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· 1'rom Ifdl., Mfnister qf NI~ o.l fa -\traITs. Ki eLer Orubcbr. Mlnistar of Stata, rcr, ChU;{ Olajwnob JUd'lifctr. qJ J"C'J", Senalor BoJa Mohammed; Mlnlsfer of J"'ormatlon. M,.. Labaran Jlraksa; Mfnlster qfSc.l~ an.d T«hnolomJ, Prqfa-lfo Okon ~ Ewa.; Iflni.rer qJ Stat., Df(/~ Erelu OIUMJ'a Obodo and the "'nlster qf DV'encc, Dr Bello HaJlt"U Ifohamm.d In a group photograph at the mfnlsterial plaC!o,",,, in ec;I_"",emora.don qJ 20J 2 an.d theftrsr ann.fNr$Cll')f qJ PruldDtt Goodl.ud: Jonathg,n'. Gcun.ln.lstnltfon In AiHt/G.


Nigeria, the ethical basket of Mrica -US missionary ~ CoUl•• "_bulle ""ed Statu of


laUng collaboration between the two

demned the·No refund


AmcI1ca based MlIi •.JIm CorbtU.


organiSations. Mr Omcrt

wnncn on ra:etpu and ..... YOica tn tiny characters

has daa'b:d ~ - the

an another" dcrdup."",.t.

cthk:aJ basket d Afrk:a. JknAld _~aonc

the NatJonal Onentauon AgE:ncy (NON has .dYor.ah: that.ipedal cowta be lid. up to U)' bu.sancu and markt:tcfs ....'hodefraul.huo.. awncn tn Nigeria. Mr Mike

day ~ on ~ ElhIcs and \laUe and Re-a1-


bt NIgCr1a,· ~bythcNatlO'lar.lQn. autknlfF1LY(NO.\)~mI-

Iabc:Iralol WIh CikJt=-l Entre~ InIiUrute. Um1 lie aaJd the tJuUtule

was helptng the YederaJ Government to put up P"'C,"mmca thai ....uld help N~ 10 learn db-

the dwllC proby pnwtdIng pwpoeelUI glddance 10 lhcir" follow-

tty to drI1Ie


0me:r1 made t.hJs known when hili Conawncr ProIccdon CoundIICPCt c:cuntcr-

J*'t. Mrs Ify Umcrt)1 paid hlmawMtto~CX-


seminar would be repltc:atcd ." aD the IocaJ ~ menU: oIlhe NaUon IWlCC _ _ 10 him. It would

;:;;;l-m the II'lC8INtge

to the _ . .,-AJao apcaklng at the evmt. the Pmnanent SecreW')' 01 the Mlnistl)' 01 'Tbw1am, ~ and NadonaJOrIcntaUan.Mts"'-rsthc:a;6a NwaobIa. who was

the Chalrpcraon or the ewnt. caDcd on Lcadocn at vanoua IcYd& in the IIOd-

~Oke7 Muolbo

M NIgtria'a

I10e .. be In& adjudged the St In nutnent •. the Ye<kral Gowrnment hIId taken IIltUatM cawan:Is racwtaung the ..:xpudoo 01 madUna1ca and «JUlI> mcntIfom01lnab"thellCl"

improved services in Ahuja B CluUUa.a Okeke T i lE MIJliI;ter or the Federal Capital Ta.. rlwry (FCJ\ Senator Oala Mohammed haa pledged thai rcsidcn15 01 Abuja WOl.lld haYC a taUK to amlle .. the terrtlory .ucb to In'IprCM. KI'VIces tn the area. "The n*WIUr pk:dgcd dllll every dbt _1a1g done



pnjeI:.U ~ Abuja.

Senator Mohammed.

who re-anphutKd ongopn;ecta ~ Wortd '1'rade CCfll~ at a bum tn AbujL d1sck.uI that the tIdmUlIstnlUCln'MUI provtd.




Enterpt'15ea Develop rnml ItfPr1 cf NIgena t5Mf.DANI and the AZIIil

Mk:roOnan« 8anII. have ~ a Memorandum d UndcniW1dIng(MOUlto(ie.

"tcn'alb-tbc pnMSDl/ aap-

"'*'P a tn1


I1km of enlrepn:n~urial and atteSS to fi.



The DIftdor-General d



Muhanvncd N.aada Umar aud at the ~ 01 the "'tOll at dlC 5MED.'oN I-lcad· Cf*1Cn In ~ thai the Ideacfdl£awncY'apatUlCl'. . . With the rebanl bodIn was to den the envl ronm~nt

ror small entn--

p1sea to grow 1bc _ide Idea .. 10 aen1De MSMEa 10

cf lIIiIng such " dau9c ....'85

01IJUnal. tmethk:al and.

tng a total of 84 aolarhued tnaffte ttgh~ In the tenttory. He att.rlbuted the nonworktn& of aome traffic ..,,15 in dlC aI'm to decb'ldty chaDengit. Ac:cordIng to h1rn. the Worki Bank Ie U5i:sUn& to provide aome ~ In Abuja..

tic dlKla-ed that Dangote Group pte. and EdImo Gruppo 01 Italy lop the Ust 01 tnYCliton thai NYC 110 far ~ tntereat In the land awap 8Chcnw: de:nIaI by the fCT AdnUnlstralkln to aa:dcrate proWiton d a&Jrdabk bouaing In the lCI'rilOl)'.

bdp them aurmount the cha1k:ngc:a that confront them from cmbarldnC on ~ YC2UJ.JJ"Ca. 01' dJ&I.-

b9s dumg!he courtIC d lhdr buatncaecs. ~


notjuK about money and cxpn:&IICd saUsf'acam that ihc.,-qr t.:I bem III*: to exAtbonIlr: ~1dl !IOOIC SUite pomcn whk:h has been br:IIrq iUliJI n:suIIB.

OCher atal* rood aopa the

trig up d 100 RX:e M1IIs to 2. 1mUUon MT 01

main ~ cf

partx*d I10e In the ooun·

twa! inWatM..

Mtnbu.~ 01 Stale. Afpiculture and Rural Dcvdopment. AlhaJI Bulcar 1lJaru pw: thts hint at a commlss6or'lini CCf'effiOrIy oIl1ce CactOI'y In lmotII L0cal Government Ana or Lagos. reccndy. 1he tr*'lIIIAerwho ... lhc spcdaI guest. at the cer-cmooy. mnarked that due 10 the value 8tUldxd to not • • transinnalMaup under Pruldcot GoodJuck



40 d lhc8c n6 would be comtntas6Dned tn the next ten n:IOflIN In au.1..e. Wllh

""',.., 01 " " " " ' - " t.o~ roodacaa1ty In


He rurther Hid thla poiIcy was pan d the Feda-al Govcrnmcnr. dl'on 1_ _ " -

cqpgc tn the local podl.IeUon or the commodJly. 8ukar njani commcodcd Govnnor RaJI Yaahola 01 I...afp fDr" rnaldng nee and


Inrtwn. who was aa:DI1»rm:t by Ihe ManIgIrC Ilfteklrdthe . . . . ~(Mr.U.llzy CIladle, SlId he I:.deIouI taw thcMOU--*ltpalclC.-y tn enhanctng the ~ ment d MSMF.a _ 1Id _ hcIpmg the Impovui5hcd

pecpc ~





SMEDAN. Azsa partner on MSME development By Olle, ),Iuo,:bo

and 1101 too obYkIus cor· nera. lie aakt the ~

g -osa ¥lolaUon of the onawna's r1gJlt 10 vaiue IC..r tI'IDflt:)' and to ~ d.~ ~ not aaus6cd.


FG rea y to'set up 100 rice mills before 2015

FeT mInts " ter ratses ' hope on

~ 10 ..,.,.-

While presenting hts ~at theKmtnar. dllt Director General or NationaI Qriemalkln Afptt:y.




~ ~

wbtte: they exiSt tn lag ~

the C2Itabb5hrnml d r10e factory tn Imot.a . . . morale booMer ., r1Cr ivmcn In the alta., the n*lliItcr said lhaI aKtI tnWalive would lead to the realta.lkm or Fedenl Government's polley on ~ 0I11oe Impor1a.don and p:Mny mkIaion. The minister opined

tt at ... both Rate and Fed~.,,1

Governmenta were

n,. colJ4lbonlltng

011 the n'!Cd 10 n\&ke the 0f9*lg tt u.ilrmabODa Iwge sueau. all the value cbaIn 01 fN>lOdItica such as nee. a .MiI¥S. e:ocoa. od palm. at rgltum. millet. ac:same. protataes. ~ muon '" iii ctherw are beir'e« ......rol'1llOd for the coUcctive bo ndn.s of aD fanr*1g com· munllJcs til the country'

NOA boss (I ks ~


on you,th del ay eolu.. ~.._ .



.ott_ j"-';;IanItIs.!rio



eral Dl tbe Na IlonaI Agmq fNOAl. Mr MOte Or:nc:d bas ~ to member& or Uw Nauonal ItMcrnbIy to ~ lbdr C(lIIStltu~ olIc:aI IiO IICI'W




lha, lb. lucncy j offlcea W .tMfed with a>uJd



1 .d~tIIftd.bel devd.tIl ~ yqulh ~ 01 besides us.InI .~ ....v~ue for Ihutng tnpUti 10 tilt


""bile Adwt-

='=~~= rDtftt::;rb-uadul and

oon~tJont to the delY'.


t 0(

ror ~


4 I bby a ould be lbat IU Cd 0 to11u ~ goy'er-\n:ttDt poll Ie. and

5p<oklqJ.,........... """"!""ocdW ,lnstrad ..... a d"lcptlon or the IK,ns r


es.:ecuUve of p~ lnn.ta~ for Dias&Mna 1tnoWt-

cd&C Ttaosrcr


In hili 0[tn AbujL Me Omcrl

aald a alt\laUCm where

youttw mcrdy go to the constituency omcca 01 their legisl ators as hange.ra>-on was t1J\&C<o ceptabIe becauac It ooWd nOt add ¥aJue to thelr IJYCs 01' help to bu1Id the

u· bllue$ ea. confcrmcea Ih Jt ~d to 00 when:: ~ &lJD amdamcd the uafchlolence ~ change i,'O~cirunml poUdca. He ~ advtacd pr~~te organtsatlons 10

qf en

ahn)'.J ccnaUtute them-

grvu»> goyemmcnt

Idfa into lobby 10


poildU ttuougb the NIlUOW Assembly.

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