31 Nigerian Tribune
Bosso spends NIOOm on market development
Beji said in the pa st, NI40,OOO per week . HE Bosso Local . He said although the Government Area the council generated . of Niger State has between N80,000 and market had not been forspent NlOO million on the N90 , OOO per week , merIy inau gurated, -the construction of Beji mod- ad'dind that since the . council decided to allow ern market, to boost its in- construction of the mar'- business activities to comternall y generated rev- ket, it s internal rev- mence, following appeals en u e h a d ' i ncre~sed to by people of the area. enue. Alhaji Bawa Beji, the .-----------~===-~~~ local government chairman, disclosed this while · co ndu cting newsmen round the market at Beji. "The council expended NlOO million in establishing the Beji modern market; we focused on the project because it will
James Bwala, Maiduguri
HE Chairman of La pai "Loca'l Government Area of Niger State, Alhaji Abdulkhadir Umar , has sa id the counci l constructed five primary health clinics for N50 mil : lion l ast year, in a bid
-Mu'azu Babangida Aliyu, Niger State Governor
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~~~:~~~~hei:~l~::t:~: ~: 'Equal rivers and streams often ~verflow~d their banks and cut off the community t t from the rest of the s a e.. "It is possible to move during the dry season, but it is another trouble altogeth er if the rains start," he said. The ' dislrict head of. Wuse lli, Chief Emoman u el. Goyang,
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tlve and pledged the community's readiness to help him to achieve his future dreams.
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action from the security agencies, to e ns ure the ·safety of residents . Mrs Grace Emmanuel , a trader, however, com plain ed of the lack of access roads, 'especially behind Deepe r Life Bible Church in th e area , s tr eSS ing th at the bad road im -
tivities ' of cr iminals · ped ed access to the in th e area had be- . area by po lice pa t rol
~~~et~ :~:~~e of con- ve~~~:nuel
in the cons truction of a direct access ro ad to the area , to
representation, .beauty of democracy' . :~~e ~~~~:e:~ea~na~
Celestine Ihejirika, Jalingo E
'QUAL representation of communities in governance has been described as the beauty of democracy. . The chairman of the Peoples Democratic .Party (PDP) in Gassol Local Goyernment Area of Tarab,! State, Alhaji
M t . A' '' d th . u an JUjl, rna e e assertion w hile speaking with · the Nigerian Tribune in Jalingo. AjLiji explained that various oommunities across the oountry were given the opporturuty to be represented and express their opinions . on relevant is.sues and present problems for possible solutions. Hesaidthatequalrep-
resentation would cr~a'te room for speedy development of the oommunities. The chairman said that . during the military era, only few individuals were involved .in the act of governance, adding that in most cases, the military men at the .hehnsofaffairs·onIyengaged their relations and friends at theexj>ense of the larger society.
tions. It will be rec a lled
~~~t b~:~e~~I;~c~::~: in' the incidence of rob b e r.i e s i n the area , with' robber s i nvading th e three - . bed roo m f I a t 0 f so m e l a die 5, t h rea t e n i n g . to h arm the m. 0 n e 0 f the victims said the rob-
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Farmers to enjov assistance in Jigawa AdamuAmadu, Dulse .tertheirelectionin"6utse. how FAD AM. I and Il S Hajiya Giwa noted that projects assisted you to HEJigawa tate act h ing prol'ect co- t e co-ordiriation office improve your agriculI I ·b ordina tpf, 'Hajiya wou1dSOOn start d IS urs- tura activities. am in-( Hadiza Giwa; 's aid .tha t ing the fund to the farmers forrning you that FADAMA farmers were tQ to enable themcto pursue FADAMA III h as also . th u1d f 'h receive NI5m: assistance some projects at. wo . pro erred a .u ge paCkages ' . t to .sUP- . enhance their procluction .for you in an effort to und er' th e proJec port the nine local govern- and marketing. modern; se your agriculment areas. She explaiited that the lural practice, making it fir d d h f . She made the disC\ost an seetin p ases o. more profitable 'lJId ensurFADAMA . t h d' . t d " ty sure while speaking to the ' proJe~ s a . mg 00 secun . executive members of the contributed ·inunensely til" "So, I caU on you to FAOAMA Users Assocja~ .: th~ agricultural. d"v~l~p~: .. tpo~q;se y~ur_~em~rsto ' , .tion in the state shQl't1y 'If- ' . ment ofthe state;.,'. c . , >. ,: .pay .yoUr rol¥'t~art' flir1!'t-
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:1~i~::::a~~o:a~~ Yohanna, ~~:I~;i~~rm~~to o:e~~~ assi s t
a the high rate of robbery in the area r e quired immediate
enable us to oommence the disbursement as early as possible," Giwa sq,id. .. InL'c th . ml; response, e new chairman of the associ atiOl';, Alhaji Muhammed al " Auw ' ; promised to work hand in gloves with the FADAMA III co-ordination office to achieve the desire' aims. Auwal also vowed to '
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kitchen and ate th e ir sou p. "T hey th e n knocked at our room w 'ind 0 w s, de m a ndg for moneyhand in t h reatening to arm
us ". It was ' one of our n e i g h b 0 u r s t hat assis t ed us by ca1\ing h I' h I 1 t e po Ice e pines, w hie h t urn e d t h e ensure prompt payment of thieves away at the count~rpart f!-,!,,!-s ,by aU -" sound of the Siren," ..FADAM . QS!1rs, ~n' thE; "" th . t' sai d .
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schools m the ?rea.
. ' . ·suit," ·he said, while ex- called on: the sta:te .govpressing regre t that the ernment to establish rainy season always af- primary and seco ndary
~::~~~.t~n:~~~~iis;n:d~~ the community. :'Students here trek long distances to get to the secondary sch ools . in Kabwir, Dawaki, Chigwon g and Balang villages. "We do not have sec,. ondary schools in Wuselli i/. and t h is is seriousJy" af,. f . h ectmg our yout 5;. our students have to trek several distances. \. "This is not good for
ES IDENTS of ' Sa.bon Gari area of Bw ari, in the Fed e ral Capital Territory (FC;:T), have ca lled for in. creased p o lice patr ol, to ensure the se -' curity of life and property . So me of the residents told newsmen that the increased \lc-
Counel-Ilor 1-naugurates M ~~~~~flor i~ new 'proJects th:~~~~~il~~~~~;i~ta~ in '
The chai'rman said the borehole s had greatly improved the access of . people t o potable water and re duc ed the spread of water borne disease,s in the l ocal governmen t area . . Umar added that th e co u ·ncil would intensify efforts toward impr oving . ac cess t9 potable water supp l y beca use -- improved water supp l y will l ead to improved he ~ lthcare of th e peopl e. This is an important priority for th e C'9uncil."
Bwari residents appeal for .increased police patrol
generated revenue," he
The coun"cillor also inaugurated five culverts and a constituency office. Speaki n g at a ceremony to inaugurate the projects, Yilding described the area as " educationally disad vantaged " and called for the establi shment .of more secondary schools in the area. Heurgedthestategov-
Umar told newsm en that three of · th e c linics were sited at Dare, Gabi and Evuti, 'w hile others were l oca ted at Tashibo and Gupa towns. Uma r also ' said th e council had ' ex pended N18 .3 million on' the si nking of bor e hol es, so m e of which were
care .
the ciiuncn , to r e duce the h ardsh ip of th e people in their qu est for 'potable
serve as .our major source
Pankshin Local Government Area of Plateau State, has donated two blocks of classrooms to
to improve access of people to m e dical
motorised ,
.of revenue," 'he said. He said the money was expended on clearing the si te, fencing and construction of lock" up stores, open sho'p s and the administrative block. The chairm~n said the market project was financed' with the NIOO million special f>"roject grant allocated to each of the 25 local government councils by the state government. " We chose Beji modern market as our own special project in order to increase o ur internally
N50m on clinics
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