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I, e r laa Tribu.a.t: rUlsda)l'. 22 May_ 2012

Niger opposition parties declare support for assembly officers AdI'lo.-o Oladlpo. Iii Dna iE three main op 1~'tJon parttca tn ~Ig 'r State. the AU Niger a "'eople'. rart y IANPPI. I!u' AeUon COli gress of Hlgt-rla tACH) 1llM1 tlleCon.gtcsa for Pro· grc.stlvc Change CCPC) han unJnlrnously de et.ret: 5 Ipport ror the n .. wly cI 'cted prinCipal orrt('ers of the alate


lIouse of AsMmbly. led by th e Speaker. Honourable lsah tt.wu 1\1.50, II group. -Niger Statc&:rvantLcaduahlp Group.' hn th~.tcned

10 the ~w speaker made llvallable 10 newsmen In Minn... l~ slate capltaJ on Monday . . . Id the cmugcncf' 01 lhe new speaker WI\!J a big n!Ud

aneu between lhe u· ecuUvc and th e le&l5l. tift al'TlUl of government The ANPP gubcmatortal can<Udatc bllhc! lui general de.cllon In the

a nd h151apeakerl COO515 ten t rdWlaJ 10 ·compro mille your principled eurnd rOf" probity and lie· count.bUny 85 .galn51 COITlJpUon and allied 101

to ro151 any attempt by

to the stale. highlighting

state. Mr Oavkl Umoru.


ally Individual, groupe or the uecuUve arm of gov· emment to crfect any changclnncwkadcrahlp 0{ the house The opposition par tics, In th eir dlfrerent conptuJatory messages

that the speaker was. perlttt choice by lhe as~ ae.mbly and It was com Ing at a Ume when the state was in need 0{ de vclopment which could only hap~n when Utere were cherk • •nd bal

In 1115 soUdanty mC55a~ to t.he MW speaktt. saki that the UttruIIon otntt of the new speaker did not come to him as a sur· prIse conSidering his track record In the legis laUve arm 01 ~rl1l~t

Mr Umoru m.lnlalll~ thai the new speaker was assuming the lead erahlpoltheasscmblyal a time when the people

Ule stale we~ yearn Ing for cm.nelpallon from the ahadtks ofpov cnyand oppr-cukKl. add Irtg Ulat"U" my (c~nt ~lId and prayer that


your tenure ..111 usher In all era of probity. ac· eountabilltyand due pro. ces5. _hlch has hitherto been deficient In our body polity·

Aregbesola stresses needs for promotion of Yoruba culture 80JI A. lbola,




f D'''e'T.....

State MrRauf





st.resIr:d hfo need for W prornotloll 0( Yorubll cui t~

U1fVIIgh Ule worb d dcMrIlIng It as • vi taJ ~ '1. (f the orpntMd humail .1dety Spc-.k ng through hl5


5pecla1 AlM8cron Cullurc and T.JUt'SIll. Mr OIadJpo SoyodI:. ,,~ III the opmtng 1,( thr exhIbtuon on 0... UlCme .• Dynasty and 0\0111'1) ; He In Anden

LagOS federal Mads


~.lra.a ,

N.,..· de8a1bcd cultu~ M a means 01 kkn UfIca· Uon. Ult:f'Cby~thc neal lOr the propaffIUon of Yoruba cult~ TIll: arl5, aa:on1tng to him. ·a~ a very ~ medium by which one can ~ late with a human aoctety Indeed. the arts pnMde auda1lmtgt'lts Into any gJ1'eIl cMlIYUOn. And In this rcgan:1. Ule matCJ1aj conh:nlof"U,l elUUan:pa.r· tJculuty\laluabk. nn&an oI:Jjc(U such as paIn~ camng.. sculptures and ucavated .rchacologk::al pktts an: atways rcprdcd

·Artwurbarc.nlrnpcw tanl documentary of. pcopk:'. hl~lory. culture, technology and socl.1 oqpnisaUon. They a rc . r1ch cultural p roperty of a given pt'ople; a good conneclln'l th read be· tween theIr pa.t and prc~nt. and lberdore, • good co'mpass for the:l r future, AIJ German phi· losop h er. Ha n s-Ceorg G.damer. obsc:ned.· lbc pe:mor .ubmlt· led thai Afrtcan 8Culp. tures. caf'YIngs and

doctors' solidarity strike illegal


HI tlouse Co nmillee on ~lctJUl haJJ dedaml the ong.,lng .olldarltv .trike b' ,J octon; under the cmp oyment of the

as pI'1a:IeM lft:MUI'CII 01 • gtvn'I culture.

archacologka1 digs. typt fled by Ule Ire sculptures. \It'OlI.b1gwaytodcbw,k lhe ~ raCist cI.lm UUllMr1cansdid not ha\T any clvtlts.UOn pr1cM" to tltelr contact with Europeans

~~:DiIl!~o;"'lJ.l!~ I. OIarunJI Too. TIYO \It' satfcwNIX.'OE.umtnatJon J unclJuly. 2009 with examlnaiKlfl number9 3833F.A. bul mynunewm mluakenly pnnted oul as OIutunjiToo.TaYOlnsae.l Or OLAT NJI 'tOB I TAYO. All rorme documents remai n valid



that ·tlle quesUon that we haw; patJcnlll who have hem left unattcntbl mandnotbdngmrclOrand

M lhiI sutkc .. If*C on. FcderalC~tuU ahoukI we say that tht sal· legal and uneon.lItu · ary .houkl be SWppcd and Uon.1 urging the doc · tors til go. back 10 work This • JUSI as thl:' I....a.p SU It branch 0( Ule NlgCrt"l .1edka11 Auoda tlon INUAI yielded to 8y 8u1aimoa ota.ore..Ju pressure to reconskkr Its H E- - - countl')' decl6ion lfl the atrlke Manager of 111(' e:o'Dlmltlcc mcm C.lISava Adding ben. led by their dlalr Value for Africa (C;.val. m.n. Ho K'urable Ndudl Professor Lat«f Sannl. Elumclu. at an emer h.a co m me. n ded grncy mt cling 'III1th chid Presiden t GoodLuck m~lca l IIrectors of the Jonathan for h i. cassava four f~t'ral hospitals In refonnatlon InIU.UftS. Lagoe alld the doctors In an Interview on cxpresae J MOrT}' OW'er In · Monday . Sannl. • « .... nt slrtkcs In lhe ProfCMOl" 01 Food Sdenc.e heaJUI s~lor and Technology. stated Aa:onlllig to Elumeiu. that the c •••• vs there wu need to look rnoIulion ~ d .t lfl(' legalily and con t h e p relltd ent .as a alilullolJallly of a soli further connrmaUon of dartt) sLrtke. ·We .re geUJng too his genuine lntenllon 10 many lI'rlkea In t h e ~mp the a111nC SC!Ct0fll. health Indu.try It Is tm · partk:ula r1y agr1CUltu re. AccordIng to ProICMOr port.nt th at for evef)' Sannl . ·glven the action' bat we take UlCre ,. occd to look at puslon. dedlcatJOn and commitme n t of t h e. the legaJlr, and consu prc.slde.n t. Clls.av. wtll tullonallty or .uch .c tlons Y'JU do not u.!le aoon become • goktmlnc c:onnteu to ~Ivt: con - In the coun try • Sannl. w h o la .1.0 flicts Continuous dla logue I~ the. be.t op+ Head. Dep ll rtment of lion ~ Food SCIence an d 111(' Hou5e Committee Tec. h nology. Fed er.1 dllllrman ..110 rro.ned on UnlvmJtty of Agrk:uItUI'C.

that if


Man run-~Ordowesayllldar1es


Abeokut. I F'UNMBJ. deacrlbed·. r evo lutio n programffile as .lmllar to IAUn AmerIca expmentt where c.ssava h.d become the bedrock of _a lth cn!ilUon . nd big earncrw for Ule countries. lie call ed on stakeholders a nd well· meaning Nlge r-I.n. to .upport · Pres ident Jonathanll crrorts a l giving agncullure Ita prtde of place In the. country Sannl also debunked t h e cla'm In .o m e qu. r ters th at contained. killer- fungut known as Aflatoxin lie .ald · Casnva I. definitely •• fe for conllump llon . bec. u se the Anatcmn In cueava Is harmless CauavII Is II material that has Ita own tnhertnt factors like oth er commodities Howner. 0r1C'C you aubjed c.saav. to proper procaatng and handling. II I. . are for


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wtn be runntng on .t UI(' detriment 01 the Fedcral G\::M:mmml and aIeo our plltIcnta that arc 5UJlIX*d to be can:d fOrr

manager commends Jonathan

I 1.


resolve the Is

sues. salary wOI

Cassava revolution: C:ava country

.... """CJOJIIC:r1V!S


-House Committee onHealth Cl1Iftf1I situation.

nt!: ntJJTD!J .....!. I I'JI.51Oa OMOTOSHO nnAHIM 'ATAl 1. 0M0ltISH0 kIKMI 0I.Aa

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