Nigerian Tribune Monday 23 April. 2012
Election petition: Wada, Awoniyi express optimism
Briefs Yewa dJocese holds synod lHEAngUcan Communklll. Yewa DIocese. Ogun Stall'. w1l1 hold Its Synod rrom Sunday. April 29. to Wednesday. May 2. 2012. The (our-<1ay meeUng Is the second ses.skIn of tm eighth Synod of the diocese. and It will be preskJed over by the Diocesan Blshob. Rt Reverend Dr $.O. M . Adebola . The theme or Ute programme Is entitled . -Now that we know what we have ... Jesus· (Heb 4 : 141_ The venue Is the All Sain ts' Church . Leslie Road. lIam. TI:tc: Synod also features opc:nlng and thanksgMng SCfVIces, on April 29. 2012. by 10:00 a.m. PrescntaUon or presldenUal
Yekln.l J'lmob. Lokoj.
Idrls Wada and Yoml Awonlyi Cum p a I g n Organisation . at the weekend, said that the
BayeJsa's Judgment wa5 a ro~taste of what to expect when judgment was eventualy dellve:red In the case Illvolvtng Incumbenl GO\lcrnqr Wada and his challenger. AlhaJI Jlbrtn lsab. Isah . winner of the January 20J I primary clttUon of the PDP hdd In KogI Stale, Is In the Federal mgh Court. AbuJa dh1sioJl. challengIng the: validity ofWada's c::andlda.lurc:. who emerged as II~ Peoples
-COuntry Manager. BaruestplU$. Paul Rona: D lrector-Generol. Internatlonal Institute of J"roplcal ~rlcu1ture (lITA).
Dr Netr-crnya. Songlrtga; Dlrecto~L Ba.ruestPIus. Howarth Bouis and Director ofPartnrTShlp and l.>euelopment (UTA]. Dr Kenton Dashle:IL qJtrr a closed door meeting on the newly deueloJH'd "iantin-A ccuscwa. uorIetles in 1badan. recently.
OemocraUc I'arty (PDP)
candidate: In the re scheduled primary dectlan held In September 2011 . The spokesperson of the Wada / A"onlyl Campaign 0rJanls8 tlon and former Speclnl MSLSl:ant to ex President Qlusegun OhasanJo on Spedal Dulin, Ch id Tunde Olusunlc. while speaJdng will. newsmen on Sunday . •uld that Dlckstm'. victory was a shared V1ctorv ror Wada In the waJUng.
Police foil attempt to rob bank in Ogun Ol.yLaIRU Olokoy.. Abeokut'.
ESS than 48 houf3 after Lhe Ogun Slate government Inaugurated six
rlers IAPCs) and 125
Toyota HUuK palrol vailS. anned robbers attempted to raJd a branch o( Guaranty Trust Bank (GTBI at Kuto area o( Abeokuta. the stale capl-
tal but were n:pclle'd. by the police on Sunday morning. The hoodJums.acoordtng to a statement made available lO new3men by the Ogun State Police command's Public Rda lions Officer (PPROI. MuytwaAdeJobt stonned the preml5cs or Ult~ bank In the early houra of the day. 11le robbe~ were saki
to h ave allacked the bank with dangerous " ,e ms suc h as h ammef3. methane gas. ehlsel. among oUten. The statement added t1 f th S lat men 0 e tate Anti - Robbery Squad ISARSI engaged the robbel'lJ lu a gun batLle. and was backed up by the Qulek RespolUle Squad IQRSI team.
Ajasin's daughter joins gov race in Ondo Ylnka Oladoylnbo. lUtur e
Anlfowose. who re cenUy resigned as the dBughto:r of the chainnan of ACN in the former gcvemorof Slate. further promised Id Oodo State. that he r government Chief Adekunle Ajaslo. would be fair. friendly and who is also an e;x-com- full of dependable acrnlssl~nu In Ule state. Lio ns , Mrs Jwnoke Anlfowose. ! If given tbe Llcket. has jolneji the governorAnlfowose also promised ship mce In thl' state. that she would govern The Immediate past with Integrity. honesty chalnnan or the ActJon and h ope. Congress of Nigeria She saJd; -If my party IACNI In the slate said promotes me as candidate, 1 promise lIlat we wiIJ nellher b r eak you down nor break you up. We will not break you oIT. but we wlil breakthrough and break loose
together. -We wtlJ tnak forth and break n:con:ts and break new grounds with the bclp of the Alnughty God. -We must go back to
the baSics; we must find what we lost. Wllh an axe o( falU. and determlnaUon. we must recover what Mlcheal Adekunle Ajastn called our tnteJleeluai and moral stn:ngth.-
E Nlgertan Anny has warned agaInSt making negative and Inflammatory comments capable or caustng tension the barnleks and Its neighbours that have co-exisled stnce the estab lishment o f the cantonment. The Nigerian Army, apparenUy n:acttng to a report over land dJspule between the Army and la fa.mlly In
woun<b. AdeJobl. an Assistant Supcr1ntendent of Pollee (ASPI. said "Ute Commissioner of Pollee. Ikemduna Okoye. has ordered the Immediate Investigation Into the robbery. and combing of the vicinity. -rlle command Is on top o( the Stturtty sHuation In Ute state and we are assuring you o( maximum security or UIe and property. Please go about your nonnal bustnesses wllhoul fellr . - Okoye said.
Burial 11iE finaJ bul1aJ c-en:mony ror Madam Janet Abejlde Fadey1 starts on Thunday. Aprt126. 2012. with a ChrtsUan wake service at her residence. Faluyt Su'ed. behind Chrlst Apostolic Church ICAC). Lion of Judah . Iyana Church. lbadan. betWttn 5 and 7 :00 p .m . She was aged 90 years. Funeral and ouUng service slated for Bible Life Holiness Church . Idl - Ape . Iwo Road. wUI ho ld on Fr1day. April 27. 2012 at 11 :00 a . m . EnterlDlnmc:nt of guest follows Immedi ately at SL Paul's Primary School. Yanbule . Basorun bridge. Ojoo. Iwo Road Expressway. lbadan. She is survived by c hildren.
PDP slams ACN over Adefarati memorial lecture's fracas
H E South-West Peoples Demo crnUc Party (PDP) has des c ribed lhe botehed nflh memorial lecture organiSed by the AcUon eongn:s& of Ntgc:r1a IACN) for fomler gpve rnor orOndo Stale. ChJef Adebayo .\defamU. as the height of hypooisy. The party. to a statement Issued by Its zonal
publicity secretary. Honourable Kayode Babade. said. "hypocrtsy Is no doubt the first name or the ACN and U.s leaders; 5aytng the end of th at pan'y was near to Yoruballlnd. "TIme has come (o r the ACN and Ita leade~ to bcgtn to use their own fatbers ' names to canvass for voles instead or looking ror already estab-
Land dispute: Army warns against inflammatory comments By Adebayo Wabeed
• The prompt tntervenlion o( the police forced the robbers to nee the scene wtth bullet
day. April 30. 2012. by 10. a.m. while the Synod lectures and plenary sesston wtlJ be held between May I and 2. 2012.
parties to be patient and resist temptations of making negau~ and Inflammatory CODlments. The acung Assistant Director. Army Public RelaUons. Captain Anale Appolonja. In a statement enUUed; Re: Family accuses Army of (orce(ully acqulr1ng 14.264 hectares of land-ln Ibadan on Sunday. destt1bed the publication as misleading and malicious. n..ge Nlgo1an.Anny said lIlal Ule publlcrtlon was
tntc:nded to c:kcctvt:: mem ~ ben 0( the public on the true facts over the purported <>gan1a famUy land located at Letmauck Milltary Canlonrnenl. Ek:yde. -Headquarten. 2 Divisio n . Nigerian Arm y. wishes to stale Ule true side of the story tn o~er to corn:ct the eJTOneous Impression conveyed to the general public by the Dganla family on the issue of the disputed land'- pan of the slatement read,
IIshed names.It added that rather than trytng to usc Ctuef Iddaratfs name to sdI thdr party. "the ACN should stJ'M to sc:cure a name and IdcnUty JOr Its ader. Bola TInubu. who does not have any at pn:senl. and ~ to U9C Ule I'\iI.I1le to canv&'II for'
"""'. "We understand their
pred6camen1. They cannot use lhe name or Bisl Akande because his four )'CIlnI as Osun State gpvernor was charactertscd with mass sack of workera. They can't also use Bola TInubu's name because the name and Its owner are fake. lhat's why they always look roc names 0( credible people to use to canvasa for '\IOles. " 'hese same people. who go about claiming to be diSCiples o( Chle( Obafeml Awolowo. are the ones dlsparagtng the Awolowo (amUy. Indudtng Mama HID Awolowo. the woman the late sage called his of Ines-
Yinka Ayefele for praise night YINKA Ayefele stonns Cremk:-Adeyemo Lay-oul. lbadan. Oyo State. with Prophet P . F . Owa (or PraJ.s.e Night. tomorrow. April 24. 2012, at 10.OOp.m. The venue of the progr.unme Is Cn:mk Auditorium. Christ Revival Mlrade Chwch. 7. Rev P. F. Owa Crescent. Adeyemo Layout. Behind Sl Lukes eouege. Molele. Ibadan. The chief host IS Rev P. F. Owa.