'Nigerian Tribune
3 9Thursday, 24 February, 2011
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ROIDS are tumors womb, consisting of muscle and some fibrous tissue. They are benign and are the most common of all uterine tumors. It is called fibroma when the growth or tumor is composed chiefly of connective tissue, while it is called myoma when the growth is composed of muscle element. Fibroids are usually discrete, round, firm and often multiple. They can be as small as an orange seed or as big as the head of a newly born baby. They can be totally symptomless or can be so worrisome as to become an emergency. Based on its anatomical location, it may be classified as intramural (within uterine muscle), submucous (within the inner lining of the womb), subserous (in the outer lining) intraligamentous (within the ligaments holding the uterus), or cervical (in the cervix). Fibroid has been a major cause of infertility and the various pregnancy related deaths in Nigerian women. Symptoms of myomas include; increased abdomen, frequent urination, painful menstruation (dysmenorrhoea) and heavy bleeding (often with anaemia and fainting). They can give rise to severe lower abdominal pains and headaches. There may be multiple menstruations in one month, which may be accompanied by the passage of blood clots. Fibroids can be detected accidentally by the physician either during physical examination or via ultrasound scan for infertility or related abdominal ailments. In Holistic Lifecare, it is strongly advised that women (or ladies) should avoid the abuse of contraceptives and unnecessary delay of pregnancy for too long a period during the reproductive age. They should take proper care of venereal diseases and avoid frequent and excessive abortion (especiillly with 0 and C). The use of phytoestrogenic contraceptives (plant-derived oestrogens) is highly recommended, as may be presaibed by experienced herbal scientists. Actually, with the use of safe and potent herbal remedies, through the oral route, it has been confirmed that the fibroid tissues dissolve gradually. They are absorbed by the body and finally eliminated through the various excretory routes. The holistic natural remedy being advanced for the control and total cure of fibroids is a combination of natural extracts of Ricinus communis, Aframomum melegueta, Cocos nucifera and Xylopia aetltiopica.
For further information and consultation on Holistic Lifecare research and services, especially on Blood Infections, Infertility, Sexually Transmitted Diseases, Chronic Debilitating Conditions as well as mental and social problems, please calIon: 0803-330-3897 or visit: Mosebolatan Holistic Lifecare Centre, Adeyalo Layout, OgbereTioya, Off Olorunsogo Express Bridge, lbadan. Website: www.holisticJifecare.com. Distance is no barrier, we can send remedies by courier if need be. We also have facilities for accommodation, admission and hospitalization in a serene and homely environment.
Cancer, Infertility, Fibro!!ls. ImI)l)bNtc:~. Azoospermia, 1\Iphold, Stroke, Prostate Enlarge~nt;Arthrltl8, ....
Kldllll)' Infactlori •• Epilepsy, Tube,cul ....., ASttuna; Hernia, Sickle....... AMernla, atc" ..
fOR fURTIiER InfORmnTlon COnTACT us C!i'
* MOSEBOLATAN NATIJRALIST HOSPITAL Adeyalo Layout; Ocbe_no,.. Off Olonaollo ~.press "rldlle'· Ibad"n, Oyo State, Nlllerill' .
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Stories by Sade Oguntola
give MOringa, the miracle plant the recognition it deserves, the South west branch of the Moringa Association of Nigeria (MAN)was launched with speakers at the occasion asking that people maximizes its medicinal uses for their health. The Oleifera tree has been called the Tree of Life
many many names based on its many uses: clarifier tree, horseradish tree and drumstick tree (referring to the large drumstick shaped pods) and in East Africa moringa is known as "mother's best friend". Its other names include ewe igbale (Yoruba), Zogale (Hasusa) and Idagbo monoye (Igbo). In a presentation on the health benefits of moringa leaves by Mr Yomi Ige, said current scientific studies had shown that it contains specific antioxidants and health promoting ingredients that offers veritable answers to malnutrition, hunger and diseases. According to him, "it is a strong antioxidant effective against prostate and skin cancers, an anti-tumor and an anti-aging substance. It modulates anaemia, high blood pressure, diabetes and high blood cholesterol level. It has strong anti-inflammatory properties ameliorating rheumatism, joint pain, arthritis and oedema." "As an antibacterial, anti-microbial and anti-viral agent, it is effective against urinary tract infection,
supplementation is an immune stimulant for HIV+ people, particularly those who cannot afford good nutrition and medicines in Africa. Unlike traditional multivitamins, the nutrients found in moringa oleifera are readily absorbed into the body, providing an abundance of highly available, naturally occurring nutrient benefits. " "A Single serving of moringa leaves contains greater amounts of potassium than bananas, greater amounts' of Vitamin A than carrots, is as rich with antioxidants as the best green teas, and .\ contains every essential amino acid, making it one of the few plants in the world that provides a complete protein source." Amazingly, the World Health Organisation has been observing and utilizing the tree for more than 40 years now as a cheap health supplement in the poverty-stricken countries the world over. According to the annals of the ayurveda, India's old tradition of medicines, the leaves of the moringa tree could treat at least 300 diseases. Moringa boosts one's energy in a natural manner and is a remarkable source of nutrition. Individuals ingesting it say that their ulcers are healed, tumors restricted, there is reduction in the arthritis pains and inflammation, controlled blood pressure, the skin problems are restored and finally they have stronger defenses against diseases. Another advantage of moringa is that it can also purify water since it has a detoxifying effect. Also as a coagulant agent, moringa can attach itself to hazardous bacteria and other materials and in the process purify the water.
and decrease LOL cholesterol levels, the Japanese researchers state that "the mechanisms responsible for these ',effects of cocoa on cholesterol , metabolism have yet to be : .. fully ehlddated", ""''''''''''',',, >.'fhe:awaret¢ss 9n the health·'benefjt~.' of : polYcPh~nols from cocoa . have,beep on the iqcreMl! .• 5o{ne;year~. To date
have ' reporte~
for :i• ~~r:~~Ji,~;:~b~.e~~ni:et.its health, !lnd even