Nigerian Tribune Thursda • 12 A rtl, 2012
Sambo urges AnJ,ericans, Nigerians to invest in agric
Brie fly Ekiti dep gov wants bankers to balance work with social life BANKERS and other stakeholders In the banking Industry have been urged ti l go back to the conservallve ethical ba nking prac tices that command trusl. confi dence and EldmlrltUon of the people fOI the sector. EkiU State deputy govcrnor, Mrs Funml Olaylnka. m i dI: lhe call while playing h ost to the outgOing president and chairman of the Chartered Insutule of BankCTS of Nigeria (C IBN J. Mr 1.80yc Jaycolh, III hu of· nee In Ado-E;kltl. She UlJI'eft5«'d heT disph:~asun~ III t h e URcUtt · cal and unprOrCfislonal pracUccs lhal
LeOD U.lgbe. AbuJ. ICE · President
Namad! Sambo hid urged Amencan Investors and Nlgerians In the dlaspora to explore the vast potentlal available In the agrt('ulture sec lor In the counlry, Addrcsslng foreign Investors and stakehold-
ers In the agrtculture sector at the AgrIculture Investment Forum. organised by the Nigerian Embassy In Washington. DC. United' States or America (USA), on Tuesday. he saki that the cur. rent transformation agenda ohhe present ad. mlnlstraUon had agrtcul. t r u ~ ure Il5 one 0 le rna or
According to him . -based on our common understanding or the Importance of agriculture. not Just In tenns of (ood .5C'CUrity and thereby conlribuUng to poverty alleviation, but also Its abundant potenUal ror employment generation.· Sambo added: --rhe current rocus on agrlcul-
lure Is 10 Improve the value chain . movtng away rrom produeUon of raw materials for exporl 10 agro- pro('cSSlng tnlO semi-finished products. especially In rood production .lie disclosed that much effort had been made towards large-scale production of suc h
ported In the banking IndU5lry today,
Army commander tasks truck drivers on security
Wedding Is not gooMt that the man sh ould be alone: I will ma~c him an help med for him' TIle entln: family members or 0 ' 5 and DNS 5 .1. Awolana and Mr and Mrs J . K . Dada Invlle all family members aud Wt:1I- w1!ih ers 10 th~ engagement and w-eddlng I~emony or their c hJld rell. Tal",'O Awolana and Adebanke Dada. The ceremony will commeru:e 01) 11lursday. Aprtl 12. at lbe ,Dada'S House. at lbe b.'lck or Leo Lodge. Akurt. by 11.00 a .m . , EnLertainment will rollow ,rnmedtately at the sanle venue . All members. rrtends and wenwishers are Imlled.
ataples such 85 nee. cassava.. sorghum. livestock . fisheries. mal7.e. soya beans, palm 011. cocoa and cotton. He , therefore, urged Ult: Investors to take' advantage of the abundant opportunlUes ror Investments In the agriculture sector, adding thaI the government hlld undertaken a num ber of re rorms to make Nigeria Investor-rrlendl)'. He further said that eITorts were also being made to ensure thai the necessary enabling envtronment was In place In the country ror rorelgn direct Investmcnts. sayIng thai the Federal Government had committed a lot or resources towards the provision or Inrra structure Ulat would address lhe main factors militating against Investments.
Ifr Abdullo.hi Shehu; Permanent Sec;:rel o'll. Specfo' Secu.rity Offie_. Mr'Iif Esther Gonda and representotfoe oJ Dlrector"-Oenerul, S(c:Ue Security SeTvices (SSS). Mrs lI'arflyn Ogar. at a .securily workshopfor departmenta'securlty office,... of ministries. departments Olld agencle5(MDA5) in Ab4ia. a n Wednesday.
Escape of robbery suspects in Minna: N~er police command absolves self Adelowo OladJpo. Mlana IE Niger State p0lice' command has ab!lolved Itselr or any blame over the escape of five awalUng-trlal atnled robbery suspC'cts 11.1 the premise'S of the Chid Maglstrale Court 6, oIT Shlroro Road , Tunga. Minna. on Tuesday, high. lighting thai lilt: escape of Ule suspected criminals 15 as a result or the negligence on Ule part of some' prtson warders In the state.
"""l'j . AN011-IER or the 21 ' nlursdays £bllh!
TIle command staled UtIs. on Wednesday, whlk: speaking through Its spokesperson. "1r RIchard Adamu Dguche. In a media parley With lhe newsmen on WedneSday at the command's heat\quartCB In Minna. saying Ulat the neelng suspects were not even ordered to be brought to the court by the presiding chief magistrate orUlt: court, and Ulat the case was nol listed for menUonmg on lhe fatdul day. According to him . al
about I Oa. m . on Tuesday momlng. some ofIk:crs or the: state police command were wtUl the Commlss.ioner of Police when Ule nCW3 flUered In that about seven anned robbery suspects beat up Ule police prosttUlor at Ult: Mag1Strale Court 6. Minna. and In that process. the hoodlums snatched his car keys and fIed with hls car. -And Immediately the Commissioner o( Police. Mrs DesIre Nslrlm. gol the Infonnauon that five of the seven suspC'cts had
Market capitalisation up by N27bn Frid.y Ekeoba. Lago.
HARES generated mixed reactions, on Wednesday, on the noor or Ule Nigertan Stock Exchange INSE) as the market capltalIsaUOn or 187 first -tier equities apprc:datc:d by N27 billion while the NSE aU -s h are Index de'preclated by 31 .00 basis pOints to close at 20,814 .35 Four oul of nve NSE sectoral IndiCes ('Iosed negatively, as NSE 30 Index. which basically measures the performance of blue chips. moved down by 0 .09 per cent. NSE banking Index recorded hlghcst loss of 0 .66 per ant. And NSE consumer goods Index dipped by o 17 per C'C'Ot. and NSE ott and gas Index lost 0 .25
per cent. while NSE Insurance Index gain 0 .59 ~ C1!nl. 90 equities were traded as agalnsl prevlous89 tradcdonThcsday. TIle number or galnel1'll al lhe close or trading session dosed at 15 as against 18 recorded In the previous session , while decllners closed lower at 23 as against 24 losers recorded In the prevk)us trading day Meanwhile .• lum~r of 176 million shares. valued at N 1.426 billion. exchanged In 3 .918deals as agnl nst a lunlover or 216 million shares worth N2. 126 billion In 3 .560 deals recorded previous day. FInancial scrvtces sectoe" led the rnarltel trans-
action volume With 133 million UIlItS worth N 1.030 billion In 2.269 deaJs. (.'Omparc<i to 136 million units vaJued at Nl .2B2 billion exchanged In 2.106 de'als I)revlous day.
escaped. she quickly dls· patched Ihe ofrlcer In charge: or the State Crlml· nals InVC8llgaUOn Departmenl [SCIDI and his Cou illerpa rt orncer In charge or Slate AnU- Robbery Squad tSARS) and other lnvcsugaung pauel to rush to the scene: Dguchl'! said. Jle stn::ssed that rrom the InvesUgaUon. L1le police gathered that the prISOn sinffbroughtaeven awaiting trial suspec~ to the: court unescortc:d. and while they WCf-e tnfomlC~d that Ult: case, wWch each or the suspects were rae1ng "''I'''n: not on the: court Ill'IIt on Tuesday. UM: pmons staIr. Instead of takIng the sus pects to the prtsons cus tody. dellberalely lefl the suspects In the court lind went back to their ollkes.
Sallu GbadaOlosl. aauebl RTICULATED t r ' u c k drivers opc:raUng In Bauchl Slate have been called upon to always obey rules and
:~!?~E":;~~~n~~~~; Ing thl'" relative ~ce . as well as enserlng sarety and security of thl'! people. This was stall'!d by Ule Brigade Commander of L1le 33 ArUllery Brigade. Nlgertan Army, Bauchl . Brigadier-General Agbo Robinson, while ad drcsstngjournaltslS afier holding a meeting with taukCJ'15 drivers union (n Bauch!. on WedrlC5day. He said that he held the meeting wllh the truck drivers to s.ensltlsc them on highway rules so that they could , In turn. take the message back to their members. The brigade com mander added that the meeting was pllrt of d (orts being made by 51"'c urlly agenCies In the Slale to enhance 5CCUrtty on the highways
Kwankwaso ready to boost education Kola O,elere, Kan.o
ecretary to the State Govern ment of Kano State , AlhaJI Rablu Sulleman Biehl. has said thai the stale govern ment Is planning a befItUng recepllon for indigenes of lhe Slate lhal cxC1!lIed during lhe Just concluded naJJonai Qur'anle recitatIon COm · peUUon held In Katslna. The Kwankwaso - Ied
admlnlslrallon Is COIIvlnced Ihat the stale n~eds morl! attention to education . and lhls 15 the reason lhal he has continued to sce.k ways of boosllng education In the stall! Bie hl. who spoke on beh alf of Governor Rablu Musa KW8nkwaso al the closing cert'mony of the competilio n. said the stale government would continue t o encourage
talented reciters 10 par· tictpate In future competitions . Thts was contained In a statement signed by Baba Haillu DanUye. DIrector of Press to the Stale Governor. which was made available to UIC Nigerian Tr'bune on Wednesday. In Kano. He saJd the state was proud of the-perfomlanee of Its representaUves that partiCipated In lhe compeUlion .