Nigt!J ian Trib Wle
2 0 Wednesday, 21 Sep tembe.!. 2011
HOI urges Innoson to sustain product quality Storl!!S by Ayomide O ll'onib i. Lagos
H E Managing Direclor u fOank of Industry. Mrs Evelyn O putu has urged the managemen t c( In n oso n factory. based at Emene, Enugu Slate to conlinue to nHlintilin qual ity stand ard for both p ldsties and motor veh icles prod ucts in o rder to enst're continued loca l p atrvn ilge a nd stand ardisatb n in the industry. Opu tu wllo was o n a visit ('0 Ihf' compa n y. ex pressed d o:l ig ht a t the q uali ty of Ih ! company's va rious b ra nd s after inspectiJlg them. She described w hat she saw at the ~ ' mp a ny ilS a classic cxiullFle of Nigeria going places in the g loba l economy, addi n g t h a t the re wa s o b v iou s ly vision on display. "We are see ing it ded ication to p lace Nigeri;'! on th~ g lobal ec0no mi c lIlap. Even in the mids t o f hnr:h econo mic e nv ironment. a la ud able
fC<l t h"s been ach ieved," Opulu said. She called on Chief In -
nocent Chu kwu ma. the C h airm an
Managing Di rector of the company, to maintain the standa rds so that tnc urge to patron ise the fo reig n produ cts by N ige ria n s wo uld be red ured. Ms O pUN, however. lame nted the h uge produ (:lion cost be ing ex perienced by the co mpany. especially in the area of
energy a nd poor road network, say in g th at such expenses wou ld alw ays a {fecl produ ctio n capaci ty . She. however. expressed the hope thai the cu rre nt econo m ic b lueof P resi d en t p rin t Good luck Jona than will remedy the silui'ltion and urged other business owners to adhe re to standards. Su ppo rt ing Ms Op u t u 's asse rt io n, Executi \'e Direclo r o f Ban k o f industry, Ch ief Lawrence Osayemeni reiterated Ihe BOI's passion for stand ard s.
AIAE to link research with industry H E Afnan lnstHute fo r App li e d Econo mies (AlAE), has commenced 路1 p roject o n Li nking Unive rs il y Resea rch a nd Tn d u s tr y in Nigeria (LURlN). LURLN, a novel initiath'e o f the institu te, is a p ro ject genr'!d towards development and impl emen ta tion of a programme for {oslering and establisll111ent of sustai nabJe ins tHutio na l a rra n gem en ts fo r li ll k ing university t(Sea rch and priva te enle l p rise (ag ricu ltu re, im:ht st ry, business and otht'fs). A se m in a " 10 hera ld the p roject " 'as he ld recen ll y a t N ! u kka wit h collaboraling institutions being Vniverr.ity of Nigcria, Nsu kka (lJNN). Africa n Tech nology Po li cy S tudi es Ne t work. N airobj , (AT PS). Ab ub aka r T a fawa Balewa Un ive rsity, Bauchi, (ATBIJ) and Federal U ni v ~ rsi t y of Techn o logy, Owe rr i (FUTO) with c ther universi!ies in Nige"ia expected to join. Speaking e n the initialive, Pro (esso ~ Eric Eboh, noted thaI Ih:! objectives
~From left, Company SecretaI)'. Alhaji Olalebn SaJju; Group Managing Dkrdor. Chief Emmanuel Ukpabi an d Group Diredor of Treasury. Mr Vlassis Liakouris. all management staff of RoUT Mills of Nigeria PIt; during tile aimpany's annual post- AGM press ronferen~ l1e1d in Lagos. recently . plloto: 5ylvest~r Okorul\la.
SON to sanitise steel sector HE steel sedor o f the Nigerian building a nd constructio n indus try will come unde r closer monitori ng hencefo rth, in line w ith p lans by the Sta nda rd s O rga nisat ion o f Nigeria to fu lly s.1niHse the sect.or. Th is m ove is in li ne with SON's zl!ro tolerance sta nce to subst and a rd products in Ihe cou nlry, wh id l was decla red recentl y by its Directo rGene ra l, Dr Jose p h Odumodu . Spea king o n the nelY measu res in Lagos over the weel<e nd , Dr Od umodu stated that the operators had been mand ated to inscribe IheSON ide n t ifica tion m a r k on the produ cts . Odu modu s a id tha t the develo pme nt was to put s u ch operat o rs in check, as well to ensure tracellbilHy of prod ucts in case of construction failu rI'S. Accordi ng to him, the
o f t he pro g ramm e includ e: explo ra tiu n o f g lo ba l best p ractices in li nk in g u n ive rs it y research. in no va ti ons a nd in dus tr y a nd th e imp li ca tio n s and 11'5sons for Nigeria; increase u ndersta ndi n g and a p p reciatio n o f the wea knessI'S, ga p s a n d ch a llenges in the ex is li ng systems of linking un i路 versily research, innovatio ns ll nd ind ustry in Niger ia and to d efine acti o n ab le steps, ti me d schedule and shared respo n s ibil it ies fo r the implemen tation o( the inslilu lion al arra ngement, among o thers. . The ch <li r man at the s~ m i n a r. C hri s Okoye, el uded pla ns to w h o a lso re p rese n ted th e o rgan ised p ri va te partner with a consortiu m sector (O PS), co m - o f farmers from Greea as mend ed the institu le for part of efforts to boost the the pro jec t, say i n g it produ ction o f bana na. Delta State Governo r, would go a lo ng way to enha nce t he local con- . Emman u el Udu agha n, te n t in itia t ive by 't h e who d ropped this hint in Asaba at a briefing. said Fed era l Government. The Vice Cilancellor o f Iha t the foreign far mers UNN, rep resen ted by h ad indica lcd interest 10 Pro fesso r K. P Baiye d , grow b a na n a in large De.. n, FaCl llty o f Agricul- qua ntities in the state. Udu ag ha ll <'Ill ri bu ted tu re expressed Ihe commiltnentofthe u niversily the d elay in the partne rsh ip wilh Ihe farme rs to 10 the projeci.
He sa id the d eve l op~ d evelopment wo uld obvio U!l ly leave com p a nies ment wou ld be nefit the still ro lling Olll substan- va lue cha in in areas such da rd p rod ucts into the as th e scra p metal, market, in the lu rch, or hil ul age. Accord ing to him, tll(~ face possible sanction by ne)( t li ne of ac lion was SON. how to e nsu re that the ~The steel secto r has s leel been in the top monitory im p o rted and surveilla nce o f SON . m<lnu facu re rs adopt the We lYan t to in s ti ll the best practices. He s.l id that the develhabit of eHidency in the o pe ra tors required to opment wou ld im prove confidence in the sector, build ou r economy." He 3dde d that the re patron<'lge and the enalile was no alternative fo r the Ih e o pe ra to rs exp lore manufactu re rs but to con- ECQWAS region ma rket. fo rm 10 the requ ired slandard para me ters. Odumod u pointed out Ihat those Iha t h ad met the necessary req u irement in terms of p roduct By Tolu Olamiriki ident ifi ca tion would be BAD AN Efec tric ity g iven cerli(icates. Dist ri bu tion ComThe SON chief noted pany of PO\\'e r that the focus o n Ihe secto r wou ld <'I lso increase Ho ldi ng Co m pa ny of product ion wh ich cou ld - Nigeria (PHCN) has crelead to employment gen- a ted two new bu s iness era tion and contribu tion un its in Ibadan in o rder 10 move il.<; services closer 10 the nation's GO P. to the customers and the
Od um o du <llso s<li d that SON wou ld co mmence the collectio n o f various bui ld ing material s a t construction sites fo r lests to tttck le the me na ce o f co ll apse d build ing. " We are taking a holistic ap p roach and it IVould ens ure th at peopl e d o w hat is expected of them. We are going 10 be talking with the engineers, archileets, artisans, arnongothers to address the issue," he sa id .
PHCN creates 2new business units in Ibadan
Delta to partner Greek farm~rs T~~~::",~;~:~~'~:~: on banana production non-avail<'lbili ty o f su itable land for the culti vatio n o f the cro p, saying th a t hi s ad mini st ra tion was comm itted to the clive rs i fica tio n of the s tate's eco n o m y in to commercial a g ri Cll!tu re to avoid over reliance on o il. " Banana .does not require all the ti me in the world to produce and process. When it is processed, it will be exported lontajor !\'u permarkets arou nd the
world fo r sale. Such prod, u cts a re sol d in b ig su permarkets a ro und the world . So, we a reworking o n getti ng o ur airpo rt ready to carry cargo frolll such tr<lnsa ction s, " h e sa id . He said th at the sla leowned O FN p o ultry farm in Ogwashi -U k u w h ich was in part ne rs hi I' w ith Obasanjo Fa rms Limi ted h a d sta rted produ cing eggs and ultr), f~d s.
general public. fI,'lr Bolaji Mo fo luso Oyesiku, the Chief E.'<ectltive Officer disclosed this recently while hosting the mo n th ly Business Meet;ng in Ibad an. The CEO stated thai Apata Business Vnit has been Crt'aloo from Ihe o ld Du gbe busi ness un it, while Aka nran was carved oul of Monal1ln ilnd Molete busine5s units. The two new business u ni ls arc 10 takeoff im medi3tely. To facili tate this, Mr Musb.1u Ajisafe Bello was appoint'-'" Busint'Ss Manager, Apa! .. w hile Mr Ro timi Ad cgoke w as as th e a p po in te d Busi ness M:'t n age r fo r Aka nran business u nit. The creation o f these busi ness un its is to en h ance perfo rmance. speed up res ponses to C\lstomers'cillls and boost service deli very in e1ectrici t)' relll tcd issues thus p romoting a positive ima I' for the com !!}' . __