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11 Nigerian Tribune


Ec~~:th~rup ~s~~~=======Y~,~~~~~~~==~~~~ Brief! , .. FADAMA III on meeting project suIfers !FRS standards 111 se tback in Delta Friday Ekeoba, Lagos


s part of its ongo-

ing gro wth drive, Erobank Nigma PIc has e<press;.'d its readirlC55 10 meet tfe 2012 dcad1inc for the International Financial Re.-portin~ Standa~ ~ for

_rom"..,... Sf"ei!king at thebank's23rd annual general meeting in I...aga; en Thurrday, the chairman of the bank. Mr Sonny Folorunso Kuku, explained th..t the bank had employed the services 0( expern to put the bank. through series of training prograrnrne;. adding that ihe)' would remain with the bank. for some }"ml5 to Ensure full romplianct' with the

regul .. tion. The d"lairman said that the 00nk had applied for a wmmercial banking Iia!nre \,~th n.l00nal authorisation. in line with the Central Bank o f

bances, Sh ejkh L..emu; Governor Patrick o f KiJduna State; deplJ ty governor of Kadun a State, Alhaji MuJch tar Yero and a memberofth e panel. Alhaji M ustaph a Bashir, at the opening cerem ony of the plJblic hearing in Kaduna, on ThlJrsday. Photo: NAN

Agagu absolves self from Ondo PDP crisis

~=::~~=ltS on Re"ie\,;ng the bank's 6nandal perfonnanre. Kuku told sl~ that despite the dlallenges in adr;lre$ing the effect of loan losses. the bank's toIaI asset ~ to N454 billion. fmm N355 bi!lion rewrdcd in 2009, while opera ting income which stood al N4O.7 billion in 2JlJ}


Thebitn](sprofitbeforetax also grew to N2.12 billion agail"slc&;ofNS.9billionin lOO9. Headdcd tl"lt1hepern!lltage increase in IotII asset,,~ 2BpermrtwhilcOJ:cr.llinginrorne grew by six perm1L CIS'~~~== oulthattl~bankmadesignifiamt SUCI'eSIS in loan reID\'8)' which im~ po5iti...cly on itspm6tability,addingthattllC bank had rommenCed is;uiJI"l(EofaroittoefllpalV~rits

cuslanersilPdhelpgruwthe l'alOOffiy.

Yinka O ladoyinbo, Akure


HE immediate past governor of Ondo State, Dr Olusegun Agagu, on llmrsday, said he should not be blamed for the crisis rocking the Peoples Democratic Party

(PDP) in the state. He, however, noted that there was the need for true reconciliation, if the party would regain its lost glory in the state. To th is cnd, the party has resolved to set up a five-ma n reconci liation committee to speak to the

Amosun disburses N17m to Ogun secondary schools Ol路ok 0 1 k ayl a k u oya, Abeo ul a T HEogun Slategovernor, Senator lbukunle Amosun, has approved the disbursement o f about N 17.3 million as running cost to public serondary schools in the state. The Permanent Secretary in Ihe s tate's Min is try of Education, Science and Technolog y, Alhaji Segun Solarin , recalled tha t the s tale-

owned schools had not received any mone y s in ce th" end of the 2007 /2008 academic session . In a statement signed by the p ress officer in the minislry, Mrs Modupe Jdowu, the governor said the running cost was meant for the remaining half of the third term, 2010 / 2011 academic session. So larin stated that Amosun's decision was

Tokyoaccuses Bolanta of character defamation ACTIONAL leader


o f t h e proSC Tl b e d Nallona l Union of

Road Transporl Workers

~~~a~~W) i~~J~ll~\~:f

Akinsola Oloruntoki, also known as Tok yo, ha s accused the sla te Commissioner of Police, Mr Baba Adisa Bolanla, of defamation of character. Alhaji Akinsola, in a press release in Ibadan. s aid th"t he h a d not committed any crime to warrant the displaying o f his photogra ph in lbadan by the police boss. While declaring l1olanta's action in that regOlrd as illegal, Tokyo urged the Ins pector General of PoliC\', Mr f-lafh:

aggrieved members with the aim of bringing them back under one umbrella Agagu, who stated this in Akure while addressing the meeting of leaders of the party, said he had tried as mudl as possible to resolve the crisis. According to him, the

Rmgtm, 10 "caulion Bolanta ag ams t mallgnmg my personality" Tokyo mamtamed that "the facts are there that it is A uxiliary that has been going about the lown with g uns and dange rous weapons, killing and maiming innocent members of the public, while Bolanta continues to look the other way, for reasons best known to him (Bolanta)." Alhaji Akinsola further alleged that the s tate police commissioner had already des pat ched some p lain clothes unide ntified men to h unt for him inordertogetrid of h im, just as he raised the alarm that some

h Ired assa~slns h ad been on h IS ~ral l , apparently wi th an ultenor motive to permanent ly Silence him

PSN asks FG to By Qudiral HakeemApanpa and Sad e Oguntola


informed by commitment and pledge to Ihe citizenry to run qualitalive free education in the s tate. Principal s in Egba, !jebu, Yew a and Remo bloc of the s lale were asked to come and collect their schools' cheques at the ministry between Friday , June 24 and Wednesday, June 29. The statement read in part : "The Ogun State gove rnor, Se nat o r

problem in the party was as a result of indi viduals' ambitions and attempts by some leaders of the party 10 make the ministerial list scnt to the national secretarial of the party. He, h oweve r, appealed to the warring fa ctions in the party to close ranks and work for the unity and progress of the parly. The former governor sai d : "This parly must mo ...eon because if you are a re<ll politician, yo u should worry about Ondo State. However, no mailer what anybody. does 10 you, no mailer the insult, we should work for the interest of this party.H However, comm uniqu e iss ued OIl the end o f the mee ting said the leaders had resolved to se t up a fi vc-

~~i;ruo:l:d ~~eo~~;~~:l~ ~~t~e:e~~n,~:~a~:~i~~e~;

', " ,, '" g'gnggrieved memf runnIng 0 gran for the remaining half of bers in dialogue to adthird term , 2010/20 11 , dress their grievances fo r public s econdary ~ nd re-i nteg r..ate them


" 'hpe{'tate路" ceumt掳t i.c'healpap" rYacti'ces te narma

regula SChOOIS l

tokick1Jffthe2011 Pharmacy Wcek,.heldatthePSNoffire, MoIete,, MrOlalekanF~statcd

Pharmaceutical that "the people who died Society of Nigeria thlUll~suchmcansan!more (PSN) has appm1ed to than b who die annu.1I.Iy the ruleral Government to 路 through road actidalts in Nicreate an enabling environ- geria" menl for tllC enfon:ernenl of Acrording to Fashesin, phannaa!1.ltical laws, rules government needed to enand regulation';9(l that Nige- fon:e the laws so that Nigerians would stop suffering Mans would understand the fromadvm;e<irugeffedsdue need to get proper pm;cripto inappropriale presrnp- lions and report c::ascsof adlions. verse drug effeds. Speaking in Ibadan, on He opined the poor Thursday, 011 the press ron- regulation of practice had ~ organised by the PSN prompted many profession-

OIls to take up jobs in other scdorsoftheewnomy,addingthattlliswasaffeding the developmentofthepharm.ldsts in therountry, because they were not being pro\~dcd with an enabling environment to work.. Fashesin also appealed tothcauthoritiesofthe Urnversity of lbadan to try and provide adequate facilities for the phannacy department so that it could admi t and tum out a good number of pharmacists annually instead of about 20 to 25 graduates being turned out_

FADAMA HI Project has run into problems in Delta S tate as it result of the unwi llingness of the s tale and so me local governmenl areas to pay their counterpart funds, s ince 2008 when it was established. Investiga tion by the Nigerian Tri bune reveal ed that apart from the NS6.2 million paid in 2008, and N5 million in 2009, the slate governm ent hOld no t shown o ther reaso nable commitment to wa rd s the projec!. Each s late is expected to pay N56.35 million yearly between 2008 and 2013 whe n the programme wou ld end . Also, only 20 of the 25 local government areas are participating in the programme, w itn jus t 13 co uncil s meetin g up with their N2 million yea rly contribution. Burutu, Bo madi , Ward Sout h , Warri South-West and Udu in the creeks are not partidpating. The inves tiga tion revealed that of the partidpating cou ncil s, Iso ko North, topped the lis t, having paid its fund for 2008-2010, and even went ahead 10 pay for its communities. Alphonsus Agborh. Asaba

[repodun vice-chmman hails

LG boss THEvirednirrn.:Yldl~ 1...a:ruGa.~dCktn

Stale, Honour.lble AJade Mukaila Oyewole, has o:mrnmded tI~ ID.DTlCl1 bcm, Alh<lji Hamed ~ Adekunle

_krh5"m""","", style and developmental pn>g>amm<s Aa.urding to him. so far, the administration. within 100 da}'~ had an;InJded 64 shops, graded of several of roads, kilomelres o;n;tnlCtcd rul\'CJIs, provided electricity and potable water supply, paid staff salaries and allowances, ensured the seauity of life and property, g;r.~ roJ ~lffiCIlts a new fare-Iook. rendcred financial ~r1I1" to the needies and

"""'Honourable Oyt'wole also solicited fo r more support from !he good """"" 01 !he rounci1 area so as to CIl.lblc them to make lrepodun a developed area before theend 01 the administration. He used Ihe medium 10 express his his profound gratitude kl tre two traditio:liIl ~ tl~

.E1mc:l fl:in.(}u\

a.~Dj""""'" O/d:udlkbJ. ftriLlmi-@uptl alte1d d roe rurdred days in alia>. whi::h

uer menony

was I"CO'fltly relebrntcd at tile rouncil !l.'CCttrial

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