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NlgerlllD Tribune Monday. 22 October, 2012

_ _ _ _ _ _----""COMMUNITY NEWS

Aramoko residents protest mysterious deaths

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o· EMBERS of Aramoko com munity In EklU West Local Govenlment Area o f Ekltl Stale have: protested to the palace of the traditional ruler of the communlly. Alu.-o. of Aramoko. Obo Adegoke Adeyeml. over alleged mystertous deaths In the community_ "The protesters.lncludIng women. yoUl118 and cllildrell from the cocnmunlty, said they were demanding that tile leaders 01 the communit y took drastic steps to c hec k what tlley said was ·tncessant killings In the commWllly." The lead..,.- of the prol es lers . Prince Reml Adedayo, told newsmen that It was lime some thing was done about the development. saying the silence of the community In the face of the alleged killings was ~'OfTOOme. AcoonIlng to Adedayo.u was perUnent to protesl 10 the traditional chiefs, who were meeting al the palace during the protest. poIntlng out thai ·lhe mte of m yslerious killings In tile community as wdJ as ghastly molor accide nts was becoming unbearable." Adedayo claMned tJlat tlley. as the prOIC:sterS. were not oul 10 fomenl twuble at Ule palace but ,


rather. to express their grk:vance8 about 'sudden. unUmely lind disgraceful death whIch Is now rampant in Aramoko.The Okunato of Aramoko. Chid 5.1. Oyewole, who addressed U\C protcstcr.J on behalf of tJU!

Adesina (SANI. counsel (Ot" lhe applicant, Prince Olu.scgun Adereml, Is flI. an appllcaUOn to Join

EklU West Local Governmcnl An:a lIS one olU1C re spoodents In the qlatter. Out JUStice Cornelius


pllcatlon to join U)C Ekltl

West Local Government Area In the matter would be: dealt 1o\11h.

traditional rulcl'", who

was said not to be on seat, Implorro the naUves to (allow the duc process In stating thctr demands. saying tliey should not lake laws Into their hands. Chief Oyewolc assured the protesters thai the Aramoko -TradltiOnalCou n cil would look Into the object of theJr protest. saytng Utt.s would be done With a view to prCV1:nung future occurrenclC of the InCidents. TIle poltee who wt:re on hand to prevent the peaceful protest from belng hijacked by hoodlUIrul also did their btl as the protest Wall peaceful all UlroUgh With UU~ protesters dispersing aner they were addressed by C hief Oyewole . In a related development. the Aramoko c h ieftaincy tussle came up In an Ado-Eklll High Court last Thursday. bUI the court could not begin the hearing because C hid Makanjuola Esan (SANt. cou nsel for Prince Adeyeml (the £lest respon dentl. Is challenging the JunsdlcUon of Ute court to hear the case. while Dele

The protesters at Arumoko. Ekfti State. recently_ Photo: Sam Nwaoko.

Communities told to plant trees to combat erosion, flooding NVIRONMENTALISTS under the aegis of thc EnvlrOrHuental Health Assoc laUon of Nlgerl8 have called for massive tree planting to mltlgale the Imp act or erosion and nood across Ule country. The Soulh ~ South VI~ President or the assoclatton. Mr. Peler Uwagbale. made the call dunng the


fumigation of ca mps of nood displaced people In Etsako Central Local Government Area of Edo Stute. Uwagbale, while wamIng against deforestation and Indlscrtmlnate dumpIng of reruse, also advised Nlgerlan~ to always heed to tile wamlngs and advice of wvlronmenlalt.s15. Meanwhile. the Edo

Farmer urges FG to match food production with population growth former scribe of the All Farmers Association of NIgena (MAN I. Kogi Slate chap ter . Malam Ufana Uussel ni has -urged the Federal Government to evolve It 8ustalnable agricultural poliCy that would malch food pro· ducUoll with population growth Malam Husselnl made tile call recc:ntly In LokoJa at a tree planung ellerclse orga ni sed In commemoration of Ihe World f<"ood Day by the ' Rural Wealth FoundaLion', a nOIl-gove.nllnental o rganisation INGOI. liusselnl noted that the world population was growing at 1.3 percentln developed cou nlr1es and 2 ,4 per cent In deve:lopIng counlrles Including Nigeria. due to Improved medical services and uncontrolled birth mle . "We need an agricultural syslem tha i will malch food I)roductio n with lhls populallon growtll," he said, adding Uljlt IncentiVe!! could be

Aklntayo adjourned the hearing of the IIppHcallon to No~mbcr 14. and gave the aMunmcc: lhal !.he op-

given to farmers to en gage In dry season Irrlgalion fanning. lIusseJn J, who posited that 11 was not health y for any nation to Import (ood (or lis clll7.e nry. added that with Irrigation farmlng_Nlgena could Cllpori (ood even In dry season as Israel was doing. While leading Slu dents of the Baptist IlIgh School. Lokoja. to planl trees, the former AF"AN secretary said with the advent of c ll mate chan ge a nd desert

encroachment. the need for tree planting had become Imperative . "Youths, as leaders o( tomorrow. s h ould take It as a responslbU lIy and c hallen ge to plant trees as a mea sure Lo mitigate Ihe dfecta of c limate c hange and save our environment from col lapse." he said. Vice- Principal of the sch ool. Mr Olowosulu Samuel. who reprt' sen led the principal. observed thai Ihe farm -

Ing population was ageIng and advoealed for youl h s 10 be encouraged to em brace farming. dc scribing tree planung as a worthwhile venture. S peaking on the ts sue. AI(red Temltope. an SSI student of the school. said that aparl from providing shades. trees provide rrults and help 10 balance the ecosystem . Temttope gave an as su ran ce Ihat he would nurture Ule trees to ma turlty by wa.tertng thelTt.

Stale chapler of tile a.s.soclaUOll said 113 decision 10 (umlgale the whole camps or ti le IloIxI dlsplaced persons aCT088 the slate was 10 a~rt more problems for we nood vicUms and tile slate in general. The chapler presldenl. Mr. Edward lIIenlkhena. noted thai possibility of the oulbreak or diseases could not be ruled out If the camps were 1101 dlsln fecled . "In our own lillie way, we arc trying to combat emerging problems, espe cially outbreak of dlsenses

~ with d'sD1itfs mgt FG In pnl'IMi ~


RESIDENT. Joint National Assocla lion of Persons with Disabilities IJONAPWD). Mr Patrick Ene. has ap· pealed to Ule Federal Govemmelll to prOvide Cln ploymenl opportunities to lIlembers of the assocla tlon nationwide. Ene mllde the appeal while speaking wllh Ihe NtruJ$ Agency of N igeria

Ex-policeman seeks dissolution of 42-year-old marriage TCtlred policeman. Mr Simeon guavon (64J, has dragged Ius wlfe. Grace [58J. before an Ikorodu Customary Court In Lagos State, seeking the dissolution of Iht"lr 4 2 year-old marriage over Ll ilidiessness. The petitioner also accused his Wife or being troubleso me . Eguavon. who reSides al lkorodu High School


Road. Agbala. Ikorodu. l.agos Stale. told the court that hi s wife rought with neighbours and also disrespected him _ '·She was 16 years o ld when I gol married 10 her; since thcn. we have a lways been Oghtlng and s he docs n ol even have any respect fo r me, till n ow . " In fact. her falher look her away for olle year after we gOllllllrrled

tn the v3r1ous camp!!. -We arc ftghUng against a situation where Ule people who are run nlng from one problem enler another. -We started with Eisako Cenlral council arcn today. by tomorrow, WI! will be going to Et.sako ~t and that wU\ be foi lowed by the third and last nood aITected local governmenl area of Esan South Easl . "In all of this. we are contributing to making lI(e a bit com(ortable (or the people," he .saId

to enable her to know Ing together since 1984 : what It entails to be a I live In one of his house s In sango - Ota. married woman_ " We have had no Issue Ogun State " My husband ha s In this marriage and I n ow want to marry an - been flIrling with dlITerent women and I( he hilS other woman to enable found ano lher me to have my own c hild _ n ol '- 1 am (cd up: I do not woman. he woutd not love. her anymore,· the pray for divorce " Please, granl him his petitioner told the courl. The dcle n danL, In her divorce wish," s h e sa id . The courl president. response. lold the court to granl her hus band's Mrs Rlslkat Ekerl n . l id Joumcd the case 1111 Ocprayer. " We have not been Ill'- tober 25.

Lagos. recently lie disclosed Ihal 25 of hls members parUclpaled In Ihe recently conducted Interview by the Federal Civil 5cfVice Commission. " We are calling 011 the Federal Governmenl to conSider people With dls abutUes for employment ·' Dlsabled persons wllh good quall!lcallons need to get employed In prlvale and public organlsallons. ' ''he counlry should also remember the hernIcs of ollr paralymptans at the just-concluded London summer Olympics games and try to employ those wllltng to work.· Ene said lie said that UlC performance of Ule paralymptans pr~ to all NIgt':r1ans that there I~ " ability In lhelr dlsabIllIY." If given the opporlunlty ·- lIenee they must be glvell equal chances as their able-bodied counterparts.· he said

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