N90.7m vet council scam: Petitioner alleges threat to life
Tunde Oyesina, Ahu ja
tomo rrow
WITH a view to increasing fi na ncial awa re ness, especia lly a m o n g th e women fo lk, wo m e n bankers unde r the aegis of Associa ti o n o f Profess iona l Bankers of Nigeria (APWB) have concluded plans to hold a one-day se min ar lagged : fin a n cia l intelligence a wa reness and freedom for Nigerian wo men . The even t. ,"h ich comes u p at the Ba nkers House on Victoria Island. ~gos. tomorrow. is set to oHe r ti ps on how to have real freedom in work life, falnily a nd lifestyle. Odidison OmankhanJen, Lagos
HE ongoing trial of the Regis trar o f the T Ve terinary Cou nci l o f N ige ria , Dr Dan iel M addo. has ass um ed a d if(e re nt tu rn, fo llow ing the allegation of threa t to lifeby the key player in the d iscovery ofthc looling of the council's treas ury by the Regis trar. Mr Emmanuel Ebi rim. w ho petitioned the Econo mic and Fin a nd al Comm iss io n C rim es (EFCqon the acti vi ticsof Dr Madd o w hi ch led to the investigation o f the cound l's boss by Ihe anlig raft , had w ritte n to the
I~t'~~.o ~ ~ Genera I0' P I~ce alleging threats to his
Me ,a nd t~ a t of me~~rs of his fa mily due to hiS Inyolvement i.n the Vele rinary Counn ] case where the Reg is t ra r and two
' onn."I,ff oftlo, rouncil a re standmg tn al fo r aIleged ly misa ppropriation the su m of N90.7 m illion bd onging to the council. In the le tte r wri tten on behalf of t.,·l r Ebirim b)' his lawyers, Abubakar Um a r & Co, the anti-corru ption cru ~a d e r .slated Iha.t, fol lOWing hIS revealallon o f the corru ption activities at Ihe Ve te rinary Council of N igeri~ ~nd his s ubse: que nt peiltlon to the a nI! graft age ncy, he had been
r~c eV , inS c~ 11 II lreil t 5 on hIs phone I~ n.es. . H e s pecI fi cally ~ e n tl o ned a threat received recen tly w he l.t' a m a le calle r w amed him to back 0 [( from the case," tha t a
fl y thai d oes not hear goes down to the gl<lve with the corpse H
The accused had ea rlie r been arraigned before Justice Abubakar TaIba of
Kogi gov commends NUJ for being viable .
Yekini Jimoh, Loko' a T
HE Kogi Sla te gove rno r, A lh aji lbra him Idd s, has comme nded Ihe Nigeria Union o f Jo urn ali sts (NU]), Kogi Slate cha pte r, for maki ng the profession viable in the state. Speaking al the weeke nd afte r the ina uguration of NUJ Clinic to ma rk the 100 d ays in office of
Alhaji Ali Alaboexecutive as the s ta te chai rman o f the union, Governo r Id.ris sa id h e was impressed w ilh prac tising jou rn alist.! in the state. Th e gove rn o r, w ho was re presen ted by the Comm issioner fo r Sci e nee and Technology, Mr Aron Raba commended the council 'for the expans ion of the secreta riat by the cl ini c fo r
Briefs Co nvention TH E Red ee m ed C hristia n Ch u rc h of God <!KCG), Oyo Province I, Daughte rs of Z ion, will hold a th rec-d "y Siste rs' Convention st" rting from Friday, July 8, wi th AfriCM praise at 10.00 p.m a t Mount Zion Ca thed ra l, Ak inpe l u Layou t, Bolumo le, Ri n g ROo'J d , Ibadan . On Saturday, Ju ly 9, at 10.00 a. m, the re w ill be a varieties p rogramme a t 10.00 ;t.m wh ile on SUllday, Jul y 10. the re will be a mo rning se rvice fo ll owed by cou p les ' dinner al 4.00 p .m at the same ve n ue. The theme o f the convention is T hreefo ld Cord while anointed men and women o f God a re expected to mi nisler on the - Ca fh olic Bis hop of Bauchi Diocese, Reverend Ma lachi John Goltok (right), deliverin g a Jetter occasion. . from I.he Vatican Ambassador 10 Nigeria to the Bauch} S ta te go verno r, Mll ilam Isa Yuguda, Death during a courtesy call at the Government Ho use, ;jilt the weekend. T HE dea th hilS been a nnou nced o f Ma.d am Elizabeth Ola Oyewande. the Iya Ijo, Ch ris t AposChris A gbambu, knew the nooks and crantolic Church lIa re ijesa. Abu ' a . niesof ihe stale and knew Osun Sta te . She died those who were crimm..l\.s.. KWA Ihom Sta te Towa rds this end, he Th e gove rnor. w h o Acrording to hi m, the peace fu lly ill l1are o n g 0 v ern 0 r , said the Na tional Asscm- was exch ang ing views April 14,201 I. She is su rGod s w i I I bly must revisit the con- w it h the Inspecto r Gen- fea r of s tate governors usvi ved by six c hildren, Ak pabio, h as ad voca ted s tit u tion 10 allow for the era l o f Pul ice, H afiz ing the police for vendella many grand child ren and the dccentra lis,llion of the creation of stale police, as Rin g im, at the Govern- was m isp laced beca use grea t gra nd ch il dren police, say i ng it could it was the on ly way the men t H ou se. Uyo, sa id such governors cou ld be a mo ng w ho m is M r Jo- deepe n democracy in Ihe poli ce ~oul ~ ad eq ua.'ely tha t it was only the ind i- made ti" account for thei r fi ght CTlme III the SOCIety. gene of e very s ta te that misdeed'" afte r the tenu re seph Biofe O}'ewande of count r)'. of four or eight years, as the New Yo rk Gtv Tranw h a t was h ap peni ng sit a nd fo rmerly" of the now and cou ld·always be gics tho'J l will prevent the Di rector-Genera l of the broug ht to book to accounl Niger/an Trib u ne. Ay o d e le A lh aji for their fTl isdeeds. repeat of massive destruc- Age ncy. Adesanami, Abuja tions due to nood as wit- Muh a m mad Sani Sidi , Gove rno r A k pabio N view of the devas- nessed in the las t ra iny sa id th a t th e g row i ng noted Ihal h is ad minist.ratat ing effect of fl ood season . threa t fro m clim a te-re- tion is al ways ready to across the country. the One o f s uch holds to- lat ed d isasle rs mus t ei- corroborate w ith the p0Na tion a l Emergency m o rrow i n Sokoto, the ther be pr even te d o r lice to ma ke the state a s,lfe Ma n age m en t Age n cy ca pita l ci ty o f Sokolo m itigil ted and reg re tted ha ven fo r JII law abidi ng (NEMA) w ill soon em- State. in the No rth·West- Ih al i n 20 10 a lo ne. 23 citi:t('ns to go a bout thei r bark on sens it isation ex- e rn geo po lit ical zone o f s lates o f the federa tion no rmal dulies. He disclosed that the e rcise on cl ima te cha nge the count ry whi le o ther we re a Hected by devas- s lale had 50 fa r do nated and d isaste r risk ma nage- zones will benelitlate r in tat in g fl ood di sas te rs over 200 Hilux ve h icles men t for s take ho lders in the year beca use o f the w il h se riou s conse- to the pdliee fo r effeeth'c all the s ix geo poli ti cal impo rt a nce attac hed to que nces on the sodCH'CO- patrol of the sla te a nd to zones in Nigeria in order th is e me rgency ma nage- no m ic w ell bei ng o f the tackle the ndariou5 activi10 expose them to strateties of crime. ment ini tia tive. affected comm u nities. Oy ewand e
Only decentralisation of police can deepen democracy - Go v Akpabio
Climate change: NEMA to sensitise stakeholders
an Ahuja High Court ]"sl mon th on a 1<1 ·counl ch arge bo rd e ri ng on crim inal breach o f trus t i'lnd cri m inal s ubversion of the counci l's funds.
members of the union. He ass u red the union of tota l s uppo rt of the s tate government 50 th" t the union could achieve posi tively. He ad vised me mbers of the unio n to be objecti ve in reporting and also make sure thai they bal a nced their slory befon going to press. The s ta te chai rma n ot the un ion. Alhaj i Ali Atabo, in h is speech, has said that the executive at its inception, discovered tha t journalists were very busy peopl~ who had little lime for their own health. He sa id that they believed thai the long ti me they would have to spend working to take thei r tum i n the hosp it al wou ld slow Iheir work.
USAJD, NEI partner to improve quality of education
N ITED Slates Agency for In te rnatio nal Developmen t (USAID) and a n on - gove r nmenta l o rganisation, Nor thern Ed uca tion Initiative (NEI) have e"pressed commitmenl towa rds strengthening the go,·er· nance of s ta te and local governmen ts in delivering quality eduC:1tion services fot ou t-o f- school youlhs, orphan' and vulne rable children (OVC). Th e Seni or Teache r Ed u cat ion Adviser, Nurudeen LawaI. stated th is du ring a th ree-day workshop organ ised for jo urnal is ts at Yanka rl Games Reserve. Bauchi, al the. weekend, bv NJ;I suppo rt ed by USA ID in collaboration wit h Bauchi State Ministry of Informa tion. Lawai further st ressed th a t gende r dispa ri ties in education be tween the no r the rn a nd sou the rn geopoliti ca l zones were stark. ad din g tha t a ll stake· ho ld e rs and n o rth e rn governments needed to go the ex tra mile in ad dressing th is education pro bl e m be fo re it cause d un nect'ssar), d anlage to the region.