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51 Monday, Nigerian Tribune 22 August, 201 1


Agora slams INEC over deregistration 01 NAC

rj~fly '6·ye.r tenure'lI· " stop godfalherism in politics'

By Adebayo Waheed HE national chairman otnd former T presiden tial candidate DC the deregistered National Action Council (NAC) party, Dr Olapade Agoro. has slammed the Independen t National Electora l Co mmission (INEC), describing its action as vexatious. malidous, wicked and courl contemptous, primarily aimed 10 score a political point against him. Agoro. in a letter dated Augus t 19. 2011, addressed to the INEe national chairman, Professor An ahiru lega, which was made availab le to newsmen in Ibadan, on Sund ay. said the timing of the electoral bod}"s action against his party \.,.as wrong. in view of the legal tussle between him and


He recalled that in the suit. CA/L / 62 1/11, althe C ourl O, A ppea. I La gos. INEC had submitted itself d ,d . IU smen an malntained Ih .. 1 the purporled deregislta lion of his politica l part)'. blAC. "is 10 humiliate and embarrass me for being a hard critic of yours in office and it is an act contem~t of court."

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.:-;~~"",",:::""~::;:::1 governor, . BIder S.m lion (Jeft) the of the St~te Ovll Se rvice, Mrs Cecill. Udoessien (right), during the Government House monthly pnyer meeting on Saturday.





. t b t Ekiti IGR ~~IS pronuse ~."u,,~.~g~ ,".,. 0'

Ekit i ARI\'IERS in Ekiti St ale, unde r the a"gl, of All

Farmers Association 0' Nigeria (AFAN), h ave said they could raise the internally generated rt!ve n.u e of I~\e sta t ~. s hO Wi n g the ir ~,,:adlness 10 make Eklll the

food baskel of the n a· tion. Addressing newsd E h men in A 0 kiti at t e weekend, the vice chairma n of AFAN in Ekili Stale, Mr John Omoyajowo, said the farmers in Ihe slate had Hth e capacity t o con tribute 80 per cent of the

AkpablO, a transformatonal, committed leader

HE Akwa Ibom Slate governor. Mr GocIswill Akpabio, has been desc ri bed as a transforma tiona l, commilled a nd detribalised leader, who has been the moving spirit behind the u ncommon transforma· liOn 0' SI'" I" ,h. fo ur years. The slate d~pu t y governor, Mr Nsima Ekere, staled Ihis on SAturday at the Government House monthly pra)'er meeting held a l Akpa n Ise min Hall, Uyo. Stressing that Ihe governor took the stale as a




whol' In 'pp,oodolng ,h. issues of development, Mr Ekere poinled out that Chief Akpablo was driven by h is passion and love for his prople to spend s leepless nights battl ing wilh the numerous issues confronting Ihe state and i t~ development. Th d e cputy governor

--Dep O'OV 0' He said the plaltt was a joint effort between the state governmen t and 5ceptaEnergy,anaffiliate of Ihe interna tiona l oi l and gas company. Seven Energy UmHed. M, who senled Governor Akpabio h on t e occasion. slal ed Ihat a pipeline had been laid to supply the p rocesse<! gas to the stateowned Independ ent Power Planl and the Aluminum Smelting Company. both a l Iko t-Abasi in lhe state.



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\,"·..·,.,,1111 pLlbh('-j1ri val~ 11,\ rl 11"" !>thlp III the gas

.. , . I", III \li~L·ri3.

I"S ,h. <ollo n, The group lauded Gove rn or Kayode Faycmi fo r his intervention in the e lectoral oi, ,' , ,h., ,v," n.".d by AFAN in Ihe slate, sa)' ing his intervention ensu red Ihe conduct of a free and fai r election, which saw the emergence of Sir Joseph Akinjobi as Ihe chairman ofthe group.

,h'p,.du"lo"of,o"on \\'ilh plant ations in Ire Hiti, Aramoko. Ise a nd O tu n with the intent 10 revamp the moribund lex tile industry in Ado Ekiti," adding that they had acquired a ginnery in Abeoku ta, Ogun Sta te, for easy process-

H. d."I , d Ih .. money was Ihe cau se of the crisis that hit the Ekili chapter of AFAN. pointing out that the crisis was caused by the inability of Ih~ members to stomach tne immi · nent changes in t h e orga ni sation.

Is aac Shobayo, Jos T

HE commandant Peace Carps of Ni geria, M.r Dkkson Akoh, has disclosed that the increasing rate of in. security. kidnappins and socill l insatiability in Ole country calls for adeq uate

sup pOrt of Peace Corps of Nigerill 10 fight the menace. Addressing new memhers of the corps at their


proper execution I ,d ' I tl con rae e ptoJec s ilcr~ 1~:i~lI~:~~· s tich f

medlimism would


the scheme was meant to

~:~a~:ltl; ~~:i~~di~t~~;

bunked the notion in cer· lain quarters. saying Ihal

count ry and Ihat the job was complimentary in nature and also a nonarm bearing organisation. Akoh challenged the ne"'ly-reouitecl cadets to

Nigeria a nd Nigeri .. ns from decades of failed \.,.hichwereeilher P{'"-", ~,-~~ poorly executed or ahand oned \.,.ilhout faithful implemenlation.

Deve lopment Projects (HSDP) at the Moore Plantalion and Butubutu 11\ Oluyole Local Government carried out by the f [)e.. Association a Project

pe"oom t1"I, dull", dlll, gen llyand strive 10 be above board In discharging their responsibilities and 10 try as much as pessible to win public confidence and respect for the organisation. A-......,d,'ns 1,,'..-.. ...,.. c. Ing a disciplined organisation, the eslablishment would not hesi-

The speaker, w hile briefing the I;)irector of Health Planni ng and Sta-

man)' projects in Nigeria

r~Si~~~u~:r;~~:n ~':~


T H E Speaker of the Ogun Slale House of Assemb ly, Ho nourabe Suraju d een Adekunbl. on Friday, called on bolh Ihe federal


p ' b'll eaCe e orps l 0 N'1gena, ChaIIenges FG on msta 1 ty

Ogun speaker charges, federal, states on By Adebayo proJoects monitoring

~=lIt~ ~r,:,,~~;:~ri~~ :;tdu~a;~o,:c~e~~o'::~t:~~: mechani sms in order to

f . I o a gas proceSSing p ant In Esil EI.. ~I. Ak ....· i1 lbom, ,1",1, " ','0 ,I" f,' ,o, , uc'

He said Ihal the Akpabio administra tion was very committed to Ihe industrial transfor· malion of the slate. having laid a solid infraslruclural fou ndation in Ihe last four }'ears.

ated internally in t he state. if the farme rs are encouraged Ihrough lhe p rovision of fa nn inpu ts at subsidised rales." Omoyajowo. who spoke o n behalf of the executives of AFAN in the s l,lte said even wilh the currentl y low level of support. farmers in Ekili had " reinforced

tistia. Oyo Slate MinislT)' of Hea lth. Mrs Victori a AdcI'0ju. em th~ evahmli'lll 0 1 the Health S'stem


(~~~~~~p~~a;!~~o~I~7t lpo"·"ntm'o.",,~,ol"f',',',y,ho'",'''o,

had tailoo due 10 non-in· \'olvenlcnt 0 1 bcnl?fiting \.'()nlmunitie" on the pru,o!l'! S bemg IAlpl .,. " I, , ' 1...1

thenl. if found wanting in I fd I lIe course 0 isc lilrging theln-Juties or for an}' act of ~rOis mis..onduct .1Ild mSllbo rdillil lion to tht-ir s\lp~'rl o r , .I II ..""I'S.

AN lbadan-based lawyer and former sena torial candidate of tIll.' Accord Party in Osun West senatorial district In the last general election, Honourable Femi, has thrown his support behind the idea of sillgJe le rm of governance by presidents and other elected office hold· ers in Ihe next dispenSlltion JUSt as he stated that. " it will stop the mena~ ~f g~dfatherism in poli. lies. Speaking with the Nigerian Tribune al the wee Lend, the former H ous~ of RepresentatiVes memlx>r, under the Alliance fo r Democracy in Ayed "ade, h."o ilnd OlilO luwi local govemment areas, said a six-year single tenure would place servi.::e on Ihe front burn.::r, adding thai. "w hat we need is the romp<>Sition of the people to occupy parliament who should be prepared to work trul y as walch· dogs to the executives."

Reps member donates food items to widows in Oyo A memberoftheOyoSiate Hou~ of Assembly, Mr Ibrah im BoIo mope. on Sunday. donated various food items worth o\'er N 700 000 to 642 musl i m \vidows in Egberta Local Government 01 the sta te. Th~ food itcms were rice, m llize, bean s. gaari and beverages. The donation. acmrding 10 him. this was pa rt of his efforts 10 fu lfill his electioneering promises to the people in his con· stituency lY h ich coincideJ wilh the RMnadan l ec lllr~ un the proposed Old Age Cent re in Erunmu, a s uburb tOlYn of the local government. The donor, Bolomope. lold newsmen s h o rtl y after th e programme that he embarked on the p rog ramme as part of hiS campaign promises 10 uplift Ih e ca u se of lYidows and orphans in Ihe sode t)' . Bol omope, lYho sa id Ih al the prngramme lYas part of his nincpoint agenda, liaiJ Ih~ donation wou ld be le ndeJ t o Christi"" lYid(l\\s il t Christl\lali. By Qlldi rat Ha keemA panpa


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