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Nigerian Tribune "';, ~ri~'l)'\ 1~ Mav, 2011


Clergy laments killing of corps members Hassan Ibr ahim, Kaduna


ATHOLIC ArchBishop of Kaduna diocese, The Most Reverend Matthew Manoso Ndagoso, has taken a swjpe at the compensation paid to National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) members who lost their lives during the recent post-presidential election crisis in some part of the country, insisting that there was no way one could pay money for life. He spoke at a news conference in Kaduna, on Thursday, saying it was unfortunate that the security agents in the country and the Nigerian government

,Yejide GbengaOgundare; L agos


had failed to live up to their and the fact·that the govern" HE · prosecutor cif Joel Omo tosho, a constitutional responsibility ment has decided to com- . of protecting the lives of Ni- pensate them is ok. But I man convicted but gerians. think that the money issue yet to be sentenced by a . According to him, "we should be secondary be- Lagos High Court, sitting know. that many people cause the family has said it in Ikeja, for stealing the ha ve died during this cri- loud that they are after jus- sum of N20 million besis. But there is nobody in .tice and not the money." longing to a company, on this country who need to be told that those on NYSC are special people. They are on HE leadership of on Thursday. national service and not on salary and we know why the Oyo State The union, on beha If of this scheme was created. It . chapter of Nigeria its members, described has helped to bring about Union of Teachers (NUT) the appointment as well cohesion in this country , . has congratula ted the deserved given Aremu's The NYSC is a special newly appointed Head of track record 'of achievescheme and anyone who is Service (HOS) in the state, ments, hard work, honinvolved in the scheme at Alhaji Tajudeen Aremu, esty and diligence in p ubthis point in time should be on his appointment. lic service. treated rightiy. This was contained in It expressed the wish "It is unfortunate that this has happened-to them a press r elease issued that the friendly and honand signed -by -the s ta te est disposition Aremu Acting Secretary of N UT, had always been exhibitMr S.W. Olojede, which ing in his dealings woUld state mourned the deceased and also shared wjth Justice was made available to continue during his tenKatsina-Alu during this mo- the Nigerian Tribune, ure as Head of Service. ment of grief, which carne PUBLIC NOTICE throu gh very unfortunate circumstance Notla 15 hereby ~vm to the genelOll public th~1 lhe ~bo ... ~ named As5oda\ion has applied to the ~::I~~f~~~ ~f~~~on Ahuja for registration und er J'arl . C' of the Companies ~nd Allied The governor said Guss THS TRUST8BS ARB " Riverians were deeply I . PASTO R ROTIMI ASONJ8ARB 1 . PROP. SOLOMON . OLllFUNMJLAYO O LUBUNMI BADEJO touched, considering the ex3 . ORIA IBI YBM I 4. a.p) emplary life she led and the S. 6. care, Jove and devotion wjth 7 . which she gave to family matters. 1. !~.f~:Ounld t~E!~~'~ace "nd deHverana. of;"'r lord JImlS Chri.~1 in all p:>Tls of Nigeria Cross River State, he 2. To ron a deliver-ma. and healing Minl5try as pa ri of il5 eva ngelism drive. l . To empowumembC'rsln pa.tieu laB, to be su~ful In theirchoscn areas of human ~ d e avours. noted, was not unmindfUl of ~f~~:.~~.:~~m~~~f'A~f;i~fSt~~~~~rA~lti~2rd~;: nf thispubUcation. the support she gave Justice Sisned: Katsina-Alu in his legal career, especially since he asPUBLIC NOTICE sumed office as the Chief Justice of Nigeria. Notice is hereby g iven to the general publ ic thai the above named Oub has applied 10 the Corpora te Affairs Com mission Abuja for regist ra tion under Part He urged the ON to take ' "C" of the Companies and Allied Mailers Act No.1 of 1990. solace and draw strength THE TR US TEES ARE 1 . SUNDAY - ·AKlNSANYA President from the loving and exciting 2 . DBMOLA OLAGUNJU Vice-President time he shared with her 3. SHOLA OLADAPO Secretary Ii. DARE RAJI Treas urer while alive.

Oyo NUT congratulates new HOS


Imoke condoles with Katsina-Alu


ROSS RIVER State governor, Senator Liyel !moke, said he received wjth a deep sense of sadness and grief the news of the demise of the wife of the Chief Justice of Nigeria, Mrs Victoria Mimi KatsinaAlu. Senator !make said the

Briefs Burial THE final burial ceremony of Pa Azeez Iyiola Okunola (Alias Baba l'Aremo) aged 79 years, will b e held tomorrow a t his residence at E6/ 486 Lanase compo u nd, Aremo, Ibadan ~._ _-,--,;




1F<xxl irrronityin

N'Jgeria, Afrim worrimi





Burial THE burial of Pa David Okunade Adegbite comes up tomorrow, at his residen'ce Apake, Ogbomoso, after a funeral service at Ori-Oke Baptist Church; Taraa, Ogbomoso. Pa Adegbiie, patron of Ogbomoso Saw millers Associa tion, died on Saturday, February 12, 2011, at the age of 86, at the Baptist Medical Centre, Ogbomoso.

HE Director of the Institute of AgricUltural Research . and Training (lAR&1), Professor Benjamin Ogunbodede, has described food insecurity confronting Nigeria and other parts of Afcica as worrisome. Professor Ogunbodede stated this while delivering the 238th Obafemj A wolowo University inaugural lecture series recently. Speaking on the topic: . "Gene Interplay for Food Security and National Developmenr', the renowned profes. sor recommended that there should be drastic improvement in ftmding science and technology as well as concerted efforts to develop rural communities and provision ofeasy to getagIiculturalloans at single digit interest rate, among others, as part of the measures to be iaken in rescuing the agricultural sector of the economy. The occasion chaired by the vice chancellor of the university, Professor Michael Faborode, attracted eminent people from wjthin and outside the academic commu-

5 . MUlLl

AWOLBKB Member ALms li nd Oblectl ves: To promote peace, unity and spi rit of understanding amongst members. 2. To protect and enhance the wel fare of members. . Any objection(s) to Ihis above registration should be forwarded to the Regist rar - General, Corporate AffairsCommission, Plot 420, Tigris Crescent, off Agu iyi lronsi St reet, Maitama, Abuja within 28 days of this P!Jblication. Signed: TRUSTEES 1.

COLD ROOM FOR LEASE A 35-tonne capacity cold room with two cooling engi~es and one big , working generator is fat lease at Oranyan, Ibadan. It also has a functional and conducive office and a very large adjoining space which can be used for marketing purposes, Interested persons should contact Chief I.F. Okeowo on 08055142636 PUBLIC NOTICE



Theft: Prosecutor insists

convict must forfeit property Thursday, maintaine d th t th .ct h Uld f ~ e conVl .s a o.rfe~t a house which he built WIth the stolen money. ' .K d ti' ce Adeb lSI ayo eOgunmekan had, on March 24, convicted Omotoshb, who is in his 50 h ' I d d guil t Sth a~g pea fe t linty o eh' t arges °t him ~ ea g d urb roug agaUlS ing trial but sentencing had ?ee~ del~yed by the apphcat.IO';' fIl ed by the · prosecution s lead c0un:'el, 'Me M .T Adewoye, urgmg th tt d th tth e e c~ur 0 or er ~ convIct mus t forfeIt the building in favour of the comp';"y, Man Mountain d C Ltd an ompany . Omotosho, who was satd to have s tolen the money between 1992 and 1999 while workin with

h h d I' t e company, a ear ler confessed during trial that he built the said house with th part of e proceeds from the stealing. 0 t h 'd t mo os 0 was sal 0 hav.e carned. out the theft w hile workmg WIth th e company by fraudulently issuing cheques and cred.. hi I lting sam e to s persona accoun.t Justice KayodeOgunmekan fixed June 9 for sentencing in the suit hich h d d f ' w as ragge on or 10 years. Ad . h' t ~fu°ye: .~argu.. men a e co Sl g, on . Th~sd ay, contended tilat punishment was not limited to imprisonment only and the forfeiture woUld not t t d bl ' d amoun a ou e Jeopar y.


Notice is hereby given to the general public that the above named Foundation h as applied to the Corporate Affairs Commission Abuja ror registration under Part "C" of the Companies and Allied Ma!ters Act No.1 of 1990.

THE TRUSTEES ARE 1. DR. ANDY UBA 2. DR. UGOCHUKWU UBA 3. MRS. ANGELINA OKEKE 4. MR. CHARLES NWEKE Aims and Obiectives: (a) To e nhance, uplift and aid the life of the Jess priviledge members of the society. (b) To cn"ate and encourage the creation of employment opportunities for the youths through trainings and re-train ings. skills acquisitions, ICf trainings, provision of micro credit schemes, creation o f vocational trainin·gcentres. (c) Toencourage education in all ramifications through theaward of scholarships 10 the deservingsrudents, building and maintaining schools, educational fa ci lities and recreational centres. Any objection(s) to thisabove registrationshou1d be fo rwarded to the - General, Corporate Affairs Commission, Plot 420, Tigris Crescent, off Aguiyi Iroffii Street, Maitama, Abuja within 2B days of this pu:blication.

Signed: CI-UNEDU NWANKWO ESQ. Sol citar


~ CUI h 1M Fnt Co/UnWl of sm.duIo hemD cled date end plate rnenftoned!hereln.. WHEREAS \he ~..ncr,e n8fM"I arid

WHEREAS It!e persons wtme ranes _

1niestBt! on


I!IddnnIsMnsel.o utr.Ihes-dO::bMofIhrlScl'ledlAeI'lflhpM1k:ulBnoflhflrmfllllon:!.hlptMInIID applied ID Ihe HIgh CoI.n of~. AkIn. Ondo S1stI b-l~ at AdmIni*IIGDn. NOTlCES ARE HERESY GIVEN lhatlhl lenerIafAdmhlatnrDonwilbe gl8nted unJna no&:eetoPfDhlbll_tIed ~2 1 dIl)'8Prtlrnthedlll8~.

DECEASED APPlICANTS 1.0LORU NTOSIN SADE MRS FOLASADE AKINMUSAYO AKINMUSAYO (Late) of lrele and M R 0 L U W.A S E GUN ,who died on 12th day oct., 2008 . AKINMU9AYO AKEJU of Irela atatata H08pltai Okftlpupa ~:.-:~~ & Brother of the 2. FRIDAY MUSA OYAKHlRE (La1e) of No.25,Afuwa strHt,Benln City who died on 28th day feb ..2011 at police Medical aervlcea,Benln clly.

PARRY OYAKHIRE and PEACE OYAKHIRE of No. 25, AfUWll Street. eenln City. Chlldnm of deceased.

3.~~;=;E t.~~ .'}t~~0 0:15 r~~

MRS MARY OLAPADE ALO and MR CLAUDS AKlNWUMI ALO of Piol 9, Block 8. Oba n. Housing Estate. Allure. Wife &. Son of the deceased.

4, YUSUF ISIMAILA OLUFEMI (La1e) of Ona Ara otce Gad. Ed. who died on 10th day of o~OO9 at ltat••pec:lalistHospftal,Eda.

MRS YUSUF KIKELOMO ADEKUNLE and BAMIKOLE FOLAJIMI of Ona Are Oke Gade EM. wtr. &. Brother~n..jaw of the deee...d.

Estate,Akura.who died on 29th day of Juty.•200B at home.

. JMi'T-DTm.'5I7T1! D"1"OCI'MArJlU

rROBA-n:RiGlS'TltY. mGHCOl'RTOFrvsnCt.AKUJl&

~~:.:=~) M~~ J ~


The general public is hereby nolified that the Association named above has appli ed ror the registration under the Compan ies and Allied Matters A~l.. 1990 Part C. .

The Trustees are: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Pror Gideon Olajire Adeoye Prof. lames Alabi Adediran Prot 10hn Ajayi Omueli Pror. Jonathan Olatunbosun Babatola

Aims and Obiectives' a. To create and increase awareness or Organic Agricu lture in Nigeria b . To enhance capacity bui lding or all stakeholders involved in Organic Agriculture in Nigeria. c. To ass ist local producers who desire to convert 10 Organic Agricullure. d . To racilitate the process or se tting sta ndards for and certi fying local organ ic production in Nigeria. Any Object ion to the reg is trat ion should be rorwarded to the RegistrarGeneral, Corporate Affairs Commission. Plot 420. Tigris C rescent. off Aguyi Irons; Slreet. Maitama. Abuja. within 28 days of this publication. _ Signed:

~ar:&,i)tl/\ If:j~ti~if~~i:;:~~I~ .F\,

The picture above identifies the missing person Mr. Peter Igwe (M) of No. 30 Lagos road . Agaka area lIorin. 27 years old. dark in complex ion. speak Igbo and English language fluently. ~e hails from Nsokara Ezza South UG of Eboyin State, Nigeria, All effort made to find him proved abortive. Pis if found or seen Pis contact the nearest police ·sfafibn·or call 0803'5038915 . 080615'7 9597

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