GRlCULnrRE .. saki 10 aCCOU flLS lOr 40 po'" cent ol Nigeria GrtlM Ootncstic Products rGDPl and :IfU\IIdc:s 6n ptt cent or employment Indc~cd. agrtcult~ posRS5C'I ltv: ftJila'* growth ~ to ~ NIgerIa-s «Ofl')n1'C' to greaUle58 TIltte aft vanous progranutM:S and potldes put In plact' by lh~ Feder<&! Ciovttnm~nl 10 revoIuUonmc the IlQ1CUIluralarct.... to make till." counuy not only food "uft'idrnt but 10 .UlaDl 0'1(' II=vd or rood RCUtlty One 0( well Inmslonua Ion prqranvnes I! lhr CommerCial A.fV1cuJt~ ClC'(1J. St.ilf:11'l(' [CA~ 1. 11l1s progmmn~ Is meant only for I' tlslll~ rilmlO'S. arYl cuon:IlnB ted by Ihr ('nura1 Bml~ 0 ~ [CONI III coUaboration wUh ~ Fcdaal Mlfd ,,- ol AgnnI't~ ano! Rural DeYe:1opm"nl ~ aim 01 - lACS Is 10 promote or commercial ~1UJ'(' cnt('n.., In Ow.: counlr)' II II! on ~ I , . , the tidlOll(' 10"35 fu •.:1rd Ihmll~:tl UJI! ~u;mcc d N'~ b:UIon Yo:lnal roOYm ll ~lr5 bond lOr ~l l~ ICl'l'.ll1" rk .. trd by tht' Orix M'l'''"J,gnncm OffIce IDMO) ~ C \("', ~.chemc Is abo 10 C'I)I1l1'1o'mcrlt olher programmes til l-nMdb~ f"ulldlrllL! lOr ap1ttIlNJ1' such as thr ~ltun11 ( 'tilt Cuarantt'f: "ichnne tACGSl ",tttch I:!i ~tty r.. -;10 ,0 M"tI.~ ramM:f""> Intrr t Draw-Back Sd'lCfne. ~ ltural ~ Suppa.! Sd...,nc tI£SSl etc Al"ttJl'tting UI M ' 'aul F.lull3tv.~ _ the DIm1or. ~ menl Flnan(:"!: DqartlOOll d the Ccrtlral IJank 0( NIgc:rIa ICBN). '4ilik talking 10 fanners tn fblKlan. !OmCtlmc last ~ar at a a'Int' IaMd '"2011 J\gJ1I' SununU of tbadan Otarnbtr ·' ConuflOtt and Indll51ry IIcen. tlCloJ at the Oric..c~nlP"_ IbadRn. Oyo ~k U--= ~ of
can Abuja _vuld teten 10 the8c word! (! Ivlsdoot. which Is esei:nUaI and par.m1OUIlt bth e <bdopment of tilt Ill!UcJn agrtcUllUr.ll Mdor". We keep people 0\'tt91::3S busy and m~ at the
He further pro rrered olhc:r iolutlons to Olher
·Dr Akinwuml Ad_ina, Agrit" 1f1n.t-tlCr CACS bldudc' last tmelting drYdopmerli of RgI1cUlturai Mt'tor of tI--= N~n COOflOlny by prowling CR'dII radllUcs to romruc:n:I.-u agJbdluml dlt~ al a s lIgk dlgJt il1t~t rale to cnh.-.~ nalklflai rood MCUr1ly by InCfta.~1f.t bxI sopptv and dI«tlng kM"Cr tloa- alld
prtXI~, EltgnccrEgba ex· plaIned tllat tna.f1tdlng coopernUYCS s hould be en·
of nwyor conulIodh.Jes bl bn-
por1ant prodUCUOfl areM. S u ch organisations. he noted. are needed to the l'OUIltry bcca\.ISIC of UIe Ma' UI"CIy smaU tarm sItt. f'urtl.cfmon:. U.,oo..'Wl·
_Ihot""'~ n.tustrIes alone can pn:Mde d npQ11lcnt 10 k m1IlIon NlgmallS dlm:tJy or 1ndI· m:Oy if Ioml pnxluc::tlG) d 1i:Jod~~t
Is encouraged and strmgIy ~u pportcd by the FcdcntI Goyernmen t. TIlls he. MId woukl aJ80 nllnlm.Me fOod Ioi!sM:s and wasutgts. To oontroi post·twvest louea. ....·hlc!1 the expert dc:scrIbe.d as a major 1m· pedmcnt to abundance bxI production and afJordablc Ii:Jod prtcea to ~ IIC afDrmcd dial JX* hanesl IoMcs can a1lIO be controlled In IiuitA and ~ by ~~ IrM:!Itor.l. beth local and InlematD1al to In· \'Cl'It an I1r IIC't'tOr -Ym- Instance. bll"e!tors shoold In· Iatlnfrult~~C'OI n·
pIlIlks In ~1'1IJ8(), Bcnuc 8I-dKaO.ntand l1w::yshoold aI!JO be ~ and en' C'OlJI1IFI lo InYml: In toma· toes canning In Kano. Nastr.rwa. de.· he said. Croa:rnilll the probirrn of ~'a". the expert poSled thai saabWly In JXl'ol'CI' sup' pty Is cnc of tl--= major raettn that am mlnlrnt8c bod ~ C5p1!d8l1y In lilt area of ft5h and &'I:Rm blds. Or I IJlaf1(~ofharwst
-M r Tony Egba. NaJionai Secretary. ANUM
tagcs of havtng markeUng coopcrallves as enumerated by Egba Indudc; pr0viding ccotntI aa:umulaUon poIn15 ror the: han·cst.lng and packing. supply and malertals bl quanUty: provtding for PJ'OPCT prepara· lion (or market anti suxage \\oilCfl .te«Icd and (a dhlaUng Ll1InsportBt)on to the mark~1A and M"tlng as
a common
5C~ U'1/1
IlaUon . to rnlucc: tlte c:ost of enOlt bt agriCuIlural pnxluc· Uon bl order 10 enable rll~nJ upkMt Ute potentl.'lI of the tICClor. as weD as to InCf~ output, gencmlc en'\pIoymcnt. dtYttstf'y 11--= rn'OlUC base. tncreas: ~l ex· chartgr camlr~ and pn:Mdc Input fer ir1du:5lnal !leCtor on a sustalIlal* basks Mr Etuh.'lIIo."l", In an btt~ ...1t1t JOumaJ~ at I1IC profV:unnlC sUd. only pract.I!Ilr~ farmers an: co el1JOY UlC 8CIto'r1C and tl tq' must acuss ItIC loon through COCIIlCIlI' ~ (anllcl'3 aMOdaUons 011 Ute update on ltM" ('om II~ AgrIl." ., dtua Cndll Schcnr ICACSL Ute CBN lop oIfk.of:r explaIned UIllI. -from tl--= InceptJon In 2009 to July 20 11. 11--= ('Il~ has rdea~ I1IC sum cI NI33 65 hlUton lOr ~Irnt CO 159 bcr1Cftc.1ar1es made up of 133 In dMduaJ!I/ p..",alc promoteno. adwng lhal 26 "Ultf' f!pY emmcnts aca:MCd N 1 0 billion oct,· ~. In(onnaUon eman;u,lng (rom ~11 p"rts ollhe country has It thaI 111.1ny fuJTl1Cl'3 an: yrl to gt't Ule CACS 10(111. Sorrx aftJle aJrmttl !'annO's who gJanltti Irllen1eYo"5 with 'T'ribunIC JIgrlcul l.l inl O\-a- nor) dl:!!bur.tC ment 01 Ur mOlll''Y by 8OI'1lI!' stalt ~"d'lurw:nl.!l Ian'w'Jtted UIllI tbpile nttttJng and rulfUlh'S tlr condlUom attarhed to Ihe dbbur5cmcnt ofll--= CACS Oul 115 hW~llaJ bv C~ and FttIera.I GoYol unenl. tI~ ~ }~ to IX'nenl from thc ractlilY For- Instance. some p illS cI fan1lCf!l bt Oyo SUIte. last wcc:k told Tribune Agriculture Uml tI~ l! lite need fer tI.e slale gt:l'\"d'ltOr Senator Ab60Ia Ajlmob,_ to help prnall 00 Ur npprnprlatc organs oll1'11! Slatc JfJY emmelll aaddIrd .1111 Ur n:sponslJIDty of dtsbun.Ing I1lC CACS loan to rckas: UJdr' drques so IItat tllC1 can make l~ 0( Ule moncy durtng liM' p1anUJll scaMWt whtch 15 ncar th,. corner Acc:ordb~ 10 Ur flrrrtcn '4i'lO prer:nted I1lCir oornplilbl ts under tllC umbrella of d iffO'l:l'II coopernll\~ (anllf'nl assocIalions. liM!)' an: ~ to ~ Ute Conunm:tall\grt-cuJtuml Cm:UI Scheme 1CAC51 loon slott thty applkd fur tt bl AprtI. 20 10 . TIte farmcn (urt.hef-lanrnted that Ule sUIte mtniSlJ)' of agr1cul'u~ Il5kttl Ulall to sublnU ItcCCC!I$lI}' docurnclIl.!!i which Is OIlC of the rondluous to attcs!I tiM' loon and which thcy dkl In Augu~l . 20 I 0 TIM')' said lhe list ol 5Oflll" d108Cfl / 5Ck:ctcd ramlCr.l to bencfit rrom lhe CACS loan was p..'Uu:d . but later n: m oved and up ul! now. many ramM!r'S In Oyo Statc h.-l\"t: IlOt bendltcd rrom Ule .!ICheme Mr l\mdc Adejarc. a ptggay fanner saJd. -the rann O'S' groups tltat ~ to actt:5S Ute loan .~ 0\"0' 140 fanners coot>crattvr: ~lc:lk:s Dwtng Ute admUltslra lion 01 UM' Im med iate pasl P"d'11f1tnll In Ute statt. \\ .~ made to s ubmit lhe ortglnal n:glstrl'lIon C'Ct' lIJk."iI tcs of ourcoopcrallve ~1etk!I whkh Wtrc h.'U1dlcd by the Dc,"lnntnll of "'muting. Research and Slnlls IIcs 01 tI--= ~Iale mlnl8try 01 agriculture. But ~ are sad tltat up UU th e present moment. ~ Ita\'C no( rft:tt\'nI it kobo dt:spttc our rqular prr:s.sure on them ·W~ ~ learnt IIlat oth er states like Osun. K\l"il .... Ogun. Abia and othcrs and others ha~ dJsburs«l tltC loo n to litelr raJ"lltCn 8t11 It 15 a plly lhal up Ullnow. In.-my rantlt:1'3 in Oyo S ta te th at applied for lilt' loan arc ),cl to ,.eel anYl h tl1,1f. ItC lamcmc:d Olh er rarmers IIkc TOIW Oluycmt. Sola Fadarf'. Suklmall Adcrvju and Kaz:c:t'm OlaJIdc:. Ihey wc:r~ tired of bcggtlJtt lOr tltC loran. TItq' poslted that !IOmr: cI thf'lr coI~ ....1tO apphcd lOr tI.e money had dk'd ..... hllc pursurinJt the chequc. streMtn( IIll1l if they am', get Ule IOOIK'}' during lite: plantillg ~t whtc.h b around the COI"IICT. a nyway. UM' moncy may ItO longer be U~ ful rot" tlM'm TIJCY. ~. bc:ggcd tl w 5tatt' goycnunwt 101lt'11> UK'm soh'!' the problem !to lhat Uterc can br: dn'C1opIOf:nI bl tlte agrkultural S«'tot" of lite ~tate TI,", a lao appealed to G(JI,'tfllOr Abk>iA AJ'mobl ~iwwn they (k scrt~ as a listening gt:I\'O'111'>r at-d frtcnd or th" rna.55CS 10 hclp n:n101I't' all the obstM"~ 10 tlte n:kax of th,. loon Fadan! said. "thc.n: l! f'vrn a a I\.lInour thai tJlI"Y wantttl to dlsbur.IC on'y N200 ",lIlIons b't!llc::<td {1( N 1 btI110n 10 ranl'lCrs Wc are. tt~ . ~ Goyernor AJlmobl. .... Is our [r1t'nd 10 'M'lp us look btlO tllC matter. - 'M' pk'adf'd