Nigerian Tribune, 21 May, 2011

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2i MAY, 2011

Briefly IITA Gets New Director-General THE International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (UTA) has named Dr. Nteranya E. Sanginga, as the new Director General of the institute. A release made available by the institute on Friday quoted the chairman of lIT A' s board, Dr. Brya n Harvey, as saying that "Dr Sanginga was selected from an outstanding group . His ahi e vements in rein,:,igorating the Tropical Soil Biology and Fertility Instttute (TBSF) of the Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIA T), and tropical experience make him an ideal choice to take on tne much broader task of guiding UTA into the next decade." Harvey expressed confidence that " under his administration, IITA will continue the o utstanding work the Institute does in improving the lives of the tropical people in Africa and throughout the world."

Don'~ . Mrs. Bolaji Oke (widow)and children at the Service of Songs held for Dr. Olufemi Oke in Lagos on Thursday.

Encomium As Oke Is Interred Dele Ayeleso, Lagos N COM I U M poured in at the funeral of the pioneer Country Director of the USAID/Nige.r ia funded IMPACT and pioneer Director of Community Service GHAIN project, Dr TheophilusOlufemiOke in Lagos 011 Friday. Dr Oke was desaibed as an achiever and leader per excellence during his funeral service which held at the Archbishop Vining Memorial Church in Ikeja, died at the age of 59. Survived by wife, children and grand-children,

knowledge that I need to go on without you. In my weakest moment, you remained strong for me, you : will always be in my thought forever. How I wish you could stay on to enjoy all you have laboured for, " she said. Mr Segun Ale, a family friendtotheOkesalso said, "I did not know that you were bidding me farewell. Femi preached love, tolerance, peace and togetherness till his last days on this sinful world. We can only immortalise him by practicing those values he cherished. 'We have lost a man of

great cerebral capacity, a humour merchan~ a unifyingforce,arallyingpointand indeed a golden stooL Situation is unbearable for us". DrFemiOke;'whoserved as a lead consultant to several health and development projects and organisations including DFID and USAID funded projects in his lifetime was also described as a mentor to many in all his places of work and other social groups and society he belonged while alive. The President of D209 Recreation Gub, Ogba. Mr J. Oguntokun, also described

Dr Oke as a force that trarur formed the club. He added, "you were a mentor tomany in the club and your appearance at the club always stirred up excitement. You served in humility and always diligently in your doings. You showed concern for all and your generosity would not be forgotten." . Before his death, Dr Oke joined Academy for Educational Development (AEO) to serve as the pioneer Chief of Party of the USAID/Nigeria funded Malaria Action Program for the States (MAPS) pr' oject late in 2010.

family members, religious body, friends and associates, but also to the health c()mmunity where he worked and Nigeria as a whole. Describing him as a burden-bearer, Mrs Bolaji Oluremi Oke, wife of the deceased noted that her daily regret would be did ndtstaylong erioughtoreap thefruitofhislabour, stressing that her husband worked tirelessly but could not enjoy the rewards. "You have shared with me immeasurably, depth of


would occur on September 4 ,1994. "We are almost there", Camping says, and the Bible provides a lotofinformation about ihe "timeline of history" . The Bible speaks of the vigilant as "watchmen" (Ezekiel Chapter 33, verses2-9), in that they are able to warn the unsaved. The goal is to help others become "saved" . The Bible does not point to any particular day, and Camping says he can' t know the "precise" Day of

Judgment, but there is "a great amount of Biblical signs and proofs that absolutely guarantee that Judgment day will begin on May 21 of this year." Camping, .the founder of the Family Radio Net: work, bases his prediction on a few factors, including the Jewish feast days in the Hebrew calendar, the lunar moon calendar and the Georgian calendar. Stephen Colbert, the host of Comedy Central's The Colbert Report, has taken notice. In a segment called "Yahweh or No


~~~!}Sto~~r=:~: 'The World Ends Today'

Race For

T first glance, the billboard may look like an advertisement for a radio talk show, but they are more than that. According to the 89-yearoldradiotalkshow hos~ Harold Camping, the end of days are near. Camping's latest mathematical prediction is that the world will·end today. He and his followers claim that as many as 200 million people will disappear. The San Francisco based group previously predicted the rapture

Dis.graced IMP MD's Successor Begms'

MID mounhng pressures, beleaguered InternaA. tlonal Mon,:tary. Fund (IMF) Managmg Dlfector, Dom'mq~e StraussKhan, resl~ed on Th~sday, but mSlsts he was mno cent o,f th~ sexual assault acc,:,sattons hurled ag~,mst hu:n .. . . It IS WIth infinite sadness that I feel compelled . toda.r to' present to th~ Exe.cutive Board my reslgnatiO~ fro~ my post of Man. ~••,.. a~g Dlfector of the IMF. I wa.nt to say that I den)' WIth the grea test poss'bl.e firmness all of the " lleganons that have been

made against me," he said pean male, often a Frenchin a statement. man. But with Dominique Strauss-Kahn, one of Strauss-Kahn's resignathe world's most power- tion amid sexua l assault ful man and considered charges, the job is availas a sure winner in the able. next. Fren.c h. l?residential A woman is among the elections, IS Jailed m New leading candidates and York and awaiting a contenders from emerging grandy jurity decision markets may vie for the whether there is sufficient top spot. evidence to indict him of The list of possible rethe all egations that he placements is already long sexually assaulted a 32- _ and also indicates that year-old chambermaid in the jockeyi ng for .Mr. Soffitel Hotel in New York Strauss-Kahn's post could last Saturday. be contentious and full of ' The.· . .'Intern'l.ti.o nal · cQnflicL- :What' s _ mor.e, Monetary Fund's Manag- non~Eur!,'pean candidates tng Dlfector has tradi- m·a y be making a strong tionally been an Euro- run for the position.

Way", he wondered if Jesus could beat Thor in a fight. He also made fun of the Family Radio Network' s apocalypse prediction, saying there are only 11 shopping days left until it all ends. He also said he will be safe because he will be in international waters that day. The followers of Camping don't seem phased by the criticism and point to scripture to back up their claim. "The tens of thousands of ·hours he has spent analysing the Bible has given him (Camping), a unique perspective of the enmety ofStnpttife;" 1he' Family Radio Network said in a statement.

Politicise Education In Ekiti-Group

A coalition of non-governmental organisations(NGOs) in Ekiti State, the Movement for Peace and Good Go,:,~rnan.ce in Ekiti (Iv;IOPEGO), has warned against the of educanon m the state, saying such would be murucal to the development of education. The group, in a statement made available to newsmen after its "State of the State" meeting held in Ado-Ekiti on Frid~y~ said "politicisation of university administration was trumlcal to the development of education and must not be encouraged under whatever guise." MOPEGO, a pressure group, consisting of the Ekiti Justice and Equity Movement (EJEM), Ekiti Justice Group (EJG), The Patriots (EP), Ekiti Restoration Group (ER~) and others,.. in the statement signed by its Chauman, Dr. TunJI Oluwasanmi, also described the sa<:k. of the Vice Chancellor of the University of AdoEkltt (UNAD), Professor Dipo Kolawole, as not only vindictive but illegal. Sam Nwaoko, Ado Ekiti

Uphold Principle Of Power Seperation -Hon.Goar ELE~

member of House of Representatives, representing Pankshin, Kanke and Kanam Federal constituency in Plateau State, Emmanuel Goar, has said that for democracy to strive in Nigeria. there must be strict adherence to the principle of separation of power. Speaking with Saturday Tribune in Jos, Goar, who was a former Speaker of Plateau State House of Assembly, said such separation of power does not mean confrontation with the executive, judiciary or among various levels of government ·Goar said it however does not preclude occasional dis?greements .among th~ various arms of govemmen~ but most tmportant IS the ability to solve the disagreement amicably without jeopardising the basic tenets of democracy. "It is my belief that in democracy, the strength, stature and acceptability of government are considerably dependent on strength, stature and acceptability of the legislative arms of the government, he stated." Isaac Shobayo, Jos

Oyinlola Congratulates UNIOSUN Graduands FO~MER

Osun sta te governor, Prince Olagunsoye Oyinlola, has congratulated the first set of OslIn State University who are graduating today. ~ a statement personally signed by him, Prince OYlniola who prayed God to guide the ways of the graduands expressed joy that they finished their programmes in record time without suffering strikes and school closures. Prince Oyinlola added that the school had remained ~ endurin~ legacy that would live to continue fuIfiling Its destmy m the world academic community. "The vision we had in starting UNIOSUN was as ~ncommon as it was gr~d. The result is this graduation event that IS celebrating in record time, nine First Class graduates, 168 Second Class Upper; 183 Second Class Lower; and 11 Third Class Graduates. " We congratulate the graduands, their parents and guardians. We rejoice with the Chancellor, Pro-Chan,cellor, the Council, Senate, Staff and students of UNIOSUN on this occasion.

3 . MR.


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5 . SURVEYOR . CHIEF 6 7 8 9

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PROFESSOR JULIUS JPADEOLA OLAfFA IMAM MOSIUD A8DULGANIY ADEBAYO SlR ANTHONY AYOOlA ADELBKB PROFESSOR MOSHOOD LANRBWAJU NASSAR uri Dblrd' r,,' ~ei~~~~'I.~re. execu te lind monitor development p rojed5 lind pr05"'mmC!' (,'r Oyo




· :~!::;-::ri::;T:;:!~ vlitum. gnitiPs 0 ' <DrpaTali prOmote' ... Of o;ummun,ty d,,~'''lopAny objection{J.) to th iJ a~:,e n'siJ tra lio n ,ho,ufl be forwa rd ed 10 the Res;~trar • Corpon l.e AffIl Lr5 COmmLSSIOn, rio t 420, TiS'15 C re5«n t, off Ag ui yl Iro ns l ~ I ree t , AbuJ. WIthin 28 dllya of thl l publ ica tio n. TRUSTBEiS



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