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Nlgeru.n Tribune Tuesday, IOAprtl. 2012

FUT, Minna, · Degema LG graduates 2,500 budgets N4.5bn students for 2012 8018jl Ogundele. Port Ad e lowo Oladi po , Mi nna

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VER 2 .500 stu denUi of the Fed ~ Unt~ltyoi

(FtJTJ. Mlnna.

,.1D.. on Satwday. jp"lKIu· at~ at the 19th and 20th comocaoon cerernonks of lh~ lmUluUOfl Tll~ Vltt Chancellor or th~ Institution. Pro· res.!K)r Mohammed Audu. said 33 or th~ graduaung s tud~nts would b~ awarded ,.'1n first class degrees. out or th~ 2.392 graduaung stud~nts ror 2009 / 2010 academic __ slon . H~ stressed thai an · othu act of 179 5pW~r .tud~nts of 201012011 would be gradusung. brtnglng Ul~ number or first degr«: graduaung studenUi to 2 .571. Audu rurther Slat~ that the unM::r.sity would


301 ma&tClS dcgJ:.a:s and 323 dipk)mas. ""tille 110 dtpk.mas would aha be av.<UtIcd. According to the vtee chanoellor. the 5chooI 0(

Englnec:I1ngand ~­

Ing Technology (SEE'T) topped the list with 18 students graduaUng In Onn class degrees. while nine students or the School ofSdence and ScIence Educ:atlon tSSSEJ made nnll class. Simllarly. he .said the School 01 Agricu1l\1Te and Agrtcultural Technology (SAATJ had three first cia . . graduaung students. while the School or Envtronmental Tech · nology {SEn and School or Entr'Cpl'l:new:sbJp and Managemcot Technology (SEMll had two and one first due degree holders respec:u\'dy.

Brief T h anksgiving 11-IE thanksglvtng servk'c: for the late Engineer YomJ Solartn. who died at the age 0160 years. on Wednesday. February 29. Will be hdd on Sunday. April 5 • • t RCCG Victory Assembly. Akuru. Oluyole Extension. lbadan. at 9 .00 a.m. Engtnccr Solartn. who was burled on friday . March 2. Is survived by a children and grand.

Barc ourt




Govrrnmenl Area of Rivers State has budgeted a to. tal ofN4 .554 .322.000 for the 2012 flacal year. The chairman of the kx:al governrnall. IblgOnJ Daddy Poklma . who atated this while presenting the 2012 Appro-

priation Bill for the coundl La the Oegema LegIS 1atJ~ Assembly , said the budget had given about

three quarters of the amount 10 as to tM: able to pay attention 10 devel-

opmental projects. According to Pokima .

N1.S52.S22 .00 was pmposed to be spent on re-

Local Gouen1ment Arat. at £CWA Church 1 . in h l on Monday.

current expenditure .

Opposition parties want 3rd term bid of OW probed by EFCC

whUc N3.002.000 would be apent on capital expenditure. The coundJ boss, who

christened called It -Budget of Rullty.- la mented the low Internally generated revenue schedule of the counc:ll, howevu. Stilled that tht: early passage of the 20 12 draft estimate would enable his administration 10 .peed up developmenL He reiterated his admlnlstraUon's resolve to embark on projects that would Impact the lives or the people and generale mo~ ~uc

Chrlnlao Okeke . Abut PPOSITION poIiUcaJ parties In the country. un· der the aegts of the Conference or Nigman Po· Iltlcal Parties (CNPP). have called on the Ec;o-. nomic and Ylnanclal Crimea Commission (EFCCI to. as a matter 0( utmost naUOnal Importance. probe the railed third term bkl 01 former President Olusegun ObasanJo and recover the over N30 billion aI· legedJy looted to pros -


ecute the failed project. CNPP . . Id II was making the caD now that... the former Deputy Sen· ate President and Chairman. JOint Conslltuuonal Review CommJUee (JeRC) durtng the third term saga. Senator Ibrahim Mantu, had come out publicly to clear ex- president Obasanjo of havtng any role 10 the raJled ttoure elongaUon bid and himself or neither collecting money rrom anybody nor disll1bullng . . me ror that pur·


Obasanjo had earlier denied the allegation that he eVtt soUdted roc a third lenn as prcsklent In an Interview aired on the Channds Teleui.rion and insisted thai It was the National Aasembly that rather tnduded lenure elongation among the other clauses or the constltuUon that were to be amended But CNPP. tI:trougtl lUi spokesperson . Oslla Okeehukwu. stated that the EFCC ""'''plslead to can)' out the probe. Okechukwu . tn a

FADAMA III: Ondo disbursed N215.4m in 3 years -Mimiko YIAka Oladoylobo. Ak~.

NOO State governor, Dr Olusegun MlD1iko. saki that the atate governmenl had disbursed N215 .4 million to farmers to the atate under FADAMA Ul programme In the la.t th= yea<> The governor stated this In Akure. durtng the presentation of N75 .6 mllUon to another set of FADAMA rarmen In the stale and the tnaugura· lion of FADAMA Youth Empowc:nnent Scheme. Aceord1ng to the governor. wbo spoke


through his Chid or Starr ICOS) . Dr Kola AdemuJlml. the Slate government had raith fully paid Nl74 million as Its counterpart fund for the programme.. He added that his administration bad. In the last three years . been Implementing programmes in the agrt. cultural sector with the aim or fighting peveny among the people. TIle governor said the eslabllshmenl or three agricultural vllJages at 0«. Auga-Akoko and Epe by the admlnlstraUon was aimed at re -posl -

Uonlng the agricultural polley rramewqrk . prodUCtiVity and Implcmen· taUon or the state and encourage a generation of young rarmen. He said FAOAMA 111 waa anchored on com -


dentJy manage: runds aJ located and eliminate processes that promOle corrupt pracUCCS The acting Chairman or ICPC. Mr Eirpo Nta. gave the hint when the Comptroller ·General or the Nlgena Prison Ser' "ritt. Mr Zakart Ibrahim. pakl him a courtesy 1.1511 at the ICPC headquar ten In Abuja Mr Nta explained thai th~ exerdsc was nOI an audit. adding that -we

dcmoaacy -

Kogi gov laments burden of wage bills Yelr.inl JLmoh, Lallo a


OG' St.te gover-

nor. Captain Idrts Wada (retd). has said Ihat the state Is weighed down by huge .salaIy wagc: bills of N2.3 bWlon out of the ..-Jth1y allocation 0( N2.5 bUlion.

ICPC begins system review of MDAs HE Independent Corrupt Practices and Other Related Orrences Commission (lCPC) has begun a system revtew or the Integrated Penonnel Payroll Inrorm.Uon System (IPPLS) or al1 rederal min· 15tJ1es. departments and agencies (MOAa) tn the country. The cxuclse is to ensure that the governmenl agt!nc les maximise human resources, pru -

munlly-drlven development. Which gtves own· ershlp of resources and contrOl to the rarmers. adding that It had led to the succeaa or the programme to the state.

atatement Issued on Monday. sald. ·We wanl to Imow who authorised the opening of the Ccntul Bank or Nlgerta's vault. where over N30 billion was W'ithmwn. the rool sold&en who d!!itrtbuted money to lobby NaUonaJ Asacmbly mem· ben. chlds. emirs. obas and sundry eharacters. and who collected. ·We disml5s Senator Manlu'a statement in Its enUrety and are or the candid view that the third term Is much ado about the depiction of our natural resourccs . the (allure or ObasanJOled regime to complete any project. espectalIy or the rederal roads he awarded sln~ assumpuon or offiec. evto Ota· /tgcte·Abcokuta road and toW criminal disJocaUOn or our journey to true

are carrytng out a system TCVkw with the sole proactive Intention or helpIng MOAs to avokl tnfracUons or the ICPC Act to terms or personnel cost and related orrences thereof. ICPC. therefore. seeks maxJmum coop· eraUon across board on this IssueHe added. -We a~ g0.Ing to discuss our find Ings. best practices and how best 10 Implement tht!m with each or the

He dlaclosed this when the committee or rrtends rrom Mopa Muro Local Government Area of the state cwg.anl.scd a reception in hia honour_ According to him. the tWIn evils or corrupUon and nepotism that had brought the state to It. knees should be confronted to bring out the potential ,0( the state in the comity or stalC:S In the country He said that With the expenditures. It rcqulTed applk:a.uon or best practices In all Its transac· Uona to be able to ddJver dividends of democracy to the people. • He charged the: people of the alate to ahow understaJldlng and to mak~ sacrtOces to ensure the aucceaa or his admtnls·


He added that the government was commlUed to creaung an enabling envtronment for the private sector to their potenUal. stressing that the government needed their acllV'C parUclpIlUon In Its tnuWOC'"mallon agenda. According to him . -WIth 20.000 workforce • dVr'lndllng aJlocauon and hlgh-It!vel of COrTUption In the system. II is only through change or atU tudes and Inward IooIdng the poernmcnt can bring n~eded beneflta to the peopIc or the atate.· He s aid the govern · ment had finaJlK<i plans to rehabilitate the Egbe -Ka~ road whkh was a nightmare 10 motortsts, adding UUltlhe Oml Dam would equally rctttve ur· gent attention

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