'Nigerian Tribune July. 20 11
33 Tuesday, 12
Katsina govt-VOWS to deal with fertiliser saboteW'S Segun Ol,aruyan. la u nch of ove r 40,000 Kalslna IOlmes of fertiliser for sale ATSINASlillegov- to fanners in Sarana Local emment has prom- Govcmment Area, said the ised to dea l with governmen t woul d no anyone or group of people longer condone the .. ctivi. ca ug ht diver ti ng the ties of those trying 10 subsidised fert iliser meant thwart efforts to reach for farmers in this year's fa rme rs \\,ith the rai ny season. subsid ised product. Go verno r Ibrahim l1lt~ warning was com$t'll"ma, who stated thi3 <Ii ing on the heels of recent Ihe weekend durin!; the allegation of d iversion of _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _
g~~e rnm c nl
SUbsidised ferti hser by unscru p ulous d istrib u to rs. w~o sold them at market p ri ces to make profit for Ihemselv,es. . The SItua tIOn had .reportedly led to complaints from some fa rmers across the . ~tate th at the subSid ised products di d not '7".ch .t h ~ m , and that even If" did, It was sold to themat the markel
stead of the s ubsidised govemment price. The ferti liser was supposed to be sold to farm· ers at the ' ,a te of N,1.700 per bag. w hi le a bag In the market was sold for more th an NJ,500. As pa rt of eHorts to check d ivers io n of the product, the govemorsaid the se~ urit y agen ts had bee~ directed to arrest any veh icle 10 be
ca rrying illegal fertiliser for diversion in the sl<lIe. According 10 the gover· no r, the gover nment lYou,ld not tolerate the di· versIOn of the commodity a~d warned thai any vehi de caugh t w ith the subsid ised fertiliser would be sciz~ and the vehicle confiscated. He a lso charged the committee members hlmd ling lhesaleand d istribu · tion of the product to diScharge their d uties trans· parent ly by ensuring that onl}' genuine farmers ben· efit from the commodity.
against imminent famine in Nigeria
Lagos, on Saturday.
Fayemi' s ~!~h~9IV,~!~S to parents of triplets
IFE of Ekiti State go~e rn o r, Mrs BlSl Fayemi, h as p resented cash. an d &ift Items t? a fam llx which g,we b irth to trtp lets as pa ri of the ongOing suppor! .fo r mult iple b~ r~h fa mIlies of the stateon gln
n le coupl~ .became the latest bc ~efl cla ry o f the ~ ~, which has extended slmlll\( l a rg~s~e to m~ re than 1.00 fa rru ~ of t~l -;S and tnPM:1s I't'SIdent \VI~l1n o~tside the slate Since II ~vas mau&:'r:ated on june 9, In Ado-Ekili.
commends Jonatnan over ministerial appointment
By"Daeo FaJade
Trust Fund (MBTF). The father of the tri plets, Mr Yem i Ade emi, and hi s wife, Mon1s01a, w ho a re ind ige nes o f lIawe-Ekili, bu t reside nt in La os received Ihe items ~t a' ceremony held in La ~os o n Saturday.
o rg= ~ of Yoruba Youths has described 1I ~~ Presiden CoodI:X j~ to a~t Mrs Stella Oduah Ogiem . Ihe Minisier
of ~~r.:" de monstrahon
. . Director of Finance, Coodluck/Sambo National Campaign Q-.mmi1U!e. . lllCsta~ which. w~ SlgnedbyCorruadeOladurlEJ O:Ieyem~Alhaji BclloBashi"!
and .Mr Tun~e Orund~ president. national publicly
secretary and patron ol lhe group respedh-ely, said !hat !he llppointmcnt could not havecomcata bettertimcthan now when the aviation ind ustry needed to be revamped inordertoll'lCellhe , .;odd standards.
T he fund was the brai nchild of the governor's w ife, w hi ch was domestica ted in the stil le's Mi n is tr y of Women Affai:->, while the MBTF works HI ool 1aOOration w ith Ihe Hi ti Development Foundation(EDF)
june, the EDF was the flagship initiative of Dr Kayode Fayemi, which was dedicated to the em· powe rm en t of wo me n and the yo uth in the state and the enhancement of their socio-econom ic statu s.
" the• Apminlrnenls: Adednia congratulates 11N1~1 A!-ini1 deI other S/Wmini,ters r u
commitment and detefmimtionoflilepresident IOwork withtedlMC.Tills who wi ll a!liist him to deliver the di vidends of dim'lOtTiK)' to Nigerians. ~group,whkh gave the
commenda tions in a statement made available to the Nigerian Tn·bune on Sunday, said that the president also demonstrated greatcourageand fon:sightin appointing Ogiemwonyi, who was, until her the appointment, coordinator, Door-to-Door Cimp~tQ1! fld
" }
Idowu Samuel. Abu·a HE immediate Min· isler of Sports, Professo r Tao h eed Adedoja, has sent a cong ratu la tory letter to the cabinet member from Oyo Sia le, Ms Ju mo ke Akinjide, and others from the South·west, as he entreated them to put in their best fo r the g lo ry o f the South-West and Nigeria. Adedoja s pefifica lly urged the minister rep re~nt ~ng Oyo State in the cabinet to ve a ood ac-
count o f herself an d to live up to the political pedig ree o f her family by allowi ng re m a rkable adlievements to trail her te nu re in office. Th e fo rme r m iniste r said he was pleased with the condu ct of Ms Aki njide when appearing befo re th e Sen ate fo r screening. stating that her ability to displa}' the good stuff she was made of was Ihe reason the Se n ate passed her for cabinet appointment. The reside nc h as
been working on the
folio toallotto the last batch of minis te ria l no minees w ho were screened last week by the Senate. as indi rnliolUi are rife that the screened nominees would get thei r portfoliOS today. However, Adedoja told Ihe Soul h-West cabinet members not to hesitate in seeking his assistance on issues pertaining to the offi ces they would be manning. stating that he would always be at his best to of· fer any form of assistance demanded of him.
AreIV" Youths
THE Arewa Youths Fomm (AYF~ on Sunday, slated th at Presldcnt Goodl uck jonathan must rise above politics and its int rigues to overcome the BokoHaram ~ cnsis ravaglllg Northern parts of tht: colmtr)'. The AYF added thai the securit) sih..ation in Nigen ;t called tN serious secu· rity retreat and critical analysiS because Nigt'ria \\ as on the "crge of uncer· tainty going by the rising profile of breaches oi natiOflal ~nty . In iln I!II ~ r" i ew wi th n~W5m~n, its national presid~n" Gambo Ibrailim Gujungu, said that "I'resi· HE guild of farme rs,d ent jonilthan must, as a o therw ise k n own as A g bekoy a Soci· mat ter of nallonal secu· ety in the Sou th-West, has rity, ri se above board to raised the alarm thai fa m- ens u re th at Ihe Boko ine is imminent in Nige- Haram problem and other ria in Ihe nexl fi\'e years if th ma ts undermining na· both the federa l and stale tio n al secu rit y were govern ments do not take n ipped in the bu d, beu rgen t steps to cause weare in a confuSC\:t revolutionise the agricul- Situa tion 01 unce rtalllt)', tu ral sector in the country. bombing and usage of e,,· In a release made available to the Nigerian Tri- plosivc:s that were fO~lgn bune and signed by the to N i~er i an . And to be media consulta nt o f the honest, the presiden t IS g uild, Chief OIa ttinji bei ng d istracted fr o m Bandele, aft er a meeting of main critical issues faang the A,gbekoya Society and the cou ntry by poli llca l olher specialised farmers tri vialities." in the South-West, which Wa r ag ains t took place at Ago-Are, Oyo k idn a pping: State, recen tl y, called on lvlaj-Gen Sarki the South -West govemors to take proactive steps to Bello bags award check imminent food criFOR his war against kidsis. napping and anned rob· The p resident-genera l b.! ry in the South·East and of Ihe socie ty, Chief South·Sout h geopolitica l Ka mor udeen Arem u zones of th~ country, the Okikiola, called on Presi- Chief of Army Siaff, d ent Good luck jonathan Lien tcn a n t-Ge n e r a I and all the Sout h -West Oyeabo Azubuike Ulf~ji rika, govem ors to take u rgent has conferred this yea r's s teps in addressing the Nigeria Ann)' commendaissue of high cost of food tion award on ~'I ajor-Cen. items and declining ag ri· eral Sarki Yakin Bello, the cultura l p rod uce in the General Officer Commandcountry. ing. 81 Division. Enub'll. General Bello was preChi ef Kamo rudee n said: "A situation w here 5t:nted with the award by Vice-Presid ent Namad i Nige ri a s pe nd s abo u t N650 billion to import Sambo, who represented Goodluck food items like rice; fish; President pal m·oil; g round nu t oil; jonathan il l the Nigerian suga r; amo ng others, is Army Day O!Iebration 2011, ~1d at till': weekend in Uyo. unacceptable. AkwaJbomSlllte. Vire-Presi· " It is amasing that in dentSanlborommended his 2011 budge t; only four per pm{essionalism in handling cent was allocated to ago the militancy problem in the riculture. This is an ind i- Niger Della region. cation that both the fed General Bello had come ral a nd state g ove rn- manded uOperation RcsIore ments are paying lips ser- Hope." the joint Task FoJno vice to ag ri culture a nd for the Niger Delta which rood secu ri t y,~ he said . planned and executed the Accordin g to Chi ef destruction notorious miJjKamo rud een, no n ati on tant Carnp5 and Camp lroko could d o w itho ut being bcIonging to lIle ex-militant _ , GatentI TamptlIq on able to feed itself and only needed to aug ment w ith May 15, 2009, thus hastenimpo rt at io n o f some ing theproassof ending nuli· laney in the Niger 0el.1a. . items.
Agbek~ya wams
of the babies. Moni5ola~ Ihe Multiple Birth Trust
8oko Haram:
Jonathan must rise above politics