pn'1l1c: who <lltIlIlld not b" III Iht' ('Amp had ph'I.!J.~1 th("rnsch't"'l In TIIC d~plliv .lIl"C"tliOf hown-n-, ~kl tim' ~Tfl' m(,111 "'oulfl mnfmnl Ih~ chall("l1l,f' 11\' follo,,"u"t SIrit'lly. tllr carllrt ""I of vl("Um'l l'n1111.iled h\l I h~ dlalC" ~TTt"l1l"nl NF.MA anrl the R('(I ('moc." A\\'01IIV1 \l.,,, alrnml'" n'M 10 Ih~ rall1l' h ... Ih(" ""talr ('onlll1l .... lon'" for InfnrnUlllnn , Mr 'Iahal!;' 1301~1 Imfl olhr' 10f' jo!<w cnl",cnl nmdat"

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