Nigerian Tribune 31 Wednesday. 14 Marc h . 20 12
Polio is becoming a thing of the past in Kaduna North -Badarawa Hon. Usm an Ibrahim. Sardaunan Badarawa Is lhe Int erim Chairma n of Kaduna North Local Govenlment Cou n ci L !-I e
speaks In this hllcrvicw wilh Ilegion a l Editor. Hassan Ibrahim on modalilies PUl In place by his adminis tration to ge n era le m ore revenue a nd execute projects for his people. ExcerpLs:
H AT eUor .. (Ire you mak
1"9 t o 1m · prove on the I'ftIef1UC gen~don driue oj the local coundl? Thc.~ ls a project on now al the Mando mOlor park. It wa~ e mbarked upon by the fonner counc il leadership. We reallu~d we don't h ave fun<u 10 go ahead ..... Uh the project .lOO as lhe chief execullve of the Local Govcnlllu:lIl. I !"vtled the uniOn that v.''llS In c harge oC the garage. ill lhcmaln motOf" park there are 136
-The Corelaker Co mm lUee Cha i rman qJ Ogoomoso Nor-f.Jt Local GCU1C!rnm e n I Area ofOsto S lale, TIl,. Lanre Dladejl. Inspecting ongoing road projects a c ross wevds 'n Ihe loca l gouernrnen' oreo recently.
Kwara organises workshop for LG officers Blois Aaeel.. 1I0rl.D
K rAltA S iale gov-
shops but were not com -
pletely built . We had a meeting o n how to make thOtt place complete I penonaUy came up wllh the proposal and agreed to allocate the s ho~ to lhost' already uSing the s hops_ DUllhe un ion h as about SIX groups I called lh4:':n a nd let them kno ..... that they should pay the rent ror:1 yeoars al NIOO.OOO per an num. that Is N300.000 for Ihe th ree yean> If you cak:ulate N300,OOO times 136,11 Is going to be N28 mllllon_ TIlal project already. has a n acrount and the local govenunem council will not touch that ~crount except Ihe contracto r of the project . 1lle a«:ount 1.5 solely fOf" that project a.nd God ..... lIIlng. II will bnng more revenue to the Local Govenunenl liner c:omplellon. 1llc projc:ct is golng o n smoothly In spUe of accusaLions by some people because Ihey did not benefit from It. We ha\-'e to do jusllce to the money ro r the general benefit of a ll the people In this loc:1oI government area. TIle work is progress· ing because I have 10 close my eyes not mlndln& whal the people say The v..oork Is nunng 70 per cent complc:llon n o w. How about s tan welfare In tbe Local GoYernmeat, arc u1ary paid n or .bea due? We Ihank God for what lie did to us. things have: Improval unlike when we came on board_ TIle only problem we have Is that we COIJ ld nOI pay laSI month 's s alary because the starrs backlog or arrears and we want 10 sought Ihat DOL We musl pay t hem their money becau&C the)' worked for iL We pak! fiOme of the arrears togethe.r wtth the January salary. By Cod's grace, we are going to pay the remai nIng salary Recently.. ~ Yok_ ua.ked cou.ndl chalrnaat In the st(1l:e to,... double ~oru Clnd end the polio sc:owve In tile stat&- Also. he.afel JIOU should efUlU'e that JWGCC ",--It. In JfOUI' loc:ol domains. Howareyoufaclng th_ chaJJenga? PoIJo is a national IssUe but at the local gov-ernmcutlevd. we are dolng our bc:stto chase the dlsease out of Kaduna state. III Illy local government area for cxampt.... I 1I.11Ie relc:nted In my effon to sec tha t those frsporwlble In admlnis·
rgalllscd a two. day wo r kshop on prepa rallon Or fInunclal s t ateme nt s ror local
-Ho n. Usma.n Ibrahim
gover nm e nt treasurers to e n courdge tra n s parency a nd accou nl a bility . SlXak lng during the workshop o rga nlsed by the Mlnisuy of fln3m:e In collaboratio n with the Local Govenlnl(:nt Service Commission In 1I0nn . the lIea d of Ser .
children wUhln the: rangt: are Immunucd. TI13nk God our efforts arc y~ldtng fruit and ..... e shall COflUnue to be: grateful to the: people for thclr cooperaUon and we hope It conllnues_ Every c hild musl be Immunized againsl II ~ disease, II Is sad to sec a chlkl not gmwlltg up normally, polk! is dangerous because: II affccts the vice II-IDS) , Alhaj l limbs and Imp;urcd Ihe c h lkJ's growth. Oabarako Mo hammed , So the goveruOf" and all the council chair- saki lhe training would men realized l.ilatit Is a n Imponant task e nhance econ Oll1lr de· berore us to pul heads together, wuh the velo pme nt ~t Ihe grass relcv-... nt agendes and ensure tha i poUo roolS. becomC8 h lsIOf)'. For now. we havt ...'On ' TIle HOS . who said Ilnuedtoscnsltilethcpubhconthenccd Kwara state had al 10 bnng forth llicir chlldrcn for Imm unl· ways published Its au. zaUOn agains t Ihe disease. You know dlled accounts before that lack or adequate fiCllSltlza tlon could draw the hands of the: clock backward. o lllC:r slat~ or the fed We have been dohl£ thai wuh my stair erallon , lamented thai since the finl day the: programme was almost all the 16 local launched. I Slaned w1th my own dill· governmenl coun c ils dren to show the people that there Is had n ot been forthco m nOlhlng bad Ifi lL For now_ we don't have Ing In Ih e preparalion any problem wtlll dther Muslims or the of their flnanc lal SlaleChrtsllan5 because we arc aU brothers. ments. exc ept Kalama We have been In constant touc h with local gove rnment area the MaJand" and they are now a~ thai of the s tate. polk! ilnmunlu ll ton Is . . re. We Ihank I-Ie said lhe lraln ln g them Immensely for their cooperatiOn wou ld impac t o n t h e and God willing. It woukJ lkIOn be a thing treasure r , the know!. or the past... Campa.lgn poa;~ are aU 0Pef'" for edge, expe rien c e and thle forthcoming loea.I coundl elec- lech n lquC8 needed t o lion In the -,(11:.. are JIOU coming out produce their accounts to conlat? o n lime and properly _ Well_ you Ilnow power belongs to God "'-0 produce an acand H~ giftS lito who tic likes. Even my cou nt . you mu st ex current office. InluaIly I h ad wanted to h lbu transparency a nd rq:wescnl my people In the: House but accountabillty _ People Cod had this plan for me. As 10 your would be ab le to see quCStlOn, II Is good !or pcopk to paste what you ha ve used t h e their poelCl1l all OYer, II Is democracy lit acUon_ For now, my numberonc: prIOrIty loca l government is to work and do the right thtngs for the money you got fo r . peopk but If my peopk wanted me to When you l eU people CUltest ror the olJk:e. If that Is their de- a bout the schools yo u elslon , I won't say no.. TIw;re is nothing I said you've bullt_ they can do. ButI'm praying to God 10 make II will see 11-, h e said. possible ror lI'Ie to ddlV'Cr, I don't want The HOS , who saId to disappotnt my people and thank God. thal preparation of the
theand .1I1l 1cr.uuues -poliu rnc:d, ~IcOne!!!!~",,~~~~""'~d,--~ohcy~~=~;;h'!!:iPPY;;t~th!i1wha~~I~_ ~are :.:~abIe =-.:..:IJ O L':o:c:.~,_g~o=v:.~,:" :m~.~n~,~s: ail llOOks ~
nnncia i statements Is one of lh e core statu t ory responslbilltle::. of every co un c il trea · surer, added Ihat Irn illing a lld r e tra i n In g o f the c adre re sponsible for Ihe com pilation and prese n ta lion of the cou nc il re porting Slatements Is v~ry n eceSlHI r y li e a lso sai d Illat sound Onanclal m a n ageme nt would help III th e a ll oca tion fJf re sources In suppor t of
gove rn me nt s tra tegic object ives . Also speaking al lhe workshop, some of the parllclp.Hlts sa id the lralnlng wo uld afford them the right ap proach to t h e ir job through Itltera c tlo n, prob l ~m solVing and cross fer tilisation o f ideas. which they sa id wo uld enhalll.'C produc tivity In efnClent and effective delivery In the 10la l government serv ice
Fadama officers task on projects Celestine lbejlrlk a . JaUn a o THE Akwen to / Bo ko Fadama Community As· IiIOCIiUlon In Kunnll..oca l Gover nmenl Area o f Taraba State. has bee n asked 10 eruJure the CJI: eeullon of s ub-proJec ls In the com munll y according 10 spcclflcalloll. Officials of (adama 111 made the remaru while In Akwe n lo / Soko o n a s upervtslon mtsslon _ T he team obse r ve d that more mac hi nes were to be acquired while more s truCIUJ"H have to be erected to protect the mac hines from rain and s un. nle team adV1sed the Fadama Community Assocla tl o n IFeAt 10 be transpa rent and carry all the members a lo ng so th a t t h e sub- prOje c t s would be sustsln e d for t heir benent. 111e tea m was alfiO a t Akonko w h e re they a d vtsed the Fadama users group who are Into IIuraery of palm , cocoa and rubber seedlin g produc· Uon to s u pply sll the neee.sary Items contained In the cont ract ag r ee ·
ment befo r e the e n d or next month 11le tea m advised the Divine Concept Fjldama group to purchase m o r e fe male c attle to e n su re crot>&- breedlng pointi n g out thai liS three ft:male cows were Inadcqua t ~ .
S im ilarly, the team was In Mbanga, 5<lrdauna
Loc al Covernmenl and the Mbnnga U f.adama usera group. the Bollg Abi Women "' ad ama users group. th e Vou h United Fadallla users group ilnd the Mtauga A Fadama users group_ Speaking shortly afler the supervis ion, t h e team leader ..-ho 18 also Ihe projec t l..'o ordln alor, Mr 1·labtaon llmoth y deelared thai no mailer the: difficult ternJn. Fadama III offiCials were readily o n groulld t o In spec i progress o r work In a ll s ub-projcC18 uccuted In the communlUes. He Ildvlsed communi , Ue. t o handle the ~ull projec18 Wltll care 10 .d leV1ate poverty. TlmOlhy, h ov.eve l tasked servk:e pruvldf"r ... to ensure timely t.omp!. tlon of 8ub -projn:ts