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Trl.b WJe

Poultry farmers, stakeholders converge on Ibadan to strategise o fewpr than etghi hundred poulll)' farmers . vetertnary doclora . animal scientists. vetert nlll') drug dealers. crop fanners. feed mUiers and other stakeholders In Ule poulll)' Industry of the counlI"j . Ill!n week converged on the banquet hall of Jogor COltre. Oke· Ado. lbadan. Oyo State. to deliberate 011 60me of the problelll5 presen[Jy threal· enlng [Jle !'uccess and progress of poultry Indusll)'. as well as find an amicable soluUOns to the sallenl and emerging diseases confronUng poulll)' farming In the COUlltry. The Global Vetcare Nigeria limned, In conJucUon with the Anb PesUcldes and Veterinary Drugs Manu · facturing Company IMobedco.Vetj Jorden, organlsed the poullry semInar and the two themes sc:lecled 'or the semina r were : -Overcoming ReslStencc III Poullry Microbial Therapy.- and 11le emerging Olseases In Nigeria Poulll)' induatry.-11le rtrst leclllT': Na!J delivered by an lntemaUonally acclaimed ve ter1nary medicine expert. Professor Ehab Abu · Basha of the Department of Vctennary Basic Medical Stlences. College or Vetertnary Medicine. Jordan Uu,vcralty of Scittlcc and Technology. while the second lecture was gIve n by Dr (Mra) Omolade Oladele of the Facully of Vetertnary Medldne. Unl· verstty of lbadan. 0)'0 Stale. Professor Chab Abu·Basha, a Jordanian, descrtbed the poultry Induslr)' of Ntgerta a.s one capable of pro-duclng mllllulls of employment for the leagues of jObles youtru. and graduatcs In the counlr)'. adding that It 1& olle of lIle Important sectors presenUy fac· Ing some OilS ades whIch he further emphasised ha.s beell hampt-rlng Ita expected development and progress:. The uper~. while eJl:poslng poultry fanners 81ld other participants to the danger and bavoc which bacler1al resl~lance could wreak In poultry buSInCM

the problem of mulU·drug resistance In pouhryfannlng; lhe reasons for antimIcrobial combination theraphy; mechanIsm of bactertal resistance. 85 well as how to achl~ opUmum proOt in poulU'y bustnes despite some emerging chal · lenges. Dr (Mrs) Omolade Oladele. In her lecture , taught the ~rUclpants whal they can do to pre· vent emerging and re· emerging diseases; gen· eral disease control In poullr)' fannlng: adding that If well m.ana&ed. Ole poullr)' Industry. of !.he a)UnU'y has the capadty -The Chlef ExecuUpe Officer. Global Vetca.-e Nigeria Ltd. lbadan. Dr of enhancing the Ibrahim Adekunle. talking to pou.ltry fanners and stakeholders In the economy of the naUOn. poultry Industry. during Q one-day seminar af t he Jogor ~n tTe. Ibadan. While talking to partld· 0JI0 State; recatlly panls and guests at the seminar, the Chkf ExecutJve slated that there IS the need for poullry fanners In Ofllcer of Global Velcare Ntgerta UmJted. lbadan. Dr the country to apply efrecUve drugs. pa- Ibrahim Adcku.nle. lamented al !.he abandonement of tent and approved anUblotics In lae.kUng many of Ole poultry lndusU'y by the Federal Government. the emerging dlseaases In the poultry Industry of The expert said the lOpK::s of Ole seminar were valkt the country. and relevant to Ole CU~1 situation In the pouIU'y Ue said poullr)' farmera should not cui eomen; Industry_ He said lhough there are many problems when II comes to the appUeaUoI1 of dfecUve ~ In confronting the poullr)' sector. while some of Olese poultry dl&ease management M Ul1& would affect thelT problems were even threatening II!J survival pnsc:ntly. Incomes and rould make tllem to shed tears. He saki poultry farmen. as wdl a.s other lI~tock He further InUmated Ole poultry ranners present fanners and stakeholders were faced with the probat the programme on how to find tasting solullon to lem ol very high OO5t oC lnput5 like ruug,. fecda. e lcc+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ lrtdly, water. transport. etc. willi consistent drop In the pr1ce ofpoultry outputs Ilke eggs. chicken. etc. Importers Ilke the Swiss Olaytnka Aklnmade. lold women dlslrlbutors of -rile sharp drop In the Blostadt Limited; Saro the parUdpants Ul8tlt was agro Inpul!! naUonwlde. cost of eggs. f(lf" Instance. high Ume more opportunl. But today. we have many A.grosdence Umlted: Har· roupled with the fact that vest Field Industry Lim· tics be created and opened high pD'W'CIM WOIDCl1 dis· we can't even sell the lied; and WaCOl Company. r(lf" Nigerian wonH:rIto dl!J· bibutors or agro lnputs in eggs. has remained a rna· and was aimed to assist play !.he1T God ~ abO· Nlgerta. Women should jOr problem In the sector WOO101 agro Input dealcnI Ity. adding that the semj. therefore take I.hdr posl· today. , know that mem· 90 111311hey woukl be able nar was organ.l sed for UOn in agro Input&eclorol ben! of Ule Poullr)' Asso· to measure up to the stan· wumcn agro lnput dealers ouragrtcultura18CCttr. 1'm datio n of Nigerta IPANI. dard d thdr male counter- of female gender In Oyo emphasising this and I has been doing their paris and at the same Slate In order f(lf" them to mean It because women best. bul I hope and pray li me be Intellectually conU1bute theIT quota to- cansprtngsurprlseslnlhc that government will eqUIpped to gtve needed warda actllevtngfaod secu· production and marketing come to the old of the and approprtftte Infonna- I1ty. ofanyagrtculturaJproducc: farmer.! as 500n as pos. UOI1 10 the end users of He Slated that agro in- and lnpul.!l. sible. - he further stated. thelT products. which are put Industry gale Is -If the WUTn01 were m The ~xpert posited the practising r~ HUll opened widely for both equipped to do their jobs. that It Is Important for onen come to them for men and women and en- then their services to government to realise help and asslslJlnCe. couraged women whom he fanr\enlwouldbeasbcn· that poullry Industry Is Addn:8sIng hundreds fA described aa 81JU"lg factor eficial. especially to the one of Ihe largest em · women agro.mput dealers and pivot Il' the nation agrtcullurnl SCClOr of the ployer5 of labour In the that came fOl" Ule semtnaT agricultural aector" lo wake oounuy. rm aJ.ooto sure thai country today . both rrom dlfferent pam or <>yo up from thclT slumber and whOl you train a woman skilled and unskilled , Slate. the pn:sldcnl. We!J1 play an acUve role. on how to dl9pe11Se her and need sertous allenIn his words. -In the duty. you have succeeded Agro Input Dealers Ass0Uon from al1t~ of goy. ciation (WAlDA). I we had I two In training a whole nation. emment. Therefore. there Is the In his advice for the need for regtllartrainlngoC Federal Govc::mment. the WOlflOl f~ and tT1081 expert said thai the ImportanUy. ,\'Omen agro policy of one egg per day. input dealers," he posited. per student should Furthermore. the equally be enforced by WAlDA prC!Jldent com · government In order to mended the National help the poultry Induslr)' Agency fOl" Foods. Drugs. -Government should Admlrl1straUOnandControi equally encourage crop (NAF1)AC) for Its effort at farming 50 as to Increa5C brtnglng sanity Into agro production and reduce Inputs Industry of the pr1ces. 11115 1 believe will country so that there go a long way to redu ce would be heallily develop-the prices of eggs and ment and good prUltability. birds. a.!I well as 8.S!Jlst 8tressIng that NAroN:: is the Industry to compete


WAIDA empowers women in agro-input industry

~~~~ri~~~;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_~-s~Y~""'~'~"~b~u~"~ng~lo~~Ihe~j~ffi~~f~~:~l_,errecuveIY - - -Decllers As-soclalion ( WAlDA). Mha)f addruslng participants ar the one-day held last week in lbadan, Oyo State.

ck.doPllll!llloftbc...JncIus... try in his advice to the

the West Africa sub re o I - h r espec rth ially Lale<! In c u er s

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