Nigerian Tribune '* 1 lliurstl;!v. June. 2"U~lc'_ _ _•
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9.~~t'd~,pe~d.t2po, "~,.!',~~£~~lSive tOWI'~~~'~'d'~"d~": ~~9:,~~~~, Bauchi
know their righ ts on is-
Also s peakin g. DEC
gu idelines on how fU llds
N on.ler 10 s timu la te effective deve lop _ 11It' nt, as IMrl of gov· ~n l m c llt resl'0llsibilil ies, t hef:)leol t i\l~ direclor, Development Exch a nge Centre (OEC),l.Illuchi, Mrs Titl Yak ubu . hilS urged Ihe govemlllent ;,,1 all levels to be respunsive to the IlL'i!d uf people in v;" ri o us CtlI1lIllU llilit's. calling for pruper i mp h~llle ntali o n of budge ts in Ihe country . Yakuhu s tated tilis, o n Tuesday in Dauchi, ",h ill' addressi ng parlicipanls at a worksho p organised lJy DEC. 011 Ihe Iheme, HUudget Sum lllit ,~ for Stlllle selecled communitil!5 111 uillld .. , silying thaI being res po llsive 10 tile lIeeds o f tile pl':ople Ivo uld bring rapid developmenl 10 buth urbitn i'll1d rura l d welle ls She s....,id Ih"l wi th the I'II:~edum of Info rm atio n (1'01) Act now in operaliun in th ... cm mt ry, itwa5 Ihe responsibility of ,-"0111 II1 l1 l1ities to) lit'malld (o r d t'velol'melll frOIll the g.",erll '"l':lI t, which, she added. \Vas their CtJIl..o;tituti una l rights. lItlding Iha l dv il grou ps in 1111," country wo u ld conlil1\le to join I, .mlis III cl'e1\ting awareII L'SS amollg the communi ·
s ues bordering all d evelopme nt in their r6pKth'e COlnmunjties, adding that "we il fe n uw in democHl lic .. ra when people's views s hou ld be te-
project offittr, Mr Sa mue l Yelm iSOIl. said that bud get lVas an integral compclll('nt o f every successful governmen t, noting that it WilS an ins trument
wc re sourced IIml how it \You ld ~ expended for develo .... me nt. Yelmisoll added tha t
Yilltubu nut~d th1\1 Ihe workshop was a imed a l a(fo rdin t; pa rti cipants
you th orgall isalion, the Na tiol1al Committee of YUI'u\m You l hs (NCYY), h as described t he ong(ling tr ial of the former s pe .... ker o f 11.1" 1·lo use of Representiltives , "oooo"b ,. Dhu'jl Bankole, lJy Ihe Economic and I'inancial C rimes CUlnmission (EFCe) as .seleclive and ,'indiclh'e. Honourable l3anl,ole is ClI .. re llllyLeillg lriedby lhe EPCC uve r II 16- coun t c1.,arge boniering on
Food, Drugs (NAFDAC), Dr Pa ul Orhii, dem onstrating the use of TRUSCA N, an on-tIle-sp o t testing devi ce for screening druss, to tile Irn o S la le govem o r, AIr Rochas Okorodla, in Owerri, on Tu esd ay ..
Nl2~~w~~d " ~PI~~? ,~~O,~g'~!'d~~~gL~; ~~~~~ p~!o,~~.~~ Maldugurl
HE Na tiona l Drugs Law Enforcemen t Agency (NDLEA), 130rno S i ale cOl1l m .tnd. clai me d II i nl ercepted abou t 2 million kilogr O'l nllnes of Ca n n abis Sa liva and 59 kilogranllnes of psycho-
Tramo l and Diazapam) and gol 13 persons conv icted ill 20 10. This was d isclosed by the rnmm""dc;, 130rno Sta te co mm O'ln d , Mr Halsiwa Dwala, a t a pl't'ss briefing to comme morate the United Natio n's D;ly Againsl Drugs Tra ffick·
fina ncial (laud. Th e o rgas nisa ti on, which is an unlb reilr. body of you th g roups of Yo rub a o ri gin f ..o m the s ix states of the Sout h- West geopolitical zone, with the exlensio n toot herYoruba s peaki ng pMts o f Ihl': '0"0 " ., m,d, dedaralion o n Tuesday in a press sta tement issued A11I.1~ iglled by ilspresldent and secre l ary, Mr Odeyemi O la d ime ji and Mr renli Lawson, respectively_ T he group sa id after a
careful look at t h e ma nner th e arrest of l1a nkole was done wilh his trial. il had come to the conclu sion that th e IHoseCution o f th e o rlll t' r spea ker was political and vi ndi cti ve.
id 1;0 '0; ~nmitmCl lt 011 7 1
, '1" pa,rt 0 I leCOl"IllUnitie5 ,ad Iindered Ih em from b f ( I a lt ilud e of soml" ene il ing rom t'e communities in progr.llnme. Dakor! nno;iled that Ihe Katsh'ilStiltehasrrevetlted .- -tllt'm frum beuefiling from body had funds wailing 10 tllco\'erN5ll1millionhlnd beaCCl5S'ed,but onIYl'l few .in th e co ffe rs of Ihe OOlllmunilies hadcol11eforFADA1\ IA p'ogramme of- WArd and upTessed inle rfi~ ln thcslale ESI in il. . The stnle's fAO AMA ACCO~lg to hilll, only , . . .. ' NlOO millIOn had so rar programme coon I1lMor, ..... __ d· b d· h ",_I I"" Ab"b,'·· , U.kon', ut:t:n IS urse SUlCI" I, e "" ~ , \~ho 5t:lt';l tl;:SOIl.T,!""""ilY. commencement 0 t ,e ,.,... c p'DgraT1lme, w hich had
head q uarle rs ill Mitiduguri. 1·11" Slid tl mt the da y was set "side by the UN 10 fi gh t d rugs tr" fflcking :lnd abuse, poin ting o ul that this year's lheme was "'G lo bal Act ion for Hea llhy Com munil y Wi lhollt Drugs " He .llso said that drug problen1 had ea te n d <?ep into the fabrics o( the so· ciety a nd that only a holistic approac h would euntro l and e limlnale us' "ge and trafficking. 1\'" I3 wa l;l, however, stated thai the COllllna nd, within the period unde r review, had arresled and prosecu te d 63 persons
senle llced 10 varhlus jail le rms, addi ng Ihal 50 per ce n t o( Ihose arres le d we re users of (j ucl! drugs a nd had beell counselled. 1-1 1" noled Iha' the Dorno State commitnd of the NO LEA cons is ted of fo ur <uea command s: Daga , Ui u, Ba n ki lind Gamborn Ngala, s t rening thaI th e co mnH1nd faced iI g reat challenge, as Ihe s late was bordering th ree neig hbo ri l1g countries of C had, N iger and Cameroon, but despite the porous nature of the borders, the com· malld wo uld not ire d eterred ill ilseUorts to cu rb drug tr,,(£icking.
IRmmp mOfiband ftfiRtritSI TH E Fe d e ra l Gove rn · fIIelll has been a dm on· is h ed to revamp t h e mori b und refineries and co n s truc t addi · tiona l ones ac ross th e six geopolitica l ,_ones with a view tn achievillg op l imum proll1l c t capacit)'. This was pilrt o( reschlliol1s reac he d " fl er Ihe meeting of Samuo YOll lh Cual iti on (SYC) held in Ibadiln, t he Oyo S Ill Ie ca pit al, o n Tues · day . T h e con1nl ulI"lu e, whic h was jointl y s igned by the na tiona l coordina tor, ils d eputy a nd the sec retary. Comrades Adeniyi Ajayi Oll1oda ra G bo lemi and Abd ulfa t taah Ciwa , sa id to pilI a ha lt to reo cu rre n t agitat io n fo r fuel subsidy remova l in the cou nt ry, the Ped en l Co\'e rnlllenl needed to s us pe nd the impending fue l subsidy remo va l as advocaled in some qUilrters.
M"k condoles wilh FRCN over Mohammed
PRES IDE NT o f the Se,, · all", Sena tor Da,'id Mark, o n Tu esd ay in Ab ujil , sen t a condolence mes· sage to the management and s laff of Ille Federa l Radio Corpora tion of Ni· geria (I'RCN) over the demiseof the Deputy Dire<tor, I'rOg rilmm eS, Al haji Zakary Mohammed . In the message ad dressed 10 the Directo r Cellel'il l uf FRCN, Alhaji Yu s uf Nuhu. he d escribed the l ate Mo h llllllTled as a tluin! ' essentia l, diligent and res ult-o rie ntoo IJroadcaster who co ntri bu te d posi ,\' ti vely to the growlh of the medlll industry. dig"' s h ift. ad d e d that li e said Ihe l;'Ite those recen tl y appointed Moh;'lmme d IJrou ght by t h e gover n o r were 71";'1 1, intellect and tolal those w ho had been con1tnilment to hi s job, tes led and proved lht'm - sayi ng, " he \Vas a rine selves 10 b e potentia l genlleman ami a reliable leaders, adJ lng Ihallhey p rofessio"a l. lVere nol jusl picked from Mark urged Ihe fHCN family a nd the inllnedi b l..... " Th ose rece nt ly ap· ate fam ily o( the deceased poi nte d are not new to to Iilke solace in tl'e fact II,e governor; they had 1111'11 Il u~ lale broad caster been tested and proved lived An eventfu l 1ife worthem sel ves to be poten- Ihy of emulation. tiill lea d e rs befo re their Ihal He no ted ,pp" ,'"tmftnt T'" ,lt i., " . 1\loh alllmed wou ld be of s taff, in pa rt icul ar, missed no t fllst itS a IJroad· pl ayed all active ro l e c;lste r o f Inest imable in til e ca mpaign eller- value, but as lin Ideal famci se, cou pled w ith Ihe lIy IIllln and a patriot who fa c t Ihat he was II di- h all grea t dreamS ilnT reClo r o f research a nd love ftlr Ihe nalion. d t ,. b f I', OC.U1t'~n 10, fl e.~ r !)1! . .. ". , .... .. '" ." . \,. ", ," -v,' ·, o " , I,. ,iiI.... Ayodel e Ade·sanm i. _. " .. (I •. · ~v - _. -Abuja
Group commendsang J for appom' tit'19 YOUU1Smoen t b'me t Isaac S hobayo, Jos
ilE patron of Redem ption You lh C roup (RYC). Ihe youll, lVing o f Jang Campaign Organisalion
FADAMA funds: Conununities in Katsina lose out been on for Ihe pas t two Segun Olaniyan, _ _ _K _ at 5~_ H E nOllcha!!a nt
types of budget proP05aJ. well as gel appropriate information all househo ld budge~ and those o f local,slaleantilhe Fedel1li Governme nt.
Iec t'lve -lout V 11group . D Ban'i01Aluko e,B t' rIalse Bank
- ~- -~ - - - -
I heorgallj~rso flhe\Vork-
shop lVilnted the partid-
meaning. catego ries and
)'ears, and called o n (aml' ers to fonn associ:l tions in order to bene fi t (rom the progr.mune. TIl(! fllnd di.slJutselllen, which IVa, carried out at Rimi,lJatagarawaandKurfl local goverllllle l, l Areas of the slate, was accessed by seven aSSOcia tio ns, with
~~o~I, ~il~el::::s~~
8atAgaraw/lI and Kurfi got N2 millio n a nd N600,OOO r' respectively:
(J CO), Mr Isaac W:ldak, I,as COlllmend ed Cover· nor Jona h 'ang (o r the a pPOintm en t o f youlhs ln l o h I! govern m e nl , saying o lher s lale gove rno rs should em ulate the gove rnor in Ih is regard . Sp"kl ug In ,n ' "",. view, the pal ro n said the gove rnor had oft e n said In' tap l)ed his s lre ngt h (rom th e you t hs, esre. ciall y those a rou nd him, a ddin g t h at thi s gave d I I cre ence 10 IY Iy Il l" gover no r recent ly ap pohlt e d iI YOll th, Mr Gyang r wajok, as th e Chie f o f S taff, Gove rnTIl e nt !l o u se, a mon g o ther appoin lme nts. l11e .D,\ron, IVllo, ,~ai~ f' r. a JpaJJIthi ".{e'p r~~~nl~ _