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Nl,crlan Trlb"oc 1\Jesday. 2.3 October, 2012

We may not meet food target -Presidency


Ntgena,.. count

their loecs due to c ~t fIooct1nC. the Special As5tstant to the Pruldcnt on Social

Development and Specia' DuUes, Mrs Sarah

rlce_ We had wanted to be able to achieve one mile stone I think In terms or ylCariy producUon; lhe quanUly will nol come bdow whal we pr0duced In prevloull yearw only thai the targel we wanted 10 achIeve may

-Advises on bioenergy level of agrtculture has pract!cally Improved this

Pane ha, upr-cssed con-

dally In rtce producuon belta .1ltts has practkally negated the glanl strides achleyed In the last couptc of years. towards aelrsumclency In rice """",,,,jm,,-,she added.

SpcakJng on the need ror bklcncrgy, Pane noted thai heavy rdlanee on petroleum resources 15 becoming unsustainablc. IItrcMlng thai It was ImperaUvt: to dcvtcc an altemaUve ways of mcctIng the naUon's encrgy

not meet Ita food suffi-

ciency target In nee pmducllOn.

She explained t h at the Federal Govenlmcnt

h.a unveiled plana to address the sllusUon. In tenus of annual food producllon . and gave

••aur-ancc or adequate food supply next year She spoke MtUc dcdartng open the RcgIona1 [)IaIcgue on Renewal* Energy Technology lOr" ImproY'ed Agrkultura! ProducUvUy and Sustalnabk Devdopmolt. held an Abuja. Pane .ald: "Right now. I cannot the extent but thank God thla year, the haM'Cllt was much. especially



edlK:a&n afbdaIie to every child


IE Fecknl Govc:nl-

menl o


rcstaled Ita com-

mitment to developing

the education sector In ortkI" to make It anillabic and alTordable for c~

Nigerian child The Wife of the Vice President. lIaJla Amlna Mohammed Sambo. ga~ this assurance during th~ ·Check Out For Children· Awareneaa Walk organl5ed by the United Nations 'Ilt~rnatlona' Ch ildren EducaUona' fund IUNICEF, and Shenton Uote! and Towe .... AbuJa Ilajla Sambo. who was rqntICf1led by the Min ... ter or State ror Fedetal Capital Territory 'FCTl. Chle( OIajumoke AklnJIde. saki the Federal CoYcmITlf!fIt would kaV'C no atone untunled to mak~ sure that every NIger1an dlUd was educated. She atated. ·EducaUon. u we an know. Is a rtght of eve". chlkl. IITeapccUvt: 0( his or hn" atatua. race or IxU~f It La LhercIorc very Important ror all 10 contrtbute. In whalcw:rway. to promote and make education available to the chlklren -n,~ admlniatnllion Is committed to developing the education Hetor through .,anous programmes and pcKlCica aimed at making navall able and arrordable to every child Lei U5 sup(lOft Ih ue efforts by contributi ng our quota individually and collecUvely 50 thaI together. ~ can swim and noat Lo safety·

-COptaln Pa.ra ~ Comp. II,. ""'aila It'uh a.m.m.ed (lfdlJ:

Ifln~t~ q/Stau.

Federa' Capital Temtorv

(reT). Chl<f Jumokc Akl,ylcte fthlrd rig/'t,) and Dlreeto,. qf Sport and Sodal Dft7elopmenf. reT,

A lhq/I All'" Muhammed (righq. during the m.lnb:ter's ,.ec:endy. ""010: S •••• , O._n,1

Inspection of sport faclUU_ In Ab'\lCl.

FG commences review of national policy on education Cle.meat Idollo

HE Federal Govemment has commenced holistic review o( the NaUonaJ Policy on Education to mcct IntttnaUOnal standarda and In tunc wtth Ule n aUoo's tranaformaUon proces.s . Executive Secretary o( Nlgertan EducaUOnal Research and Development Council (NERDC) and Chairman or I h e Itlgh Level Committee on updating the Na tional Policy on Educa Uon. Proressor Godswill Obloma. said lhe current policy or on educaUon was dcfldcnl In v1c..or the present day reaUttea and emerging is suca affccung the educaUon sector He spoke at a IItakeholders mcctlng In AbuJa on the revtcw proceaa 0( the education poliCy Minister of EducaUon. Proressor Ruqayyatu Ah med Rura'!. had Inau guraled the commlt"e to update the II .o nal policy on education. bascd on new developmenta In Ule sector Obtoma disclosed that Ihe current 6 -3-3-4 system of educaUOn wou ld al50 be rc~ to make room (or compuOOt'y one


year early child educa Uon lie said the campaign ror8ttcS11toeducatlonin the country warranted thai early childhood edu calion be properly tncorPORted In th~ naUonal aystcm 0( educaUon He aJ50 noted that the pruent admlnlstrallon of PreSident Good luck Jonathan attachca g~at Importance to human

developmenl and thai go.,emmenl was delermined to repoelUon the educauonscctorthrough proylalon or a sound policy rramework. li e said ·Varlous countrlu haYe set for themseIYc.a. an agenda on whal to do and u we approach 2015. the whole world Is trying to rcdcnne thoae goals . So. the policy also muat be


Akinjide warns developers against distorting Ahuja Master Plan 'Launches tree planting campaign ilE Mlnlsler State ror Federal Capital Territory (Fen, Otoye OlaJumoke AkJnjkle. rft:CnUy warned developers and rcsldenl5 sgslnst dlatorllng the AbuJa Muter "'an Th~ mlnlaler , who gavt: this warning while launching thla yeu's tree planung In Uahara_ Bwar1 Area Council o(tM F"CT, strcsacd the need ror all1ct comptlaoce with the apprond land usc muler plan of the FCT Sh~ also advtaed dcvdopers and Lndlvk!uats to dealst from building on designated green ar· cas 85 ~U u Oood and dlsaaler prone llreas Aklnjide noted Ihsl tree planting had become necessary 10 tackle the env1ronmen· tal challenges of ero slon. noodlng and desertification Ihreatcnlng sevc~1 nallons. Includ Ing Nlgena -The current global environmental prob lems /challenges such all ero&k)n. IloocHng and de · scrtlfk::atk)n. among olh en. thai arc directl y thrcatcnlng Nigeria now call ror aggreSSive senslllsaUon on Iree planUng sl"tt II Is the only known natural ~u­ liOn to curbing the men-


o:rn thai the naUon may

-Hajia Sambo

':"" -

changed In landem with those redt:f1nltlon5 • -Secondly. we arc operallng a system whereby Mr PreSident has act ror UA agenda. which we hope . will take us 10 ylslon 2O:2020_11le transformaUon agenda ha5. as o n e 0( Ita atrate glc goals. human dcvcl opment and «iuealton Is yery critical to human deyclopment


eUed ot colosaa l


Ihla la ~Ie


of lives. propcrUC!I

and eyen agricultural crops 'Nhldl I.J a bad slg nal to rood security, an eaaentlal part o( Mt prcsident'a t~nsforma lion agenda. - ah~ stated

FeTA to provide more special schools, teaching aids lE Fede.R1 Capital &. ... dear In our .schools and Territory Admlnls lOr the deaf --AJcln)lde deploying teachers wllh


trallon 'FCTA) will provide more apeclal needa . achoola and apeclallsed leaching aida for the deaf In lhe nation 's capital. th~ Honourable Mlnlsler of State for ,.CT, Chid OlaJumoke AklnJlde. aaJd recentlJ She made Ulls known durtng the cdebralton or lhe IntemaUomll Week of UIC Dear held al lhe National lIuman RlghlA Commission AkJnjkk. whoWll.5l"q)· resented by her Special AlIAlstant on Social DcYelopment, Mra Uche NWllror, said FCTA was working allalduously through Its Education Secrelartat to build morC:

special school5 to mCCl


children with special needs In the F"CT Sh Id -n. fCT Admt~I::'u~n h:' car ned oul deliberate aclions towards provtding an all Incluslvt: society thai provtdc.a aufficlent attenllon 10 the physl cally challenged In our mtat. OUr recent aurvcy or special needs chlld~n III the FCT ahows a total number of 3.257 pupils and atudenl5 who havt:on~formorlmpa l rment or the other Oul or Ihls. 1.657 arc malc while 1.600 an! female -nle auryey furlher ahowed that there ar~ 89 apeclal education

teachera dl.lrtbuted In the regular and special achools Out or thla numlxr. 24 leach at Ihe S h I ( th D r

W~ll:ho wa~r ut.~lIs~:d

In 1991 wtth 60 pupils By 2008, the cnrolment IncreaAed 10 361 The Admlnlalrallon has equipped th~ school with specialised teac h Ingakill such as audtom elera. Ihermororm ma chlncs, brailing ma chi nes, embossers and heartngakls. amongolh era. -nle administration. through the education secrelarlal. 15 proViding more special schoola. more leaching and learning aides for the

background In SpeCial Educ~lIon to areas of need Speaking on the theme of the IlIlerna 1I0nai weck of the dear titled -Sign BIlingual lam and Empowerment arc lIuman RlghlS or the Dear Persons- lhe min Isler said It was a clsrlon call to eyeryone to rc cogn lse the rlghtll of peraons with any (orm or dis abilities She str~!!Ised Ihe nc.:d ror Nlger1a and NIgerlana to alrlve to wards build In" a more Inclusive soclt"ty where lhe benenta ror the dear and persons wllh dl5 abillile!i were- guaran teed

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