'n ews
Headless W~!~!o.9!!dha~~~~~ a~~a:~~e~~!1 81 Idowu Addual pregJlnnl woman. fair In comp6aJon who wna IdlIed by her abducton. was found In • big atzr: sack which was dropped near a cemduy at Oke-Aremo ~ oIlbadan. thr Oyo &.te capttal on f'tk1ay. AcconUng to SuruiaJI Tribune Investigation. the corpse ",tach ktenUty ....,.. )":1 to be asc::t:naincd
by the polk:t' ...... found
hands Mr I..ated Abdul Ahmed. a carpenter who IdenUlkd himself IU the chalnnan of the Youth Forum In Oke Aremo tokt Sund a., 'Tribune that around 8 Lm. on Fr1day. April 20 . 20t 2. some peopk drew hls aumuon to the aacll wtuch was dumped ncaT tbe cern · clcry According to Mr Ahmed. the corpse must ('NO
sUe In the night by the abductors who probably have kmcd the 1Io"Omall and UMd the mtsslng paru; for rttuaJ putpOleS He apIaIned that the attenUon or passers by were drawn to the sack bec:aueeolbiooddrtppHng from II and rue. hovering ~ IL Mr. Ahmcdsakl that he
~ra were dctaJIed to ac.company them to the place When the police or. dered that the Nck be opened. they found. COf1)SC of the pregnant woman tn II. The pobcc latef" depoe_ ned thc COI"pR at the martuuy of the State Hospltal. Ring Road, Ibadan. saytng lhal lnvesugaUon on the matler will com-
ooTh. dcunaged parU qf tit. artic:ulated wohler. which ,.u from the Ogunpo: fllJOH1" 0.1 Soka Area. lbadan oJ U,. La.goa-lbadan &.'p.--.roa.d on Saturda". ,""oto: l" - c Melluol
Again,Ogunpa flyover claims casualties B1 l dowu Addu'
S ::r: =:== EPA RATE a c c dc n t • Inv'lI'lIng an
al Sok. A~a of Tbadan alollg Lagoa' Ibadan t!Api .... ..w .. boIhrdloft" from the Oguapa n)'O"'U"
end landed In the auum under the ftyover. While the accident Involving the artk:uIatcd vehicle occur-cd around
2pm. that motorbfke took place almost two and half houn later on s..t~
The arUculaled vdlIdc
..t*h_t.ly~_ ~COD*C&om1...llig».
nat and akiddcd all. ~
motorcycllat who auatalned multiple fracturu were tmmedJatdy takc:n to an unknown t.o.pI:tal by the pcopk around. The fl)'OYCf" at Soka Area of the
Thethn:coccupanwof the vehicle and the
death u-apt.wwdalmt:d many IM:s In the pasL
dr1ver k»t control at the vd*ic ..... U)YW to IMlk1
the~ p:.UtnI dthe
'National security, responsibility of all' B1 Ablodu. Awot.,Ja IGERIANS bue been advised to embnce a pandIgm Ilhtft tn the ~ lion and ma.natemcnt 01 nauonaJ aec:urtt]. 8!1. way ~.ccunng a ~t.cr" end more tecW"C futuJ'C for the
5peaIdng at • seminar" organlaed by t h e Oyo State conunatld :Jl Man 0War NIgC1a .-1 cnUtIcd ~NattonaI 5ecurtty and lis chaUcnge." held at the Youth Centre. OsoumL lbadan. on Saturday. the DlrttlOr". Sta,le Security ScrvIot ISSS). Qyo State. Mr NdubuJ.sI Jfllpu and the Chid 5ectlrtty omcer, Conmors 6H1c;e. 010 State. Mr Fnha Ojomo. uJd NIgn1a ~uld be a better" COUJ1O)( to live In If aD NIgc:rtans took net'CIt-aary measuJ'C5 to accun: lhdr .arloua
The Oyo ~le 555 director satd thr var1ou. security challengcs bedeylllln, tht cou ntry ..
such ..
robbef)', ritual money-
making and smuggling could be arrested by ¥1gI Janl ndghbowhoodwau:h
For his part. Ojomo. who kSenu.Red conupUon u the biggest threat to the country's corporate existence. aald naUonai
IIeCUJ1ty could DOl be c:ohanced In a sltuaUon where people: f.aJJcd to report crtmel bcca\Ue the pcrpctnlora are memben at thetT fa.mlJy.
Aregbesola's wifemakes case for environmental-frlendlyplaces
'FE of O.un State Governor. Mrs ShcrUat ArI::gbeIoIa has called on the dUzma 0( the atate to embark on massive
~ Rauf ~Ia has been making franUc d foru to ensure- sustaJ.nable envtroruncnl In the a&ale. by ~ fanners. and ~ tbtluftIbl!m'tronmental-rdated campatgna and greenery
burning. WIth a view to programme. aaytng that saYIng the state from ae- .omen would also be rIea of envtrnnmc:ntal cUsuter. She made the call In • atatement made avalJabk: to jou.maItsu: on Saturday to commemorm.c: the cdcbraUOn 01 the 20 12 Earth Day. aaytng that the d\aIkngc 01 the CD\'lJ'onmCDL csped&lI)' dlmate change .. now beClomIng aJ.armtng and proper pre:cauUon must be put In place. According to her. the admlnlatntkJn of' CoYer.,.
mobaItd to ~ the on the -.e ~ to ~ Mra Aregl>esola also .arned against Indls a1m1nate ddor-estatlon. WIthout the cornccnt of the aut.hof1ty. aaytng that dotng 60 could alao conlJ1bute to envtronmental risk. CDI.InIC
Briefly At 20 Synod. Lasebikan harps on relevance of love th
CHRlSllANS have been called to emul.lt the lnIe meanlng 01' thdr reltgtous calling which enca~ulatca love and aplr1lual knowledge ThJs charge was given b)' the Lord 815hop 01' Ondo DIocese of the Ang1k:an Communkm. the RL Revd Or. 0.1_ l.ascblkan. ThI5 was gtven at the 20'" Synod of the DIOCeSe of Ondo. l.a&ebLkan appealed to partlclpanw to allow the e&Kt1ce, splr1tual InSight and constant .pprectaUon to God to guide Ulelr lives The Bl5hop charge wu on the theme 1"he eye of your undentandtng" and .... taken from the book 01' Ephcal.ns Chapter I verR 18 In attendan« were seven bishops from other dloceses tn Ntgc:r1a. etght lndluonal rulers. <Uocesan officials and ~ 5 .000 delegates from other Anglican churchea In the diocese: While IooIUng at the funcU0n5 olthe human e~ . laKblkan also harped on the importance olaptritual eyes to ChrtsllaM and how lack of II could prevent the Christian's walk with Cod At the end of his speceh, l..a..Kblkan procla.lmcd that the Revuend Cazmon SO. Fareml was prderrcd as the Archdeacon In the Ondo Northwest archdeaconry ; that Revd H Aklnrotlml was promoted to ca.n1lOtl rank; that the Rt . Revd Dr C . 0 Omotunde wa. the bishop clect of EklU dkJcesc: that the new provost or tbe Cathedral of St Stephen Ondo wa. Ihe Very Revd Stephen Acknlran ant.
Bill Gates donates Nlbn to UTAfor commercW products project OlRECTOR GcncraJ of the InlematJonal InsUtute of TI-opk:aI Agncu1turc (lITAJ. Nt.eranya SangInga. has an nounce that the InsUtule has received approvaJ o( about US87mW1on 'about NI.05 bWJon) (rom the em
aMdlnda Gatea Foundation ror Ute Implementation of the second phase of the Commercial ProducLs (COMPRO-II) pr1)ject.. Tagged -lnsUtulionailsatlon of quality aasurancc mechanism and disKminaUon of top quality commc:rdaI prnducU! to Incn:ue crop )'idda and tmpr'O¥'C fOod IICCUI1ty of smaJIboldcr farmcn In aub-Saharan Al· rica . ~ the CO M PRO- II project alms to lnautuUonalIK quality asaurance mechanisms and radUta te the rapid dl55emlnatJon 0( top quailt)' com mcrc:laI prodUCla to lncreaK pdds and Improve the food sccurIt)' 01 s:rn.aIlhokIcr rarmcra In the ~ A atatement from (ITA made aY8.1labie to ncwamcn on Saturday quoted Sang1nga 8!1 aaytng that Ihc plan Is to raise awan:ncss among over two million amalIhokIcr fannen on dl'ecuve end proOtabk: c:ommerc:I.al
...._byOOI6 _ _ pnval<_. Accon11ng to him. -ofthesc households. 420,000 .111 have tested at least one crfective commercial product and at least 50 pen:cnt 0( these will have adopted the technology and achkYe a 15-30 per cent yleid Increase with subatanUai impacts on food aecurtt)' and InCOme.· 1"he k~ expected outcome 0( the projeCt Is the lnautuUOnalizaUon or screening and approval of com· merclal producla. ~ says Prem Warrior, Senior Pr0gram Omcer with the Bill &- Melinda Catea Founda-
u.n. in the last decade. sub-Saharan Alria. has wit· nesecd economk growth amid population tncn:.a.ses and rising demand for food. ConsequenUy, InftSlmcnw In sod fert.UJty have become Indl&penaable to lnC:reUe agncuJlurai producUvlty, and acceu to agricultural tnpula .. ~ulJ'Cd to achkYc this goal. But more than havtng accae: to Inpu~ qualjty u swance 01 agrtcuIturaI tnputa Is of utmoet Importance to protect fannera. retaUera. wboIc:saJcra. and Importen. and to mtn1mb:e health and Cflvtronmental hu·