Nigerian Tribune, 21 june, 2011

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Nigerian Tribune Tuesday.


militants force young girl to wear suicide vest


N eig hl-yeil r-old Paki s ta ni g irl w a s alle gedl y kidna p ped by Is la mis t militants w ho fo rced her 10 wea r a s u icide vest to a Hack se cu r it y for ces. po lice said on Monday _ Po li ce p ro d uced th e id e ntifi e d as g irl , Sohana Ja vaid, before a news confere nce broad cast o n Pakistani televisio n ch a nnel s. The g irl recalled ho w sh e w a s kid n ap ped in he r h o m etow n of P es ha wa r by two women and a m an who p ulled up in a ca r. i hey put a ha ndkerchief on my mouth and I fe ll uncons ci o u s . Th ey look me to so me place. They g,Hle me some bi scuits to eat and I again fell un co nsc io u s/ Sohan a said in a video, according to a voice o\'er Ir.1nslation on the ta pe. Fo rced to wea r a suicide vest, she was tra nsported to a security ch« k post in a s mall to wn in the l ower Dir d istrici in the North west. ~ I moved towa rd s the check post but I slart ed shouti ng and was taken in to c u S l ody, ~ sa id So l13 n a. There w as no way 10 independ enlly verify the s lo ry. Pa kis ta ni au tho rities, w ho are fa ci ng a s tubbo rn Tal ib a n insu rgency, ha ve in the pas t produ ced wo uld-be su icide bombers in fro nl of television umeras.

• Hundreds of mothf!lS and Ihcir infants descend on The Grand Staircase at The Trafford Untre in Manchester, United IGngdom. on M onday. I

f'ftom lAllr M.u.

Refugees take UN representative, staff hostage in Cote d'Ivoire


IBERIAN refu gees in Cote d ' ivoire have ta ke n offici als of the UN High Commi ss io n for Refu gees (U N I-I C R) hostage, alleging neg l ~cl and abuse of their rights. The Counlry Re present ative, Jacq ues a nd the Fran qu in, members of h is staff were he ld at th e UN I-I C R hea d qu a rte rs for mo re than six hours un til the inten'en ti o n o f t he Ivorian po lice. Th e o ffi cia ls. bo th loca l and in te rna tional.

we re laken hostage when one o f the stilH members rip ped a pro lest banner by the refu gees pasted o n the he adquarters o f the UN HC R. T he re fu gees, reported ly sto rmed the UN H C R o ffi ce,

d emanding the I"('tum o f the banner o r the country re prese ntat ive and th e staff wo u ld remain in the office. Th e refugees seal ed the e ntrance. s ho uting in vectives, c horu si ng pro tes t songs a nd


we are receiving here. "We have been ~ilted like dogs he re. We li ve ,vuhout shelter, no food , no water 10 drink and no health careandu ponthat. we are insulted d aily and mall:reated by theoHid als of the UNHCR."


Michelle Obama arives South Africa on state visit


N ITED States firs t lad y, Michelle Dba ma left fo r Africa on f\.·lond ay, in South Africa, "'here she had a stop over in Jo hannesburg and Ca pe Town .

She is in Africa w ith Obam a's tra vel o n Ihe the aim of advancing.U.s. continent adds a different po licies on educa tion, sy mbo lic he ft than previous flISl ladics' tri ps health. and democracy. L.lter in Ihe week she there h.w e had. ln SouthAfrica,shemet would visit Botswan a. As the wife of the fi rst -Graca Machel. the wife of black U.s. p resident, Mrs fo rme r Sout h African Presi d ent, Nelson r-,'Iandela and also visited the island where Mandela o thers in tr yi ng to help was imp risoned under them brin g peace and apa rtheid . stability to North Sudan of In Botswa na she which Darfu r is a cri tical wo u ld meet wit h e lemenl. ~ President Ian Khama and According 10 th e wi th women leaders. envoy, the sep.1Ti1tion of th e Her presence in Africa state w ill lead to political could a ppea r in th e calculations on the part of cam pa ign to a p peal to govem menl and the rebel bla ck vo ters, a c ritica l movement in Darfur, with voti ng bloc for Oba ma's t"am lrying to have an edge Democrats. over the other. White House officiil ls

'Sudan's stability will guarantee stability in South Sudan' TAB ILITY in the Sud an wi ll have Sud .m w ill tre me ndous importil nce gu arant!!C 5<l me in no t just for Ihe no rth new South Suda n as the Sudanese" " If North Sudan is not countly ad vaJlC"e5 towards il5 independence on July 9. st.lble, I dOll't see how you ;] United Nilti ons en voy will ha\1!stabijity in the new has observed. Republ ic o f South Sud an The UN sp...'Cial en\'oy after July 9," h('said. o n AU-UN Mission in Ga m ba ri s aid it "'<IS D<lrfur, Professor Ibrahim important for the UN and GambiITi. said th e the in tern a tio n a l independe nce of Sout h community nolto negl«t Su da n CQuid devasta te Suda n. "What is left of Suda n \vill not be the same again T ilE African De"elobec.1Use yo u now have a pmen! B.lnk(AIDB) cou n try that is said it has infected US5826,000 to supp o rt t",umatised, wilh onethird of ils terri tory and one soya beall,co"'pea,maize <I uarter of its population, a nd yarn resea rch ill il nd one Ihird o f it s o il N igeri a's five s ta tes in 20 11 . revenue gone, so w hat h"ppens in the rt'.~'c'cocr___rC'Co"j~'c ",--,Cc= ,,-,'cdc'nc'c'coc'o'_

drumm ing empty cans and bottles. The Chairman o f the Li be ri a n Refugee s Committ ee, Jerry Ferg u son. said : " We posted ban ners o n the w all s 10 11'11 the wo rld aboutlhe poor treatmen t

the rest of Sud a n a ft e r inde pendence. "That is w hy the issue o f de bt relief fo r Suda nKhar to um is very irnportant. and I am told that the U.S. is trying to re move Sudil n fro m the lis t o f nations th a t sponsor te rrorism. ..,llat means Khartoum must take the right polioes to reci proca te the efforts or

sa id h er vis it w o uld a d"ance he r hu sband 's foreign policy goals. "This trip by the firsl la dy is very directly connected 10 the p reside nt's agenda in Afr ica a nd the Oba ma ad ministration's fo reig n policy in Africa. "'t's no coincidence lhat sh e woul d be visiti ng co untries th at have embraced democracy, (and) in ma ny respects, have shown that nol only d oes their democracy d eli \'er for its ci tizens, b ul it can provide a posith 'e ex.1mple for the neighborhood that these count ries are in as we ll. ~ Ben Rhod es, Obama'S dep ut y national securi ty ad\'iser s,lid.

AfDB approves funds for soya bean, cowpea research in Nigeria ~'I r ~ llI slaf<l Raji. said 0 11 Ag ricu lt u ra l a nd Rural s u ccessfu l se r vice Septembe r 2010, Munday in Yola that the De\'elopment Project, is deli very of the project the expressed dissatisfaction pro ject is a joint e (fo rt to increase ag ri cultu ral AfDB had invoh'ed the over a low impact of the wi lh Ada mawa, Combe, prod ucti on tha t w ou ld Inte rnationili institute fo r project es pecia ll y on Bauc hi , Kad u n a a nd im prove the livelihoods T ropica l Agriculture resea rch and trials. Kwa ra states in Northern o f rura l farm e rs ac ross (II T A) to co nd uc t the The bank has therefore Nigeri a. the fi ve states. trials in .111 five stales. decided tohwoll'e IITA in The project, und er the He explained that for .. AfDB d uring it mid- the tria ls in all fi ve slates~ , C ---,o_m_m _ u_n_'"' Y , -_ _"_' c" c d_ -,th e e ffect i ve _'cncd=--,",'cnc'~"','~'o.~wC,"oCn"d"u",",e,d::.::in,---cM = u stilf.1 added .

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