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TT i\tur\l~ ~pl e ntber.

i'1il!:l!'I'" ian l, l MomJa} - 1"2



.tI--Ibs: North-East to Sooth-West •As Afolab.i retires Sept 29 T By Olawale Rasheed


~3riCS h a~ s ign ified .l~eir m terest III the posIt IOn ,

leased . In s id e rs noted

that any pe rmanent secretary posted to the office of the Hea d of Serv ice is

NEWS Oyo govt inaugurates task force on flood


H E Silut h -Wes t s u bmissions that rege opo litical zo ne portt'dly been vetted by a Head of Service. w hen th e "Iong-aw ilited _ is set 10 lose the last small co mmittee w ilhin The schemin g how- posti ng of federa l perrn.1- s u re to be appoi nted into prevention evcr changed last week nen t secre taries was re- the coveted o mC{'. m;,jor nanUIlOl[ C'ffice it is oc- th~ office of the cupying to the North-E."l5t T H E Oyo State govern ... geopoliticil l z' 1I1e as tht' ment has i na ug urale d a 12-man task fnree to ini... Ht'ild of Sen·'!". Pm(('Ssor OIadJpo I\folilr!. is retiring tiilte mt';lSll r('5 to prevcn t by the end of III~ OIonth. a re-occurrence o f floud Afolabi is the highes t d isaster in the s tate. ra nkin ~ official o f the Covt' Tnor Ab ioln Sou th-West ur ig in withi n Ajimubi, w hile pedn Tmthe feder,,1 set-u p a fter the in g the in a ug uration in zo ne fa iled if' its bid to his office at the weeke nd, p roduce Ihe Speake r o f the sa id that the ta s k force Ho use (If Rep("f~se ntati ves. w as pu t in place to fashThe posilicn o ( Head ion o ut measures thiltlhe of Service tho ug h" pro· s tale could tilke 10 Ix- flill y fess iona l one o ut the ocprepared for s imilar ra in in Future. y vantage cu pant in a positiOl' ne:lO \<'1 the SecreI-I t' said Ihal me mbers ... ~ ... 'if'" • tary 10 lh ~ v)\ e mmenl of of the task force wcre se. th e Fcd e rati·JI1 il S the lected bilSCd on th t'ir pronum ber o ne ci vil servant fess ional compete nce in . t'nvi ronlllt'ntal man .. gcin the country Whi le bot h Nor th-East me nl, reg iollill and urban ., and th e S·luth·Wes l p lann ing as we ll ilS wa· zunes are Ihe most disadter resources and civil eng ineering. viln taged in Ih ~ sha ring of nalio nal political offices, '11,t' lilsk fo rct'. he;!d ed by Dr Bolan le \Vil hab, acthe Nigerian Tribune findin gs s howed Ihat tht' cordin g to tile gove rn o r, was e xpected 10 t.1ke inne;.;t I-Teild o f ~~ rv i ce w ill come fr OIll (,ne o f the ventory of WiltN courses -From left, Ayo Adebanjo; Dele 1ge and Senator Mojisoluwa Akin/emva, during norlheastem ; t<1.le5 wi th in Ibadiln me tro p ol is, fhank sgiving service to mark the 80th birthday 0/ S enator Akin/emva, held at the Christ Ang liAdillna w ;l Sl id 10 be id en ti fy ;I II s tru c tu res a lo n g ·waterwilYs and highl y fn vour.:d. can CllUrch, Erin-ljesa., Osun State, at tIle week end. PhDtD; Tommy Adrt:bllr clt'ar wa te r pn ths up to a Alread y iO!ding fo r the p re-d e lermined setbil cl.:. posit io n has (ommt'nced wi th p('r"manell t secrelilrbeg inn ing with the most ies s ub m ilti .... f. the ir proh<ls u rged Ihe illlmedia tt' . .ng an ad vocac v an d " Ie a ". ""-,"" -_."sat's , , 0 f a ffected C\lmlllunities. s fou r s tales in N i· . f . . II1g dun files (or co ns ideration • re locatio n 0 comnHll11hes . . th Ak 'b ' "d· C "' .. geria prepare for from rlo od p la in s and vls ll to e wa o~n ~au 11, ross 1\.Ivt'r, ....1g(l5. 'MDGs' ll be a · a nd rec(lmme-Ida tion for . i mp e ' n din g those that built ho uses o n Slate g~)\'ernor, Gods wlli and Oyo s tales sh o uld el evatinl1 i llt:, the high , mirage if ... r heavy rains based o n the Akpablo. at the Govern... dOt1ble their effort in curtailprofi It' p o~1. wa terways. I If U t tl ing the siluations. A t the las t coun t, it w.,:; re1:t'nt nood a lt'r\, the NaThe Director-Genera l men - ~u~' yv, a l e He sa id NEMA ' s KWARA Stilte Co mmi sle arnt that more than lilln ,ll Em erge ncy Man- o f N EM A, Muhilm m ad wee ken il ler a manilge· . r NEMA of- Search a nd Rescue Offic- siol1t'r for Health, Alhilii seven pe rma \t' nt sccrc- ageme nl Agency (N H.-tA) Sani-Sidi, g;!ve the warn- m e n t ret re a t o · Ka)'ooe Issa, has said thai fidalsto re" iew the recu re rs hOld been dt'ploycd in achieving he;!1t h 'rel<ltt'd re nl disas ter situations in thc 's tiltcs from Iheir re the country this year. s pectivt' zonal offi ccs to Millt'nnillm Development Goals (MDGs) w ill be 01 S ilni-S idi . who s ilid li aise with o fficial s 'of mirilge ir.fami lies d o 110t ':ek ini_lim~ h, Loko ja tha t wit h more than 200 S tale Emergenc y Mans upport film ily \, Ia nnin g. people losing their li ves agt'm e nl Agencies S peaking at Ill' med iil dire ': ICH in the . . spheric pollu tion of vari- and thousands d isplaced (SEMAs) which operat t'd laundl of lilt' Nigt'ri;lll UrNalil' n a l Space Commlss10ne r (or In for · Oli S kinds. w hich ca used from fl oodin g this yt'a r, undt'r tht' s tate gover"biln Reproductive Hea lth Resca-ch and De- ma tio n, ~rofessor Aaro n global warm ing. had con- the new ale rt fro m the Niments fo r timel y ilnd e ffi(NJJRHI)" a famil )] pliln. ,'el ppmen t I' Age ncy Ba?a:. s aid t~ a t hum an tributed largely to natural ge ria n Meteo rolog ical) dent respon se. (NA~rtDA )' i r Ab uja, Dr a~h v 1l1 es, part1cularly en- disasters being witnessed Age ncy (NJ.tyIET) must be The NEMA boss de- n~;g.b..\scd·, ~rgans."It!_~n in Ilo rin, on Th ursda}!, Iht' HilliJu Ahmed ~;hiloo, at the v Hon mental a nd atm o- glo bally today . taken with a ll serio us ness scribed as e ncotiraging co'lil1llissi~ r Slid -il·i;ii the weekend, sai~ if steps I\~ the r~ognition of Sf1o,iAs ·toopeTil.tii)ll ~f people-of the not ~n to mitigate the mte by some states which .h ad passed enilbling laws for tJie srale on filllli ly plilnning of gl ~1 warriting. ~gricul­ of the worst locations 10 o ne setting up o ( fll nc ti o na l , vas still rn/! from the expec~ IUfill p'roollce ~ uld lx> reHE current admin- to rs o f o ptimum re turns .Ialion needed to achit'Ve tIll' duced, by 50 p"~n:e nl in 30 istration o f Gove r- on their investmt'nts, u rg- site a b~ the present emerge ncy o u tfit s that MDGs. Ibikunl e ing them 10 always recip- adminis tration is poised to could assist to manage di- •· . .T he commiss io nt'r, nor years: I" gove rnme nt's! ' change that pe rceplio n s."1Sler and emergency situHe:mnd e tbe call w hill" Am05un is de termined to roca te I\;!m said the Slate gO\'em· ( speilking at a s ummit 011 increase the number o f good wi11 th ro ug h pro mpt~ th rough the CTt'.ation of ,this iltiollS in their ro mmunilies nlC!'t could nt'l meet aU the ~ c1i matt' c him p!. environ- ind ust ries in Oglln State payment Q( their ta xes. ~ '0ne-5top shop for prospecth"(' rathe r than rel yi ng o n ~I th needs of the peaplt', . ',"hl' slale already has a investo rs in the stilte," he NEMA (or any slighl .un:. me ntal s an ita tion, phys i- to illx)l1t 10,000 in th e nCl(t ai.i ded tha i tht' fa ct in· b.1d repre5Clllatioo of being· s tated. toward d t'\'dopmcnl. ca l pla nning. urbill1 and fou r years. formed partners hip w ith The nutnber of compiI rurill de velopment, n on +go vt'rnm cn t;! t org.-mi5CI..i bJI,a non-govem... nies, w hich cu rrently is o rgil nis."1lions (NGOs) ilnd menial organis llion (NCO). about 1.500, is e:<pecled to other inten\ill and e:<temi11 5" A'ib " """., , incrcasc. owing to the cre0)1 J 0 Ia, L agos "u, I-I e illso debunked the · the Nilliollill .Association of o rganisatio ns in the soci,. sian (EFCq. claim that the Speaker , . , , · Kogi Sbte r~gOOuilte Fo- a lun 0 01 on ·s op S l Op T H E Peoples De moe ly to wards meeting Iht' in the Ministry o f C umcralic Parly (POP), A ls o . the PDP de· wilsconvictedforperjury requiJt'me nts of MDGs. nlnl. in Lokb~"1. C dId t manded the applica tion of and drunk driving in th t' Re·presented by the diAcrording 1:1 him, IIlCre nblls ry, La gos S tate. 011 the mo ney accrued to each United Stal($. ureau- S u nday , as ked Ihe e m · would be mo re f100ding ilnd W lie. 1bW I ' r"'-lu'ce .. , member o f the assembl y, I-Iowe\'er, the PDP, in reclo r of Primal)' Ht'illLh o tt e nec...." o r pro· battled Speilker, Lago, cra\lc Care·am.! Disea!'l' Control. increa~d +pl .ver ty tha t spedive inves tors. State Hn use o( Assembl)" including sala ry a nd a l- a s tatement Signed by its Dr Adebolil Fo lort1 nso: ilt would heiglltell politi~1 cri- ' The stille Commissioner Honourable Ade yc mi 10w'lI1ces s ince 2007. Pub licity Secretar y, Mr the event , the co mmi s· sis iII the worh 1. for Commerce Jnd Indus- Ikuforiii to step aside to alHowevt'[; in de ft'nce of Galli T;lOfeek, l am - sioller also said thai (am· He also c. ll ed o n th l." try,dlidBirnboAshiru.dis- low ti~~ugh iIwestig · alion the s peakifr, the leader- pooned th e lawmakt'rs il y p la nning w as no t people o f KI .g i Sta te to dast.'t1 II is d ring a tour of . s hip of the asst'mbly led over a n alleged a pprova l , ~, A i ad . into the all~tion of fra ud by the Depu' y Speaker, of NSOO million monthly abot1t the Illlmbt'r of chilo jo in the g lt'ba l aclio n .In d lIS,.' n t'S 01 me lO 0le\o'ellcd against him. d re n that a famil y should . ngains t the ((InsC<] ul'IlCes O ta axis of the stale. The Speake r is .be ing Ko la wolt' T a iwo, has budget for the Speaker. have but the ntimber of o f ,g lnbil l w ; rmi n g and C hief As hiru main- in vcstiga tt'd over' an alle- pa ssed a vo te of confi- This is ius t as he alleged " ca rs l..... tll'('{.' n cileh child t· d tl t d t " dence in him, describin g tht' s tate governor, Mr dimatt' dliln;;l'. galion of N7 billio n frilud Ihe allegation o f (raud Bahatund t' Fa s holil , of ' h irth by, t've l)' mot her_ , a111,' ," " de 9~~ e 1\ 1.~ " s pelking, thl' ras ruc ure la """,n pu by Iht' Econo mic and Fi. Biola A zeez, lIorin

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NEMA urges relocation of communities from flood plains


Global warming: Agricultural produce could be reduced by 50% -NASRDA boss


Ogun targets 10,000 industries


Lagos PDP asks Ikuforiji to step aside C-,·m., Comm,·,.

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