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Osun govt opens discussion with Germany on agriculture

World Culture Day:

NOA boss tasks

Nigerians on unity TIlE l:>!m:tor-GmeraJ. NaUonaJ Or1entauon Agency INOAl. M.- Mike Omm. has cakd 00 ~ to crs.ue the (U"11lnucd unlly d Nigena a5 one: Inci!visiIX nallon. lie made this call In Ii statemau Issued to mark 1he2012 WMd Day irQ.1Jrum! ~y kr Dmque and DeveJopmmt. saying thai the need ir c:ultur.lI dI...ersItyand llarTnmy In a na-

as oun; oouId not ~-cmphasised. htnoe the: ~ dharnesstrg tion such


OUT nation's culturnJ dIver511,)' for naUonal develop-

menl. According to him. -the WOIid Day or CUltWBI J:lt\.ocrsuy ir ~ and IJeyd.opmcllI. betng an 0CDlSD1. ICrpcopAe IOdeepen lheb-Wl~da..WuraldMr"­ slly, afbds~lheop­

portunlty to reach OUI to pcopAe ofethnic PJP8 other" than 1I1dr'S and ldentifyways of harnessing our rk:h cuIrural dMntlY b- natJonaJ uansbmaUOn. II oIren us a dlancc as a people. Within out poIy-1:uIturaI e:dsI.encc. 10 find the rc&Ol.U'1::Q to susmin OUT~ as Ii nalDl

""--""'OtIS aspPrtS or our ruJwns and values Lhal unite us

"""" God. ColIlna Naabuifc, Ahuja

Health care professionals

condemn Lagos doctolS' Incessant strikes SOME health can: pro(es-slonals under the aegiS of lhePharrnaoeuUcal.SocIrty of Nlgi:rta fPSNJ. AssoclaLion of Nigerian Nunes and Midwives (NANNM) and the Association of Medical I...aboralDly SCientists of NlgCr18 tAMLSNL have ~ the IDC'es5ant sll1kcs by mccU-

caldoctoB In I.heemploymenl of the Lagos State govenunenl 10 over pam _ pering by the ~I at the dcutmenl 01 other health ~ proI'essIonals. Preskle:nt of PSN. Mr AzublkeOkwor, who spoke In Lagos at the weekend In a meeting of the concerned members of the Nigertan health associations in the state with the stale Commissioner for Health, Dr Jlde Idr ls, added that health profesSionals must be fair In lhetr deaUngs, partJcu1arty for the sake of the pa· tlents. While commending the state government forIts eff0rt.5 at revamptng the health sector, O k wor noted that PSN shared the state gov=runcnL's vision '! ensurtng that the wei· fare 0( patknts Informed taken.

Ade waJe AJ.1 I, 050gbo


iE: Osun State governor, Mr Rauf Aregbesola , has opened discUSSIOns WIth the German Slate of Saxony Anhalt, as part 0( the atate's detennJnaUon to boost its comPJ~henslve agriculturnl programme. Aregbcsola, who led a delegauon 0( top government funcl.lonaJ1es In hiS administration to the talks, which begrm (111 Men-day in Germany, noted Ihal his de!iln! was to banish hunger as indicated In his six Integral plans . Aa:ord1ng to Slalcnent II - ___ -.. he f )'t\ !bIt, • , I SIgned by the Dtrector, Bu<)jJiclals of t he Nigerian Environmental Sqfety and R egulation Agency (NESREA) c:hecJeing the dam. reau of Communlcatlons age caused by erDSiQn at Du!a·Falam Kwam f l.oc:Ql t Area of Gombe S ...ate. l'f'Iofo: NAN


~~~~S: ""'d.OY~. '"'" Strology In the 0"""

on Saturday night and ar. rtved tn Germany on Sunday fOJ" the disc:ussIons 011 the bllau:ra1 rdatlanshJp.




T ilE Chid' JuslJce of Nigeria fCJN). Justlce Oahiro Musdapher, on Monday, nL1sed the alarm over the sccwily threat. \\,ttIch the

The governor was quoted as n:assurtng the people of the Slate 0( his determination to turn IOn:duiI!Yk:UOn ofn:fugcc:s Osun truo the rood basket by the FedernJ Government oflhenauon. muJdcansututetoNIgeTIa. The statement noted The CJN, however. ad· UtatAn:gbesola was the vised the government to IIDit governor from the AI"<an ",ntinent 10 be I~ Gennany to IIlvite a German state governor for B iola Azee&, Dori o such bllatttal t.alIts. C ONTlNUTIY to govTIle MiniSter of AgrIc:uI. ernance has been lWt lOr Ux: Stale of Saxony said to be respen· Anhah , Dr Hennanne Iifbk ror the completion of AIkens, led talks with the proJea.sandprogrt:sBmadc ~ An:gIlC!IOIa's team 011 man y oth ers by t he on how the NIOstalCSoouki present administraUOn In explore areas of coopel1l- Kwara State to the last one lion on a.griCu.ltwallnvest- year. mcrus In Osun Stare. Addresstng journalists In Dortnon Monday on the





over 10rce eVlction 0' refugees

Stop rrlum tng refugees 10 thcJr countries of ort· gin, against their WlU. He Doted that the forceful C:V)Ctlon of refugees might spell doom for the counlIy, as they could sneak bad; through porous borders and pose; a g realer sc:cu· rtty threat to the nation. SpeaklngattJleopen.

tng of the workshop 00 - Rdugees l.a w for Judges and Kadls. organised by the Na. tlonal JudiCial Instll'ute INJII, In Abuja, With the theme, 1'owards 8 beuer ~ of the plight or refUb'CCS and tnlemally dlsplacedpcr.iOllS.-theCJN

Slated thaI to return or ' rdouler' 8 refugee was

Continw'ty m , governance, . secret 0f our success -Ahmed

'Nfi j

~aruyya I


AttordIng to hlm.!.heR: was every n eed to look Into the ac:UvlUes or Ls&t:unlyya sc:hooLs, WIth a view to fIndIng ways of asslating them and giving

them direction. Rabl'u noled that any

:"u~:;':,;';~ :":.:d':::.::-In~: schools. 80 thai the s lu- urging the s tate govern· dents could be. relevant In DlttIt to do ~ to prothe mode m woOd mote Islamic education This was just as he deRabi'u added that the sctibed the Kano State ongOing development gcwemor, Oovunor Rabl'u projectB tn the slate con· Musa Kwankwaso, as a vtnced him m at the adleader to be remembered minlsDlltlon was up to the tn ~ to come, oonskl- task of movtng the Slate ertng thc n umerous devel- forward. ·It Is tmpcraUve to toopment projects he executed Within his flrsl troduce western educa· tIon. such as English and year in office. He stated this In engInee:rtng tn the cu.n1cu Kano o n Monday, when 10m of IsIomiyya schools, h e rrc:elved the Special so that t h e students AdvisCT to the SLale Gov- could be re levant In the ernor on Isfamtyya modem world. · We would contJnue to schools, Mallam Yus u f o.mWJtUh, in his rtsl- .offer speCIJlJ. praye.ra ,fo r



one-year acuvlUes of the Governor AbduJratah Ahmed-led admtnlstratlon. the Sl8te comm lssloncr-i and governor's media aJdes, said the prescot g0yemm01l had also sue. cculed In building upon the programmes ilnd ~ttts 0( the lmnx:dJate past administration to a~Ud aballdoned ~

Movementsupports wested' '~sch em ncation m OO~

Kola 01elere Ka.oo HE head of Lh l! TWanlyyo Movemenl In Nige r ia and AfrIca, lsyaka Rabl'u, has 5a.1d It is imperative to introduce: western educauon, such B1i English



continued success In the next three years. -I am ce:rtatn he would domon:,asl\llah attc:pts and rewards Ule darts of anyone who asp1rc:a and engendel1!i good deeds, he stated.

as witnessed In some Stales of the fedennXJn. Commissioners (or Works and Transport. Or Amuda Kannlke; Water Resources. Mr Idrls Abubakar; EducaiJon and Human Capital Develop-meDI. Alhajl RaJi Mohammed; Special Ad\'i8er to the Governot' on Media and Strategy, Abdulrahee.m Adedoyln; Senior SPr!clal Assistant to the Governor 00 InformatlOn and Commuruca· lions , Or Muldeen Akporede and the Chief Press Secretary, Abdutwahab Dba, saki the: development had been spr-ead to all parts 0( the Stal~ .

against ArUcle 33 of the 195 I Convention on the SI81US of Refugees_ - It 13 not rar-fetched to t'nvluge a situation wbue rorclbly displace per '0115 (FOPs, c:ould sll~ through unproc eUI d t hrough more porous borders and prc.em an even greater s e c.Jrtry threat , - he staled 1 he


who <om·

mer .ded the NJI, saki the workshop was timely , lakmg Inlo accoum the U1C1 easing roJes of courts In Interpreting and enfort Ing legal standards fo r the protection of FOPs. 1.c:con:l1ng 10 him, -the net d 10 organise and condUl.'t regular tl1llning C:OUI'liCS on this 8ubJl!c:tmatter not just for judges, but also other stueholders, such as InW'fe.r~ asylum officers, bor:ter guan:1sltmmlgraUO' , oillccn, t.he police, social workeTS and law Students could not be ove renlphasised in order to lleep track of current dt\elopments on Rdu g~ Law. -

Apapa-oshodi Expressway: LASG gives final 48 C hu.k wum. hours ultimatum Oft takeh0lders Okpuaocba , W S i.aC OI


~ t.a.gos Slate p. emment, In Its ef fons lO ensure the safety ... lives of road us·

ers along th e ApapaOshodJ Expressway, has a final 48-hour Ulti-



stakd10klers 10 rerntM:: an absnckxJed. sta10

Uonary, disused contain· ef!i, cafTknl and tankers Utterlng the road Thls Is coming on the

heels of an agreement reached by the

Vl:hicIe& abandoned along 1Ix: ruod would be ~ byJuly 15, 20 11. The State Commis SIoner (Of' "IhlnsportaUOn,

Mr Kayode Opelfa. who made this known in his 0(lice. addo:1 that Ihe need to

aD abandoned. dlsused and stationary vehicles &om the corridor was necessary In order to m SUJ'e the t1mdy cornpletJon of pn;;ects by oontrnc. n:mDYe


to~ .

Opeifa further urged the NaUonai Uruon of PelTOle u IB and Nalu r abBi&

~t ·"OIeum Tanker Dr1Ycrs (f'TD), the NaJJon.aI Assoda kln d Road Transpon Q\I. rx:rs (NARTO), Assoda110., d Maritime Truck Q\I. ner-s (MtARTO) and the: Ro:.dTrnnsport Empioyers As loclaUon of NigerIa (R'I'EAN), to advtse their Intmbers 10 comply wllh thor directive and dear the vehk:J!:S Immediately. as tilt Joint Task Fom: IJTF), comprising 1Ix: I....ap State Govemmmt and Fede.r.LI Go/ernment otRdals would enlOI'Ce the din:cUve to the

fJo.! "'" '1/"., n·

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