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'95 million Almajiri children ou,~ ., ""'" "......



XECI1T1VE taJy 01 the Teruary

£ducauon Truat Fund fT'ETf'und), Prof. Mahmood Yakubu has'" daIcd that owa- 9.5 m1Ibon AJm.)r'I chOdren arc out 01 the canw:ntional basic edu· caliOn duD., the court-

.,.nu. en!

III ew:n . . the Fed-



that model ~ be con-

atrucUd an:t equlppcd .... dally rc.- model boarding and day .ctxdI to &::akr bAlmajtn ctuktml in Kkcl Matc:5 ~ 1M prnbbn .. pnnknL Pn*:aor Yalrubu. who tIpOke ataleadenhip bum In Abuja. diM:Ioacd that • aed pnt of N3b6Won has been lief. aside (or I'undeng of what hi:: dcsp1bed u • cmtraI and tornpettttvoe reKan::h Iar national dew:Iopm<nL

ated lind rIXI'Io'Cd OYer to the Othman DanbUyo Untw:r. aUy. Sokolo and todaIy. we are.dI:*C wdI academk:aDy. Ibe real Issue • that the managa-s d our edu-. caUon tnstltuuans do not prtortUSe what they want to spend money on.

-FUnd.a mere 1iK:IHtawe can cdIcct aD

tor and

the money In the wortd. but If we faI 10 Cd our priOri-Uca r1gh.t and embarIc: on projeCta and programmes lilat will endure. we will end up I'rttt.enng away the money at OW' d&spoAl. ~e lade atnILq&k: planning In our cducadan lICeuon and no mauerwhal we do. Ii we dDn' d1ange this atUtude, we will continue to lag bchtnd. 'VIe t..oe no Wr:d pn;ea anyv.1la'e lind we dtrll ~ k:aK more fundi; WUlIhcy ~ ... wtwlbey haw: bccn~ Weha~prqc:a

management department whlch monUon projects. We ...., do pa10dIc rnooJ..

tamg as wdI_ eJ99: adhoc oonauIIanta 10 hdp us

monitor and . . . . such

elf lnsUwuona colkcta money &em u&. we monIlor what they do and • mL.IR be

acc:ortMrC 10

the approwx1

plan. from """".... money away the aa:ount ... anyothl:r M.'lMry. thEy m&a rdund It trnmccIatdy. 001crwK. they wtl not ~ Ii.Jr-.. therdl!buram1cnlll frDm us. the IIIIIue d tmpn:w-



the wttYersaUea. as at )":Stmlay. we ha...e approwd

5.777 ~ ... traIDMlg In var10ua poIIt·graduate ~t"..-nt;1£ctur..


both ~ n tJx: oounuy am CIYCnICaS. Out ci UUs fIUIJlba'. I304~an.dy

cxxnpIeU:d tta- atudca and murncd to tta- \'8rtous In-

""" .... d _ _


the lAue 01 dwIn-


we ... ~from~

ment to rc:vtve acadtrrUc pubIIIIhIrc In the unM:rwJ. Om and rWll now. we ~ aach In FUr. ~ PUr. YoIa: Othman DanfocUyo l.InMnIM:y. SdDo: NnamdI

A:dkIwe Untw:t1aly. Awka: UnMnUy d CaIabar. lJoI·

ve:r-.y 0(. . . . and the: lJn6.. _dAbuja. ~e have alia rcc:dw:d CM:I"300~wbk:h

we are. proceMIng i:Ir fund-Wthroughwhat we~ the NaUonal Reaearc.h Fund The.e mua, be based on rescaf't:h Lhat woukI contribute 10 naUOnal development and wtth oompId1on dates and vtablity dearly stated.

-We ad up a oomrnJuee o( expert. who • ...u. auch a'ppllcauona (or which we have ad M6de N3

bWon and OUI of d.c ones we have m:dYed. only 14

have l«n approYCd and they IU'C on.......-

The aum. according to hun. .... outUde N2bOon ,..i1JCb III to be I..IKd liar the

We '11 use culture t o tackle in security

~oI~oI pro(ca.Aona] aMOdaUons


and. pubik:aUonI 01 sultabloe PhD thc:acs submitted to Nigerian UntYcraIl.Ies

or 00 Ni&CJ1an


.... books. lie further dlsc.losed

that TETFund raked In about N463 bIWon as edu-

caUon lax (rom pnvate companIeS opcrattng In lhe COW1l1ybcrwccn 1994 and

20.0. According to him, TETFund ha!i vtnuaIIy ampkted the construction d kn boardlng and twentynyC day schools which would soon be ready roc ......-ung and handIng OYU'" to 81a1C:a. Analys's of the fund ~ in educatJon tax since 1984 . he aaJd, Indudcd N 178babon gmcr-aled between 1994 and 2007. while N284 .9 was rcabsed bctwccn 2008 and


He $IUd. • As • rmWl of Improw::mcnt In toDecdon of educ:auan lllX. the ben-eRUng lnstltuLions have rec:ctYCd more funda fnIm 2008 than al any time in

the fund'a tltsUMy. Tor- mst:ance. the aDocatJon to the untVUlllues roee from N58.5mIlbon In 2007 to N 119m In 2008 and 2009, N303 million in 2010 and N395mIDfon ttl 201 1 -rhmI! was a1so • .twp 1ncftase In the alIocaUorw

to the Polytechnics and Colleges of Educolian. "The majOr"JXd*:m In the

educatkJn .:ct.or, WUh due Taped. .. not ~ btu lid. of what we do In the scatr_ -In the yun, when I was • chdd. \Io~ ane:ndrd what III now rdem:d 10 as local. runJ Khuota. It was from IhIerr th;I l "'~ . -Iu




UaI~ WI!IOtwlIthe

D'IeICurtly that CII&S 81 YW1-

N ....

:noNAL """""' ...


CU1wnI 0nmla1I0n (NIOOt t.. takm up

the ~ ID bu:r peaceU UI ' lCeltw'oufl a.JI.

1l-. ..... nwJe knotom by the ExecutM ~ d NICO. Dr BarclaY'S AyakoromII dunng a pmII ~enher~

nadmlal CXlI'1II::nnot en a1J.. Ilft. ~ IOd naIb1III .eDdy.

Dr Ayakorom.a saki NICOt..thtbnDlci.:natil:alkln and r'C-<IrimtalJon d NIgerlIIrw b the area d

""'"'" . He

axlVl'J.ftta. ~ thai the IBd&IJQnal rulers VoOJk1 aa a'I ~ to c:unaI


perpdnlkn o( crimes.. Itc theftby caIkld ir. ooIaIxn1M dbt ID ~ the iIIauc:

o.- Ayakomma aIIIo ~

IhaJ. b 1GtCe: ID n::Iff'1ll1 a ClOmml.-nty. ~ must 10

be qn!flO' bnwtal tradtIblIlI r..a-.:n ....:t kIcaI Ckwemmerl , .t .nncn.

World Bank to inject $900m into agric


lE Wortd Bank B al the: vage of support tng the Agricullural

TnI.naform.llon Agend. with 8900 m11IIon. TIle MlrU5tcI" 0( ~ ture and Rural Development . Dr Adewunmt AdesUw d1scIoeted thla ill Abuja at a media t:JrtdIng on the: Ntgertan AgrlbusIneS8

_Forum. 1hc; Miruatel'

saki then: was cul-

""-- d_ . Ue abI;t IKkb:I thai. CWIY tnldIdoral ruler 11M to. .ea.dy net\IIOrk and hi. the Iradttlonal rukn know the

sa6d out d

the 8900 million. Afp.ullUf'C;

would gel $500 million whIc: In1gIIUon gets 8400 mlllion In line wtth Lhls. 0.. AdesIna said the mInlsOy taJ been able to atbW:t an fmatln who ~ IrWCIII Wl25,CXXJh«:tansdnoeproducIIon WI Sok'*l. maImlg use d the Rima ~don K'hane. Accon:tInC to the: Mlnlst(:r. thla woukt enha.n« the F«tual ~1'lI:I11·. plan 10 make;

. . . . .....mdr:nlln r10e by~l5.

lie:'" diKklK:d that. unttat Slatm axnpany ~ expreucd Imeresl to In

vaItIrC In lht:

casgw IiI!r-

tor 1hc; MlNJtcr expIalncd th.u NIgttla Is the~)5l producer" d caseaw In the VoUIdbuthM not beenabIIC to brtng vaIuoe 10 the cu aava produCtIOn. Dr AdrsmIISlld that the Federal Oovemmenl

tb'ol«fl lhe ~ 0( '«' r1cultwe and RwsI Oemopmcnl IIjJft:d wtth a US ~:d tnclDI'" rn.III'lUfacturII'18CompanylOestabIish r.w n::tl .. ~pIants In RJvera and Kaduna States.

AlX:cnitD£ 10 the min»kI". It ~0I1ld Iooftr the 00tM

o( tract or . speed

up mechaulu.tiIln and make awtcuIl.II t nlOft; altnctiYe _ wd1 at O"talt jobs.

FG worried about high cost of private education -Minister {Contfnuedfrom

E -"""'" last~kJ

having Is really. aomr:tImr:s ",'hen you want ID do this until you an: bokl. amnetImc:L you am' find )'IU' way to do tt.


Recently. a pr1nle M:ClDDdary KhooI did an


lists o( studelllS who ar:cund .......... 10 atan their first year in September- And In that ~ psn:ntII 0( ......-ruJ ....... should pay'NI 2mObon Into the aaxunt cL the 8dlooI; and thara JlI*Itiy ir the term; not for the year. My ~ Is dlll1 the a. 0( p1Y3le .mcda In NIga1I. ts tw:comtng frtgtumlng because: public achoola haw: coIapIIcd. How do we IDIlC out 0( JhW1 You are talking 0( N1..2miBkJn In accondary IIChooIiL ar;pec:BIy now Iha! ~ ~ ies 81 the UI~ So. WI NIStJtI


1lO'III'. 1nlnkaIy. Ii. cHId .. if*C,>aoconcby8thoolard


hIiIpwa1lSmaypay IOdmal

or even more for the .ardIry 8thooI tt.n wtw

10 make •

a Itde. bi.


are ocnasn KIIII that



reaIy PUll. master. BI


a ~ at d1C same k:¥d cL ~ bcc:ata 1i)OJ charge N 1.2milllon (or a ~ achooI chid ew:n thoI.I!f1. )q.I can say .... an Ama1can Sc:hool, all tht: &arne It Is really out of mntroL So. 1.....-e)OJ thai we ... CRI a mr:cttng d ..

one or two before


)OJ wtI PlY WI the urWcrsIly. wtd1dlheprobll:mfwebiM. 81tht!1munay. ptWUruIIIrtyWl IICmI5 d JlIM"Y bd 0( os pcq*. ... mcana p:q* !hat lwvr the '**'tl. ~ Ihat thr:pM~~ad are g::n.Iitdy \laY . . . . . thtn cIaa..III with them tDrt .... nowbe IIr:nl cut 0( athtd ID O)(M n-nt. 111"** we Ii we were ID 1t-* cL ia In may ha\e ID do Ih at the unMn;ftks. But b' the • B FItJr'C CUt 0( IXa1bd. prtvale achoola. we have .sorn.tfme Iost~. In bocn ~ about thb but -f6J1l11UF ~ JIDU we never lOOk anybody'a ..... ..,IIdw!rnr:nI:~ diRtM:I. Whti' BerauIIe d the e..s.s.t ¥'B" and JPU their rlglllS In tenns of ~ that the 6.!J.3-4 ~ the sch:d!J aCId ¥fan has 10 go and IDe J1IUklI: 81 pIaot the &dIties hoPI to Rtum 1.0 tfv 86-f they U!iIC. We ~ d~ .,.urn. It " ' - ~ 01JtlOT that M. wtI now _ them .ince you rolaed thaI and say no. you am' charJJe arpunent.. ore JIDU adD on more !han N500.000. We poIky dvmtJttt'I ~, ttmk about that. a.. We iwve reintroduced If th~ Is becoming and re-engtneer«t the Wlbr.ambIe, then probably, It.arnrt!; d InIdcII an:! . . we wtI hiM to mla meetlrC ., d1C ....aJndary .nxB • "'1th d1Cm an:! then ace IJIM' ~~ou~ 1hm:


P<Jua'" fn1m


IJrimary school kvd up III the aecondaIy school and we are

1nJ<C11ng "",. .... ""'.


school.. And we ~ made It compuiMxy (or eve.ry student graduauug (rom )IrWr an::t..ncr aandIr)' IIChoaI to haYC mulef'. at kaR. a IJ1Ide cr two eo he can c:hooR to ptactk:e ~ on: he thrits. more CD1Wnk:nt lor him. Actl.aIy.I ........... ibe6-



!J..3..4 &)San .... b ba:auge: ci the. dIaJr:rees we aJ'C I'Km&- We aat1 tlw.

!he II)'&tCnI was §me a kit rL~.,weiw\'tIO

~l.arwjthat~"hJ we had the edUc.,tlOR IIUD'IIJUl. Bul bMcd GO the. outcome Di the sununlt. and aner meellng wJth alalr.eholden and other ecnRIltaUor-. "'e realbtd dl3ttl1C&3-3-4wasltOlour problem. but the Implementation was the

probkm. That....-as why ~ now had 10 revtew the

,,11, mal>e", ~ BUt itltt have made a sHgtll rrp.bftcanon oJ the 6·3.~-., ~ed ~n the outcDni." that ilumrnit to make II 1-6-~ . We. are """" Itttnlduc:k'lg ont: rear pre.~ bdOre the re~l.ilar 6 ~eart . Belo(C n9w It Is only when a dlild Ia up to SiX )UB tb.u.lle Is ~ ~ ~ puta sc:hooII.. and thm ~ "tOU1d "'ve al:l JeWS pr1mQy.aIX)'eaJW or &e odary and rour ~ 1a'tIIU)'. 8:ltwtth tbit ~ we haYC Inlrodu~d. e.very Nigertan thlld 'NtlI ROW one Jear pre· schooling whether you can It nuraery. or pre 8Ch00bng .u ageltYe. 1lUI bcawse "*1: rs.Ibed that only the f htloJren d d-.e major1ly d ) no( haw: thJs

IK'hool currtculu~!!. ,-

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