6 Nige ri an Tribune _
Tuesda y,
wary of OBI, ex-Senate chief whip charges Jonathan
Mushin clash: Police arrest 30 suspects THE police in lAgos State have arrested scores of people ill connection w ith the reant crisis in Musllin. which led to the deat h of fi ve people arou nd Fadeyi and Akala are'lS of the s talc. Th~ poli~ in the s tate have also drafted new sets of anli-riot mobile policemen to Ihe troubled communities, while efforts had begun to lind solution to the crisis in the area. Meanwhile residents of Akala have appealed to the stale governme nt 10 save them !rom const'lnl killing. by putting . an end to the m~ of AkaJa boys.
Nigeria n
gathered that no fewer Ihan 30 people had been arrested in connection w ith the dash, while investigations had commenced on their itCtivities. The image maker in charge of Ihe state police command, Samuel Jinad u, con firmed the a rrest of some suspects. adding that nonnalcy had returned to the areas. OlaJe kan OlabuJo, Lagos
Nampak Nigeria holds shareholders meeting
Uchechukwu O lisah. Beni n City 0RlvIER Chief Whip of the Sen ate, Rowland Owie. o n Monday, accused former presidenl Chief Olusegun Chtsanjo, of being responsible for what he called the my riild of problems con- . fronting the nation today and, the refore, cautioned Preside nt Goodl uck Jonathan to be wary of his ad-
guest lecturer, Ibrahim Agboo/a of [badan (UI), ProfefUor Isaac Adewole, at the World Refugee Day prog ramm e, at the UI, on Monday. Photo; Tommy "d~lbl ~.
Aregbesola has no parallel in history, PDP insists TIe;<:rUtll;tap~~~!:
De mocratic Party (PDP) has ins is ted thai there is no pilAliel in history for Ihe non-appointmen t of commissioners by the Osu n Slate governor, Mr Ra uf Aregbesola. seven months after he look over as governor of the s ta te. A s tate ment issued on Monday by the state acting
'Says ACN gOY was wrong on Balarabe
Sunday Ojo Williams, accused the Action Congress of Nigeria (ACN) of fal sifying history, by saying tha t a Second Re public governor of Kaduna State. Al haji Bala-rabe Musa, did sa me for 20 1110n ths, Hw herea5 it is on re<o rd that Balarabc Musa actually a ppo inted comm is-
Second Repub lic governor of Kaduna Sta te as the 00sis for not appointing commissioners since last yea r. " It is on record that Al haji Bala rabe Musa, a genuine denlocral as a responsib le governor of Kaduna State sent his lis t of com missioners to the N PN-dominilted House of
Assembly stalemated h is government." The PDP sa id il read with al:lfm the reaction to the GuinneS5 Book of Rec:ordJ crown of iIIegality it gave Mr Aregbesola for not appointing his cabinet seven months after he came into office. "We note w ith ala rm
AT the cou rt ordered meeling of Nampak Nigeria Pic. held at Ellcellence Hotel & ConfereTlO! Centre. Ogba, Lagos. s hareholders conapp roval of his nominees s ide red a scheme of a rChris tian Okeke, team was a t th~ Federal on the occasion by the ai- by the House was a d ifferrangement between AbuJa Capital Te rritory Adminis- rector of Econom ic Plan- e n t th ing e ntirely. Ojo Na mpak N igeria Pic a nd IJation (FCTA) to lalk with ning. Rescilrch ilnd Slatis- Williams stressed. its sha re holders. H E Wo rld Uank is theauthoritiesontheextent tic.Isa AriMohammed,reThe PDP as ked the Th e scheme provided tlrgeting an upward of success of the pro;ect in iterated that the raA was ACN the basis fo r CO I11for Nampak International. review of the grantto Ab uja. providing suppo rt fo r panson between Balarabe, the holders of a 57 per cent Nigeria FADAMA project Dr Ad ubisaid they were sustainability and continu- a democra t a nd Aregbeinterest in Nam pak Nige- to the sum ofS4.185 million. in the FcrA to assess the ity of FADAMA I and [] in sola, who h ad no t a pria , to pay the m inority it was disclosed on Mon- st.tndard of \vork done and the agricu ltural and rural po inted commissione rs "h;lfeho lders the s um o f day. interact with the bencficia- deve lo pme nt s ta tutory sc\'Cflmonthsafter coming N5.05 per o rdinary share This disclosu re was ries, as the Wo rld Bank budget line. into power. held. During tlle courseoflhe to increase the meeting. s ha reholders ex- III, Dr Abimbola Ad ubl, Responding, the FCT pressed desire for the pro- \IIhen he led the project Permanent Secretary, Dr r'Olarin and other party lead· By A d ~bayo Waheed posed consideration to be team coordina tors to moni· Na than iel O lo runfemi, ers in the slale. as minist\!HE OyoState d\apter increased . rial candidates in the emergtor how pro;ccts had fared noted that the administraof the Peoples Demo- ing cabin!.'t o f Preside nt Upon consulta tion with under FADM-tA min the tion wo uld suppo rt the aatic Party (POp). on Goodluck Jonathan. Nampak International, it North-Central zone. 93,092 farming fami ly r.,·londay, kkked against the was proposed th a t the 1hc fo urth Joint World population in Ahuja. The s tate secreta ry o f scheme consi deration be Bank / Fede ral Gove rnThe permanent secre- nomination of fonner Sen- the party. Alhaji Bashim increased to N5.50 per ment Supervision Mission tary, who was represented ate Leader, Senator TesIim Akanbi, while addressing share. newsmen in Ibadan, also The rationa le for the accu sed Senator Leka n proposed increase was the General of the Federation Conseque ntl y. Justic~ Balogun, leader of the coarecenl improvement in the company's n nandal per- Tunde Oyesina, Abuja (AGF), through the Direc- Adamu BcUo ad;oumoo the lil ion of opposi tio n Federa l !-li gh tor of Public Prosecution case till July 20, jus t as he aga ins t the second te rm formance. ordered the prosecu tion to bid o f fo rmer Gove rn o r Cou rt sitting (OPP). Mr No rnah Awoh , a The com plaina nt sa id ensure that the accu sed Adebayo Alao-Akala; a Ab u ja, on Monma rke t commentato r, expressed delig h l Ihat the day, fi:<ed Jul y20 to take the Igbeke forged the primary would be available thilt day. forme r deputy governor of The cri minal ch a rge, the s tate, Alhaji A7.eem opinion of minority share- plea of the e mbattled sena- l'3ult sheet of the party for holders was tlkcn into ac- tor representing Anambra Anambra North zone and signed by a director a t the Gbola rumi ilnd iI former of- r-ederal Ministry of Justire, Minister of Special Duties, count in a drcision to in- North, on the ticket of the thereby committed Peoples Democratic Party fence contrary to Section I M rs 0. O. Fatunde, read: Elde r Wole Oyelese. o f ~ilSC the .scheme consid(PDP), Alphonsus Igbeke, (2c) of the Miscellaneous that you, Alphonsus Uba anti-party acth'ities. er.ltion per sha re. Mr Matthew Akinlade, who is fad ng trial for al- OHcnces Act 200t punish- Igbcke ( M), at aboul the He said Senator Folachairman of the bo., rd o f leged ly forging sensiti ve able under SectiOfl 1(2) of 21st day of Ja nua ry, 2011 , rin played .. role in the acr-ederal Capital Terin the documen ts belonging to the same Act. dire<tors of Nampak Nitivities of the erstwhile COilThough the court gave ri tory. Abuja, Nigeria, did lition against the re-eJection geria, said altho ugh the the Independen t National company might be Elecloral Commission the prosecu tion approval make II forged document of the forlll e r gove rn o r, to arraign the accused on described as the senato rial addi ng tha t Fola rin, li ke delisled fro m the N igerian (INEe). Igbeke was answe ring Monday, however, the case prima ry resul t sheet for the o ther members, '·sho uld S toc k Exchange, its renot Oil. olving to Peoples Democratic Part y, a two-co unt cri minal milinL'J a company wit h not come out now to reap filed him by the ."'....,'" of the accused PDP, of Anambu No rth maio rit y N iger ian e m where Ihey d id not sow. ees ojQr : --~~~~~~~~~--------~~~------
W~rldnBf~POpf~e$4f .i85~'gbr~t~~~ f~aFAbwvpe~OTT\C1 J'ect ~:~~~ :;g:,nt~!Sr~~~~ H
Senator Owie, who was reacting to a recent s tate-
ment credited to Cbasanjo,
th ai corruption was the major problem confronting the na tion, said Obasanjo lacked the morals to com· ment on such issues, when his administration actually "institutionalised corru ption in its eight years tenlire."
Owie said -as a matter of fact. the problem wehave in this country was created by Obasanjo," adding th;'!t he should keep his mouth shut and allow the adminislranon to concentrate on what it wanted to do. Accord ing to him, Obasanjo was nol compelent to talk about comJption. s.,ying thai "the Economic a nd Financial C rimes Commiss ion (EFCq under him was used ;Igainst his perceived enemies." Q\'IIie, therefore, urged President Jonathan to "be careful, because a 101 of Nigerians Me expecting so much from him. H
Oyo PDP kicks against nomination of Teslim as minister
~:Jeer, ~i~;~a t;.~~= ~::~ed
Alleged forgery: Court to hear Igbeke's plea July 20
because the y worked for the opposition_" But, in a swift reaction, Senator Folann faulled the argument of Alhaji Akanbi, just as he maintlined thai no pop execulivecurrently exisled in the state PDP. Folarin, in a telephone conversation, s., id at a time when everybody was busy trying to bring all agg rieved part)' members inlo a roundtable for a peact' parley. Akanbi was. busy trying to fuel the cri· sis. Akanbi and his paymasters s hou ld be asked why President Good luck Jonathan won in virtu ally all the states of the SouthWest and the sitting goy· ernors o f the party and others lost their positions to the opposilion. It only s howed th il t !'omething w as w ro ng soml'w he re thai was left unadd~'(I ,H he said. H