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34 ,Nigerian Tribune Wednesday, 16 March, 2011


Odo-Eran abattoir in Agege seeks govt intervention in water supply Fri d ay Ekeoba, Lago s


XCEPT the Lagos State Governme n t intervenes in makin g water supp ly ava il able at the Odo-Eran abattoir Agege, there is the possibility that beef from the aba ttoir to communities in the a rea may no longer be gua ra nteed. Also, if wa ter is made avai lable, cost of sales of meat from the abattoir w ill

be reduced drastically as more customers will be attracted to the area and the income of mea t sellers at th e abattoir will be increase. Speaking on a radio programme monitored by Comm unity Ne ws at the weekend, the chairman of the abattoir, Alhaji Kabir, said the s laughtering house was in dire need of gove rnm ent intervention

in the area of water supply as the shortage of water had caused serious hardship to them. He said, aside from buying water to wash the abattoir after the slaughtering of the cows; they also spent fortune to provide water for the animals consumption. He explained that water su pply became a problem for the users of the abattoir after the exit of retired Briga-

dier General Buba Marwa as the governor of La gos State about 13 years ago. According to him, it is expedient on the state government to come to their aid and provide water to e nable them ser ve consumers th e need ed edible meat in the state and to make the environment they operate a friendl y ooe to visitors. It will be recalled that the Lagos State government is currently fashioning out a new policy aimed at making water supply efficient and to control the sanitary conditions of the state.

.n.e andent Ake palace building undergoing renovation. Photo: OJayinka OJuJcoya

Federal govt proposes Nl.7b for Uduophori Alphonsu s Agborh, Asa b a


HE Deputy Speaker of the Delta State House of Assembly a nd mem ber representing Patani co n stitue n cy in th e House, Honourab le Basi l Ganaga na, weekend disclosed that the Fede ral Government inject N1.7b to fas t track the co n struc tion of th e Uduophori/ToruAngiama / Agoloma / Patani road in De lt a S tate. Ganagana stated this in Patani, headqua rte rs of Patani LGA w hil e kick-starting hi s re-e lection campa ig n at a rally attended b y the PDP Chieftains a nd a la rge crowd of party supporte rs from the area. H onourab l e Ga nagana, who is a lso the PDP torch bea rer for the Patan i House of Asse mbl y e lec ti o n, sta ted th a t the 38 kilometre road project wo uld form a major part of hi s agenda w h en re-e lec ted and therefore, charged party faithfu l to adequately mobilise al l eligible voters to ensu re abso lute victory for the party at all levels in the April polls . The legislator, w h o has atlracted over 39 comp leted and func tional projects to hi s

Power outage: Military signal training school cries for .help Friday Ekeoba, Lagos



ILITARY personne l resident at the signa l barracks trainin g schoo l in Lagos have ca lled on the officia ls of the Power Holding Company of Nigeria (PHCN) in the state to repair their transformer in the barracks.

The signal training barracks w hich has residential quarters for both senior and junio r army officers, and a training school for a ll uniformed person nel, accordi ng to the Community News findings, had suffered blackout in the last one month . Fur th er findings revea ted that virtually a ll activ iti es in the barracks had been paralysed due to the power outage even as " "the military personnel undergoing training slept in the dark unlike the residential area where gener-

ating set is alJowed . Speaking w ith Community News unde r condition o f anonymity, an army officer in the training school said, with the power outage, the nui sance being constituted by mosquitoes may cause sickness for the trainees.

According to him, most of them now go with uniform not ironed just as they ha ve been cut off from their families as they have nowhere to ch arge thei r handse ts. A seni o r a rm y o ffi ce r who w ill not want his name in print, said it was sad that PHCN Apapa district could not repair wha t mi g h t have go ne wro n g wi th the tr a nsformer suppl yi ng li ght to the barracks. He sa id h e had spe nt fortune buying fuel to power his genera ting set as he cou ld not afford allowin g hi s family to s lee p

without a fan on . He implored the PHCN offi cial s to do what eve r was in their power to help repair the transformer and restore light to the barracks especiall y the trainin g school to enable upcoming young office rs to have a good sense of living. In hi s ow n co mm e nt, a n o th e r office r said de-

mocracy had rea ll y a llowed some institution like the PHCN to continue to trea t the people in the ba rracks with ignom iny, noting that this kind of attitude w here a barracks wo uld be thrown into darkness for a month could not happen during the military e ra. He explained that sev-

era l re prese nta ti ons had been made to the Apapa PHCN office a nd yet they had not deemed it fit to do anything tangible to bring back the light. Meanwhile, effort by Community News to reach the Apapa Business Unit manager, Engr B.P. Odeyinka o n p h one proved abortive as a call to him was not answered.

Don wants resuscitation of farm settlements for

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Professo r Dele Layiwola, h as ca lled fo r broad based plans on the resuscita ti on of farm sett lements and modem ranches to ensure food security in Oyo State The uni versity don from the Institute of African Studies, while delivering on a lect ure titl ed "The Upper Ogu n Region in the context of Peace building and con-

activities marking the second almual development lecture by the Oke Ogu n Youth Forum in lseyin on Saturday, said " if indeed, we are reputed to be the food basket of O,e state, we must confirm it in style. He a Iso ca li ed on the people of the state on the need to patronise cooperatives societies for fanmers and traders, saying that famlers' cooperatives would plan

the issuance of soft loans. He said that the state must excel in that for which it is known for, adding that it was only by so doing that the state could attain the long awaited stabili ty and self confidence and self esteem that were crucial to genuine developmenL Professor Layiwola also called for the empowerment of herdsmen such that Oke Ogun would, in the neareSt future, be the biggest manufacturer of fresh milk and milk products in the cou ntry.

- Pa tani road co n sti tu e n cy, assured th e people of his preparedness to co mpl ete all the o ngo in g projects and also attract new o n es to th e area . He therefore appea led to the people to suppo rt the ree lection of Gove rn or Uduaghan and President Jonathan. Former chairma n of the PDP in the State and head of the State PDP reconciliation committee Dr Pius Sinebe, appealed to all party supporters not to regard members w h o defected to other political parties in the afte rm ath of th e party primaries in the area as enemies but as brothers who must be re-_ integrated into the PDP family. Before proceeding to the _ palace of the Pe re of Kabowei ki ngdom, Lucky Erebulu 1/ for a royal blessing, the Local government PDP chairman , Mr Godble.s Omoniyi , re ce i ved scores of decampees from the FRESH party in the area led by Mr Jacob Asiuwhu .

Ga-Akanbi appeals for transformer Yekini Jimoh, norin.


HE people of Ga-Akanbi in Il or in , Kwara Sta t e have l amented ove r power failure in the a rea . T h e spoke person of the commu nity, Ma lla m' .; Ib ra him Sa lm on, whi le speaking with Community News, lamented that in the last three months, the area had been in th e dark . According to him , the ir businesses that needed po",' er supply were suffering while he said they found it difficu lt to sleep in their rooms as a result of

heal. He noted that the onl y transformer supplying power to the commun ity was bad , and therefore, appea led to the Kwara State government to come to their aid, by replacing the faulty trans former

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