Klle r l tD Tribune TU~y.
22 May. 20 12
Th e n e1 U Na ti onal P r esid e nt. Nigeri a Cass ava Growe rs Associ ation (N CG A), P as t or S eg un Adewum i. sp e a k s with Seye Ad e nlyl on the
assocla t icn's in ten tion to promote mass produc tion of cassava for indus tria' use, and its importance as a f oreig n exchange earner. Excerpts: T l.s JIOur
about the
{naugw-aled Agricultural ~
Jo r Jftotfon Implemenlat'on Councfl (ATlQ by Pt~ dent GoodlucJc Jonathan? We aN: plC'df: Ing UlC a580datOl'. IkIppCJrt and rcadI rw. to WOfII .. d coIlabontc with the FedmLI ~ Rlcnl ar.t V8r1O • atate: pounnlCllb on mu!I pnxtucUon 01 ~VII Or tndustJ1aI n:votuUon and youlh em
"""'""""We In HCGA pr-., b" the .utC'C88 01 A11C as we rdI
OU'" pmgraIl met which are to IInr ..1th the AwIcuItwal 'I'nlnIIIonnIltm Aga"G d 1.1.. f'«knl GoYemmenc.. I want to cq.au I thai dtE! aim of NCGA Is to mechantrle CIl!IS8va prodUd on. ~. bdkr It\o'ftllX b" our pIuales to pI"OepCI" through c:as5IIY8 chain illCUvUks Our VWIion In Nl:GI\ IS to . . , coIIobonut wtth tilt Federal Gow:nwnenl on how ~ tan ddIYrr fcrUItJ.r:r and OCher .-.puts. Jndu.-~: __ dIro::tIy to gea.dne ~
' "WC~ ond """'" alHo retldy to OIOp Up C8.!Il'IO\Ia dpeMant rartn(1'8 ili.n thc pro 'eM81g fac:toI'b cannot buy due to high mst oIpn:ducU1:on In order to make 1Imb~l lo buy from tIxm _tOUJ' any aabekIy: he stated. Nou thai V:JU haue twn d.ec«ecI as the National Praidmf qJ IfWerfa ea.aua CJnxDen Assodo.don ~ ha&Iin,g been a.form«" c:Ndnnan qf NCG4. In Ondo Stafc.,/vf mer- c:hafnrKUl qf the No.donal Technf. cal and ImpIftrllll!t'tlation Commlttn:qfu..«Dne~ dation and pn..w.1&I the atalnnanIOtlrl:f Enaltlw Clf1Jcer oj &un Iflb and VIc Ud. a.forrrrv:ttrt agricuIturoJ mrn.potlM ~ with uanou. state fit»" ernInaIb.." rn::JO COSIJICDla pnxJuctfonfor industrial I'WOfutiGn and jOuth empm emvnl. whm.at-.dd ~ «JI1Ofarrrw.-. C~ the oountrv be expectingfrom your 1endenIl", and ' dan? 1be nrw Net ~ CXCOJtn'C5 hopr: to ddrYer to the ftrat ant" year a I"" ta.bk ~ for ca58llYa ~ associaUon Ilembc.... and rully support the tnuBbman"on ~ of thc FcdaW Government lO make: c::a!lHllVI • major ~1 ~ carner of our
Do you .ee I he reoentJaIlnaugurated .4picuItw"a.I 'l'ransforrn.a.,i"R I mpl~m.tatlon Council (Anq achlftlfng arw¥UCCele"~.amepeople.md there lJ: nothfnQ Ralt and.-pecial about the committees. "... CUUIIe . . hnue had marw qf.uch ~ in the past U!fthollJ t rw meanlnQfid lmpract and oonlJ"'IlM,tdon to the detrlvprnent qf our ovfcu.IlUn:ll ~ ATIC Is • wrlk:orne dc.elopwent as rar as NCCA ... CUI'IC:ICI'lXd.nd \ ...: ~ Inked thrilled by the zmI ofPresl· dcm GoodJudI; ~1OnAl.han am our ~ Mtrdster of ~. Dr A..Qnwumi AdtsI.nL 10 punote agr1L'W-ture.. capedaJty cessava production and utlisaUun. We lIS pracUsIrc fanners and Ir::aden of mIIIonII of ram.n.. which m.kc ... ramlbar with the ~ .grlrulturaJ trrrUl aR: wllibC 10 oobbcnte 'lltUI the fP'CI'11OlO1l In the arm of mr:lhod! ID IICmmpl.h I~ lofty rnotJ\a: 10 on· poIIr'U" farmcn. w:l )'OUth5 to the aJU of mass production C8MaYa and lI!IO sune .. addtUonaI nxar-. 10 cam d ·
an u.v--tctru eta
in lite na.don'. agrleulfunzI..edCIrj do you r.m. CI/tII. " on houI to ~ ~ to ~ the people qf ~ wh..k:h wouJd ultimate", J1f'f¥PW the nation? Our suggestbclll would be dim:tcd towards UlC lhree critical al'U1t tha i ~It Is aruttous 10 addreM 1hc: lhl"tt :l~ .5 rolidw ~nllnall desirous 10 U5e ~ P' o;Jucoon 01 cas&aq as mean to em~ and pnt"lIJCT the youths b1C.ludlng untvu&lty graduates. wht> c')Uld earn <is much as N4mlWon annuaUy In ft'fP ,....,.. lime and th. would trtggtt bldua trlal revoIuOOn ~oond am Is lhat the pnxIuct8 01 ca.ua\'ll ~terwte IOr"dgn exchange as an addluon to what WI! earll '-rom oU Govm1mmt.- ~ 10 crmlt markr:t 0 UII! pruducU 01 JJCftSU'I fnnn~ who ~ unabIt to adl lhctr Cll!NVa to CiISSI.... mII' ~ Indu!Itric:s bK'lUJ8e tht: c:ost al 'IIotudl Aa
ca.a.... Is produa:d 8U~ U1e cost at _1*=h the factum ~ ....., to buy and the thlnt propgIIII • betrl!; medI! In the aJaI 01 ~rll dad"" 10 ddMr subst(tics and IcBn dlrec:tly 10 UII! ordinary and reaJ l'anncrI!I and by paMlng the mkldlc: mal that usually mishandle ~. InpUI!J and other" ~ Can you eq:»Iafn haul JrOW'" ~ion would by Inlo thee thnIe critioal _ iDhkfi the I\edftuI ao.. fniIMnt Is trying te apIDir and houI you lnlatod to hdp 0II8CIIIC and lnund1nQ~ To ~ m&'!8 production fA c:asA\.. and deYdop Nigeria economy tJl.nlllith 1IfP1tuh.~ v...: need a land devdopment "....,nnll! What we want to do Is Ulat land wiD be deaftd and dcman:aled tnto bIoc:k.s 01 AYe hoec:ta.ns dcductlng U1e WlD.LIuvabk porUcnJ trom each l*JCk to have K'CUJ'IllC:
IIDQn.I: . . . to be pnICdcal in your expanatfon and
a mnvnonjGrrnerand Inkn:Jced NOderto ~ Okay Youtte. r-:-IlIy ".rua1C8. wID be aDocated a bkxk of I'M: hrctamI tueh and they 'lltll be ~ under c:xtiOWon oak::as at tJ-.e qUo 01 ten ranr.n. 110 an c:xtcn· ' " oI!k:a" _110 wtl8UpcntW: their actMlJcs. f'arms woukl be dcamt and tkmlln:au:d througtI Ute mDaboniIM d foru 01 U1e federal and stalt punments ~ on countaput £urdng arrangement. ~. 10 pro¥kIc a IIUCX'I!:88fuJ ClIJ'11cI" In ~~ b' the partidpant& ~ hcctafts wm be adckd yau1y 10 tJle porUCIl dthesuca:ssful ones lmtJI U-.e ram.:rhu 25 hoc:lan:8 aftc.- _11k:h he can tJlCTI apply b' a mcp £ann d bd_1 50 to 100 hectares. 1lD5 will prevent stnlI1ded and .~ted IM!s ao U*'- eM:h per300 wtU haI~ the opportWltty to pn:epa- In IICttWdana: to . . dn:am and
ParUc:Ipanls . . aI80 wortt: undcr" oon!R1hant.s and UICJ ~ expr'Ckd to pn:Mde aD the physk:aIlIIbwr ~ In Ute farm. Not onty UUlt. ~ Cactcna _11 be InatalIcd In CYCf)' farm '--lit. and each [arm ..1D be big enough to supPly CIl!I8a .... rulund by the IOCtor1aI aD Ule yat.r round 1hl5 wtI abo dlmnllC: tran5portaUDn OOIR d C85-
ASS~~~2.NJ~PGA) \V1SHES TO FLAG OFF THE 2012 / 2013 PLANTllXG SEASON AS FOLLOWS Renllclalkt. 01 Re.lstntlo .. Of All "e..ben R""lslrllUoIl Of fle_ ....,.ben
Re.l.trUlo. T. Be. CarrIed Oat At
I f . . - . o.-ln.t~ IfIlnlloCft SbUllDcliaole TheU I f _ IYU:s AM Slaa In. The ~1n00ll I f _
TIle '-'-"tloa 8baU ""-fde Laod If. ThoM
T. r _ B., Ha..e "II .........
A.rnJI.&:e.e.aUl Ha..e Bee. . . .de T. DUlrlbate 81111.'dlaed I.p." A.8d La.... To Ibe.., ~~r_
A115t8te ERcall....,. Are Herm, Dtftcted T. Meet Willi The NlltIoIW Eftcathoe 0.. 3 . · ...,.. ~U At 00Wea o.te HOld. _ _ ZoDe IJ. o..u.a 5tftd Mer Sky Ik-w. BaJa".IIuIclioa At. 10.00....
c-.•• II:.u,e.... uo.......,r_"'-........ u.e••
p •• t.,..e, __ de__ .--.D.e... Te.I:0e0384:a563 1.0807428 1737 AUST", MADUJ[A Ifftl'-' I"ItO, I'OOoA
·Postor &gun AdaDwnJ ..... to a dIscaol r.cu.y 5Ince c:MSIn'a tIM 70 pel" <:u1I W3tcr". Aan~ wII abo be ~ In acc:urdana: to lhe time table m~ Bout would M:nA help the pardcipatflwf~ lntft"1'N"qf~furtdS1 ~ pn.rudpant wID ~ NtO.OCQmonUllyadviu.:c ~ymm( R!I allowance. TIlls wfI be deducted fiun the
pn:lt'ftd8 of parUcIpU'ilII farm ablg wtth tile a.l 01 oUter"
hfto.'C8t. DIDs .state ~b has GIYJ role to pfOfI in oc:IlJoeufng the ~ qf JIOUr rna:. CXU80DC ~ don and rnarbtIng prq#ect1 Yea. we SlIf!RCSl Uuu c:wry puUdpilttng stak atlOUld start wtdl Ihrtt r.ctones. One In each of dte ..,... tmal dI5trtct. le ca5!Javtl Dow- factory. an Incb.JsU1aJ stan:h factory and an ethanol factory. We ~ aha suggesdng that the ~lIp d the fac:tory can i:AJw thlB .,.uem. 40 pel" emt indigene of Ute aeratortal dIItrict; 20 pel" DOlt U8Ci'"S d thc products d dtt: r.ctory: 20 pel" CUll bank tllrtJUftI SME. and 20 pel" cent by the NCGA. TItis WIll stra~ the ~'of the pn:;tct and crwo.a futUf"e b Ule prognunmca beyond Ute ~neut ~ gInlC UUIl btlt1ated It. In whm WOfI do . . . th ink poIlddans a1I1 ell" laudable prqJec:rI
SIn« a medium factory may nol COSI man tMn N400 mlllk)n. taktng up th~ share becoma an 0pportunity f« our pollUcaJ Indus to show thdr PI! trioUsm 10 empowu thc.lr ~e and lnduslr1&ll5C
Uldr consUtuency How would your osaockztion hdp the guuernmeru: in curbln,g the ~ qf m iddlemen who qfmi hi· )ocIc loan. inputs and o(her bmqita m«inl for JI'UC _f~
We h.~ a proposal on how Ute pemment can kkn· tWJ and deal dIra:tIy wtth d.e reaJ. prwclJIIIng fanncr"!I ~ In ttlC most remotr pans d the muntJy We ~ . . . . . . . h i fanncn IIhouId be §"OUPI!d undct" c:xt.cnsIUn oftk:cr.!J at the rwUo d 10 to 1 EIclcn8IM ~can ~bedrawn &urn the Mlnhbyof~ t~ at tJte rederal. .states and Ioc:al JfM:fllInent IcYds. Extm5lon UIk:cB will be further tr.1Incd on U~ man· agement of the iums. and. Feda'aJ GovaTlfTtenl agotncy or comultancy Ilnn wtJl organise and IIUpavIH the
"'*"'1lvoi.IfI1 Utis prqpmmc. t:'mY Nlfptan I"an'nfr wIl be nogt.Iend by the ext.en:!I6on oftk:tts and the oIIk:cnI t.hct'n!cM:s wtII bedoeety su~ and monItorul TIleY will .usa be ~pCInI5tie tor die dcIhotry d farm b'IJUl.s to I'a.rmcn. su~ rann operations. .submit wtdtIy ~ pons d the rann. ~ harYt.8Ung and a1M:I ~