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Nlgerl&D Tribune

33 Wednesda • faA


Uchec bultwu Ol b.h,

Bcnln Cit




communliles In

the three senato riaJ dlstncts of Edo State last Thursday. reech'ed over N41 mUllon from Ihe sLale govcrnmCIlI

National Programme Coordinator, Community Based Narural Resource

Managelnen t Programme. Mrs. Ire ne .Jumbo- Ibcakuzc, c o m

mended the slate: gov ernment (or us kind geslure In the disburse ment of the funds 10 the

(unners during the pre-

sentation ceremony al Govcrnnu: nl !IOllse In

Benin Clly. She called on Governor Adams Oshlomhole

'We need p e destrians bridge at Ibafo' AUa Me .... kuD. La,o. IDENI'SOflbnfO community In gun State have appealed to Ihe Federal and Dgun State governmenlS 10 construct a pedestrian bridge al Ihe lbafo area of the Lagoslbadan expressway so as to reduce the Incidents of carnages always recorded In the area. Some of the resldenrs. Who spoke with Commu· nlty News. believed a pedestrian bridge In the area has become ImpentUve going by the danger crossing the ever-busy road has continued 10 pose 10 the resldenls of late. -Crossing the expressway has become a rughl mare for U5 of late. Many people have got knocked down In the process of crossing from one skle of the expressway to the other. You know vclUclcs believe It Is a highway, so the possibility or Slopping ror pedcstrlans before crossIng the road Is \Ia)'


unlikely,' argued Yusuf. a vulcanisu and rcskh::nt in the communilY. Beside the usual dan ger It poses t o residents. Yusu( also aUributed the traffic gridloc k usually experienced at Ihal spot to pedestrians , (orclng vehicles to slow down or come 10 a complete halt while crossing from one

side of the highway to the other. "' believe with a pcdeslrlan bridge In the area, there would be a smoother now of traffic on the exprcssway since II Is apparent thai those crOSSing the road (rom one side 10 the other also Inhlbll (ree now of traffic.- he added.

MrsOlantyan. a t.radu. whose shop Is localcd by the expressway. nOled LhalLhe relevant suthorlUes saddled With that reaponslbUlty would be dotng the people. especially the physlcal1y-(:hallenged tn the area, a lot or good. by constnJcttng an overhead bridge In the area. -We must remember

It's nOI everybody thai 15 phYSically f'it to cross this ever- busy road . The physically - challenged among us must also be glvcn thai sense of belonging, and T thinK one o( the ways to do this Is by constructing su c h bridge Ihal will case their movements: she slated.

1ba of Kisi implores Oyo govt on education, infrastructural


government lhal comes to power promiSing to construct It. The Immed iate past government promlliCd to construct the road bUI DOW that government has changed. we pl~ad wUh the governor to revisit the flies and construct the road ror Ihe benefil o( the people of Kisl and Igboho. ~ he said

87 Moses Alao E lba of Kist. Oba Moshood Aweda Lawai. has Implored the Federal Government and Ihe state govemmenl under the leadership or Governor Ablola AJlmobl. to look InIO the need to establish a higher Institution In Kisl 10 solve Oke Ogun region's

health scheme wh ich he sa i d KISI benefitted (rom. saying: -We pray ror more strength for the governor to be able to achieve greater success while tn office." -Edueatlon Is the bedrock or any development errort, for years we have been c1amourtnglnKlslforthe establJshmenlorahlgher

::~~.~~~d;.;~:,em ~:

Lawmakers probe Lagos communal crises

He also calkd on the slale governmenl to construct Ihe road linking Kisl 10 Igboho through Sooro In order 10 case the movement of agricultural produce: and thereby gene r ale more Income ror Ihe state. Thc traditional ruler, who made the call In hJs palace In Kisl when Community News paJd him a visit. lauded the government or Senator AJlmobl ror the youth e m power men I and the rree

Soj' Ajibola. Lalaa nve-man ad hoc committee of Lagos Stale Houae of Assembly. set up to probe Ihe c ivil dls turbance recorded In some communities In Ikorodu Local Governmenl last Thu rs d ay. mel wllh the aggrieved resldents, Ascertaining t h e veraclty ohhe claim by the petitioners. a committee led by Hon. RoUml Ablru visited the palace of Adegoruwa of Igbogbo. Oba BabalunJI



InstilutlOn. Governmen l s h o u ld conSider us by cH ing a SchOOl o( Nu r!ilng. Polytechnic or National Certificate In Education awarding Instllutlon . -The Klst -Oko-Oba ~ sooro- Igboho road has been there for a long lime with each

Faiola. Oba Faiola asked the commitl&e 10 put In place adequate securtty measure aimed at re slor lng peace In the afrecled community. He bemoaned what he described as recalel· lmnt altitude or the al leged land grabbers who have refused all en trealles for peace. Accordl n--, to th e pal· ace spokesperson who doublcs as OdoJfn of Igbogbo. Chid TaJudeen Onasanya. Ihe matter has been on for over

nine years . Over 500 people had purchased hmd (rom the (amlly "111ey came 10 us ror help and we conSUtuted a com mlllee 10 look Into the Issue. We wenl to the sile but to no avail, Pres · enLly, over flnce.n houses. have been destroyed.The Seltlng up or the committee was a rollow up to a pelltton sent to the Ho u se or Assembly some people In the area . The House had prom · Ised to flnd a lasUng SQ. lutlon to the lingering land problem

South gro-polUlcal wne to do 51 me In order to encou ' ace Ihe develop' m~nt 0 1 .. grl c ultur~ In Ihe re i!I'ln ~Wl' wish to I'lIprl'ss o ur heanrelt grnUtude to the CXt'Cutl\'e governor of Edo ~ ;t a te . C omrade Adam ~. oJs hlo mho le. o n the oc=aSion of Lht! flag orr of t hiS year 201 2 planlll,g ;iellson and dis· burselllint of funds In the Inilia l sum ofN41 .6m t o the (BNRMp· ND (a · c llUaled dgrlcultural t!n lerprlse groups from 27 b~nellclilr y c ommuni · til:S ~Th ,! Inillal amount covers the c rop enterprises whi c h arc lime bound The IIvC:Sloclr. and aquacul t ure which arc nOI p ,Hllcularly lime bound litre expected [0 commt-n , e later. We graciously a ppeal to Your Excdhmcy to assist us In rell'llIdlng your col leagues, the executive gover-nors of the Niger Delta Etates to pay their counterpart funds Bnd e:nsure the deduction of the loc al government's contrttuclon at soun::e,she addld. G (; v e r o o r OshlomOolc . repre sented by the state deputy ~overnor. Plus Odubu. $aJd ror Nigeria to attalo food suffi ciency. It must encourage Us teemlng farmers to put In their besL According to Oshlomhtlle. l'oday. government will empower our rarrn"f'5 by providing cash anj rarm Inputs. particularly yam mlnlse tW. which. wh~n cultJvaled and harvested. wUI brln!, aboul bumper harves t ·,r yam In the Slale, PrDperly utilised. what our farme:rs will get loday 'NlII significantly Impro\C: their present cconomJr: status. -In runherance of the concerled erfort of the governmr·m to entrench suslalnable mrrastru c tural develop' ment In rural areas and slrenglhln rood sccUrity In the stale. the programme bas (acllitaled the rormaUon of 39 crop enterprise groups in the 27 benenting communities -

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